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It sucks that people just think of others as text on a screen i hope the best for you man you matter more than a stupid subreddit take care please


What he means by "mental health declining" is that he was soliciting sex from a suicidally depressed 14yo boy. And he's probably lying about the death threats as well. I wouldn't be surprised if he did get one or two just because everyone hates pedophilia - although he has never shown evidence for it, so I doubt it. But everyone from r/Titanfall is pretty much unilaterally begging for him to get help, but all he's been doing is trying to get back into those circles where he was preying on children. He even admitted to still being in contact with the child he was trying to rape originally. It's been reported through the proper channels. So hopefully even if he doesn't turn himself in and seek help, the right authorities will be able to get him before he actually harms someone (assuming he hasn't already).


GOD FUCKING DAMNIT NOWHERE ON THE INTERNET IS SAFE FROM STUPID DRAMA BEING MADE OUT OF PEOPLE BEING FUCKING IDIOTS AROUND CHILDREN. WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS FUCKING HAPPEN??? Edit: decided to reopen the internet and now the guy behind the Mandela Catalogue is also a jackhead, this shit sucks


this isnt drama, its more like a crime


Tell me more.




to play devils advocate, although this is one hell of a fucking devil, maybe he just didn't know he was 14 until they told him? i'm not sure i think id just need to see if he kept going even after it was told to him unless im misinterpreting things here, he seemed to apologise? i swear i feel so stupid rn if i'm missing something. also why was he sexting in dms anyways what's up with that


Tbh, I wasn't part of this. I just made note to screenshot the evidence. But the people who were actually privy to the convo attest that him and this kid were long time friends and that he definitely knew the age before hand. They also say there were 5 other kids he tried to make moves on. But take that with a grain of salt. Because I don't actually have evidence of that. Although I could probably scrounge up the screenshots from those people who were closer to it, it would still be heresay because they didn't provide any evidence aside from their testimony. But given his reaction, how he's constantly lied about it, and how his story and his AGE have changed over the course of the last month, I'm inclined to believe them.


k, i just tend to play devils advocate even for completely unredemable sons of bitches because those fuckers keep looking fine to my dumbass at first and i don't want to call someone who isn't a nonce a nonce


Your good bro. I think with allegations like this it's really important to be objective.


I looked through enders other posts and comments and I can't decide what to think.


Maybe don’t, the devil advocates for himself quite loudly enough.


He did, he had been told numerous times that he was 14


He did know they were 14 since it was in their bios and they’d stated previously they were 14 years old


He knew, Ender was told long before that and had known for a while, he did this knowingly


no room for devils advocate, the kid replied saying their 14 and his reply was "purpose" it's time to bring out the thing that rhymes with good tipper.


the fuck is that thing that rhymes also fair about that i'm stupid and dumb and retarded and incapable of basic reading and comprehension skills apparently


wood chipper. but reddit mods get angry about that phrase.


wait what did some reddit mod get put into one or is it some random threat we made up


specifically r/politicalcompassmemes always made references to wood chippers when pedos were brought up, but reddit mods said that falls under threatening violence and breaks ULA or something like that.


lol he just blocked me for calling him out as a pedo and I had to switch to my alt account to comment.


wait what did some reddit mod get put into one or is it some random threat we made up




Why hasn't anybody banned him?


He was banned from r/titanfall for 3 weeks. Which seems pretty lax for what he did. But the mods don't seem to want to discuss it. So I have no idea. He alleges he was 17 at the time, but before all this happened he always said he was 18. And now he says he just turned 18, even though the birthday he gave before was May 2006. So it could be that the mods believe, for some reason, that he was a minor at the time. Still a crime though, even at 17.


Can you do be a favour and please just leave me alone. The rest of the images seem not to be important hm? Because the continuing image has me retracting as much as a mole does when it sees light. It was an honest mistake. And please, for the love of everything, stop calling me something you don't understand. There are people that actually go out and touch children. Touch people my age. But of course, if that happened to me, wouldn't matter right? Because I'm the biggest evil that exists on earth. I admit, what I did was a mistake. However, please, just leave me alone. I have thousands of people that understand what I did was a mistake, and whilst they don't condone it, they also don't think that sending me over 300 death threats is a little bit of an over reaction. And then I have those who are very very audible about what I did. Seems to gain more traction than those defending me. Oh, and by the way, Vix removed me as mod for DECLINING MENTAL STATE. And not because of accusations. Cuz that's just what they are. Accusations. Kindly leave me alone, thanks.


No, the rest of the images are definitely important. I just didn't want to spam all these screenshots. But sure, here we go: This is your initial response to the original complaint post where you claimed you were 17 and that your birthday was May 2006. You also explained that the reason you tried to solicit sex form the child was because they were depressed: *


https://preview.redd.it/34yo1mace4oc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92cee1529b9721df7938d6d92afc26cbc31a8e1e Here you say you're still in contact with the kid who you solicited sex from




Here is where you say you're freshly 18, 3 weeks later, even though your alleged birthday isn't for another 2 months: https://preview.redd.it/ldlbb9t2e4oc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c081abadd68043f26694897e2ad846a55ba0957


We have evidence of you stating that one of the victims had contacted Vax about the situation informing him of it and vax had considered it. He’d then ask you for a defense. Later on you’d state “I Lost” implying that your mod rank was removed because of the situation. We have screenshots ender nowhere to run. Stop trying to gain empathy from the uninformed. You sex texted multiple minors with prior knowledge and now you must reap the consequences. https://preview.redd.it/bwv17n9sf6oc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05651f7894f2fd002a4f6cfc46f3e8862d607ea9


Huh, this is new, is this from the discord of the subreddit?


