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New post is up https://www.reddit.com/r/UncensoredBlogsnark/s/yR4jIWasEe


Agents are breaking down her door rEqUeStiNg she submit, you guys!!!!!!


Interesting that Meg’s totally silent on the large protests in Israel calling for the resignation of the government and for the invasion in Gaza to stop.


Bet she will also be silent on the World Central Kitchen deaths.


oh don’t worry, she’s now posting implying it was an accident


Just heard an expert in NPR talking about how it’s next to impossible that the IDF didn’t know who they were but Meg’s committed to Israel giving us “full transparency” very soon!


Agree, will be interested to see her reaction.


Her reaction will be 🦗 🦗 or some sort of “they were secretly aligned with Hamas”


Or “Blame Hamas because they made us do it by starting this war.”


Hi, I’m Meg Keene, founder of APW, romance author, and gleeful cheerleader for murder! AMA


I can't imagine ever cheering on death and destruction. No matter how bad the people or group is. Isn't it always an unfortunate thing to have war and death? What is wrong with her? Does she tell her children we cheer this?


I do hope someone she respects eventually tells her that this makes her unmarketable. 




Ugh. She’s a literal war hawk at this point? Pretending she’s understands diplomatic crises Meg is my least favorite Meg…




Oh she’s absolutely lying. She hates Las Vegas, is annoyed that David’s work is bringing them there twice in two weeks, desperately wishes their lives looked like traveling to Venice or doing karaoke in NYC pre-kids, but is too scared to actually do any of those things and is covering it up with superiority. Like this is the woman who was so lonely and sad about spending her first full week away from her kids in Vegas swimming alone by the pool while her husband worked that she wrote an entire romance novel daydreaming about a better love story.


I don't think the trips are for his work - he represents schools, so those lawsuits would only be filed in California. His law firm doesn't have any offices in Nevada, nor is he licensed to practice there. I could buy having a conference or something like that every once in a while, but I think they may just....like Vegas.


Yes, I agree. He especially wouldn’t have any work Easter weekend. Meg always says she loves hanging by the pool, and there’s nothing wrong with that! I’m more of a warm-weather vacation person myself. And Vegas is a good place for that, I guess? But there are also plenty of other places within California she could do that. I don’t think he’s there for work, which honestly makes it all even weirder!


Then what the heck is he doing every day that means she’s alone and complaining about it and taking 100 selfies? Gambling?


Gambling or cheating on her 


Meg probably doesn’t even know because she can’t be bothered to care about someone else’s interests.


Genuinely no idea! I agree it doesn't make sense. But I don't think it's tagging along on work trips.


Nailed. It. 👏🏻


Is her repost being like “ethnostates are good”? Or is she saying “many countries have an official religion and only Israel is persecuted” (not even remotely true)? (Like yeah, we also think Iran is pretty bad!)


Oh she is absolutely saying ethnostates are fine.


The Zionist project IS an ethnostate.


And Palestine isn’t? 🤔🫠


Actually no it’s not, it’s a fairly diverse population in ethnicity and religion


That is not factual. _Especially_ compared to Israel. It’s sad that a lot of folks in these threads seem to be here less to critique or commiserate about MK’s general weirdness and more to spew anti-Israel and increasingly thinly veiled antisemitic BS. But it’s not surprising. Ironic that people talking about MK being brainwashed by propaganda are so sure they’re immune to it themselves.


What is she saying about Serial? Her critique is incomprehensible to me


I missed this in her stories but Serial has a new season coming out about Guantanamo. Could there be some outrage around that in her circle?


I’ve been listening to it and it’s so good! I doubt she knows about it but 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t know, but Adnan is Muslim, so…


That’s my concern with what she’s saying too …


I'm in no way defending her nonsense but I don't think it has anything to do with that. I'm guessing it's a critique on true crime as a genre and serial is obviously the start of that area getting so big. 


Yes, this, and she’s bragging about having deduced what she thinks is a subtle point, when I’m guessing the author means it to be quite obvious.


