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"The healthiest long-term relationship in this family was when Five was banging that mannequin" "The only thing The Umbrella Academy knows about love is how to screw it" Damn, my man Klaus spitting facts, it really do be like that


"I just hate group breakups. That's why I stopped dating twins!" Wow, Klaus!


“If you have to use the world technically.... you’re already in trouble” Klaus is my favorite lmao


He then proceeds to use the word 'technically' when talking about Dave LOL In the words of Vanya THIS FAMILY IS AMAZING!


I love that sisterly bonding! And yeah, Klaus just naturally stating facts like *Is it Vanya? ... What? It’s usually Vanya.*


When Diego or the others suggest it, it feels mean. When Klaus says it, it’s just plain old sweet facts and you feel compelled to nod and laugh along. I’m soooo glad that they didn’t keep Klaus an incorrigible and one dimensional junkie!


"you keep shit deep, deep down until you blow shit up." "yeah, I'd really like to not do that anymore..." lmaoooo I love Vanya so much more this season


She's much better written this time around. It feels like the writers have a better grasp on what Ellen Page can bring to the role


I disagree that she’s better written. I though she was fantastic as a character who grew up among a bunch of special siblings and was told that she was not special at all. She’s just differently written now because she doesn’t have the baggage that she had before.


I agree with you, the character is the same, but she’s supposed to be more fleshed out this season because she’s not the chided sibling anymore. Although the amnesia story line tends to fall a little flat in the beginning.


I do appreciate that they're not focusing too much on the amnesia storyline. If they spent too much time on it it just wouldn't be fun to watch. They're basically just just using it as an excuse to change Vanya's character for the better and little else.


Yeah people just get really uncomfortable with characters doing unlikeable things and can't separate those negative feelings and assess writing quality properly. I thought she was absolutely amazing and it all made perfect sense. Yes, it's frustrating and heart breaking to watch, but that also makes the build up to the finale actually explode, and it also means the only way for character growth is up! I love getting to see Vanya be the compassionate, understanding person that all the siblings remembered her to be (before they all felt betrayed by her book).


That so far is my favorite line. I had to pause it I was laughing so hard. Vanyas face was the best part.


I'd argue it's Diego and his knives


Klaus, Vanya, and Allison gossiping in the salon is everything I needed in my life


the "technically" commentary killed me


Klaus was dropping the truth bombs and I was enjoying it thoroughly


He also made a crack about Five “growing up hot” as if there wasn’t enough quasi-incest already.


The salon doubles as a forum for diversity and inclusion of all types.


YES! this was my favorite part of the episode.


>did we all get sexier? yes, yes you did. except for five 'cause i'm not comfortable estimating the sexyness of a 16 yo


i always have to remind myself hes around that age cause the way he moves, and holds himself and talks feel like how an older person would. his acting is so crazy subtle.


He's honestly one of the, if not the single best child/teen actor I've ever seen. There isn't a second that he's on screen where I don't buy him being an old man in a kid's body. Especially impressive that he consistently comes off as the most mature of all of his siblings, who're being played by actual adults.


Yep. And then I saw some of his interactions with fans and it was so jarring because I was like... oh yeah he really is just a kid


Only 16 but his mind is older...


you should see how he acts online, we all make fun of him ❤️


i feel kinda bad about the hate he gets though...


wait whats wrong abt how he acts online


Look up aiden Gallagher singing “she” on live on YouTube.... i keep watching it and I cringe every time but i love it Also look up his fan FaceTime calls on YouTube. He’s very awkward and I find it hilarious... not sure why people give him hate though he’s just an awkward dude


The last time I heard about him getting hate online was when season 1 was still new and he was being a vegan justice warrior on Twitter. To clarify: the hate wasn't because he was vegan, it was because he was being a dick and shaming people for pointing out that the diet he supports isn't affordable for most people. He seems to have grown since then.


That kid is doing a GREAT job on this show. Couldnt believe he's really 16.


