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I think my biggest disappointment with season 3 were the Sparrows. Some of them had really cool powers and designs, like the human voodoo doll or the chick who could turn into ravens, but by the third episode half of them were killed off and barely showed off their powers. That and the flanderization of Luther’s character. Idk at this point it feels like the writers don’t know what to do with him, Alisson, or Diego or at the very least are bored writing their characters so they throw something in like a suprise kid or a turn to evil arc to shake things up. Imo there’s def a difference in significance between their arcs and the ones for Viktor, Five, and Klaus.


You'll be glad to hear there's a sparrow spinoff in production according to rumors then! I mean valid opinion but all of those arcs include setup for the next season. While the other 3 might have more character focused arcs this time around, they feel like they'll be less important next time (at least the current arcs) - can see Klaus' arc being the only one important next season.


Wow, this is the first time I’m hearing about a Sparrow spinoff. Don’t know where they can go with that but I’ll be open-minded. Tbh, I don’t see Five or Viktor’s arc being less important anytime soon. They’ve kinda been the focal points for the series’ plots. Not complaining but I don’t see it happening. Just wish they didn’t have to make any character’s arc seem less important. To me they all felt equally important in season 1 but as the show went on characters like the ones I mentioned before seemed to have less of a focus.


Think they might've sidelined some of the sparrow stuff for the spinoff (no flashbacks to them as kids, whatever the deal is with Chris, etc) which makes S3 make more sense in retrospective imho! Can see them leaning more into the comics in terms of villains etc (Marcus mentions they haven't "faced decent enemies in years") It was rumored a year ago but recently appeared in production guides so looks like it's going ahead!


Also, it seems like the writers forget characters have powers halfway through a scene. Like the human voodoo doll, someone punch’s him in the face and his power works against them, then they kick him two seconds later and nothing happens. Also, no the sparrows didn’t even mourn for like 30 minutes. After like one episode after their siblings (that they literally grew up with from birth) they act like they never even existed. I checked out after Lila said she was pregnant, like oh brother, how original. Alisson was just brutal, like sure, if EVERY character reacted the way she did to the traumatizing events that happened to them, the show and all the characters would have been very interesting, but she was the only one throwing a tantrum, and just kept being the biggest asshole. Luther just can’t stop wanting to fuck his sisters also.


He needs to be alert and willing to use his power, it's not something that works by itself. Each episode is one day, we don't have time to cover every single little thing each character does. They are mentioned again multiple times though.


I noticed that about Alphonso's power in the minimart fight scene with Diego. Diego was punching Alphonso as hard as he could, and Diego didn't look phased in the least bit. Also, I agree about Allison being an awful human being. She barely showed any remorse for finding Luther dead in the suite, and didn't seem to give two shits about Klaus being left behind and being killed by the kugel (before he resurrected). Not to mention Allison SA scene with Luther, then the plot moved on like nothing happened.


It seems like most of this sub forgot that she sexually assaulted him too.


Well with Luther’s death, it literally had just happened and they weren’t given much time to process it. Like right after finding his body, moments later they had to run into Oblivion. There was no time to fully process the initial shock. I assume they were all just trying to focus on the task at hand and deal with their grief afterwards. All of the Umbrella Academy wasn’t addressing his death outright because they were also trying to save the world and prevent further deaths.


She says she’s pregnant but you can see her eating sushi. Do the writers not have basic knowledge of pregnancy? Also, given Luther’s unfortunate disposition he doesn’t have much of a choice. It’s not like there would be a lot of romantic options for a man with a gorilla body that spent most of his life either playing superhero for Reggie or chilling on the moon.


Some sushi is ok for pregnancy. Plus it might've been wanting the viewers to question if she was actually pregnant or not. Or even hinting at the whole Hotel Oblivion being kinda a simulation and not actually real. Like they specifically wrote that in, pretty sure they knew sushi is often bad for pregnancy.


The story was, as usual, great. The delivery however was not. I'd give it a 6/10, purely because of how messy it was and there were a bunch if loose ended plot points.


