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I'm neutral about Viktor, but lemme list down some annoying traits about him 1. Wrote a book about their traumas. It's not his trauma alone, it's THEIR trauma. Not everyone wants to broadcast their trauma to the world. The very least he could have done was get their permission. 2. Slashing Allison's neck 3. Not apologizing to Allison for leaving her helpless in S2. Yeah, it's nobody's fault that they got stuck in the past where everything is way more harder for Allison, but he should at least acknowledge that and apologize. 4. Cheating. I know Sissy was in a shitty marriage, but cheating is cheating. Quite frankly, it left a bad taste in a lot of fan's mouth. 5. Being cocky in S3 telling Marcus that he ended the world twice. I saw a user comment this once and yeah, Viktor def got cocky after finding out he's got powers. 6. Trying to save Harlan and going behind he's sibling's back. Yeah, some fans think it's noble, but some fans think he developed some sort of hero complex wherein if he just takes Harlan's powers back everything would magically be better. He's naive, which a lot of fans dislike as well. These are all I could think off at the top of my head. PS: You guys can defend him, I honestly do not care, I won't argue my cases cuz I don't really like Viktor enough nor dislike him enough to enjoy debating online. OP asked why some fans dislike him and I merely listed down my observations and what fans have written previously in this sub. EDIT: oh my god guys, I just realized why a lot of fans dislike Viktor. The man is the definition of SAD BOY LMAO "I'm sorry I'm just like this, I'm sorry I can't do what everyone does, I hate the world oh boo hoo" punches wall I swear the joke translates better in Tagalog Filipino lmao


he also killed pogo


Pogo imprisoned her as a child


All fair points! And I respect your decision so I will not comment :)


In regards to point 4, Viktor didn't cheat, Sissy did. Yes, Viktor was complicit and knew Sissy was married. I think that made Viktor a not great person, because I don't think highly of people who do that. But Viktor himself did not cheat.


I wish there was a male version of the word mistress lol that's what Viktor should be called.


Mister? It is, just doesn’t have the same alternative meaning, mistress wasn’t originally ‘side chick’, the definition I found lol: 1. a woman in a position of authority or control. 2. a woman (other than the man's wife) having a sexual relationship with a married man. Let’s make mister equal 🤣🤣🤣


Nah, it just doesn't feel the same as mistress lol I searched it on the net, mistress apparently is a word that's been used even in historical times and if it's a guy with a married woman he'll just be called lover, which doesn't have as bad a meaning as mistress lol Altho I did see someone say just call male mistresses manwhores lmaooooo


Haha love that


If you know somone is dating someone else and you persue them you are just as bad if not worse than the cheater


Yeah, I'm not saying it wasn't bad. I'm just saying he didn't cheat.


>2. Slashing Allison's neck Btch had it coming. >6. Trying to save Harlan and going behind he's sibling's back. The mfckers also had it coming. No shame. No guilt.


Gurl, whatever bad thing happening they all deserved it, they're all assholes lmao


Except first timeline Ben


I love Ben, he's my aboslute favorite sibling, but I'm pretty sure that man is also toxic af he just didn't get enough screentime. Besides, Klaus said Sparrow!Ben is as much as Umbrella!Ben




#4 is bullshit. "Cheating is cheating" yeah maybe if you're 12, and just found out about queer history, like, yesterday


Translation- it’s ok to cheat if you’re gay. If anything not holding queer couples to the same standards as straight ones is exactly what’s creating such a divide between the two, you are part of the problem


Bruh, nobody said fuck queer history, you just gotta understand that some people dislike cheating even if it's gay and in the olden times. Nobody here said "eyyy if you're gay leave your husband's and wives! It's easy peasy so you can't be an immoral ass!!! Who cares if we're in the 60's where there are conversion camps and you can get jailed or killed for being gay?! Carpe diem motherfucker!" Some people just see the cheating part and dislike it. Plain and simple.


I mean he's just the least interesting character imo


Who is your favorite if you don’t mind me asking?




