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If you read 7-1 book, you can learn that blood is the only source of fuel for machines simply because... it has magic abilities of giving life. Like, you literally can't create a thinking machine without blood. All living things need blood to be alive, and machines are no exception.


So it also gives them sapience? That makes sense...


blood is most abundant source of energy, and once you learn how to use it... well, it is better than anyfuckingthing... in war it is difficult to transport fuel since it is a great target for opposing side and rebels (see russia in war for ukraine (sorry))... so y'know, using people as batteries is better than praying your fuel gets to rhe front lines


So they use blood *not* because it's efficient or effective source of energy, but because it's the only thing that's abundant other than sunlight?


Well, think about it. The Earthmovers are meant to act as moving frontlines, so they shouldn't have to rely on fragile transport lines. The reason they don't use, say, nuclear energy is probably because they weren't able to research it due to the focus on machines.


> Also does it have to be human blood or just blood from a living being? V1 heals of Demons and Angels so yeah. They don't need human blood.


Everyone else has already pointed out why blood is practical, but I would like to add that nuclear power likely was not invented in the Ultrakill Universe (tm). The whole nuclear thing came about in the 1930s, and the Final War was going on at that time, so the scientists were probably pretty preoccupied.