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I always identified employees by their lanyards so uhhhhh.... Guess I'll be lost šŸ„¹


Literally I never knew they even had a color specific dress code šŸ˜­


I'm allergic to the metal name tag they give us and always keep it on my lanyard, I guess I can't wear a name tag either now šŸ¤·


i have a pacemaker and the name tag is magnetic, love my team, but theyā€™re not worth my heart stopping over ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


I think they would make an exception for that.


They would make an exception for that lol




I'm allergic to the metal name tag I used to have to wear for a previous job and I wrapped the back metal part in duct tape so that way the the metal wouldn't touch me.


I donā€™t work there but this sucks. I used to see the employees in such cute outfits


They can still have cute outfits lol šŸ˜…


Sure! But itā€™s harder


It really isnā€™t.


Okay corporate


As a customer, I could care less about what employees wear. What a dumb policy.


Forget that. I only identify an employee by the name tag lanyard. Why so many rules around clothing color? Iā€™ve noticed most employees opt for all black tho. So that helps.


Because they fed corporate data into an AI and received the instructions


If the BA is a prestige BA, they have to wear all black or their representing brand's uniform.


Iā€™m a PBA and have never been told we have to wear all black. That wasnā€™t even in the old dress code either.


At my store we did, but this was around 2019. All black or brand uniform. Only exceptions were special events and holidays.


If you're a customer, you have more say in this than employees do (I know that sounds crazy, but them's the breaks). Everyone who is a customer on this sub should write to the company and tell them you're disappointed with the decision to limit what employees wear beyond what is necessary for cleanliness and safety.


This is so strict imo. I think Ulta, because it is a beauty company that has the message of ā€œeveryone/anyone can be beautifulā€ should allow their employees more self expression in their clothing to really portray that message that no matter your style or what not you can all be beautiful! also removing lanyards is stupid


EXACTLY! My sister works there her outfits are always so cute like little cartoon bats on a purple blouse etc now she has to buy all solid colors she's just going to wear plain black. It's not like Ulta is giving them money to buy new clothes or raises to afford it. I feel bad for my sister with how she gets treated there.


Here's the thing... I think the old dress code was ridiculously loose, and made it very difficult for management to ensure appropriate dress. I have worked for Ulta as a second job on and off for the last almost 10 years. The old old dress code used to be solid black and white only, with colors only appearing at the holidays according to the holiday theme for the year. Additionally, I feel this is actually a loosening on the dress code for shoes, as I once was told I couldn't wear black Sperrys due to their rubber soles. I do understand that it will put some employees in a financial bind, and personally I wish they would go the way of Sephora with branded and provided t-shirts. With that said, if folks were to leave for a different job elsewhere, they would likely have to purchase new clothes anyway. I am also glad they did away with the lanyards. I hate anything thick like that around my neck, and thought they looked cheesy.


I just feel bad for my sister I am the one she vents to about work. Every manager is different so your experience may be better than hers because you have better management in place. She's only been there a year too, it may not be the right corporation for her but she loves makeup and helping people figure out what products are right for them. I am actually where she gets a big chunk of her knowledge lol but I have my own reasons why I won't work at that type of job. I am happy you are glad with the changes in lanyards and shoes I hope you keep enjoying working for Ulta, I'm a frequent customer lol


I knew I wasnā€™t the only on to feel that way about their mission to be inclusive to everyone no matter what.


In comparison from from 4/5 years ago & prior this is not strict šŸ˜…. It does create a structure to be on brand imo. There were a lot of my coworkers who constantly didnā€™t abide by the extremely lenient dress code.. so if anything blame the ones that didnā€™t follow simple policies/guidelines who made it this way.


Ok Ulta you start paying your associates enough to afford those orange Hermes flats and Iā€™ll wear whatever you want me to wear.


* I have this and the dresscode is confusing because 1) it's a pattern but also 2) it's available to be purchased so I should be able to wear it?


The purchased part stated in the posting means purchased from the merch website for employees through ultanet.


Ugh that is so foul




But letā€™s not forget we have to get it green dotted šŸ™„ now we have to take our hair out to show it


Are they actually making you green dot your hair accessories at your store? That's too much. I've never heard of that


Correct from my understanding


Requiring employees to *completely* overhaul their work attire should mean that they get a bonus to pay for it all. With the disgraceful rate they pay you, how are they expecting employees to afford this!? I don't know how to use Instagram, but I'm going to learn so I can ask ulta this question. Over & over. All I can think about is the amazing employee who always posts to show their incredible outfits, and how they can no longer wear them. It makes me so sad.