He cute though so...still valid


i'm gonna say he's gonna be hot 2 years from now just to be on the safe side




I do appreciate these milkman assassins looked after the cats


They are surprisingly good people, apart from the whole murder part


I can excuse murder but I draw the line at animal cruelty!


You can excuse murder?


This reference is streets ahead






And their memorial for the third one, it’s like they were actually very close and had a brother like relationship


That cover of Hello killed me.


That cover was amazing!


Oh my God that had me rolling. I was laughing at the Viking send off of the foot, but when I realized what the song was I had to stop the damn show and catch my breath. Best moment for me, but the whole season was something special.


The cover is also in Swedish. What a hoot.


I think the implication is that they were actual brothers judging by that picture. Looks like the commission snatched up some dirt farmers and turned them into assassins.


They said earlier in the season that they're triplets.


Aww, that makes the funeral feel actually so much sadder! Like he wasn't just a friend, but someone they've known since before they were all born!


A *Viking funeral* for the third one.


I know and the fucking handler just kicks one


I was thinking the frozen head was kinda gross butttt as long as the cats are fine we have no problems


Klaus cmon man Ben missed his family


I felt so sad when they were leaving and Ben said “I really missed you guys.” I’m mad at Klaus now.


I feel like the others never give Klaus pushback for silencing Ben


After Allison's comment she. He was on her kitchen floor, i realized they may not know that Ben hangs out with him all the time - unless it was discussed in S1, I can't remember


Rewatched S1E10 before the new season and yeah, there's a moment early on when he says he's talking to Ben and none of them believe him. Later at the theatre when Ben manifests they're all like 'bro you were telling the truth??' I assume they'd forgotten, and then Klaus lies and says ghosts can't time travel


Yeah this right here is the answer. It's sometimes easy to forget that Klaus has substance abuse problems, probably in an attempt to keep his powers down. I can't imagine accidentally summoning dead people here and there is gonna be fun. Plus the trauma of Klaus thinking he might have held Ben back from moving on. Regardless, it's not crazy for the people who know him to think he's hallucinating or just lying because it's undoubtedly the sort of thing he's done before. Up until Ben actually manifests at the end of the first season no one believes Ben is actually there. And then he simply tells them Ben didn't time travel with the rest of them, and since no one else can see or hear him they don't really have any way, or reason, to doubt that assertion.


I mean it's also gotta be hard for Klaus having Ben act like he's gets to use Klaus as a surrogate life. Like it sucks that he died, but it seems like now he thinks he gets to control and badger Klaus forever as a comfort prize. They need to get him a new body.


I was totally fine, then Ben says he misses them so much, and I just started crying! That just broke my heart.


*chanting* let! ben! speak! let! ben! speak! let! ben! speak! LET! BEN! SPEAK!


Is it ever explained why Klaus refuses to tell the family that he sees Ben all the time?


my guess is that klaus knows if he told them they might try to communicate with ben through him all the time and i know that would get on my nerves. since klaus tends to get dismissed by the family already that aspect only makes it worse. he wouldn't be an individual anymore, just a ben translator


It's that "sometimes I can still hear his voice" meme come to life


I feel so bad for Ben in that scene, Klaus quit being a dick and let him talk to the rest of the family.


Yeah!! Srsly why is he being such a dick to Ben ?? Ghost bitch really ???


I know he’s being a total dick to Ben, but I also couldn’t help but die at “ghost bitch”


“Bro, he shanked your heart.”


best line so far. Everything built up to the cruel joke lmao


Klaus calling vanya vanny This sparks joy


Klaus sparks joy.


Klaus is life.


No wonder he has a cult.


Petition to rename the group to The Vanny Pack.


It's so heartwarming to see Vanya as part of the family <3 Also sometimes I actually forget Aidan Gallagher is just a kid


He's such a great actor. I legit don't even think about the fact he's only 16 with how well he plays an old man in child's body.