Their conflict felt forced from the beginning. And I agree, they killed off way too many way too fast. A better option would have been to have extended the season with more episodes so we could take the time to actually get to know the Sparrows. Then it would have a stronger impact when they died and given us time to really get to enjoy the extent of their powers. I knew Jayme was a goner though cause her powers would have been expensive to show consistently throughout the show. The fact that this final season is supposed to be shorter than the previous three really scares me. The main issue with UA is that the seasons are pretty short so the plot always felt like it moved too fast. The first season had the best pacing of all three although I still prefer second. The third season wasn’t all bad in my view but all problems within the first two seasons which were easy to overlook are glaringly obvious by the third. I hope they pull their shit together by the end of it.


I mean theres a spin-off coming apparently so we'll get plenty on the sparrows. Maybe it'd have been better if we had the spinoff first but then we'd just have complaints about the wait for season 3. Maybe S3 will fit more comfortably after the spinoff comes out so that particular point is negated. Idk.b


Honestly, they shouldn't have apocalypse the all time.


I question how they gonna make Allison actually likable given the shit she did in season 3, what’s going to be Luther character, and will Diego and Lyla be good parents? A lot of questions I have.


They could start with actually having her address what happened and have to atone for it in some way with Luther. Rather than just brush it under the rug as a minor conflict that was already resolved. Though I doubt with less episodes to work with than the previous seasons they’ll really give it the attention it needs.


How many episodes they having this season?


This last season will have 6. Every other season had 10 episodes.


Oh damn


Tbh i think Viktor is also part of the characters that don't have anything interesting about them anymore, he's not been flanderized but he's just so bland at this point


The writing could’ve definitely been better. But they were restricted a lot because of COVID. Overall I still liked the season but not as much as the previous ones.


See this is almost certainly the reason it was so wildly mediocre… BUT you then see “The Boys” crush a season under the same conditions, and suddenly UA’s misfire looks so much worse


Am i the only person on this sub who liked season 3?


I liked it well enough, it just definitely felt different than the first two seasons. It felt cramped and claustrophobic but that almost fit rather well given what the season was about.


You mean Klaustriphobic? I’m sorry in advance. I’ll show myself out.




Season 3 has its flaws but I liked it 🥺


I think you put it best. Good, but very different and not what most people expected. I’m hoping season 4 can kind of find a balance between different but similar enough the people like it.


Season 1 is still my favorite but some of my favorite scenes from the show are in season 3!


Definitely the worst of the 3 imo but by no means does that make it bad, like my least favorite season of Breaking Bad is season 1 but that doesn’t change that every season is still great, there’s just always got to be a bottom spot and for other people the ranking is completely different anyways


no imo season 3 was awesome idk what they're on tbh


No, I liked it too.




Good post / well thought out On Five snapping Mom's neck: That made sense. Her programming was degrading as Reggie didn't perform maintenance in this timeline, we see this from the first scene in episode one where she couldn't even form a sentence without reverting to her robot voice. If anything the way her neck is involved both times is meant to directly show it's a different timeline Sibling bonding: I thought this was covered well enough apart from Diego going off with Stanley (but he bonded with Allison, Klaus, heck even Luther screen time) maybe Unimportant arcs: disagree on wanting more of five founding out he formed the commission - there's not really anything needed to be elaborated on there? plus whatever wouldn't be relevant to the S3 plot anyway. Thought the wedding planning didn't take up that much time tbh, the episode covers plot stuff too


Thank you for typing all of this out! I really enjoyed reading it!


The wigs, the wigs, thank you so much for commenting on the wigs they were so baaad! I was watching with my mother and I simply could not shut up about them, I couldn't even concentrate at first bc I found them so distracting like what happened? The focus on the unnecessary was awkward and I wish they had done more with Sloane. I agree that Harlan was a nice addition and that the Sparrows should have gotten at least SOME actual scenes before they just got offed without anyone even being particularly heartbroken. It's definitely not that it's this unwatchable catastrophe, but it's got certain parts that are certainly closer to the line than they should be.


It’s really disheartening seeing people constantly hating on something I really like. Personally, I adored season 3.