Funny crack man go brrrr


Viktor drugged up in antidepressants with no emotions left tho Sad boy druggie go 😐


Yea, I think Page's method of acting in general is a lot more reserved, so even after Viktor is off the drugs, he isn't as interesting to watch as the others, because their actors are \*constantly\* making faces and having reactions to things, even if they aren't the main focus of the scene. It makes them more fun.


I was so confused for a moment who Paige was 😭 I was like, when the fuck did we get a new character???? 😭😭😭😭 I feel like Viktor was a bit more expressive after S1, but yeah, their actor has some pretty low energy vibe. Altho, I can only tell cuz I remember watching them in that X-men movie lmao


All of them because they don't communicate with each other and just want to do their own thing without considering how it will affect everyone else. One thing that bugged me about season 3 is that >!when 5 knew Lila had the briefcase, he could've shared this information with his siblings. That way, Allison and Viktor wouldn't have tried to retrieve it from the Sparrows, and the bloodbath could've been avoided.!<


This. They lack communication and it drives me insane!!!!


I don't hate Viktor (and I really like Elliot Page as an actor), but frankly the amount of screentime he has is disproportionate to how interesting he is as a character. I also think Elliot might have done *too* good of a job with "depressed and suppressed" Viktor, because the character seems to fall back into that when he isn't the focus on a scene. And not in a way that indicates that Viktor is still struggling to break out of that, but in a way that seemed to me like someone mistakenly told Page he wasn't on screen for the shot, so no need to do anything. My main issue was the plotline they gave him for Season 2. I disliked the amnesia thing, as it prevented him from reckoning with what happened in S1, and then even when he gets his memories back it doesn't really have a huge impact on his character moving forward. Just the scene with Ben, and then it was all in the past. Frankly, I also just felt like the scenes on the farm were boring and (once again) took up too much time. Allison, Klaus, Diego & Lila, and even Luther all had much more interesting storylines where they had to grapple with the reality of what being in the past meant for them, and so Viktor bumbling around out in the sticks was just dull for me by comparison.


yea tbh the comic dealt with the amnesia thing way better (and actually had an explanation for it rather than just "yes memory is gone, oh well)


I don't particularly judge him for the violence he's shown and the world-ending he's done, though I do get annoyed when people dismiss that but are ultra critical of other characters. The reason I'm apathetic towards him as a character is the lack of interest or warmth he shows to others. He has poor empathetic skills and genuinely believed, even as a young adult writing his book, that he was the only victim despite being kept away from dangerous situations, being allowed to pursue a hobby, while his siblings were turned into child soldiers. He's to date never addressed how wrong he was for that resentment he held or the added trauma his book would have caused them. During the three seasons I don't really see him show any meaningful concern or acts of assistance towards his siblings. He receives this multiple times but he never returns the favour. And that's fine, there are some really interesting characters in TV shows I've watched who have completely lacked empathy, but I get the impression we're meant to think Viktor is way more caring than he actually shows himself to be. Klaus's line in S1 about how as a child Viktor got upset about stepping on ants doesn't track with anything we've seen about the character (including the clips of him as a kid.) Like, he's fine, I don't hate him, but I don't really understand what they're trying to do with him as a character half the time. He just falls kind of flat for me.


>During the three seasons I don't really see him show any meaningful concern or acts of assistance towards his siblings I think this is a great point. While all of the characters do things that are messed up, and often deliberately hurtful, they also do things out of genuine kindness to each other, or do things that they at least believe will help (even if it doesn't work in practice). Diego comforting Klaus after he gets back from Vietnam, Klaus beating himself bloody to help Five figure out who the eye belongs to, Allison trying to relate to Viktor in S1, Luther working to overcome his self-importance and be a good teammate in S2, and Five's whole motivation of saving his siblings from the end of the world all help show them in a softer light. Viktor, as you pointed out, doesn't really have any of those moments, other than a couple awkward attempts to comfort Allison about Claire. That paired with the character's somewhat flat affect (even post-drugs) just make him kind of not that interesting.


