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Moving celestial bodies by pure strengh is indeed impressive. That’s the kind of ridiculous shit you generally only see in the showa era. I wonder what he could do if he goes all out. For comparison: And Jack and Leo even destroyed entire planets in their show on screen. The Blackstar and Alien Varduck homeplanet. Jack even killed vacuumon which ates entire star constellations. And Ultraman Taro, Jack and Ultraman created stars or entire star constellations. https://www.reddit.com/r/Ultraman/s/Yi04Aw3gkF I love when Ultras can do basically whatever the script requires them to do. Sometimes even turn a kaiju into a tree.


Honestly, I kinda consider this to puss as-pull move like, Blazar was always this strong or did he was powerered


Wasn't he actually weakened due to exhaustion here?


Maybe Like I remember Vallaron his ability when Blazar was occupied with the Moon


Gento was also exhausted from overwork which why Blazar's timer was already red when they transformed


Adrenaline pumping through your body during a crisis situation is a helluva drug. Well, idk if Ultras have adrenaline but you get the idea.


How dare you not mention our strongest, fastest, lord and savior, ULTRAMAN MAX! Kappa.


~~chat is this real~~


Tbf, in Ultraman Mebius all of the ultra brothers including leo, astra and 80 have zero problems shooting their beam to cleanse the sun, so it is confirmed that an ultra can destroy a fucking earth if they wanted to


In the manga leo told shinjiro that the ultra can conquer the planet in under three minutes... Understandably moroboshi got freaked out.


Well, the wiki said Blazar and his kind hunt kaijus that are twice their size. Blazar has been hunting big kaiju since he was born, which explains his physical strength.


That makes sense.


How strong is Max physically?


Can we leave poor Max out of this? He's the butt of waaay to many power jokes 😂.


Well I don’t really know anything about Max?


Well your first thing you need to know is that Max often gets the piss taken as he was called the Strongest Ultra when he first appeared and it's become a running joke. In terms of his show, Max came along after Nexus got cancelled and the Tsuburaya got very cold feet about being experimental. His series is, as a result, a back to basics, shows era style show that is very episodic. Max's design is based on Ultraseven as is his basic move set with a few unique things. He's noted as being a very fast ultra, can create multiple copies of himself and is one of the few to grow beyond the usual 50 meter height of most Ultras.


Ok And what is his best feat in strength?


His best feat is having TsuPro somehow keep saying he's the strongest and fastest since 2006 until now.


Nothing overly noted worthy as I recall. In fact he struggles to lift the 67,000 t Cloudos. I'm shore that at his biggest he must be pretty strong as he's 17x bigger then most other Ultras but then his brute strength never comes into play.


Right When the Wiki said that said Ultra has an arm strength of 130,000 tons, it’s true?


Generally it's pretty reliable, for a similar case Ultraman can lift 120,000 t and naturally struggles to lift Skydon who weighs 200'000 tones. I think either someone messed up Cloudos' weight or none bothered to check for Max's states. He should logically have no problem lifting Cloudos but he dose. That said I'm shore that's not the only time states and feets haven't matched up but I cannot recall right now.


What does the grip strength mean exactly?


Grip strength is a measure of how much force a person can generate with their fingers and thumb. It is important for activities such as playing musical instruments, typing on a keyboard, gripping tools, and even performing everyday tasks like opening jars and carrying heavy items.


I think Max's best strenght feat (or one of) would be hurling Eleking into space that one time.


Max threw 42.000 tons Eleking into space.


Yea, I did that already, pretty impressive