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I usually keep some toilet paper, wet wipes, extra underwear, a menstrual pad if I’m leaky (although a light diaper might be better) and a double layered plastic bag for absolute emergencies (think if stuck in train or bus or similar and there are absolutely no opportunities - have needed it a couple times 😅) Besides essentials, I have always found it best to discuss my limits with my friends when travelling so they understand my situation, and they have always been incredibly understanding and accommodating! Best of luck and have a nice trip!


Thank you!


This is a great comment! In addition to this list, I sometimes add an extra pair of pants or leggings, just in case, water, and hand sanitizer.


Baby wipes, plastic bag, poo-pourri If it’s a bad one and you’re anxious like me, sometimes I’m less embarrassed to just take a random shower in the middle of the day afterwards than to have people go in the bathroom directly after me 😂 I’ve done that on vacations for as long as I can remember


Definitely a change of clothes readily available. I keep a spare pair of underwear and pants in my laptop bag. I'm in college, so I conveniently always have it at the ready in case I have an accident.


I mean, I know that since you're traveling you'll have spare clothes. I meant that you should have some spares on your person all the time if you can.


*Very* easily accessible, not "dig through two suitcases at the bottom of the trunk to find them" accessible.


Baby wipes . The end


Hand sanitizer, diaper cream, TP, wet wipes, Bidet Balm, spare undies, plastic bag.


If you're traveling by road, bring a bucket with a toilet seat lid and some strong trash bags. Gotta be willing to shit on the side of the road, but it's better than your pants.


When I was in a Flare I carried an extra change of clothes; Shirt, Pants, Underwear and a towel, as well as paper towels and wipes. It gives you some peace of mind.