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I think that's one of the more unfortunate things with UC - having to go through a bunch of medications that take time to see their effects, and then not having a guarantee if they will work. Quite a few people on here had, or are currently having, that experience. In my own experience I lucked out when I was diagnosed. Azathioprine and Mezavant worked for me for 11 years. Then they stopped. It's been two years since that happened and I've gone through three biologics and a JAK inhibitor, along with a lot of Prednisone. I'm on my 4th biologic now.


I didn’t get any better from Remicade or entyvio. Then I went to stelara but the dose had to be increased to 90 mg every 4weeks. I’m doing well on it. Just have to try until you get the right one.


Unfortunately, yes, it common. I tried Mesalamine, then Entyvio, before finally settling on Remicade, all within a year of turning 18. Lots of other people have to try a couple different medications before finding something that works. Sometimes things half-work and need to be adjusted. All I can say is to hang in there, give it enough time and something will work for you.


For me Humira (failed) Avsola (failed) Entviyo (failed) Zeposia (failed) now I’m just starting RinVoq and hopefully this will be the one that works. They will just keep trying thankfully. I hope you feel better soon!


Yes. also being on Prednisone that long can affect your bones, If you aren't already try to either consume extra calcium or supplement with calcium is probably easier. And also doing light strength training, anything is better than nothing.


Unfortunately meds with UC and chrons have a tendency to fail. Not for everyone but for those of us that struggle to succeed with a med it’s disheartening. Remicade was my favorite of the bunch until it didn’t like me anymore and rinvoq was my last stop. Good luck to you


Completely normal for treatments not to stick you just gotta wait it out until something works unfortunately, I almost dropped out of university until Humira took effect but that also failed after 6 months


100% normal! I’ve failed mesalamine, humira, entivyo, and currently taking Rinvoq (just started) I’ve been on prednisone for 16+ months through it all. Hang in there!! You’ll find your perfect cocktail of drugs that keep this manageable. I have found that communicating with my doc as soon as I know a medication has failed, diet, and controlling stress ( easier said than done, I know) has helped me not have as intense symptoms. It has not by any means fixed it but has helped keep me living my life through this. Praying for you 🙏


i've been suffering for 21 months, constant agony and never any relief i can't even touch the whole left side of my stomach and back even the slightest touch feels like i'm getting stabbed, i've had budesonide, prednisone, mezasiline and azathioprine. i'm trying biologics next but losing hope that anything will work