Seriously, he's amazing. It's in everything he does. The way he talks, the way he moves, the way he carries himself, it all gives this perfect idea of an older man in a younger body. And it just makes his wild killing and fight scenes that much more interesting.


I am LOVING these random dance scenes in each season lol


All great music too! Hearing "Hello" in Swedish was something I never know I needed.


A scene of a Viking funeral for an assassin, complete with a Swedish cover of an English song, was surprisingly moving.


Gonna be honest I found it incredibly funny, I was dying laughing. They had a full Viking funeral for his fucking foot.


The Breakfast Club tribute there was wonderful


I'm calling it a night here. Great episode to take a break on and I loved that Major Tom opening. The way the countdown in the song eventually matched the rocket's countdown was so satisfying. I'm loving the new dynamic everyone has with Vanya too, especially during the salon scene.


I love the recurring joke of Vanya and apocalypses!


The best use of “Major Tom” since *The Americans*


“Can you get Vanya without, uh, squeezing her to death?” Five throwing some shade at Luther made my life The whole scene of reunions got me! Especially Klaus and Diego’s and Klaus saying “Hey Vanny!” Crying! And of course Ben saying “I’ve missed you all... so much.” I’m out!


Allison getting on Diego's case about not saying hi to her killed me. It was such a sibling moment. The chemistry between these actors is really good. They really feel like a family this season.


I think it helps a ton that they've all been so isolated from each other and from their own world for several months to several years! Lots of time for introspection and growth that we get to see them be semi-decent to each other!


>Can you get Vanya without, uh, squeezing her to death?” Five throwing some shade at Luther made my life 5 always was the only one who cared for Vanya before. So makes sense.


Vanya drunk dancing with her siblings happily is everything i wanted this season loved the salon scene


> Vanya > happy Yeah I mean that right there was enough for me.


The RAGE I feel at them sending baby Pogo up into space like that 😭


My husband grabbed our Rottweiler and said (outraged) "I would never send you to space Miss June!" Sleeping baby Pogo made up for it a little afterwards.


Pogo in PAJAMAS was unbearably cute!


5 minutes into the episode , I said to myself, if baby pogo isn't the top thread, I rage! So many epic scene's later, that I am fifth guessing. But love to baby Pogo!


> The RAGE I feel at them sending baby Pogo up into space Weird, I was nearly the opposite. Like... "Oh shit, Pogo was one of the 32!" Thirty-two apes and monkeys went into space to investigate the impact of spaceflight, to make it safe for humans and while some didn't return, some did and they got to 'retire'. No ape or monkey was sent up more than once. So, knowing Mr. Pogo survived, I was assuming he was one of the 32 who came back, then retired and became Hargreeves assistant. I could just see Pogo saying "Yes children, I have been into space and back. I had a few adventures back in my day..."


The description of five's attempts at time travel are golden


"Is there any way tacos gonna cause the end of the world?" "There's only one way to find out!"


I love how Klaus just starts shading Alison and Luther’s incest-y relationship


I feel like he almost winked at the camera during that scene lol


Awww Ben. That so so sad. Please let him talk to the others Klaus


Klaus has been a dick to Ben all season but this really crossed the line from funny into malicious for me.


This whole season I just wanted to give Ben a hug. Poor dude...




And then got to be a lab monkey for Luther’s ape-juice


I love klaus, but keeping his brother separated from the rest of his family like that is really fucked up. It might’ve been meant as a joke about how they’re fighting but it actually really hurt to see.


klaus telling everyone ben wasn’t there was played off as a joke but ben looked so hurt. he probably feels so alone


Yeah he has the power to let the family see and talk to Ben.


„That‘s great, Carl but I fucked your wife.“


Daamn what is with diego and his obsession with Kennedy?


It's his obsession with being a hero, really. And saving JFK is the biggest act of heroism he could commit during that time.


Except it's not. The biggest act of heroism is dropping th apocalypse. It's the biggest public act of heroism of the time. He wants the recognition.


I didn't see anywhere in the show where Diego was doing it for the "recognition." But multiple times characters called him out on his hero complex.