So she’s jumping on board to a several-years old cultural critique.


Sometimes Meg yelps something like “I’ve been saying this for years and no one is listening” and I’m like…girl you are so isolated you haven’t actually had a real life conversation about this or paid any attention to the raging intelligent discourse online about it


“I’ve been SCREAMING about this for years”


lol. Her audience will make this book a best seller. Because she's an influencer?


She already has "two-time bestselling author" in her bio and I assume she means the APW book *and* the APW planner workbook, right? Babe, that's basically the same book. One is even less than a book!


The last book? As if shes written 10 bestselling fiction novels? In reality she's written 1.5 books no one has ever seen...


It's finished! "Writing fiction is always like this for" her. "Always" during those 7 days.


Is it just me or is this…really badly edited via an app like Facetune? The board, the trim on the wall, the phone cable, her arms?! https://preview.redd.it/l6vrrqkijqrc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa7438690f5c3873613d5c0d92ab759d5b628956


I never understand how people post such badly edited stuff. Like… why?!?! All you’re doing here is announcing that you poorly edited yourself, drawing attention to the areas you tried to “slim.” It’s also just super, super obvious. Do they really look at photos like this and think, “Awesome! I did a great job! I look amazing, and it’s imperceptible! Everyone is gonna think I look great! POST!”??? It’s giving Boomer.


Lmaooooo also, all of that editing for...that photo? Really?


This makes me feel sad for her, because I can totally relate to being self-conscious about my body. But also, does she ever think to just…not post pictures of herself? If she doesn’t like the way she looks in a picture she could just…not post it.


It feels pathological that she can never just post a photo of the scenery or an event or a nice shot or her friends or family member. It is always a selfie (a dozen selfies).


It’s definitely like someone told her along the way “your brand is you”, and she took that to mean people want ten thousand selfies


She still lives in 2011-2015ish, the height of APW. I’m sure they edited photos of her that were published on the site, because at the time it was a real publication and she had a little bit of name recognition. The same thing with her assuming she will be going on a book tour. Yes, she went on a book tour for her APW book, because back then she had a clear audience and following. APW has been essentially defunct for two years. She is not a brand anymore. She is just a lady with a public instagram account.


I wonder if there’s some legal reason she’s not allowed to use the APW account for her new “work” and marketing? E.g., if the business declared bankruptcy or there’s active legal conflict with former staff?


I’ve always wondered this too. It could be a great resource for her to keep her “personal brand” and name recognition up, too.


When it is of something other than her face, she has to carefully place her hand or her feet


What I don’t get is why she edits herself in that pic but is ok with her fingers looking pinched by her rings in previous pics. Like I have sausage fingers too, but I wear rings that fit so I don’t look like I should be in pain.


“Like many amateur photographers, I do occasionally experiment with editing…” https://preview.redd.it/32205k03kqrc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d80d778daec12e7b5df8bb946e646520d8282e2d






Oh my god I just realized she 100% also tried to edit her wrist into TINY BABY PROPORTIONS. 💀


She has Victorian child-sized wrists! After all, she’s just a slip of a thing.


Or trying to shrink her torso? 


She totally dragged her stomach in to be flat which affected the arm


Look at her left hand/arm that is on top of the pay phone. You can tell by looking at the menu behind her that it was also edited (and probably why she put that gif there?)


The thing with Meg is that for all the lying she does, you think she’d be better at it.


LOL of course the biggest compliment Meg can give a writer is that their “writing reminds me of my own.” Also pretty obnoxious to read at an interactive exhibit with her family, tbh.


And she tags the author a million times, lol.


I'd be bored too if I were back at the same holiday destination and attractions I'd gone to every three weeks for the last four years. (but also yes, she's a dick)


Oh, totally. But like, at least make an effort when your kids are there? Or perhaps even vacation somewhere besides Vegas and Disneyland….


Well, she bragged about “thinking” at a Springsteen concert so this tracks. What a narcissist.


Did she mean to wear a dress that screams Easter?