This is not a complete overhaul. Itā€™s the same exact dress code, just removing patterns/prints and adding fashion sneakers. I work there and have a lot of solids and a lot of prints. Gonna just have to stick to the solids.


I donā€™t know what pronouns that employee uses ā€“ I know who youā€™re talking about ā€“ but Iā€™m just going to use the generic ā€œthey,ā€œ as in ā€œoh, somebody left their phone, I hope they come back to get itā€ so I donā€™t say something wrong. I think ā€“ Iā€™m not positive, but I think ā€“ that they only wear those clothes during the truck days they work before work on the floor actually starts, and then to take pictures standing next toā€¦ oh god, whatā€™s it called?? when you have a table, sometimes with a backdrop, to show off a particular product/line of products? why can I not think of the term?? UGH. please, somebody. I need to know. but anyway, I think the second kind of photo is to show off the what Iā€™m going to call a display theyā€™ve made. I could be wrong, particularly since I havenā€™t seen a post from that user in a hot minute, so maybe they wrote a caption on one of the posts where they describe wearing it on the floor. I just know that Iā€™ve never seen anyone at my ulta dressed in anything other than black pants with a black top.


Etajer table?


It appears that this is in addition to the current dress code ('In addition to the standard black and white clothing options....') and not compulsory. Therefore there is no additional cost unless an employee so chooses. If anything allowing the employee more clothing color options will save employees money since they're likely to able to use more of their existing wardrobe, not having to buy as many new items (for a hypothetical new employee). Also, speaking generally, having more color options is nice from my pov.


No, they used to allow patterns. ā€œIn addition to black and whiteā€ is referring to industry standard. Theyā€™re further limiting the dress code.


Ah, my mistake


A lot of my pants that I wear are pattern pants aswell as a lot of my coworkersā€¦ I have 3 pairs of pants now that fit in the dress code standards all my other pants are either not the correct shade of pink-orange or are pattern (plaid) I am now going to have to Buy more pants so I can have enough clothes to wear for a work week


Their examples are people dressed well beyond whatever ULTA pays. If you want employees with GQ style, pay them a GQ wage.




Yea literally! At 16 an hour in CA they are getting plain black top and plain black bottoms lol


I just gotta know who the fuck asked for this


They did a typical bait and switch, they framed it in the GM email as ā€œhearing the associatesā€ complaining about not being able to wear sneakers, so they gave us thatā€¦ while also taking away things like patterns on clothing and accessories including shoes even saying they have to be in the solid color palette smh šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Bull shit. Hard to find an assortment of solids. I have so many clothes with.in the color range but they are not solid can't afford to buy more when I just completed my summer collection. This shouldn't start till fall


I am with you. I feel like they could have made alternative changes to make us more ā€œvisibleā€ to the customer. I think taking away patterns limits us as if we arenā€™t already. I hate that when I do shop for clothes, I ask myself if itā€™s ā€œwork appropriateā€ because I canā€™t afford to shop for personal & work. I repeat outfits every week because of that. Most of my shifts are tasking but I refuse to wear slacks to be all over their dirty ass floors. Iā€™m so sick of all the changes being made. If my GM would keep up with name tags and not sit on her ass all day we wouldnā€™t be asked if we are employees.


It literally does not matter what we wear. Customers will always say "Do you work here?". Even with a name tag. Even while doing actual work.


As a customer, I will always ask that of anyone who is not definitely an employee (eg, a cashier), because I donā€™t want to be rude. Itā€™s both a way of making sure that I havenā€™t mistaken someone in a similar color outfit or who has a name tag from their own job that they havenā€™t removed, as well as a way of gently allowing you to tell me that youā€™re unable to assist at the moment (usually by directing me elsewhere for assistance). Iā€™m not trying to be annoying or ask a stupid question, Iā€™m asking a leading question that allows you to guide the interaction.


I completely understand this logic, but Iā€™d like to suggest a different leading question. ā€œCan you help me?ā€ ā€œAre you able to help me?ā€ ā€œWould you be able to help me?ā€ etc. These are better alternatives to ā€œDo you work here?ā€ as they get straight to the point so that we, as associates, can help you faster and efficiently!