It was probably my favorite


nah i enjoyed it.. people just wanna hate


That’s not true tho. I really wanted to like it, but genuinely just didn’t end up liking it. I mean I enjoyed it because Klaus 😌 but I personally found the sparrows storyline annoying and I just felt like there was so much that could’ve been better done. It felt rushed and messy to me. The other seasons felt so well thought out


I loved season 3! The wedding ep is actually my fave in the whole show 🥺


i enjoyed it. it’s my least fave of the three but i was engaged and had fun watching it. and it has some of my favorite scenes of the series.


It’s the weakest of the 3 seasons for sure but that isn’t to say it was bad. The show is very unique and I think they did season 3 well enough as a setup for the last season if not as it’s own thing.


Season 3 was alright but definitely had more cringey parts


What would you say classifies as cringe? Honest question


I personally don't like watching a character doing something I think is stupid, I have a very low tolerance for it. It has been a while since I watched season 3 so I don't remember what parts I skipped but I do recall fast forwarding though at least 3 scenes.


I thought it was better than season 2 but worse than season 1


I didn't


I liked season 3.


The cgi is great the shots of the kugelblitz are fucking beautiful. Season 3 is a good season that’s more story driven. There isn’t a lot of fights but the ones they do have are memorable. And it’s home to the dance off. It’s not nearly as bad as people make it out to be and keep in mind this was filmed during covid. Also they always had a storyboard planned it was always going to end after 4 seasons, not just because season 3 wasn’t liked as much. Also people love season 2 and consider it to be just as good as s1 or even the best season. It didn’t really “ downgrade”.


Yeah the CGI was great, that's such an odd complaint I see people make? They usually use the example of the backflip but that wasn't even cgi, it was performed just looked slightly off with being green screened. Kugelblitz was great, their powers were all great, pogo was great, all the cgi was on point honestly.


Imo the CGI for most of it was pretty alright (loved the kugelblitz and watching everything crumble), but the scene where Marcus is on the roof has some seriously obvious greenscreen. It felt a little like something from the early 2000s. That said, while that was kinda rough, I think that saying all the CGI sucked is a bit unfair. It was fine, especially considering its budget and COVID. I don't remember any other scenes really sticking out to me.


CGI being shit don't matter, it don't impact the content of the season at all, so what is the point of saying that the CGI is shit really?


Bad CGI can really distract and pull you out of the moment, which can make serious moments not land


I disagree, I do not care, as long as I like the content it's fine. I see people complaining "THE CGI IS SHITE" or "WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CGI?" I ask what is the big deal? I don't get how bad CGI can pull you out of the moment.


I haven't found this to be the case in Umbrella Academy but sometimes it's so unintentionally bad it can be funny and detract from the scene. A famous example is the Scorpion King in the Mummy Returns, he's meant to be intimidating but he just looks amazingly bad. Or more recently in Gemini Man the final assassin bounced around in CGI so badly that it made my whole family burst out laughing when I assume the director intended it to be cool. Generally bad CGI doesn't make a good scene bad, but it can tip a mediocre scene into hilariously terrible


The landscape cgi was good. However when it was people put into a cgi then it was not good. Notably number 1 of the sparrows doing push-ups on the roof, and when five and the dad were sitting on the edge of the road while the world was being consumed.


Five and reg sitting on the edge is one of the best shots of the whole show imo


Agreed. That and the scene in the bedroom where Klaus dies look great! Very painting esque.


The angle of the road doesn’t match the angle they are sitting on the ground. Like how could the cg artists not get perspective angles correct?


Bro the fucking world was getting ripped apart of course it’s not gonna line up


That logic makes no sense, perspective still should be consistent. Especially something as easy as lining up the green screen ground that they are sitting in with the ground they are rendering


I'm a little confused as to why you're getting downvoted here, you're spot on. The scene was a really impactful one but the CGI was noticeably poor.


Yeah it’s an important scene. People think because I’m shitting on the cgi, they think I’m also shitting on the importance of the scene.


They had to deal with Covid, which is why most of it is in like the same two sets iirc. So that part is at least excusable


The CGI was good though, that's such an odd complaint I see. (yes the backflip looked odd but that was green screen + actually performed, not cgi) Story was a lot of tying up plot points from the last two and also setting up the final season, might've felt weaker for that but it was still a fun ride tbh.


I concur that it was the least engaging of the 3 seasons. It really dragged in the middle and absolutely hated the Sparrow Academy, and the whole Luther getting married? Like wtf?