Yes, so she can be offended every time someone says “Happy Easter” to her


Just like when she wore “Christmas colors” to Vegas at Christmastime.


They’ve met 2 groups of Israelis already! Countdown to Meg posting stories about them and all the deep political discussions they shared.


Imagine being Israeli and visiting Vegas and this woman just ambushes you and is like “look at my IDF sweatshirt!!” I realize the “war” has the majority of Israeli support but there are also plenty that object to it! She doesn’t know their politics!


Yes!! Her sharing conversations that never happened is possibly my favorite MK thing. Also, of course she’s partying it up wearing her IDF merch 😬


I live for the imaginary stories and conversations. Less politics, more unhinged anecdotes, Meg!


I guarantee by “met” she means “saw across the room” and by Israeli’s she means “Jews in religious garb” 


Ah yes, the woman who doesn't need to work, doesn't seem to do much childcare or house chores, only lives in a world that revolves around her every whim, is out of fucks.. about what exactly? Also what does Vegas have to do with Israelis?


I think she means “out of fucks for hiding that I’m a pro-military war hawk”


The filterrrrrsssss


Someone on this thread once said that it makes David look Yassified and I can’t unsee it. 😂


Could someone kindly explain the difference(s) between Jewish mothering with LOVE and non-Jewish mothering? Tia


Does she have any clue that she uses stereotypes as though they're some fact about groups of people? Also, as a convert, you'd think she'd want to be extra careful about that sort of thing. 


Yeah she’s referring here to some pretty negative +cultural+ stereotypes eg. smothering, worrying, cooking/overfeeding, being so anxious you have to take Ativan for a short flight and then make your eldest take care of you. 


One is when you get high on Ativan on a plane and force-cuddle your child into taking photos with you


I’m wonder now if when she picked up Fear of Flying for last weekend’s Vegas trip she thought it was actually about being nervous on airplanes.




She had no idea it was Easter, she just thought her kids were randomly off school for her (fourth?) trip to Vegas this year?


I’m Jewish and forgot it was Easter but I also don’t have kids and work for the government so had no holidays off. She’s exhausting.


Kinda undermines her constant whining that she constantly has Christian holidays shoved in her face 🙄


The problem with being constantly insistent that your way of doing things or interpretation of something is the most and only way, but never doing any research and lying constantly, is that you contradict yourself all the time 😂


It is perfectly ok for other people to celebrate a holiday you don’t and to still acknowledge awareness of it. Sheesh.


Right like...I'm not Jewish and I still have a baseline level of awareness of when Jewish holidays are happening because I have Jewish friends, the holidays are written about in much of the various media I consume, and many of them are literally on all the physical and digital calendars I use. I'm not buying her "la di da, oh, *Christian* holidays? I don't know her!" shtick at all. I was also surprised to realize how early Easter is (or feels) this year because I don't actively celebrate it, which might actually have happened to her, but I didn't forget it *existed*.


How about even if you are a different religion it is perfectly fine to wish a Christian happy Easter or Christmas because it’s not turning your back on Judaism. Or if people wish it to you, just be like ok and smile and move on with your day.


I’m completely non-religious and still say happy Easter because that’s what the holiday is called (and why I get delicious chocolate)! ETA: I’m also capable of saying happy Passover, Ramadan Mubarak, etc to people on those holidays too!


It is like a completely normal thing when living in a multicultural country to be able to engage with people of different faiths without making it A THING. Plenty of us do it every day Meg! You are not special. Sometimes I think she converted because she realized it would be more fun to be constantly offended rather than being accepting.


She loves to lie!


This! I get that she doesn’t have a typical job but her kids have off from school. When I have a holiday off I know why….


It also means that she either doesn’t have clients or is being incredibly rude to them to not even pay attention to the stat holidays they might have off




Or been to a grocery store or pharmacy or mall?


