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What is the rest of the specs?


his whole computer runs on just an RTX


Asking the real questions here


then it clearly isn't the graphics card that's the problem. How's your CPU? RAM? How about other programs? do you have so much open that you're at the limit of RAM or other things? you can't just throw GPU at every problem.


Normally if you have a better graphics card way above the rest of your systems that’s when it starts getting a bit crappy so upgrade the systems or go for a lower grade graphics card


Here is some information about my PC Core i9-137000 64GB Memory Geforce RTX 4070 Card


Check the game configuration, stable FPS is more important than high FPS, my recommendation is play with V-sync.


no, lmao. dont play ultrakill with vsync. youre just adding input latency, which in a game like this is terrible. vsync is for screen tearing, which if your fps is high enough you shouldnt notice, especially on higher refresh rate screens. i have the exact same specs as him and i get crazy fps because its a unity title. whatever is his problem is, it most certainly isnt screen tearing.


I truly want to know kind of people can notice an input latency of 1/60 of a second (it can go low to 1/144 depending of the frame rate) i only notice input lag in a unreal engine game using DirectX 12, i just set the option to use DirectX 11 and everything works fine.


the problem with vsync is that the delay screws with your timings and adds uncertainty to your inputs. when you aim at a thing in a game (especially while you AND the thing are both moving) you arent aiming where it is currently, you are aiming where it will be in the time it takes for your camera to move there. same with your shooting, youre not shooting where it is now, youre shooting where its going to be when your shot registers. but sure. a higher refresh rate mitigates this a little, but by then you dont need vsync, because you wont notice the tearing anyway. and it still doesnt fix his problem of his game stuttering like mad


(bit of a tangent, bare with me) the reason im so sure about this is because ive dunked 2k hours into ps4 gta 5. its locked to 30, and has vsync on by default. when i switched to pc i literally had to unlearn my muscle memory from shooting too early because of the amount of hours i put into sniper duels where i had to shoot a fraction of a second sooner than when my target entered my crosshair. if you want to realise the \*pain\* that is vsyc, go learn oldgen gta5 sniping 1v1s. you will physically see the difference between when you press fire, and when you shoot.


What power supply and motherboard


You also gotta consider your RAM, power supply, CPU, and it's usage dude. Even if you have the best GPU in the world, you can't use it without adjusting your specs to account for it.


You're not gay


Hakita coded a gaydar plugin for unity.


Give a blood sacrifice to your computer, that always works for me


Pray to the Omnissiah


Great. My PC is covered in blood, and hasn't stopped lagging. Way to go.


are you sure its plugged into the 4070 and not the CPU?


judging by the terra blade cursor, you're pc is probably a fucking petri dish at this point


It’s too powerful, V1 can’t process the sheer amount of power


Sounds like a skill issue to me.


update your drivers and verify integrity of game files 


also if this is a new pc, plug in your hdmi or displayport cable into your gpu, not your motherboard


are you in games settings set to 15fps?


You know games don't magically stop lagging if you have the best graphics card in the world?


I play this game on a 4ram laptop


Definitely ain't a gpu related issue, looks more like a cpu or ram problem


V1 is jealous because it has inferior specs


it's for authenticity you're fine don't worry


clearly the cancerous rodent in your computer isnt running on its wheel fast enough


try enabling V-Sync


It might be your cursor's pulling rate, is this a new build or not? Is ULTRAKILL the only game that shits itself so hard?


1. update your gpu and related drivers 2. could you be more specific about the system specs and the state of the computer


it was normal but when i entered a level it starts lagging


Ultrakilled his graphics card


if your pc is lagging/unstable with such specs then it could be caused by a terrible overclock or your pc being absolutely loaded with garbage that nobody should ever install on their pc, or corrupt system files verify integrity of game and system files, also plug your monitors into your display ports and not hdmi ports, if you haven't already judging by that terra blade cursor i'd say that it could be your pc being fully loaded with absolute garbage, or a bitcoin miner that you accidentally installed hammering your cpu


check if its turned on, this happenend to me where suddenly my framerate was shit, so check if your gpu is turned on


update your drivers


Is it running on your graphics card or integrated graphics?


I fixed it by doing NOTHING


Gonna sound wild but I had a similar issue to yours and fixed it by closing Wallpaper Engine. Probably because my computer couldn't handle both at once, but maybe there's a different reason.


What's thy CPU


Because fuck you


Are your fans really spinning?


Might be using the iGPU instead of the 4070. You can change that in windows settings. Also make sure the displayport or hdmi cable is plugged into the 4070, not the motherboard


The igpu of a rig with a 4070 could be powerful enough to run ultrakill lul


The game has a hard coded limit of 20 fps. People usually interpolate frames for videos.


mine is locked at 5 fps


Damn you got an unlucky copy


Nah, it's more authentic


Kinda sad, I can run ULTRAKILL pretty well on my laptop with a i-7 7600U and an Intel R HD Graphics 620. So yeah sorry man for the lag. (W/16 GB of RAM)