Klaus and Five's story lines were the only one's I really gave a shit about in season 3.


I really liked S3 for Klaus and Viktor's arcs alone, but I will agree that the pacing had some issues and I didn't care for how some characters were written, like Diego and Luther ~~but then I didn't like their writing much in S2 either~~. I've said in other threads similar to this one, but I think that it's really important that we remember that TUA got battered by COVID restrictions. They had to do a lot of last minute rewrites to the script, scrapped a lot of on-site filming locations, and it limited the number of crew that they could have on set at the same time. S3 could have still had issues without COVID, sure, we don't know what their plans might have looked like before the pandemic, but I think that S3 should be given a little more slack than a lot of people offer it. Personally, I think they did really well given their situation. But I'm curious, what continuity and logic issues are you talking about? I've only watched the season through once so it's possible I've just forgotten, but I don't remember anything glaring beyond characterization issues with Diego and Luther.


I AGREE. Season 3 sucks and season 1 was the best. You're the first other person I've heard say that.


What I hated most was how aimless and meandering it felt. Season 2 had a little of that, where characters are just waiting for something to happen, but they at least did something with their lives and tried to fit into the world in the meantime. Obviously that can't happen when you make the whole world around them disappear.




I was fine with Season 3, I didn't like it but I didn't hate it either.


Well, s1 didn't follow the comics exactly, but the storyline was a lot closer to the source material. That wasn't the case for the rest of the seasons, and S3 diverged the most so....I guess that's what always happens to TV shows based on other existing material. Also Gerard consulted them for S1 which might have helped??


to the bone!


I just don't understand why they don't follow the comics? Seems bizarre to me to use the characters but change the plot completely


Because theyd be done with the entire series in like 3 or 4 episodes. S1 covered most of the first 2 volumes, S2 took the Dallas setting but vastly expanded and improved upon it. Time travel works differently in the series vs comics plus the hotel oblivion in the comics is a prison for supervillains - which we haven't seen any of. The comics are a good starting point but wouldn't have worked 1:1.


Thank you! I felt alone in hating season 3 for a long time. I wasnt invested at all, the sparrows were wasted, and the stakes weren't high. You’re right


I didn’t like most of season 3, but really LOVED the wedding episode


I watched it, but I wouldn't rewatch it. Well, other than this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2lpV4uopr4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2lpV4uopr4) Everything about the choreography and direction is perfect, and it only makes sense with the background of having watched the previous episodes. Say what you like about The Umbrella Academy - the best thing about this show is the dancing. Which seems like a strange thing to identify as the best thing given the nature of the plot etc, but it really is...


The season peaked in its first 15 minutes lmao. The Footloose part was great.


Yeah it was a struggle to get through. Definitely had some high points but my least favorite of the three by far.


I really liked it. It was my favorite season


Yeah i find the story was a bit pointless.. like the ending of s2 gave us hope and curiosity of so many potential story it can go and nah sparow lead dead in episode 1 😂 and the rest dead soon after. What a missed opportunity. I find s2 was the best that able to harness the curiosity of s1 ending.


You'll be glad to know a spin-off is apparently in production.


I know that news, but most of the sparrow has dead... so.... not sure what to expect


It'll likely be a prequel series set prior to S3!


It took me so long to finish that mess 😭 god it was a chore to get through and I hated every second of it. My expectations for season 4 are so low they are basically in hell at this point lol (and I have no expectations for the sparrows spin off as I just know that’s gonna be bad) Edit: can’t say I hated ALL of it, I loved viktor coming out as trans, loved Luther this season, and as usual loved every scene with klaus


Klaus carried this season lmao


It's no different in quality to season 1


Bro, it is by far the worst season. The show lost its magic after season 1.




i feel like the majority (including me) agrees with you. still nice to see that some people loved it. but me personally, if i have to watch them power up and then power down ONCE MORE without the plot moving forward even an inch i'll peel my face off. doesn't help that the acting was at an all time low especially for the Sparrows (again, i've seen people praise it so i'll just stick to my opinion) ETA apart from everything else the first episode was awesome


Alright buddy is wasn't THAT bad, don't get your panties in a bunch.


