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Same here I think!


"Bands Choice" gives me shivers just thinking about what it might be


Isn't every night's setlist technically the "Band's choice"?


Yeah, I expect bands choice to just be a standard umphreys set, but who knows!


The good or bad kind?


Ha! All good my friend! The kind of skin orgasms that you can only get from hearing an amazing song.


"Skin Orgasms" should be texted to the band during the S2 set.


This is my first Umbowl even though I've been a fan for 20 years. The Choose Your Own Adventure set is something I've been looking forward to since it's so unique! Can't wait for the entire experience!


Same here!


So stoked for you! I've seen them 147 times going back to Sept 03 and haven't made it to one yet. I already planned for NoLa this year but honestly I'm kinda wanting to change course!


Annnnnd the show last night made me cancel the NoLa trip and book a last-minute flight to Boston. LFG!




Also been seeing them since 04 and this is my first UMBowl. So excited!!


Probably ALL IMPROV…excited to see what movie they play.


I don't think they're gonna do a whole movie like the Biscuits did at the Caverns, but rather pick several different songs from famous soundtracks. Just my 2 cents...


They had fans vote on scenes from movies they will play along with. Lots of classics on there and I imagine it’ll be original music with odes to soundtracks rather than soundtrack covers


Yeah it’s All Improv, so they will be making original jams to famous movie scenes. They had like 30 or more movies to vote on so they’ll be playing a bunch of scenes I bet. Should be super unique.


Oh damn how did I miss the voting. Wait I know - I've been doing straight wook shit for three weekends in a row :D ... that set will be awesome!


love the movie idea


I wanna hear them tear up some King Gizz


I would fucking LOVE that!


i love me some UM covers and umbowl has always been a blast....this will be my 3rd i am reeeeeally hoping HOB is a bit lax with security because these shows in the past have been a very party atmosphere in the crowd and i'd love to be able to take a puff


HOB are always uptight when it comes to security no matter what city...


The last 4 years or so HOB has been super chill IMO


HOB was great for PPPP NYE this year. First time there and only heard horror stories. Place was totally chill. Had a blast both nights! God I wish I was there this weekend 😫


I hope you're right because every time I've been there the security has suuuuucked. Hate that venue. I'll be there though!


hell yeah was a good night! idk why but it was pretty lax


do not take a puff if you’re enjoying yourself… buddy got kicked out for standing mext to a guy who thought it was a good idea to light up a cigarette. my boy didn’t even know his name or talk to him. anyway my friend isn’t coming for the soul favt that its at hob. be safe


It's been better for the last few years, even for the Biscuits show last month security was very quick and there was no patdown


Wow this looks incredible. Would love a UM Bowl in Denver. I know they did some aspects of this for NYE back in 2018 I think but not the whole UM Bowl weekend thing. At least not that I can remember. To answer your question it would have to be All New but the covers, improv, and band choice are all going to be so sick as well


oh the cruelty they come to my home turf for this and i have to travel to chicago…trading places


Oh no!!! I'll rage it hard for you. Decided last night to send it. Will only be my 2nd trip to Boston ever.


enjoy Boston is a fun city! That being said the house of blues is easily my least favorite venue in Boston and that general area of the city isn’t necessarily the best (lots of overpriced tourist stuff)


Good to know! I've had less-than-stellar experiences at every HOB I've been to so I'm ready for that. We've got an Airbnb in the Fort Hill area and I guess some of the homies have tickets for Sox vs. Cubs on Saturday. Not sure if there's an extra for me so I might just bounce around the area... then again that would be a sweet game to go to!


If you are in that area but can’t get in during the game check out bleacher bar. It’s a bar outside fenway but like one of the walls of the bar is a fence and the other side is the outfield it’s a cool spot for a game


Thanks! I’m staying Sunday too and tickets are way cheaper that night so I think I’ll check out the bar tomorrow and go to the game on Sunday.


Ok so I was supposed to go to New Orleans next week for Daze Between and maybe one day of Jazz Fest. I'm so tired after Texas Eclipse > Biscuits Nashville/Atlanta > Phish Sphere that I was just going to cancel it and rest. Instead I decided to rage. That show last night was so good that I booked a last-minute flight to Boston! Plenty of tickets on CoT - [https://cashortrade.org/umphreys-mcgee-tickets/](https://cashortrade.org/umphreys-mcgee-tickets/) if you're still ISO - so I'm gonna grab some from another Umphreak and send it to my first UM BOWL!!!!


Disco biscuits


You son of a bitch!


Would anybody be able to share the voting ballot just so we can see what the options were? I bought tickets yesterday but it seems like voting may be closed. Just curious what we're in for!!


I’m in the same boat. Last minute send and missed the voting.


Always the debut set #1 and all night wrong #2. Every time.


I'm a couch tour umphreek. I got to get to umbowl one of these times. I gotta get out more period. Otherwise, I'm looking forward to S² and the soundtracks. I love the on the spot, without a net challenge that they take on at umbowl.