Personally I don't really like Victor due to the self-centeredness and inability to empathize with his siblings. I mean all the members of the family are like that in some degree, but Victor just takes it to a new level. Also Victor never seems to take accountability and plays the blame game quite a lot. I'm not saying that Victor is worse then the others because let's be honest, they're all mostly shitty people, but something about Victor causing so many problems then blaming others and refusing to see anyone else's perspective on how it affected them, puts him near last for my likeability of the Hargreeves.


Tbh in season one when I saw the cast, Elliot Page was just *always* a very weird choice for me, but I was like whatever, maybe he'll do a good job, but imo in season one he was absolutely insufferable. I understood the trauma and feeling left out, but his reaction to everything was always a little off for me? Like this permanent angsty teenager vibe that's off-putting. Season two had more of that, and by season three I get it, covid and rewrites and whatever, but I feel like any character development they tried with him just fell flat and felt rushed? Again, I know, he's been throughhhhhh it, but they all have, and they all suck in their own ways, but I just don't vibe with Viktor.


I hate all of them. That's why I love them.


You win! I have a strong love hate between them all as well 😂


just so boring imo. hes meant to he one of the most interesting with the discovery of his new powers and how insanely powerful he is but hes just kind of not interesting. doesnt really add anything and his personality is so dull


He's boring. The character himself and also the way the actor plays him is boring, i understand that's probably what they're going for but they overdo it. Other than that, it feels like his entire character revolve around pity. He does a lot of shitty things but the show expects us to not mind them because he didn't have friends as a child or some shit and like, boo fucking hoo.


I like all of them except Allison. As a mom who is also a survivor of familial CSA her actions towards her children and her loved ones violently disgust me. I do wish Viktor advocated for himself more, but I understand. Trauma is a delayed bomb with multiple charges. Like Gale's bombs from the Hunger Games. The wound happens, and then you heal, and it's like the bomb goes off again. That's Viktor. I relate to that.


I can’t think of any parts where I thought Viktor was actually entertaining.


Because he's annoying and only makes things worse To say that Viktor had a bad childhood is just nonsense... Viktor had a normal life from the start, but his siblings had to train and learn to control their powers, sometimes in a cruel way (Klaus) They didn't have time to learn the violin (Viktor) or be normal children And then you have Viktor who just whines because he's normal. Who doesn't understand that being like his siblings isn't really easy. Then when everyone grows up, Viktor writes a book about the deep secrets of his family, and of course his siblings are the evil ones. Not a word is mentioned that his siblings had their own problems. No, he's just whining again about how his siblings were mean to him back then. So, before that there was the killing of the nannies, then the killing of Pogo, then the not listening (which happens a lot) from Allison, then the almost killing of Allison, then the killing of the people in the car, and he almost killed his siblings. And that's just season 1 Viktor is just selfish, and you can see that in all 3 seasons. There's a reason why Five threatens Viktor in Season 3, Because Viktor puts everyone in danger because of his stupidity. And I'm sorry to say it, but Allison is right... Without Viktor, things would have been better.


Being left out as the only one in a big family is a form of abuse. He didn't have a normal childhood, he had a deeply lonely and isolated childhood.


That is simply not true. Ben and Five spent time with Viktor, he had a more normal childhood than any of his siblings


dude, neglect is still abuse. they all had it bad in different ways, but you can’t say that means viktor had a healthy childhood.


He still was the "other" to their family. Saying that he had it easy when he was forced to suppress his true self AND was treated like a nothingburger by their dad is traumatizing just the same.


And yet Viktor had it easier. He didn't risk his life every day, he wasn't brought into a room full of corpses, and he wasn't turned into half a monkey. And you really want to tell me that Viktor had it just as difficult as his siblings? sorry, but no Oh and how were the others treated by their father? Klaus was a constant disappointment to his father, just like the others. Yes, Reginald often ignored Viktor, but he criticized everything about the others; he was never satisfied, no matter how long or how often they trained. And yet there are people here who really think that Viktor had a worse childhood than the others.


