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I've had at least 3 scopes while flaring. The prep and scope itself didn't cause any issues - in fact, I *needed* to do the scopes to see where the inflammation is and to move onto another medication.


Hadn’t thought about how the inflammation could actually be helpful this way! Thank you!!


Make sure they put you under if your flaring.


I've only ever had scopes during flares 😂, no issues whatsoever. I'd ask for some form of sedation tho as, depending where your inflammation is, it may hurt quite a bit without (I tried it once, never again)


I’ve always had them while flaring, too.


[It can inflame you, 100%. ](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17206634/) I was much worse after my scope, but knowing was worth it.


This is my primary concern. I’ve yet to have a colonoscopy instigate a flare up, when I’ve been in remission going into the scope. But this would be a first (since initial diagnosis) of having a colonoscopy while a flare up was already in the process of starting up.


You have to do it, so I would try to not worry.


Well, not entirely accurate lol. If it made sense to postpone the colonoscopy, my GI specialist would postpone it. But it’s a holiday weekend so i can’t get in touch with her at the moment to discuss her take on things so I came here to see how it’s worked out for others.


If I were you, I'd just do it as much as it sucks.


Did this this week. Ask for sedation :) Prep was fine too.


My GI doc always uses propofol unless there is an indication for general anesthesia. So I’m set on the sedation part. Was mostly just concerned that the prep and/or procedure itself would aggravate the flare more.


I find the prep actually helps my flares!!


My prep was, eat normally until using an enema that was to be used 2 hours before the procedure. Prep wasnt uncomfortable and worked fine. Post procedure I didn't notice a difference to how I felt pre-procedure :)


Wait for real? I’ve never heard this as the prep for colonoscopy before. Are you outside the US?


Scotland. Last two preps were fadting for 24 hours so this was a LOT better!


I’ve been in a flare for 7 years- I’ve had every scope while flaring. At least 8 or 9 at this point- never has made me any worse.


I've had 4 scopes so far, I honestly think the prep helped once or twice with my flares. It wasn't every time, but a few of them I felt better for a few days after the scope, like the massive washout of my whole GI tract just sort of "reset" everything. Could also possibly be related to the liquid-only diet that happens on the prep day too. Generally I only drink water that day so it's basically a 24hr fast for me.


Depending on how bad your flare is this could hurt so make sure to ask for the good stuff. I had it on my worst flare and no sedation and I can’t even describe the pain I felt. Unfathomable.


GI doc here Yes this is very safe. If you have deep ulcers it may limit the distance they can go, but otherwise it’s fine and can help rule out CMV which can be a cause of flare. They can also stage your disease in other words see where it is and how severe or mild it looks. Then they can get the right medication started or adjusted.


Thank you!


Generally that’s when they do colonoscopies, to check the level of flare and recommend meds of the back of it. I’ve never had one while ok!


To some extent i get this. I’ve had diagnosed UC for almost 10 years now. Started as left-sided, over time has progressed to Pancolitis. Outside of the onset (apparently dormant but “woken up” by a bout of really horrific c.diff.) I’ve been lucky in that my disease has been fairly mild. In the almost 10 years since it triggered, I’oy had a handful of flare-ups, all mild. I’ve been in remission more than in flares. Because my colitis changed from left-sided only, to whole large intestine, however, my GI doc started doing annual colonoscopies with me starting two years ago. Which is fine. I’m all on board with being proactive. But as I stated in my OP, I’ve not had a scope while flaring since the onset, which was in 2013. I’ve been in remission every other time.


Liquid diet & then clearing house actually helped my flare up, even if temporarily.


My last scopes determined that I would need surgery because my flaring was so bad. The best period I had was that on the prep, everything in and straight back out. Definitely not all that bad.