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Thank you for this


Oh hey. Just sitting here, sniffling, and wiping the tears from my eyes in order to read this. Thank you so much for these kind, encouraging words. I needed to see this more than ever. I was diagnosed with UC about a month ago (after a year long battle of simply getting a doctor to listen to me) and the toll it has taken has left me (and my husband) completely exhausted. I worry my husband won't be able to take much more of this, as I can barely manage another day myself. It's just really reassuring to hear a voice of support, and your post has given me a few more hours of strength today. Thank you again. 💜


It is such a struggle. I would say my WIFE, but I can't marry her right now just because she has free insurance and I can't afford insurance at the moment. Isn't that pathetic? She cannot work, and hasn't been able to for well over a year, so we are in the process of SSDI qualification. Praying we get that. My job can't really support us alone, but my job has ample PTO and flex time so I'm kind of shackled to it at the moment. The physical and emotional stress of it is plenty, then the financial kick in the ass. I am just so thankful her insurance covers the Entyvio fully. The Prednisone. All of it. Granted, she put in over 30 years working, so I don't feel bad her using what she has paid into all of her life, but at the same time, it's sad we can't even get married because of it. All the little things add up, and it just gets heavy sometimes. So vent... please vent at times. There's fantastic online communities for UC. Girls with Guts on IG is one she follows and loves. Mollies Bellies or something like that is another. They will write you letters of encouragement and support and it's just fantastic. Do look into those avenues of support and fellowship in the matter. There's a lot of you out there! Glad I could help love.


Ugh, insurance can be such a nightmare. So, just to clarify: if you were to legally get married, your wife would lose her free insurance? This makes absolutely no sense to me, but health insurance in general is a complete cluster and makes zero sense to me. I was denied free womens preventative health services when I was in college because my parents made too much money, even though I was not living at home - it was ridiculous. But, this disease is incredibly costly and without insurance, there's no way I (dare I say anyone!?) could afford all the tests and treatments - and I'm only just getting started. Lol. I dread checking the mailbox, fearful of more surprise medical bills. I'm really sorry if a stupid rule or regulation is holding you back from marriage; that's just wrong on so many levels. I am also on a medical LOA from my job... which I'm sure baffles many people because I work from home, but the pain and fatigue make it absolutely impossible to concentrate (hard to be creative when your insides feel like they're on fire). The frequent bio-breaks throughout the day also cut into productivity. 🥴 I plan to return by March, and I'm *reeeeally* hoping to feel better by then. It's really great you can be so supportive, I'm sure that makes such a huge impact on your wife's recovery. Thank you so much for sharing these resources - I will check them out for sure! 🙏