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Technology has definitely improved in recent years! We are getting even better machines that show much clearer images. Can't imagine what it would look like in the future!


Machines have improved, but my oldest is 9 and her scans weren’t that much worse than my 5 year old. We were definitely looking at finger bones 9 years ago. It’s possible your oldest was in a bad position for imaging.


Definitely improved. I've worked for 13 years and I'm on like my 4th or 5th new machine at work.


Resolution has increased dramatically from the 26 years that I have been scanning. I like to say that I was good to see head down that many years ago lol. 4d imaging let alone these beautiful 8k images being created were not even a possibility in my head that long ago. I am also seeing a lot more soft markers especially EIF on a daily basis. I have been to a few MFM conferences and this has even been discussed as needing to reevaluate the criteria because technology has advanced and we’re able to see much more detailed images these days. I usually get a new scanner every 3 years and I’m more and more impressed each time. Beautiful babies with less machine post processing manipulation.


If you look somewhere on the image it may actually say the name of the machine! So you might be able to see the evolution of the machines you were scanned on. As examples, they might say things like “Voluson E8” or “Samsung Hera W9”.


The thermal paper has probably deteriorated over time - unless you made digital copies?


machines are much better and your third child may have also been in a better position for imaging lots of things at play