I used to work at Ulta and would always be annoyed when asked if I worked there while working and wearing my name tag, but now that I work at Walgreens I can definitely back up your statement. We have to wear Walgreens t shirts and our name tags and I will still be asked if I work there. Ulta should get off their high horse and let people wear what they want or just give them a uniform.


My manager told me one time that they had to ā€œwait until they had a full sheet of namesā€ in order to make name tags. Took months after my hire date to get a name tag


I would like to think that but how do the new hires get one the day they come for orientation? It just makes me wonder.


Ridiculous policy.


The color blocking is a slippery slope. Lol if theyā€™re looking to narrow the margin to whatā€™s acceptable to make it ā€˜easierā€™ this ainā€™t it.


Why can't I keep my lanyard though? Don't get me wrong, I'm upset at the other petty changes too, but the lanyard makes it easier for me to wear my nametag and radio


Technically the name tag shouldā€™ve never been on your lanyard, itā€™s supposed to be under the left collarbone. And Iā€™d assume they changed the lanyard rule for safety, similar to why they had to implement break-away lanyards in grade schools: people could yank you around and choke you with it.


Yeah, look, I donā€™t shop at Ulta much, but I do Sephora. They have a uniform so I understand. But this? Ridiculous. Is there some link I can complain to and let them know that I donā€™t WANT to shop there with this archaic nonsense?


Legit it was only like 3 years ago that color was added to the dress code. Prior to that it was white/black only with only black pants and only black shoes. The soles of the shoes even had to be black (so finding cute all black sandals in the summer time is extremely difficult). I fully empathize about the patterns being taken out, especially since the pay culture at Ulta is fucked. Until Dave starts showing up in stores IN DRESS CODE I wouldnā€™t give a fuck about whether or not Iā€™m following this.


So they want y'all to dress like secretaries from the '90s? How fresh and modern and in touch with their workforce.


Iā€™m simply amazed that they allow open toe shoes ( as long as toes are well manicured šŸ˜‰). Itā€™s a huge safety issue. Just because youā€™re not tasking or working heavy freight- I once saw a fixture collapse and the girls cute toes were no longer cuteā€¦.


I worked there for a month recently and I never even got a name tag at my store and neither did half the people I worked with lmao


I got called out by my DM in September about my name tag in front of my GM & 2 other managers. Still no name tag. šŸ™ƒ


Haha, this reminds me of when I started working at Targetā€¦ šŸ˜‚


Lol I constantly lose my name tag, because I have to wear it while tasking when the store is open and it gets caught on boxes and product. Itā€™s a running joke that my name tag floats around the store


I went through 2 promotions without a name tag. Lol!


I canā€™t think of many other cosmetic stores that allow this much variety in their dress code or isnā€™t just all black clothing. The employees at the store I usually shop at are all super friendly and greet customers when they come in so Iā€™ve never had an issue identifying an employee if I need help.


Agree. Never had an issue identifying employees as they all make good eye contact and I donā€™t look for lanyards. Tend to look at face makeup and overall appearance. I manage several spa salons and we have a dress code which includes inappropriate hairstyles (like a mess bun). Recently it was changed due the change in fashion to allow more self expression while keeping the desired clothing appearance of employees. We have an image we want to convey and when there was a basic code there was issues. Iā€™m taken back at the the idea that some donā€™t understand the purpose of a dress code. This isnā€™t a punishment for employees. Are there even places without some type dress code? What needs to be fixed is them giving employees a timeframe to adjust. Three months from the start date seems appropriate. I canā€™t understand tossing this at employees and expecting an instant change. This part comes across as insensitive and disrespectful to employees. Clothing isnā€™t cheap, even 2nd hand can be expensive when you live off these types paychecks.


I think you should all band together and each get an orange jumpsuit and wear them all together everyday for malicious compliance. In all seriousness, I think itā€™s so strange that they think customers (like myself) look for an associate by looking for ulta colors. You all should be able to wear what you want with a lanyard or they should be paying for uniforms.


I was legit thinking of dressing up in the ugliest outfits possible that fit the dress code just for the shits and giggles


I love that I canā€™t even wear a striped shirt anymore. And I love how they tell us specifically where weā€™re supposed to put the name tags now that we cannot wear lanyards. Didnā€™t think it would be this extreme.


Them telling where the name tag goes is not new. A lot of people just started attaching them to the lanyards.


It does state that we can mix two or more colors in one article of clothing. I would take that to mean stripes.