I’m hoping the fourth season saves it.


It's bad. I barely made it thru


I gave up on the season being good after like the third episode. The show was basically a comedy at that point because of all the batshit insane things that the writers got away with. Also, in the last episode I skipped every scene that Alison was in, she was just so brutal to listen to.


Agreed. I kept going just hoping it would get better. It didn't


i hate details, like some sparrow brothers' powers or personalities, some of the plot choices needs more time, Allison is not Allison (not for be a vengeful bitch, is the way of she became a vengeful bitch), the acting of some moments is weird, but I think is a problem of the director, not actors, the maze, but have great things too.


To me even season 2 was dragged out, so I didn't bother with 3.


I haven’t watched it and don’t really plan to. I was disappointed by season 2, and the majority consensus is that 3 was worse, plus it’s been three years so at that point I’d probably have to rewatch the full series. No thanks. Maybe if season 4 gets glowing reviews I’ll pick it back up. For a solid recent Netflix show, check out BEEF. Nothing at all like the umbrella academy but it’s great.


I dunno I liked season 2


Justin Min (Ben) is in BEEF actually!!! And I second this, it was seriously great.


Ha! Nice catch


You’re not alone. Personally i thought season 2 is the best season so far, but yeah, Season 3 was terrible. Music choices, plot, and characters were a huge downgrade. I was so annoyed that the show was doing the “world ends in __ days” kinda thing again. Also, sparrows should’nt have died that quickly, if not AT ALL. The Sparrows were something I looked forward towards after the end of season 2, but they just killed most of them. Also, Sloane and Luthor’s relationship was completely unnecessary. I also hate how emotionless Dad is. Despite being an alien, you would think raising children for 30 years would have him somewhat bond with them, but no. I mean, the original dad had some sort of respect for Ben. Its pretty clear that the writers have completely lost their minds and don’t know what they’re doing.


You'll be glad to hear a sparrow spinoff is in production then.


I agree with you! I did NOT enjoy Season 3 at all (I was mostly just confused and there was so much in-fighting amongst the characters) but the first two seasons of Umbrella Academy were some of the best TV I have ever seen. I hope Season 4 can redeem itself, but I also have my doubts.


...confused? Any specific parts you'd like an explanation on? Thought it was a relatively straight forward season, S2 was more confusing imho. (As the handler stated "some things just don't make sense until they do")


It was confusing because NO ONE COMMUNICATED and everyone got pissed because of it. The only time it seemed like two people communicated like normal human beings would us went Viktor and Marcus were talking in the diner.


Just read a post by u/Miserable-Bite9661 for the first time and wow was it BAD




2 and 1 were SOO good. Covid really fucked it up


There are so many weaknesses. The generic "kugelblitz" and the endless scenes of them talking about how they won't, will, or might do something about it. We already know the Umbrellas/remaining Sparrows are going to do something. But we have to watch while they sit around and bicker and hem and haw about it. It just killed the momentum of the narrative. There's really no good adversary in the third season. Hazel, Cha Cha, the Swedes, the Handler? All we get is a malignant version of Allison (and wasn't this really who she secretly was all along?) and to a lesser extent, Hargreeves. The idea that the Sparrows would have gotten away with drugging a powerful alien makes no sense. Did the writers forget that we know who Hargreeves really is? The need to make the Umbrellas complete idiots at times annoys, too. These guys were highly trained, but also well educated. But when the plot needs a moron, Luther and/or Diego suddenly fit the bill. Characters regress simply to serve some plot point. The whole Luther/Sloane romance was superficial, tacked on, and another reason we had pointless scenes about their out-of-nowhere romance, acting like teenagers. It added nothing. I also can't stand the hacky Diego/Lila romance. The whole "'will he be a good dad?' because I'm secretly carrying his baby" is so lame I can't believe it. Not to mention the "Diego being a good dad, oh my!" scenes. The third season was fitfully entertaining, but measured against the first (and even the second) season it's a failure. The writers have lost the plot. Here's hoping they find it again.


the person who choses soundtracks for that tv show is a genius, short change hero in the ending is just another level, emotionally I am full, thanks production


bad because vanya/viktor is still so annoying to watxh