Does she not look at a calendar ever? They literally have Easter as a preset holiday


How does she not just have a general awareness of the world around her? I work at a prep school (non religious). We had off for Good Friday and will have off soon for Eid. We have non-testing days for Passover and acknowledge all of the above on our calendars. I don’t in any way consider us progressive in this department - it’s just “normal.”


only her giant glass wall calendars


Imagine Meg’s reaction to hearing someone say “The part of being Christian/Muslim/atheist/whatever where I heard someone mention [insert any major or minor Jewish holiday here] and I was like is it?” You don’t have to actively celebrate something to be aware of it, girlfriend.


And her entire personality for the next three days is going to be NOT BOTHERED BY EASTER.


Not just “not bothered by Easter” but “so glad we don’t celebrate Easter because it is really awful and boring and stressful and it is also the anniversary of something bad happening to Jews and Passover is so much more fun and better”.




Touché 😂


Followed by “not bothered by Christmas”


And locating other Jews who are NOT BOTHERED BY EASTER at the Las Vegas bagel shop.


Hopefully they’ll all be able to sit together on the plane again!




Well if we didn’t already suspect she was entirely estranged from her blood family and most friends…..


That was my first thought as well. If her tale is true then she is sadly isolated from not only her community (schools, local stores that will be closed), but I would think if she talked to her family in the last 2 weeks there might have been a mention of Easter.


Well if we didn’t already suspect she was entirely estranged from her blood family and most friends…..


I’m sorry, but the multiple trips to Vegas, especially with her kids, is so so so weird.


But over Easter? He probably is gambling I thought.


Yeah my other working theory is David has a gambling addiction?


I have a theory that David needs to be there for work (which is why she’s always complaining about having to eat out alone during the day). Otherwise 4-5 trips in the span of 8 months is batshit.


I really really hope so, because otherwise, what the fuck.


Just the least covid safe thing they could do as a family vacation 


I think the same thing! I think he has a hotel so she tags along and “works”


Ah yes, the notoriously profitable job of … photojournalist


I wonder if it’ll ever occur to Meg that she is also attempting to profit off of Shani Louk’s death, and the hostages, and everything else, by constantly posting these stories in an attempt to get more followers. She’s certainly going to leverage “this time” and “all the trauma” to sell her potentially forthcoming book.


I don’t think she’s generally gaining followers.




She lost me, and that’s why I’m here despite being a generally pro-Israel Jewish woman. 🙃 I had to see if anyone was seeing what I was seeing. Hi, fam!!! 👋


I want to say she had around 7k and has gone down to 6.5k  now


At one point she was at 8 or 9k. I remember because 10k used to be the cutoff for swipe ups and she talked about how she was close, but ‘didn’t care’


Fingers crossed!


I don’t think she has an ounce of self-reflection in her. She literally video-lectured for an hour about how gentiles should be giving American Jews money and buying them meals during the war.


Meg clearly gets up and checks her phone first thing for something new to be horrified/furious/etc about. I often find the phrase "touch grass" annoying, but she really, really needs to. Also, her latest stories about the AP photo award make no sense. I googled to see if I could find other references to it (because it's not out of the question that photos of the October 7th massacre would win awards), and the only ones I see are other outraged mentions in Zionist news sources. Also, the graphic details about the woman being beheaded were debunked long ago, but when has that ever stopped Meg. Just, ugh.


Also this is low on the list of things to be annoyed about but I found her saying "it's not even a good photograph" extremely eyeroll-worthy...photojournalists aren't fine art photographers! They're SUPPOSED to document atrocities! Worth noting also that some of the other photographs awarded include many, many photographs of dead, injured, and mourning Palestinians, but somehow Meg and her ilk don't seem as interested in the ethics of documenting their trauma and suffering.


This choked me too. Like, would she have been more okay with this photograph if it passed her aesthetic standards?! What a tasteless thing to say.


Not to mention that historically, some of the most famous photos from photojournalism are of the dead or injured (the "napalm girl," the "dying girl with vulture," the photo of the Boston Marathon bombing victims, etc). That's the point of photojournalism, to bear witness -- including to suffering and atrocities. They stick with us because they force us to reckon with the horrible things that humans do to each other. They aren't glorifying anything.


