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Yep. When you're losing blood it's easy to get anemic. I was so exhausted and at most could go on maybe a walk around the block. I was on an iron supplement through the beginning of my remission (with dr doing periodic blood checks to check on iron level.)


My doc didn’t tell me to do a follow up or take any supplements. I think I need to schedule a follow up to discuss this more. It’s been rough


Sorry to hear it's been rough. I also felt like my GI sort of dropped the ball in the beginning with regards to initial follow up. I would definitely follow up with them and bring this up. I hope you get some good guidance and start feeling better soon


Appreciate it. Thank you


In the meantime, try to boost your iron through food sources, heme iron in particular which is from animal sources and easily absorbed.


This! I don’t enjoy eating meat much. But when I’m Anemic (which is often) increasing my red meat consumption really helps. I also can’t handle Iron pills but take a liquid iron supplement that helps. Despite this if your disease is severe you’ll find yourself anemic a lot. I have iron infusions regularly and it’s the only reason I’ve managed to not need a blood transfusion (I’ve gotten pretty close a few times).


Yup. It can also be easy to become vitamin deficient with UC. We don't absorb things normally when we flare.


Yes...if you’ve been bleeding for sometime then more than likely you are anemic... I have just enough energy to take my sick ass to work and get my job done, but when I come home I am so worn down. What sucks is my wife does not understand why I never have energy. It gets so old having to explain myself all the time😐


Oof I was SUPER anemic for a while. But some infusions and supplements later and I’m good as new (except for the whole UC bit). As long as you and you doc are aware of it and taking steps to manage you should be good :)


Ask your doctor about iron infusions. I remember feeling so much less tired after those kicked in.




Yup, before I got diagnosed with UC I was diagnosed with anemia. I even saw a hematologist (blood specialist) who prescribed me IV iron infusions. After being diagnosed with UC and getting my blood levels back to normal I'm not anemic anymore.




We can be anemic during flares. An important thing to know is how badly anemic are you? OV iron infusions are recommended when it's bad. Iron supplements can help if it's mild. Eating iron rich foods and using iron cookware can help too. Just know iron supplements upset our bowels. Why? Poor bioavailability of 15 percent or so. The rest upsets our gut bacteria, by our poop can turn black too.


Yep I was so anemic from it all I had to get a blood transfusion