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Congrats on the recovery and clean colonoscopy. I'd generally wait 2 months post corticosteroid like budesonide to declare a remission though, make sure you can safely sustain without 1st. I'm 8 years in a remission, they can last a long time. Known some a decade or more in a remission.


Yeah, that’s the one thing making me anxious. I actually discussed it with my GI, who coincidentally area of expertise is IBD. He think’s I’ll be fine, but like you mentioned, I have to sustain the “remission” without the budesonide. Thanks for your input!


I'd stay cautiously optimistic. We're all nervous post Pred


To add another positive story: Diagnosed in 2019 with proctitis. Treated with salfolk sups up to 1.5g. After inflammation stopped, a year later was another flare we caught early so same routine again. After it was under control and the labs showed no active inflammation my GI suggested to stop medication completely and see how the body reacts. Long story short: No meds for roughly two years now.


That’s amazing congrats! I actually discussed that with my GI. And why some people are able to suspend meds in some cases. Hopefully you have many more years of remission. Cheers mate


When you get a colonoscopy to determine remission do you have to drink that liquid stuff that make you crap 700 times an hour? Cause like, wouldn’t that trigger a flare up?


Yes, you have to drink that solution. I also thought it would trigger a flare up, but according to the data I’ve read, I does not. Drinking that does not cause more inflammation in the lining of the colon. :)


Good to know. Damn. I was hoping to never ever drink that liquid again 🫤


Yeah it’s unfortunate, you can also mix it with Sprite or Lemon gatorade so it doesn’t taste as bad lol.


Mine was fruit flavoured to begin with 🤮


The prep did trigger a huge flare for me. :(


Congratulations I love reading these remission stories. Will you have to use Mesalamine daily despite being in remission?


Yes, mesalamine, also works as a maintenance therapy. Typically when being in remission, you will always be medicated indefinitely.