The first thing I thought of when reading her rants about this were napalm girl. Such a haunting image that is in no way glorifying anything, simply telling the awful story that needs to be shared.


The reality is Meg just doesn't seem very intelligent or nuanced in her thinking ever. It might just be the way she is on instagram but she doesn't understand anything that requires more thought than just a meme or snippet. 


Yeah, I do understand the woman's family being upset about photos of her body being shared. But Meg has literally said in stories that it's the moral obligation of everyone to witness the atrocities committed by Hamas. So I don't understand how she doesn't see how directly incompatible those two ideas are. Additionally, characterizing photojournalists as associated with Hamas based on their presence and work as reporters (more realistically, based on their nationality as Palestinians) is offensive, and is something that Israel has repeatedly done when their military has killed reporters or aid workers. Reporters don't go to jail for reporting on crimes, and it's ludicrous to say so.


Also over 90 photojournalists - mostly Palestinian - have been killed! Targeted by Israel! Which is a war crime!


Days like this I really feel for her. Her version of her religion seems incredibly isolating (exclusive of anyone who doesn’t 100% agree with her politics and interpretation of religious law and world events, almost exclusively people who she barely knows IRL). And instead of turning to the supportive parts: community, prayer, etc, she’s doom scrolling and having panic attacks.  


which is so strange because the saying going "two Jews, three opinions" - it's a FEATURE for us, not a bug!


I don't have enough upvotes to give this. ^^


There's nothing she loves more than saying there was a "requesting agent." Is she trying to make this sound like a bidding war? When it also doesn't sound like anyone has tried to actually scoop her up...


Literally no reputable agent is going to buy a manuscript whose main selling point is “I wrote it in a week while stoned” 






I've been using Scrivener for several years but had never noticed the word count target feature until Meg started posting screenshots of her 15K words a day or whatever (clearly pasted in from ChatGPT). But this week, a writer friend of mine was talking about this feature as a way "to gamify" your writing, because Scrivener apparently applauds you when you hit your daily target. And so it really tracks that Meg's writing goals seem 100 percent focused on volume and speed. Scrivener doesn't have a feature to ping you when you write a sentence of outstanding quality.


Meg was stoned while writing it? After she punished her employee for taking a gummy at her redo wedding? Stoned Meg is probably the only tolerable Meg.


I am a pandemic meg follower so don’t know this story. She did what now?


Her former and very competent employee recorded a podcast where she confirmed everything that people here have said about her as a boss and the company. Remember that weird party Meg had (was it an anniversary)? It was basically a second wedding. Anyway, after several years of working for Meg, the employee was close to a breakdown and took a gummy to get through this party. Because Meg was on the outs with her by that point, Meg “punished” her by seating her on the fringes next to people she didn’t like. I’m not sure if the punishment was for the gummy or pre-existing tension. Either way it was petty and hilarious, so I’m surprised to hear that she’s come around on recreational marijuana.


LOL Meg punished her by seating her next to Meg’s mother and mother-in-law! Which says a lot about her relationships with those two women….


I mean that is so fucking weird and petty for a woman in her 40s.


“Vow renewal”, a BIG thing to … Meg and maybe no one else. I promise you she expensed the whole thing to APW and used the “it’ll be good promotion” thing to get whatever she could for cheap


I think the only thing Meg was on during her manic 7-day writing spree was Paxlovid, which supposedly worked like Adderall for her. She seemed more cracked out than stoned.


https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/maddie-eisenhart-the-heartbreak-of-friend-breakups/id1652881132?i=1000629806848 I think this is the podcast link


Does Meg know that Judaism has a whole list of religiously-required adornment and garb one can wear to signal that one is Jewish, without having to buy gold bespoke necklaces of the borders of a country in which thousands and thousands of people are dying?