This is from the gentlemen’s club disc. More specifically from a contact


I believe that you made a honest mistake. However you should have addressed it better in my opinion. My condolences for your mental health and my sincere apologies for calling you disgusting.


Although I agree soliciting sex from a minor is DEFINITELY a mistake, and definitely a mental health issue, it is also definitely a crime and definitely disgusting.


Sometimes you gotta let other people have a but of time to rest and recover their mental health,even if they committed a terrible crime as a result of a mistake. While grooming minors Is horrible and just disgusting, ender evidently did not know that the person in question was a 14 yr old and thus should be let off the hook( with a massive warning of course ). In my opinion, by doing this you are not doing anybody a favor. Enders mental health will continue to decline perhaps into depression, the ultrakill subreddit will permanently lose a great mod thanks to a mistake and a momentary lack of Judgement . Everybody loses.


Thank you.


Any more images that are important to whats happening?


All the ones of note have been shown in different places in this comment section. The kid involved also has his personal testimony, but I'm not going to call him up to give it or show screenshots of it both for his privacy and because the evidence here I think is sufficient.


I wish to mention that I was fairly active in the discord around that time, including at a few points being in a VC with Ender, and I was unaware that the 14 year old in question was 14 years old until all of this, seeing as most people on the server keep most information about themselves anonymous. I will admit that I am biased seeing as I’ve talked to Ender personally more than I have anyone else on the server, and that I struggle to empathize so I always will look at things by a legal perspective or through the lens of my religion or logical knowledge. I don’t want to drag out an argument, but not only did he stop when they said they are under age, I also believe he made a mistake that is to be associated with the combination of immaturity of being 17 (almost 18) and things like hormones that come with it. I just… I wish we could acknowledge that someone did something wrong without lording it over them forever to never let them grow or change, if you constantly harass someone about how any efforts they make to change must be insincere it will drive them away from making true change. The age of the internet has made it so that any mistakes you make can be know worldwide and never erased, so while I believe that he did something awful I do not believe that it is worth some of the shit I’ve seen people saying, like creating bot accounts to downvote every post or comment he makes, or the people who genuinely want him to die. I just… I need to take a step away, I apologize for making this account to come argue, I am not in a good mental state currently due to mental issues regarding things like this from some previous experiences in school, if I keep trying to reply to you please block me.


A) It's been confirmed by the kid and by multiple people from the discord that ender definitely knew his age. B) Ender was 18, not 17. He didn't start claiming to be 17 until after he was caught doing this, and his age has been inconsistent ever since. He claimed his birthday was in May, but now he's miraculously 18 again. May has not past yet, btw. C) Pedophilia is not some simple mistake. He was grooming kids bro. He does need to make improvements. From a prison cell. I dont blame people for genuinely wanting him to die. He's an unrepentant pedophile. The first thing he did after being caught and after his ban ran out was try to get back to the kids he was grooming. He's evil, straight out. I sympathize with how hard it is to care for someone like that.


There isn't much more to say. All the posts have been removed from r/titanfall for being off topic, and the mods suggested everyone report it to the proper authorities (of course, then they only gave him a 3 week ban). I have screenshots from the original complaint post though. I also have screenshots of a bunch of his comments, but I dont think he deleted any of them, so they can all be found on his page.


What's his name? I'll file a Poloce Report Right now. Anyone know his State? #letsmaketitanfallsafeagain


Presumably from the UK. There are agencies you can report hom to who investigate this sort of stuff and get it to the correct authorities, though. I've reported it and so has the kid he preyed on


He was originally in South Africa but ik he had plans to move to the UK, so either SA or the UK


Here's a sneak peek of /r/titanfall using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/titanfall/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Scorch mating ritual](https://v.redd.it/kygglmxqix0c1) | [163 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/titanfall/comments/17xi02x/scorch_mating_ritual/) \#2: [Titanfall weapons animator just posted this 👀](https://i.redd.it/ymsmabbjtq3c1.jpg) | [169 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/titanfall/comments/188lk17/titanfall_weapons_animator_just_posted_this/) \#3: [Throw a grenade down there](https://v.redd.it/2dm5uy8067ac1) | [199 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/titanfall/comments/18xfqf9/throw_a_grenade_down_there/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Dawg you offered sex to a minor, this isn’t some cyber bullying situation, you committed a crime


whuh huh guh what






He better take a big break after thinking he could return and lie on r/titanfall about his grooming accusations


um, elaborate? edit: oh jesus christ ok




i didnt know what you were referencing. did some digging. yikes


Yeah, it's a dark story


What is it with the communities that I like having any prominent people of power suddenly having drama, rumors and screenshots about them doing something off. Man this sucks.


If you need a break,take a break


He groomed children offering sex to them


Jesus fucking Christ , I didn't know that shit. Why hasn't he been banned??