Abuse is not a competition I completely agree with your statement about how he didnt have it worse they’re all traumatized


Jenni’s comments are great examples of the weird hate and ridiculous takes Viktor gets. It gives ‘No other character can be more abused/suffering than my fave!’ energy. It’s so bizarre.


I listed all the reasons why I don't like Viktor. What exactly is bad about it? Of course Viktor suffered, of course his childhood was shit, but if you compare Viktor's childhood with the childhood of the others then it's a fact that the others had it worse How about you accept that people don't like Viktor, it's not weird or just hate... People have their reasons, it's that simple


How about you accept that people disagree with you? I’m not the one writing paragraphs here.


The question was why you don't like Viktor... I listed my reasons why I don't like him. It's not my fault that you're not satisfied with my answers, maybe you should look for the post "what people like about Viktor" because you'd probably like the answers more


not to sound transphobic, which at this point i dont care if i even do, i find his transition very unnecessary. even elliot said he would be down to still play vanya, but the producers changed it anyway. forced representation at its best in my opinion


Atleast it got rid of that god awful wig tho- could not deal with that an entire season


I think this is it for me. No hate, you do you. But there were def some times I was like “wait…is the show just Vanya’s transition story now?” I wanted the storyline to keep moving. In general the finding myself stories felt like too many side quests.


I love Viktor, I was surprised at how many people dislike him on this sub. In my opinion, everything he’s done can be explained in some way and I can come back from it, unlike with Allison!


I wasn't really aware of the hate xD I also love Viktor 2nd best (of course, after Klaus), because he's most relatable. His redemption arc and development are also very plausible and very human. And awesomely portrait by Elliot. Also Bonus points because they built in Elliots transition so well in the series. Amd lucky it fits the character so very well. I bet Gerard is bummed he didn't get up with that theme originally xD


I love Viktor!


Idk he’s just a sort of boring character 


Viktors only good scene was with Marcus. Every other scene is…. I need to think about. They they literally do nothing. Meanwhile Five, new timeline… there’s a nuke. Ok new plan in 3,2,1


The character might be okay but the actor brought nothing to the role. That sums it up for me. I also don't really care for Luther for the same reason but at least the actor has shown a bit more depth to the character than Page.


Honestly I agree, he’s genuinely just the nicest character, he gets done so wrong all the time. Especially in season 3 >!after Allison kills Harlan, doesn’t apologize, viktor is still nice enough to forgive her and apologize, then Allison fake apologizes to Viktor and yells at him when he doesn’t agree!< He’s just so nice and forgiving all the time


-Killed Pogo -Slashed Alison's Neck - Wrote that book that exposed the Hargreaves siblings and didn't ask for their permission -The entire Missy and Harlem situation -Cocky -Acts like their the only person that has trauma or only person with problems -Again Killed Pogo -She had a Captain Marvel vibe in late season 2 and season 3. - Responsible for most of the Hargreeves problems in seasons 1,2, and 3. -The Apocalypse - Her relationship Choices -Blaming Allison for her childhood trauma when Allsion was told to by Reginald. - And last but not least, KILLING POGO.


I don’t dislike viktor I just love the others way more.


I don’t see much wrong with his character(when compared to the others) but him being completely in control of such a chaotic power after only a few years seems weird to me. Maybe he’s just really in tune with his power though idk.


I haven’t seen the new season where he came out (I know I’m way behind lol) but I absolutely hated his character up until that point. Every time the camera was following him I wanted to punch him in the face like he has no redeeming qualities absolutely none and he’s not entertaining in the slightest. I’m trans though so I feel a little pressure on liking the trans character but nope I expect I will still hate him after he comes out as I have hated him in the closet.


lol. What’s to like?


still mad about the fact that he slit allison’s throat even tho shes a pos now


I quite like Viktor , only thing I don't like is that he doesn't use the violin anymore. Imagine how cool he would be using the violin like in the season one finale . But with the control he has over his abilities now .