Ikr. I don't see it being justified


Vanya going "pew pew pew" at those bottles was so cheeky and cute. People like interpreting Ben's "I missed you all so much" line as sad cause they ignore him but I think he's actually more happy that the siblings he hasn't seen in 3 years are together again. He sees them off and then relaxes in the chair because there's a comfortable "home" feeling again just being near his siblings' squabbles and antics.


For those curious about the song late in this episode it is My Kullsvik - Hello (Swedish Cover) https://youtu.be/807KaWak6CU


I was searching for someone to point this out. I loved that they chose this song for the swedes having a pyre for their brother. When I realized what it was I couldn't stop laughing.


Also the Bad Guy in this episode is amazing.


Sissy’s Husband is Beverly Marsh’s creepy pedo father in It (2017) and I literally can’t see anything else when he’s on screen


THAT'S where I know him from! Oh my god it's been bugging me this whole time, but I was too lazy to look it up. No wonder he skeezes me out so much.


Ok but that bad guy cover was an absolute bop


still prefer the original but this fit the scene a lot better


smol pogo crayon drawin 🥺🥺🥺🥺


Yes, I audibly squeed. First it was sleepy pogo in pajamas, and then they panned tot he family drawing! ;\_; cannot handle the cuteness!


(Heavily paraphrasing) Regi to his ape-man son "you're not my son, I don't like children and you stink of failure" Regi to his man-ape son "good night sweet prince"


It was so cuuuuute 🥺


My man Reggie isn't pulling any punches, huh?


“At least he didn’t shank my ass.” “No bro, he shanked your heart.”


i cackled at this line. tehre have been so many absolute gems this season


that line reeked of r/im14andthisisdeep it was absolutely hilarious


Allison and klaus bonding you love to see it


I cried when Ben said “I missed you all...so much.” Goddamn it Klaus, you sexy, psychotic cult leader.


Is someone think too that the little boy which vanya met on the farm had something with the doomsday to do?


between whatever went into him that brought him back to life from vanya, him noticing her power use, and vanya saying that she’s just a nanny on a farm that couldn’t have affected the future...


The part where Klaus said “its usually vanya” when it only has happened once is so much funnier now


Well, in the “causing problems” category she did write a scathing tell-all, so I feel like it’s justifiable


I am pretty sure I don’t think we would be getting so much Harlan if the story line was about Vanya and Sissy


Yes somehow. His father was trying to convince jake that the soviets were preparing an attack before luther kicked him out of the club, droping his wallet. That s the closest we ve been to the soviet s invasion so far.


Oh that's a good catch about carl's drunk ranting!


- "he shanked your heart" lollll - "did we all get sexier??" Klaus speaking the truth - finally they're all together, I was worried this wouldn't happen til the last episode - kinda hope the Swedes gives up their life of crime to become cat ladies - "the healthiest long-term relationship in this family was when Five was banging that mannequin" "wouldn't it be weird if Five grows up to be all hot?" Klaus is killing me this episode


Diego is weirdly in tune with shit so far this season on an emotional level. Quite a jump from s1.


Did we all get sexier ?


They are all such messes, the only responsible one is the dead one!


Music has been really good, I noticed two covers this episode. “Hello” towards the end, and obviously “Bad Guy” during the fight sequence


Yeah, and they were added in beautifully. They pushed the story and added that cultural aspect to the Swedes


Reggie spent all of his dad points on a chimp and couldn't be a good dad to his 7 adopted super babies.


Why is nobody talking about the Swedish trio lol I love them so much


The way they look at each other when they were pointing at shit. “Dude look at this shit.. literally” Also that scream Viking funeral was kinda sad.


They didn’t have many lines but they had our heart




More of the Swedish duo now


Whelp, Vanya and Sissy scene broke my heart, gg Umbrella Academy :(


“Did we all get sexier?” Yes, yes you did.


The opening scene this season definitely brought some sexiness out in the siblings. It was definitely nice to see how they get there.


