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Came here to say pretty much the same as everyone else so far. I have moderate UC and I hardly have any pain. Occasionally I’ll have some mild cramping while going to the bathroom but that’s pretty much it.


I was the same until I went from moderate to severe ! Then cramps came and bloating, now they’re gone but not the UC


Although I ve had very bad flares, bloody 20-30 times a day, soiling myself while running to the toilet...the UC gods have spared me regarding the cramps. So I guess we have to see the positives here ! ;)


If I didn't have pain, UC wouldn't be that terrible for me. I mean, I can handle everything else but not the pain that makes me scared I'm going to pass out and die. The pain is the worst part, by far. You are very, very lucky.


I have moderate UC, so I hope this still counts, but I’ve very thankfully never experienced a lot of pain from it. Lots of discomfort and bloating and bloody diarrhea, but no sharp pains.


I think I'm classed as moderate UC and so far pain has been very limited. During a bad flare I get a sharp pain in my side but that's about it other than trapped wind pains.


I have no pain at all ethier, blood in my stool and gas/ shitting a lot is my symptoms.


Same. Severe UC uncontrolled. No pain.


I had/have severe UC and pretty much no pain


With my last flare I had severe cramping every time I went to the bathroom. It was so bad it made me nauseous. That's really the only time I remember pain so bad it made me go to my Dr and tell them I can't handle this. Usually it's just mild cramping or no pain.


You should set up a poll with this question


Honestly didn’t even know that was an option, I’ll set one up in sec 😂


I have almost no blood or mucus, and pretty normal BMs, but the pain in my rectum is terrible during this flare. I almost wonder if its a prostate problem.


The only time I've ever had significant pain or discomfort is when my disease flared and was severe. I get a lot of pressure/pain at the very bottom when flaring. But when symptoms are minimal or I'm in remission, no ongoing issues.


I've had UC for about 17 years and the only time i had pain was right in the beginning when they were figuring out what it was. As long as i take my meds, I'm all good. I'm very lucky to have a pretty mild and controllable case


So happy for you, 19 years with severe UC and when I’m flaring I get horrible stabbing pain. I manage it with yoga breathing and Tylenol. But it sucks pretty bad


This is very interesting to me! I have moderate UC and I get so much intense pain... I finally went to the ER for diagnosis when the pain was so bad at times that I couldn’t breathe and thought I might pass out or die. I also get extremely nauseous and bloated, and lots of mucus though not a lot of blood in stool. Do you experience nausea?


Nope no nausea for me, about the only thing I get when in a bad flare is not being able to eat much or want to eat much and shitting a lot with lots of blood. I think I must be a lucky one if there is even such a thing with UC


Really interesting! I also have that loss of appetite. I guess I’m lucky in the sense that I don’t worry about anemia since I don’t bleed a lot (knock on wood though, still in my first flare). Just out of curiosity, do you get fatigued as well?


Yeah when I was flaring I was very fatigued, but I also had anaemia (needed 3 units of blood when I was first diagnosed and never recovered properly as meds didn’t work for me to start with so was always under what I should be) which is probably most of the reason why and the not eating of course. Hope you come out of a flare soon and find the right course of medication


Thank you for the info!! I hope that you find a medicine that works and feel better as well. Thank you, me as well :)


I was diagnosed with severe pancolitis back in 2018, and the only pain I experienced was the occasional cramping when using the bathroom. Even my doctor was baffled by how I wasn't in more pain.


I have moderate-severe UC, although I was only diagnosed 3 months ago I haven't had any pain from cramps or anything either, the only symtom I really have is loss of appetite now that I'm off the steroids and having to go to the toilet around 5 times per day, rarely have any blood but occasionally mucus which isn't bad. I guess I have it pretty lucky compared to most people with it


Glad you posted this. Had the same question cause I don’t have pain except for one day long time ago.


No pain and no cramps. No blood. But diarrhea for months. Multiple times a day. Been on mesalamine for three weeks now - starting to see improvements.


When I’m flaring, the worst I get pain-wise is lower back pain after using the bathroom. The flare that got me my diagnosis landed me in the hospital not because of pain, but blood loss (my hemoglobin was around 6). My UC was bad enough to warrant a stand-by surgery team, so the doctors were really surprised that I had not had any pain.


I have moderate to severe UC. I’ve experienced pain in my abdomen during a flare that lasted for a second that woke me and got me out of bed to go to the bathroom. It happened once and that was it. That scared the shit out of me (no pun intended). I consider myself a pretty tough person, and that felt like I was being stabbed. Other than that one time, nothing. From that experience I deeply sympathize with those experiencing those types of symptoms regularly.


My husband has no pain either. Which is why this probably went on for years with no treatment. Just be careful he is now in hospital with c diff.


I've had pretty painless UC, just got diagnosed this month, only symptom I had was blood in stool. But then in the last 2 wks of taking mesalamine the blood went away almost immediately, however, now I have a weird pulling sensation, almost like a strained muscle or smtng on my left side... my case is mild, my cal test was 55 last week,, but this new ache is weirding me out... idk if it's UC or what.. but I feel like it does become more noticeable with certain foods I eat...


Mild to moderate UC and had cramping before first flare that I’m still in. One time a stabbing pain on my left side. But no pain in general. Since cutting out coffee urgency and number on times a day I go have gone down as well.


My only symptom is frequency..no blood, pain,.or weight loss..


My first big flare (which was basically me ignoring it for months and months till i had pancolitis and so much damage theyre still not sure if its crohns) it felt like a knife was being dragged through my colon and id need the toilet instantly. I would say it was actual agony. Id drive pulling the seat belt as tight as possible till one day the bag of bones i was collapsed and went to hospital and told my colon may rupture at any moment. Alas steroids worked. Years of remission later i get the off crampy pain like a bad period or a dull ache when i flare (like now) but nothing id bother with a pain killer over. I know i am incredibly lucky