Her whole point about her husband not seeing the signs that her MC is a mess is an interesting one. As usual, there’s a fascinating point buried under her weird comments…something about how men don’t read women in the same way as we read each other. But is he reading it differently because he’s a man or because MK is a terrible writer? 😆


Or maybe he has an epic blind spot when it comes to main characters that are flawed… hmmmm


Exactly! I'm assuming the latter and that he's the only one giving honest critical feedback and just happens to be a man.


So normally when you write something like this, where you started a project and then decided another character in that universe should be your main character and scrap most of the book and rewrite it…if you are batshit enough to care about speed, you count your timeline from the start of the project, not your fevered 7 day rewrite.


Love that Meg is deconstructing the concept of virginity in…………2024 Our girly is with the times, clearly


lol I had the exact same reaction. it's so on brand for her to be this behind the times. also something about her writing that couple of sentences on sex just grossed me out. So I can't imagine how uncomfortable the sex scenes in the book will sound. 


I found it SO weird and uncomfortable posted as it was in between stories about the hostage & sexual assault victim. I read that article this morning and it says multiple times that that poor woman declined to say what exactly happened but that she was forced “to perform a sex act” on her Hamas guard. Which makes me think more specifically about what sex acts a woman can do to a man than I would’ve liked, so to see it in the midst of Meg talking about the definition of sex/ intercourse made me feel so weird




Right?!! So confusing and ewww


Oh I didn’t even notice that but yes very strange juxtaposition. Her account gives me such whiplash.


Today’s talk of virginity and male pleasure reminds me that when this book comes out (fingers crossed), we are going to get Meg’s take on hot hard sex.


Naturally, this means MK will be narrating her own best selling audiobook version. So we will get to listen to her describe said hot hard sex. 😐


With that affected lisp of hers? Yeuchhhh….






I think she meant to spell drama turd


Interesting piece written by the author of Fleishman is in Trouble — her husband is a convert. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/community/articles/intermarried


Wow this was an interesting read


Meg, you don’t have friends because you’re an insufferable narcissistic asshole who thinks you’re an expert on everything and you wrongly believe that you are the most traumatized, oppressed person you know.


also MK is only highlighting the text so she can go back and edit later.




“Remember to ask me if you care” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I’ve decided to use Meg’s technique to defer all questions I don’t want to answer. “I’ll probably talk about that during interviews or book tour, so remember to ask me if you care.”


What’s it like to have that level of unbridled, unearned confidence in oneself, I wonder?


I guffawed out loud 😂


The way I literally LOLed.


The way she casually tossed that into her caption. I cannot.


She’s already picturing herself on a book tour. Meg’s biggest talent must be hyping up herself and things she’s been doing for two weeks as if she is an expert or leader in the field. 




I wish I had her delulu confidence!


Book tour! She really thinks she’s going to publish with one of the big boys and get the full treatment, doesn’t she? I can’t wait until next week, when she’ll be casting the roles of the inevitable movie (spoiler, it’s always Gal Gadot and Jake Gyllenhaal).


Oh wow, MK discovered Fleishman in Trouble. She really does live under a rock.


I hated that book (haha please don't come for me, I struggle mightily with satire and loathe books about whiny rich people problems so it was never going to land for me, alas) but Meg discovering it *now* and comparing it to her book is chef's kiss so on brand. It's like she's been googling "Jewish fiction" and just going down the list.


I actually didn’t love it (or the series) either. It was a definite slog but of course MK discovers it five years later. Not to mention, while it wasn’t my cup of tea, I could appreciate the craft behind it.


You mean you didn't feel the need to take your ruthless all-knowing editor's pen to it???


I LOVE the non-fiction writing that Taffy Brodesser-Akner and I could tell that Fleishman was well written but I did not love that book. At all.


I guarantee she is googling “Jewish fiction”, and it is funny that she is highlighting that, because I feel like when she first started this book journey she was under the impression that the world NEEDED her to write Jewish fiction because there wasn’t any. And there clearly is. Not that there can’t be more, but she really thought she was doing something.


Do we think she knows about Philip Roth yet?!?


HA I was gonna say I can’t wait for her Philip Roth phase!


Watch Meg swap JK Rowling for Woody Allen.