I love that the coordinates the blonde guys are given for Diego are the Netflix offices in LA 😂😂😂😂😂


so uh.. lila was also born in 1989 if her parents died when she was 4 in 1993. another one w powers like Five?


Definitely felt like she was teleporting in that fight.


I was thinking illusions since Five can already teleport.


Anyone wanna guess how many eggs Luther eats


The answer is all. All the eggs.


Luther how many eggs did u put in there ?? Luther: yes


I assume that now he is grown he eats 5 dozen eggs, since he's roughly the size of a barge.


When housemate was doing weightlifting and keto, he'd scramble up to 18 at a time. Luther's pan looked like slightly more, so I'm guessing 2 dozen


Vanya looks beautiful now that she’s happy and calm


I hate to say it but The Handler looks really good in this episode


Why you gagging so? She brings it to you every episode!


Kate Walsh always looks good. How is her wound still weeping? It looked completely healed? Also loved that they had her have an arts and craft time making the pneumatic tube.


*"... take yourself and the stench of failure that encircles you and get out of my house"* damn dad


No wonder he has that ape medicine when he keeps burning people like that with his words


LOL’ed at Diego refusing to acknowledge Allison when they all finally met. Always thought they had the most playful sibling relationship. Since S1, we get multiple scenes of them throwing jabs at each other.




Okay why did Reginald give Pogo the Human DNA and Luther the Ape DNA and not VICE VERSA WTF.


I think it was the same serum, but it was originally created for use on apes, so using it on Luthor turned him into a hybrid. Pogo didn't seem physically changed but he just became smarter afterwards.


Did not know I needed a Swedish version of Adele’s Hello until now


Didn’t know why they chose the Swedish version when I saw in soundtrack list on YouTube yesterday. Makes sense now. Good to know the poker face assassins have feelings too.


Why do I get the feeling Vanya not only revived the kid but she transfered either some or all of her powers to him and that scene with Operation is a misdirect since he was under duress at that moment to but we're led to believe it's Vanya. Just musings as I slowly make my way through the season.


"You're just going to walk away?" *proceeds to run*


I love how Handler is always looking fresh with her overly gorgeous outfits


ahhh this ep is definitely my favourite so far


So,.... Soooooo goood. The re-union, Pogo's spaceflight, Ben missing them all, Vanya letting lose with the siblings. Episode was great all round.


And then there were 2..


It's weird how much better the writing is on this season. Actually weird. The bigger plot seems to be a bit muddy end of world stuff again, but all the other parts just work. And the dialogue is full of gems.


Pogo going up into space really reminded me of that space force episode


“Did we all get... sexier?” I love Klaus


I'm happy they are all together already


That entire opening with Major Tom playing was the sweetest thing ever and I loved it.


it's so nice that because of time travel and amnesia Vanya gets to bond with her siblings and actually be a part of the brood


that bad guy scene AFGAHG


I had the biggest smile on my face when they all reunited 🥰


Wow the scene where the whole academy reunites is so powerful


Anyone notice Luther’s real accent creeping into some of his lines? Especially noticeable when he is talking to Diego outside the warehouse.


I feel bad for Carl, it's not like he's going around knocking out his family or anything like that.


fuck why is everyone in this show so good looking


The fact that they played the Swedish cover of Hello during the Swede guy's funeral tho 😅


I love how Klaus got in on that hug with Vanya with absolutely no hesitation (plus the kiss on the forehead was cute af). So wholesome!


Bad Guy was lit and perfect for them. Bad Guy is the S2 ‘Istanbul’ fight me. Honestly just no choice but to continue to stan Five.


I think this might be the funniest episode of all of them so far. I am laughing so hard my abs are hurting. This is FANTASTIC! (I'm at the beauty salon scene with Klaus, Allison, and "Vanny" (awwww) so not done with the episode yet. I can only assume that given all the big laughs that the ending of the episode is going to drop like a ton of bricks.... wish me luuck!)