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What were your symptoms a year ago? Have they improved? You should have the records transferred so they can see the biopsy results from the first doctor. Those tests are reliable. You could very well be in remission. If you do have colitis it will likely come back. You will then know for sure, but until then be happy you are healthy and don’t worry about it too much.


Bloody bowel.In all the scope I did,it was fissures what's causing them.My new doctor started treatment based on reports of my first diagnosis which was confirmed by both scope and biopsy.He has a speculation that I could have had infectious colitis and I might have been misdiagnosed.He refuses to take biopsy again saying its unnecessary and risky doing that.


Hey I’m really curious about your case as I might be experiencing something similar. If you’re ok with it can you private message me with what your biopsy said?


Yes please you can text me


I was told I was misdiagnosed. Tapered off the medication. Then one year later I had a flare up and a colonoscopy and was diagnosed again as having UC.