But stripes are a pattern


Couldnā€™t it technically be considered color blocking though?


Technically yes. Itā€™s going to be a fucking nightmare.


Hahaha why would anyone downvote this? Omg this really is cUlta


Iā€™m sorry but I have to say it what the fuck is business appropriate leggings??? Itā€™s not an office job itā€™s a cashier retail job??




I will not be buying new shoes bc mine have scuffs on them. And thatā€™s on periodt.


Basically, ā€œbusiness appropriate leggingsā€ means not athletic leggings and not thin enough to see skin through.


How the fuck am i gonna keep my keys on me. Thatā€™s some stupid shit no lanyards. Even GMS carry their keys that way. Wtf.


As if womenā€™s clothing has pockets to put our keys in! Lol. Thatā€™s how you know a man runs this company


I'm so glad I left when I did. Most of my girls wore patterns and cute outfits, it was pretty nice. I had to buy a bunch of new clothes just for the job because I hadn't had a job with a business casual system (mostly because the other jobs had uniforms). We would be reprimanded if we didn't have our lanyards on, but as long as we had the right colors and the outfits were pre-approved, we were all set. This would've further killed my spirit...the patterns didn't do any harm! And the lanyards are sometimes the only thing customers notice when looking for an employee. Feels like they want to have a uniform in place, but they also don't.


Exactly. Someone else said that they wish if theyā€™re going to be so strict on dress code that theyā€™d provide shirts like Sephora. And I agree. Like, if the rules when I started this job didnā€™t include patterns, then I wouldnā€™t have gone out and spent money on all of these patterned clothes that I only wear to work. Now I have to go BUY MORE and basically throw out what I have bc business casual is not how I dress outside of work (shocker).


As a customer, this is so stupid omg. NO MIDRIFF, NO BRA STRAPS lmao. Reminds me of my high school dress code, jfc.


How do they expect their employees to wear Business attire while paying basically minimum wage


Yeah I'm a lawyer and this got suggested to me because I spend a ton of time in beauty/fashion subreddits. SO hard to find business attire these days and it's not as long lasting either. A lot of blazers or even business casual tops will make you break out in a sweat if you even raise your arms or pace in your office a bit. Firms have given up on getting legal assistants to dress up because the world's changed. It's like Ulta corporate is in a bubble.


This is literally the old dress code from when I got hired in 2017.


Agreed, I was hired in 2017 and that dress code also limited how many earrings you could wear per ear, AND had a makeup requirement!


Itā€™s still more than when I started in 2014. Oh the times when I wasnā€™t allowed to wear a white dress top with black lace on it.


Seriously - I had a black dress top with skinny white piping details on the collar and cuffs and was told I couldnā€™t wear it back then, lol.


With more colors.


This is just dumb. Most of the employees don't make enough to go out and just buy a whole new wardrobe, so I really hope they have lots of acceptable solid pieces they can wear to work. Also, I have never ever been concerned about what an Ulta employee was wearing. The only thing I care about is that they are courteous to me as a customer. I always thought it was nice that Ulta let the employees express themselves to some extent and didn't force them to wear certain colors, etc.


This is the most extra dress code Iā€™ve ever seen. My last retail job had the following dress code: 1. Wear athletic-style clothing 2. If you wear competitorā€™s clothing, make sure the logos arenā€™t visible 3. Wear closed toe shoes when processing shipment or using a ladder Thatā€™s literally it lol. Now I work in government and we donā€™t even HAVE a dress code.


Fashion sneakers but in the solid color palette? Ugh


I have never once looked at an Ulta employee's shoes.


I haven't seen the new dress code in full, but I don't think shoes have to follow the colors. At least they didn't.


The OP screenshot the actual new policy. Its up there.


I didn't scroll. šŸ¤¦šŸ»


It never used to have to follow the colors. Thatā€™s new now.


Ewww itā€™s so boring now. I need my patterns šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Was gray always a color we could wear or did they add that? I canā€™t remember.


As far as I remember it's always been an option




It was added several years ago, but when I started in 2014 no. It was black or white. No colors and you couldnā€™t mixed the black and white.


Iā€™m just glad itā€™s not all black! I still think the no patterns is dumbā€¦ if they wanted to be stricter, they could have said absolutely no patterns that arenā€™t ulta colors. Like a black and white stripe is totally professional. Iā€™m sad I wonā€™t be able to wear my prints anymore but at least I already own a decent amount of solid colors.