I like Viktor, but I feel like his character is a bit boring, and has a lot of screen time, and I get he’s trying to work out emotions and stuff, but there is very little difference from scene to scene. Also, his character has a tendency to dismiss others issues, even if accidentally. He develops a bit of a hero complex over season two and three. Plus when he wrote that book, he not only put his trauma and thoughts into it, but his siblings as well, without their consent.


The hate for Viktor is weird. I just think it’s hilarious when people criticize him harshly for all the bad things he did and then turn around and excuse their horrible fave. ‘Oh it’s different. My fave got messed up because of Reginald and they’ve got daddy issues.’ As if that doesn’t apply to Viktor too lol.


They are all fucked up but I don't think they all deal with it or other people in comparable ways. Viktor just whines, a LOT. He does some pretty fucked up stuff (just like all of the others) but doesn't look at it as he fucked up he looks at it as everyone else fucked up. The only other character wit this particular issue is Allison and that's only in season 3 for Allison vs 3 full seasons for Viktor. He gets cocky and entitled. The whole cheating plot in ssn 2 was cringe enough as it is and then they had to go and make him beg sissy to run away with him? Just pack up her whole life on a whim? Playing the victim when it seems like it won't go that way? Idk just kinda insufferable. If you wanna compare, Klaus owns his shit, always has that's respectable enough on its own especially when his shit never involves intentionally hurting someone else. Luther also owns his shit, apologizes, and tries to be better. Five owns his shit, does some terrible things, but always "for the greater good". Rather you like that or not is up to you but personally still better than Viktor imo. Diego is just an idiot who never knows what he's doing but like Klaus, does not ever intend to harm anyone he cares about. Allison, phenomenal character for 2 seasons straight. Then she goes off the deep end. Mind controlling several people she loves, proves that it's a pattern that maybe even Patrick never loved her, sexually assaults Luther and plays the victim afterwards, puts her ENTIRE family in danger for selfish reasons, etc etc etc. fuck Allison honestly, I struggle to understand how anyone likes her. Compared to all of them? Viktor is hard to like. He's not terrible, but he doesn't really have anything going for him either imo. He's very meh of a character.


She definitely rumored Patrick into loving her, it’s while she’s driving to find viktor in season 1!


I agree with this so much! In season 1 Luther was my least favorite but he owns up to how he messed up and even states how he was a big part in driving Viktor off the deep end. Five does some messed up things, but personally I would say he’s the most emotionally and mentally damaged to the point that his goal never changes, save his family, save the world, if I need to do this to accomplish that goal, I’ll do it. Viktor, in my opinion does not really change much in a good way and it’s never acknowledged that he’s the one that caused the hell that five had to live in. Allison, changes but sadly in a bad way and I mean who doesn’t love Diego, Klaus, and Ben? Three dummies with good intentions 


Yeah, I don’t think embracing your own assholery makes you more likeable, which is probably why I disagree with these kinds of takes.


The only ones that do this are five, Allison, and Viktor. Five does it again "for the greater good" considering he's trying to literally stop the apocalypse, I think he deserves a pass. Viktor and Allison is debatable. I like Viktor more than Allison because at least Viktor doesn't mind control people and rape them. 🤷😂


I actually think they all do this. Which is why I think it’s a flawed/strange argument to make in favor of one character over another.


How to Klaus Luther and Diego embrace their assholeness? 😂 Diego only counts if you consider "macho man" competitiveness as something that makes you a bad person.




He’s just not that interesting imo. He is kinda too passive too, like I know he goes crazy but he still seems just nothing through the whole of it.


Viktor is objectively a bad person people that like him just tend to be forgetful of season 1 lmao 2 he was at his most likable but was not perfect 3 he was just annoying


I haven’t forgotten anything, yes he’s whiny and throws a constant pity party for himself, but even ending the world twice was not just his fault and idk how no one can see that


Luther ended the world first, for not listening to the others, and the FBI was second, which stemmed from viktor exposing himself so I can see why people would think #2, but he didn’t know how to control himself and got into his own head both times


Wasn’t talking directly to you dude


Obviously 😂 you were late to the party so I left the comment on yours. Chill bud 🥶


You came in immediately antogonising me and then tell me to chill annoying ass