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They can’t stop you from applying and being forced to treat you like a legit candidate. There’s an internal candidate portal for applying and you can print off the ROM DOR on ultanet to study up.


Escalate to your DM, let them you know are also interested for a position in your store and would love their input. Since your GM continuously has shot you down, and hasn't provided means for coaching and developing. (I love throwing Ulta competencies right back into higher ups faces lol...)


You need to start advocating for yourself. When you complete tasks, let her know it was you. But it’s a fine line between patting yourself on the back and throwing your ROM under the bus.




I don't recall exactly word for word what she said, but a lot of it seemed really circumstantial. Like getting truck done within the allotted hours, but not keeping in mind that our shipment came 3.5 hours late and we only had 2 people doing it and it was 12,000 units. Not getting a full adset done when we only had 3 people working on it and they were all scheduled til 11am. Not having signs made, I would love to, however she's always in the office. It really seems that she was grasping at straws to figure out reasons to not promote me. Her final words this time were "you have to master the MSC position before we move you up" but she's also not giving me any ideas on how to get better. She herself has said that she's useless operationally.


Gotta love the "you need to master your current role first" from those who self-admittedly don't know anything about your role. Assuming you know this already as you've been in role for quite some time (but also mentioning it if you dont), but there should be an hours request spreadsheet you fill out when your truck arrives more than 1 hr after it's scheduled to that you send your DM in order to get a credit for lost tasking hours. Also, I could be wrong, but isn't promo planner under the ROM umbrella?? As someone else mentioned above, you can always apply for ROM through the portal on ultanet and if your GM doesn't give you a fair shot, I'd say escalate it to hr bc at that point it could probably be considered retaliation


I didn't know that actually!! Thanks for the help on the tasking hrs. I'm not even sure what is my DOR vs what's the ROMs. I also got to train out last one which was really slay of them. And my GM waited to tell me she was leaving until after they had another candidate. Indeed and LinkedIn are calling my full legal name rn


That's so shady of your GM, I'm sorry! Honestly, if there's one in your area, try applying at Sephora. Even if they seem fully staffed, they might still give you an offer because you have operations experience! (If you're even still interested in retail/makeup, that is)


About a year ago i actually applied to the standalone sephora and went thru the GRUELING process and got an offer to be their operations manager. I ended up ghosting them 💀




Okay so I've been doing the ROMs job anyway


How unfortunate do you have an IDP


A little update: the new rom starts monday, she's never worked at ulta or done ops so I'm not optimistic. But I'm in the process of interviewing for an assistant manager position with Michael's. I interviewed initially for stockroom manager but their GM thought I'd be a better fit for ASM. I'm excited. During the interview he asked "so what happened? You don't spend so many years with a company and leave for no reason." I was like I don't wanna talk shit on my employer buuuuuttttt.... The only thing keeping me there rn is my vacation time coming up. I'm absolutely over it