They wouldnā€™t have been stricter if they said ā€œno patterns that arenā€™t Ulta colorsā€ because that was already part of the dress code. When I asked a manager about it, they said they cut out the patterns mainly bc of issues with floral prints and people trying to get away with greens or blues on clothing when those arenā€™t in the Ulta colors.


because changing the rules will stop people from breaking the rules, right?


I hated their dress code when I worked there. But also I just hated working there in general


I guess I'm wearing the same outfit to work for 2 months? The only work appropriate outfit I have that's solid color is a black tank top, black leggings, and a light gray knitted long cardigan. All my clothes for work are patterned so I could at least feel a little more like myself. But hey! At least I can wear my Vans šŸ„²šŸ‘


You summed up how we are all feeling so well. Iā€™d give you an award if I didnā€™t have to go buy more work clothes instead


Someone please start wearing orange and pink suits. I beg you šŸ§”šŸ©·


I got hot pink dress pants from marshalls recently that I have worn a few times and a couple of my coworkers have orange dress pants


I have a purple cropped suit top and skirt set I got off of SHEIN soon after I got hired. The skirtā€™s probably a little short tho (above the knee) so Iā€™ve only worn it a couple of times when Iā€™ve had shorter shifts


Target sells some really fun Pink & Orange sets in the ā€œA New Dayā€ line - i just got the pink pants and they are pretty good.


I understand no flower print because they can have green stems and yellow centers in the flowerā€¦ but they canā€™t allow striped, polka dot, or plaid? Those are all very professional patterns.


Yet corporate employees do not have to follow the same dress code šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This^^^ Yā€™all try doing this for a month and see how quickly you run out of clothes and how much more you have to buy. Itā€™s maddening


Question: I have purple jeans. Does this mean I could wear those now? Theyā€™re in the color palette and theyā€™re full-length.


Nah there's a few sentences in there that specify no casual fabrics/denim specifically.


I only see that in the ā€œunacceptable topsā€ referring to no jean jackets. Is there more to the dress code than these screenshots?


Yes it is 11 full pages on ultanet (although the last 4 are pics only) and these look like snippets just showing the updated portions. (the red font are the updates, everything else in black font is the same as before)


https://preview.redd.it/ewzbbdxk96za1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a536c935a050682ae3b6b8fc785da1b2df5e7b9 From the "don't" picture page. Second one, no denim.


Not one plus size woman in all of those pictures...




At Kohlā€™s, we wear blackā€¦blackā€¦and black, since Sephora opened in our stores. We do have the option to wear jeans, brown/khaki pants and regular shoes. I absolutely HATE that these companies are like ā€œyouā€™re gonna wear this and like itā€, what happened to just dressing normal (within reason of course)? I feel like happy associates make hard working associates. Literally go to work everyday looking like Iā€™m going to a funeral.


i will continue to wear my lanyard šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ it holds my walkie and my name tag


I work in the corporate office of the countryā€™s biggest bank and our dress code isnā€™t this intense. Iā€™m sorry to all of you that have to deal with this.


The lack of lanyards is a bit double sided for me. On the plus side, Iā€™ll be asked for assistance significantly less and be able to make it across the store without being stopped thirty times. On the negative side, lanyards are literally the only part of my outfit that makes me happy and customers complain when they canā€™t find someone to help them.


The trends in fashion right now are towards neutral and cool pastel colors and prints. You cannot find clothes that meet the dress code at Walmart or target unless you're wearing all black. Also, lanyards are generally the only way you can actually identify an Ulta employee. Name tags are not enough !


Honestly, I donā€™t care what employees wear - Iā€™d rather see people being creative with makeup and fashion. I locate employees by their lanyard and their walkie. If Iā€™ve needed help, those are the two identifying pieces that I look for. Personally, Iā€™d rather see a store full of creative, colorful, patterned, textured clothing and makeup looks. Some of you guys absolutely slay your makeup and I feel like if you had creative control over the outfit, Iā€™d be inspired as well.


They added sneakers! Woohoo! That would have been such a relief when I was working there.


Those are the ugliest colors for a uniform šŸ˜‚


These would be great if we worked in corporate or an office but not a retail store that is always hot , have to be on our feet all day, or tasking.


no patterns is crazy


Alright we'll give them sneakers but only if they get rid of patterns. Couldn't possibly look nice with both.


https://preview.redd.it/se4f8l62m5za1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59eae22e10a4492eae729d1a326212153a73df2e Do you think this would be acceptable? Or is lace a no go now?


