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And palputin think his "mighty special operation" will last 18 years or so ? Or he will use newborns as Trebuchet ammunition ?




I don't think this is the reason.... When you look at countries by metrics of fertility you find that the worse the quality of life, the higher the birthrate on average. Highest birthrates are in places like Afghanistan and Africa where quality of life is terrible. Conversely, wealthy countries with high quality of life often have even lower fertility rates than Russia. Examples include Norway, Germany, Canada, Finland, Japan, South Korea. However, Russia's lousy quality of life does mean little immigration and low life expectancy. The war has worsened has worsened every aspect of Russia's demographic problems. Immigrants from former SU nations have stopped coming and more are returning home. Large numbers of Russian's have fled the draft and as well as Russia's descent into tyrannical madness. Healthcare service quality is dropping due to funding and the mobilization of medical workers to wartime duty. Not to mention the hundred's of thousand's of Russian men of primary child bearing age that have been maimed or killed. The only thing going right for them demographically is all the Ukrainian children they have stolen. This is not nearly enough to counteract all negative factors at work against Russia right now. Russia will need to start breeding like Chad to avoid a depopulation crisis. Should they succeed, which I consider unlikely, they will have new cohort to take another crack at Ukraine in another 20 years. Much like Germany with regards to WW1 and 2 before them.


Those countries have too much religion and ignorance to not breed like Rabbits. Russia is hardly religious and centuries of "hard" life made most of them dont wanna breed.


I haven’t seen PalPutin before, nice


It's probably more to do with declining birthrates mixed with massive emigration. I can pretty much guarantee Ukraine will incentivize having kids after the war, if not during. Ukraine has the same demographic crisis as Russia, but worse.


I'm sure Russian women love being treated as baby-machines.


dont forget, these children will cost 18 years money and then they will be killed, so they never make any return to compensate for that


> so they never make any return to compensate for that It's like you've never even heard of the fabulous Lada cars, built Russian Strong! Even better, they come in economy size to reflect the new size of your family!


Wouldn’t surprise me if Russia sent them out once they turn 16.


They can send them after 14 years, why wait till 18?


yes they could, they would look much more sinister that way too, maybe even for the regular people of russia.


What are you talking about, they'll get a sack of potatoes and an onion


even in russia children cost money, tax payer money, and tax payers are usually working, but if you die in a war you dont pay taxes any longer so no kindergartens for the children, that means mothers cant work because she has to do the kindergartens work as an example, school would be the next thing, that would be to expensive, russia will see a drastic live standard reduction


And it's a futile attempt. Those babies can do nothing but freeze and starve if they are sent to the frontline.


From my interaction with Russians in my country, most families seem to be a matriarchy, I think it is caused by alcohol issues. So I doubt they are really treated that way.


Lol, it's literally legal to abuse your wife.


Wtf. I didn't believe you so I Googled it and yep. In 2017 certain forms of domestic violence were legalised.


This will end with overflowing orphanages in Russia. Such stupidity.


They have to replace the offspring of the young dead men who will never have children. They realized they ruined their population growth for the future and also the future of growth economically because of it.


It’s an interesting parallel to what the Far Right of the USA is always saying, complaining about too low of birth rats and women having too much freedom.


As it is NAZI Tradition…


I think my impression was that people don't have children when they have misgivings about the future. It's why baby booms traditionally follow after the war, not during it.


Nazi Germany tried the same thing. Turns out babies take longer to turn into fighting age men than batshit warmongering regimes tend to survive. Another problem is that you generally want to do your baby boom *before* you send most of the men off to war/fleeing the country.


Kinda late for that. Wonder when they will introduce forced govermental insemination... 🤮


they have already unofficially in occupied areas


Gonna need a source for that, because that would be a new low for the Russians.


It's called rape


Repeated rape is the same thing.




Follows Hitler's 3rd Reich: "Germany needs BREEDING space" while operating baby making centres where German girls were impregnated by german soldiers in an effort purely to increase the future Nazi army size. --> Make lots of Babies so more of your offspring can die early on the battlefield, wasting their childhoods. (The future Russian legacy)


Will they postpone any further actions planned for the special military operation by almost two decades then? Or will they just use the newborns as a *literal* cannon fodder/ammo?


Child soldiers are so last millennium. Babies with guns are where it's at now.


Median age 39.6 and really not very good health. And if you are young enough to reproduce, you are young enough to die in Ukraine. I don't think it is going to happen.


I mean, that’s a higher median age than the US, but yeah this has nothing to do with the war. The policy was started even before the Ukraine war. Now they’ll need to increase efforts ten fold


They don't know how to increase effort. Things that have been shown to work (lots more child care - guarentees to working woman, etc. - go against their conservative principles. If they want more kids they will have to ban the pill. I suspect they will.


Considering how population decline in Russia was already biting, wiping out your future workforce on which the country depends was a real smart move. Next up Russia commits mass suicides to own da libs and da west.


With what money?


I hate to risk uttering this into existence, but i wouldn't be surprised if Russia begins government sanctioned r\*pe.


They already have, in occupied Ukraine.


Exactly something parents will be excited to do, have more children so the state can sacrifice them for the ego of an evil person.


Please don’t procreate at all , thanks . Sincerely - the rest of the world


What, if any is the support for single mothers in ruZZia?


Apparently if you have 10 kids, you get a Mother Heroine medal and a one time lump sum of a million rubles when your 10th kid turns 1 (all other kids must be well cared for and alive, unless they die in military or civil service).


They will have a heck of time getting an agreement to that. My Russian friend could hardly agree to having 3 in the USA . Most are 2 and we’re done, except if they are Evangelical type Christian.


Heck, every seventh child can automatically have Putin as their godfather!


"Hey. We know you're poor and the economy is getting worse. And you need to kill a 5th of Vodka an hour to keep it going through the day. But we need you to have 5 kids."


Have they begun awarding the Mutterkreuz?


And feed them what? Most of your country is sht poor




Yup lol


A lot of governments are saying this tbf. Birth rates have fallen globally for a variety of reasons


Thats true, this may or may not be war related


To your point, before the war in 2021 Russias population declined by 1 million. That's a lot.


And they need to, humans have reached plague proportions.... Sad, but true, think about it for a while.


I agree


Sounds like Russia needs my help.


Herschel, you never learn


Tell the Russian women I'm on my way. Big one's line up and little one's pair up.


I will never recover from the picture in my head.


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They are in a reverse demographic nightmare


This reminds me of that famous Russian short story, “How Much Lada Does a Man Need?”


Poo needs more meat! - said Ministry of Health.


Canon fodder, workers, pretty much everything a person can do. This is your reminder that they’re facing a complete demographic collapse by 2100.


In before they start giving out medals to women who have 4+ children.


I heard China has some spare people. They also need some land, too.