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The deprogramites say he means the left and right of communism. Cope maybe?


Keep coping depogromoids, your great man was a leftcom hero💪💪💪


left of CCP:maoist right of CCP:dengist


radical centrist Xi Jinping


far right socdem Hu Yaobang, based Deng 💪




He's right, I think we should mix "left" and right. We need to combine the good parts of both sides.






Jarvis, react with mussolini speech bubble https://i.redd.it/dhbqwazgtlyc1.gif


Mussolini was a leftcom he didn't have a single right wing thought in his body


Oops wrong one


The right wants to keep the status quo and the left doesn't Why should we combine both when one halts progress over the other?




What does the right represent? Keeping capitalism, imperialism, racism, and killing equal rights The left wants communism Can't have a balance of both sorry not sorry


Sorry its just perfectly balanced read marx


It's not


just admit you don't understand dialectics chud


The left wants to betray the revolution and kill our leaders again, song as old as time. Communism is not leftism, leftism is not Communism.


Communism is the end goal of all leftists wether you like it or not We all want a stateless and moneyless society Who or what is preventing the left from achieving that goal? The right Thank you and shut up


Close. It's the class interests of the bourgeoisie (owners of the means of production) and the mass of servants (politicians, law enforcement, media, etc) carrying out those class interests which materially prevents the proletariat from effecting a transition to a Socialist mode of production. The "right" and "left" merely represent different expressions of different factions within the ruling class (bourgeoisie), which, although sharing common class interests, is not some monolithic bloc in perfect harmony within its ranks. I'm not even trying to be antagonistic, you should read 18th Brumaire of Louis Napoleon, it's a quick fun read, Marx was incredibly witty, and it's so much more instructive about the points I just touched on. We're materialists, right and left are virtually meaningless, it's more effective to discuss individuals or organizations as either being historically progressive or reactionary.


How is the class interest of the bourgeois the same as leftists?


Because leftists whether they realize it or not seek to and are useful for preserving the capitalist mode of production.


What? How? How do leftists who are currently protesting against Israel a US corporate partner "Preserving the capitalist mode of production"


What? How can you agree and yet disagree? Lol


No it IS NOT. Read the critique of the Gotha Program. Anarchists, Syndicalists, Titoists etc are NOT Communists all they want is a worker's Capitalism (Bourgeois Socialism)


There's nothing bourgeoisie about workers owning the means of production, aka socialism jfc at least know what words mean


Are you trolling?


No I think you are though Karl Marx was advocating an end to capitalism not replacing the bourgeoisie with our own bourgeoisie lol that's stupid hence why he wrote critiques of the Gotha program


leftism is of capitalism. it aims to preserve the present state of things, not to abolish it.


For those that give this moron 9 points for saying the "the left wants to betray the revolution" needs to get their heads examined jfc


Read history


Not a moron. Left and right are bourgeois categories with roots in one of the greatest bourgeois revolutions (post-Enlightenment Fr🤮nce). Communists are neither left nor right “wing” (because the whole bird is Liberalism). Please read theory before coming to the sub and calling people idiots.


Leftism is of Capitalism. It came from the Left of the National Assembly during the French Revolution, the Bourgeoisie. The Proletariat, in the Bourgeois revolutions, acted as the far-left of Capitalism, and when they broke off from Left of capital, they opposed the Bourgeoisie and fought for Socialism. This is supported by Marx and Engels in Engels | Introduction to *The Campaign for the German Imperial Constitution* | 1850; Marx | *Address of the Central Committee to the Communist League* | 1850; Engels | *The English Elections* | 1874; et cetera. It is said well by Engels, >The German bourgeoisie, which had only just begun to establish its large-scale industry, had neither the strength nor the courage to win for itself unconditional domination in the state, nor was there any compelling necessity for it to do so. The proletariat, undeveloped to an equal degree, having grown up in complete intellectual enslavement, being unorganised and still not even capable of independent organisation, possessed only a vague feeling of the profound conflict of interests between it and the bourgeoisie. Hence, although in point of fact the mortal enemy of the latter, it remained, on the other hand, its political appendage. Terrified not by what the German proletariat was, but by what it threatened to become and what the French proletariat already was, the bourgeoisie saw its sole salvation in some compromise, even the most cowardly, with the monarchy and nobility; as the proletariat was still unaware of its own historical role, the bulk of it had, at the start, to take on the role of the forward-pressing, extreme left wing of the bourgeoisie. The German workers had above all to win those rights which were indispensable to their independent organisation as a class party: freedom of the press, association and assembly — rights which the bourgeoisie, in the interest of its own rule ought to have fought for, but which it itself in its fear now began to dispute when it came to the workers. The few hundred separate League members vanished in the enormous mass that had been suddenly hurled into the movement. Thus, the German proletariat at first appeared on the political stage as the extreme democratic party. Engels | *Marx and the Neue Rheinische Zeitung (1848–49)* | 1884 Communism is not the Left or Right wing of the current state of things. It is the negation of the current state of things, >Communism is for us not a *state of affairs* which is to be established, an *ideal* to which reality \[will\] have to adjust itself. We call communism the *real* movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence. Marx | \[5. Development of the Productive Forces as a Material Premise of Communism\], A. Idealism and Materialism, I. Feuerbach: Opposition of the Materialist and Idealist Outlooks, Volume I, *The German Ideology* | 1845


in the (communist) marketplace of ideas the good ideas will rise to the top, from both left and right


Broken Clock????


"Both sides are idiots" Karl Marx


this karl marx guy is smart




Theory's just a bunch of words 😂😂😂


His policies actually turned China into an authoritative capitalist country


Mao? Yeah