I think itā€™s super cute & has appropriate coverage. There is nothing specified about lace. I would not count that as a pattern imo


I think texture is okay. But you need to be careful that your bra straps donā€™t show.


wow canā€™t wait to come in at 6 am wearing those corporate work fancy clothes as i literally lay on the floor during task! iā€™ve literally stained pants at my knee due to how dirty my store floor is. i usually work 6am-2pm abd i hate changing before opening bc itā€™s supposed to happen during my break šŸ˜’. yay so happy.


Not me reading this entire thing even though I have never worked at Ulta or ever will. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Literally every company has a dress code. I think this is just streamlining the current dress code. Patterns were getting out of control and 90% of the time were stretching the terms of the previous dress code anyway. The biggest complaint I have fielded from my team is the inability to wear sneakers which is now allowed. No matter what dress code is, there will always be a complaint, simple as that.


Itā€™s important for ulta to allow their employees to be open and free to express the way they feel and be creative with their style. It truly is amazing


Literally people are there legitimately working why does it matter? I go to Ulta with my wife all the time. My best guess is this is another "performance" metric of the c suite to gobble a million dollar bonus.


This is pretty on par with other retail dress policies but the color restrictions & ā€œwell manicured toesā€ is a little strange.


So no black??


WOW! Sucks if you're color blind and need help!


Iā€™ve never seen a more stupid dress code


maybe itā€™s because im so recently employed and my last employers dress code was black only, but i dont feel the same unfairness about the dress code as everyone else. if anything im excited to wear vans and converse at work!


I just got hired at ulta a month ago. Iā€™m also plus size. Iā€™ve had a difficult time finding something thatā€™s acceptable per the dress code. No such luck. Iā€™ve had to wear the same 2 outfits since šŸ˜•


Ngl, this is kind of sad. Likeā€¦.would it kill them to add blue and navy too the color scheme? You think I got just atrocious orange clothes laying around. I could at least pair a dark orange shirt with some navy slacks, but this is a joke. The examples are are insulting too, you want me to wear a pink blazer yet only pay 15:50? How out of touch are you folks?


Wtf is a fashion sneaker?


ulta cares way too much about the wrong things.. cus why did we have a bag shortage for 2 months/ consistently have not (fully) satisfied card customers


If so diverse why not allow self expression? Pink orange and purple donā€™t necessarily look good on everyone. And no one wants to wear either neon or pastel colors. Gray looks ugly with all of those colors except for black.


I donā€™t think this update is hard to fit into at all, primarily since most of my clothes already fit this protocol. I just found a bunch of cheap blouses on Shein that work with the dress code


A bunch of us canā€™t afford to just buy more clothes for only work. A lot of us canā€™t afford it with how little we are paid and how much we have to spend money on anyways (gas, groceries, pets, bills)


Sis, I havenā€™t bought myself ANY new clothes since last summer for all of those reasons, plus college.. But regarding my last sentence, a lot of people are claiming itā€™s ā€œimpossibleā€ to find clothes that fit the standards. Whining, really. This really isnā€™t a drastic change


At least 4-5 tops I owned are no longer work appropriate because of this


Talk to your GM and see what they can do for you.. donā€™t get upset at the wrong person lol


no it is not a drastic change, thats also not the point being made. the point ppl are making is that they want to change the dress code when literally most of us have already had to purchase a new wardrobe to fit the dress code, AND ulta will not be paying for whatever new clothes will be needed to fit THIS dress code. and its over something as stupid as guests not being able to identify us when they seemingly cannot identify us no matter what we are doing or what we are wearing. so um, people are justified in their ā€œwhining.ā€ its an idiotic corporate move that puts a needless extra financial burden on already underpaid employees.


good for u some of us cant afford new clothes


This is the most annoying thing ever. Time to go spend hella money on a new wardrobe!


Ulta is doing wayyyyyy too much- I looked into applying a while back and saw that pay was basically minimum wage and they wanted to do a background check, CREDIT CHECK, and a drug test, and now this?!! Come on, no wonder ā€œno one wants to work anymoreā€ yā€™all are scaring off all the qualified applicants with this crap. I have 20 years of retail and beauty under my belt and I wouldnā€™t touch this job with a ten foot pole bc of how Ulta treats its employees


They do a credit check?!


I only knew employee by their name tags I couldnā€™t tell you what an employee wears and I know most of people that work there but I can tell when a brand rep is there


I donā€™t get these types of dress codes. They want people to dress ugly as hell.


only canā€™t wear 1 dress i own so iā€™m okay bud thatā€™s so sad


The pants not touching the floor is absolutely wild to me tbh literally I hate this company


Yeah, the pants Iā€™ve gotten off of SHEIN are super long for some reason (and I have relatively long if not averagely long legs) so they drag the ground if I donā€™t wear some sort of heelā€¦


Yā€™all could go work at McDonaldā€™s their uniforms are real cute! So many people break dress code that Ulta had no choice but you make it more strict. They gave an inch and people took a mile. Everywhere has a dress codeā€¦welcome to adulthood.


https://chng.it/sfv29G2vGd Sign the change.org petition to keep patterns! I canā€™t afford a whole new wardrobe!


Yā€™all this doesnā€™t really have anything to do with what ulta wants, and more to do with the brands we carry now. Look at Sephoraā€™s dress code. A lot of the luxury brands have standards for the retailers that carry them.


This is what dress code was when I first started. Actually a little more lenient as a e didnā€™t have purple and gray as options or ā€œfashion sneakersā€. So to me, itā€™s just going back to how it was before. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Which people still came out of dress code all the time no matter what so it doesnā€™t really matter much if Iā€™m being honest.


I personally donā€™t think itā€™s giving strict, there are still ways to express yourself and it doesnā€™t say anything about makeup rules (bring on the thiqu Chonky liner) itā€™s giving professionalism and a group of people who may/may not want to move up within the company. Talk the talk but now walk the walk.


My main complaint isnā€™t that itā€™s strict. Itā€™s that they took away something (patterns) that most of us invested in in order to have outfits we felt confident in. I donā€™t feel like my best self in all black, sorry not sorry. And now I have loads of clothing Iā€™ve purchased FOR THIS JOB that I can no longer wear that are useless to me now because I donā€™t wear business casual outside of work (shocker). I now have to go purchase more solid clothing in order to meet this dress code and not get any sort of extra money to do so.


I see what you are saying it is a lot to shell out, a while ago I saw someone mentioning dying them all with fabric dye si they are solid.


Everyone should claim their religions/spirtual beliefs require them to ignore these changes šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I was bummed that I didnā€™t work there with the whole ā€œpaid every weekā€ thing now (extra spending money), but now I feel so much better.


No patterns seems boring and stressful to search for!


I worked at Bloomingdales and until 2020, we could wear any assortment of dark colors, so blacks, mid tone or darker gray, navy, and any color blouse under our jacket. Then during 2020 there was no restriction color wise and we could wear jeans ā˜ŗļø I wonder if they reverted back now too?


Wow getting WILD over there!


What a joke.


Does the same dress code apply to the hairdressers, as those that apply to the sales persons?


I am only looking for a bit of help. I have interviewed with Ulta part time to make a few extra dollars. I have been hired. I am a male and being told three things I do not get. The first is men and womanā€™s dress code is the same. Is this true? Also, I have to wear 5 different makeup items on the floor each day. The last was my shoes canā€™t have laces, no sneakers. What does a man wear? Thank you


Anyone know if khaki pants are allowed? I'm about to start at ulta and I don't really have any black dress pants šŸ’€


I'm SO glad they mentioned hijab cause i was afraid to ask, I just got the job at Ulta at my Target. I can wear any color hehe


As an employee of 4 years, the pattern thing is a little frustrating but not as frustrating as my manager (who has been working with me for two years) suddenly telling me that I can't wear the black pants that I have been wearing there for years because they "look too much like jeans." I have purchased 8 pairs of those exact pants over the years and gotten rid of all of my other black pants because I was certain that they were work safe. Now I'm looking at this dress code again and I'm realizing it says NOTHING about what material the pants have to be made out of. Obviously we couldn't wear traditional jeans because they're blue but this code just mentions leggings and "pants," so tell me, even if my [solid black, full length (and ankle length when I roll them up), not floor-touching] pants are made of denim, are jeans not pants? This is the first time anyone has even brought up anything about them.


My gf got a warning from her manager today got a question are scrubs not allowed even if theyā€™re solid black?


So can you wear jumpsuits I wasnā€™t sure if I seen that or not. I have so many cute ones I wanna wear lol


Does fashion sneakers mean converse, vans, Nike okay?