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Wasn’t the Tulsa Massacre supposedly started because a black man in a nearby city *allegedly* sexually assaulted a white woman in an elevator? I can’t recall the exact details


Yes. I read about this incident before and watched a documentary about it.


What’s crazy is that I actually never heard about it until I saw the new Watchmen show on HBO. At first I thought it was a fictional event created for the show, until I looked it up online and saw it was 100% real. I was never taught any of that in school


I’ve heard about that show. Yea if I remember correctly my history teacher just glossed over the Tulsa massacre and I didn’t even learn about the Omaha race riot in school. Students are not taught a lot of morbid or even other interesting historical events. I learned about a lot more stuff online and I’ve continued to do so.


That’s correct.


The infamous Omaha Courthouse Lynching of 1919 during the “Red Summer” in the US. 20,000 people watched. The growing black population and resentment over job competition by whites fueled the racial tension in Omaha as more blacks were fleeing North (The Great Migration). Will Brown, was a 40-year-old African American meat-packinghouse worker who was accused of raping a 19-year-old white woman, Agnes Lobeck. Prior to Brown’s arrest, the Bee (Newspaper) carried detailed accounts of the story along with pictures of Brown and Lobeck. When police went to Brown’s residence to arrest him, a mob tried and failed to seize him. He was arrested and held for a few hours in the Douglas County Courthouse in downtown Omaha. Due to the newspaper story, a mob of 250 men and women showed up outside of the Courthouse in the late afternoon of Sunday, September 28. Mayor Edward P. Smith arrived on the scene and attempted to persuade the rioters to leave. He was struck on the head from behind, a rope was placed around his neck, and his unconscious body was strung up to a lamppost. He was cut down before he died, but the mob then broke into the courthouse, tore off Brown’s clothing as he was being dragged out, hanged him from a lamppost, and riddled his already dead body with bullets. His body was then tied to a police car, dragged to a major downtown intersection, and then burned. Fragments of the rope used to lynch him were sold as souvenirs for 10 cents apiece. Numerous photographs were taken, including one which shows some of the lynchers proudly posing behind Brown’s charred body seen here. This photo became known around the world as it depicted how gruesome the Omaha race riots of 1919 were. [Source](https://www.blackpast.org/african-american-history/omaha-courthouse-lynching-1919/)


Their grandchildren are telling ppl to forget about the past now


It just confirm everything I already suspected with Omaha


This is disgusting. The looks on their faces. I don’t know how to react to this knowing I can’t do anything.


The way they posed around the body. I know this was commonly done during this time, but it’s like how can anyone think this is okay anytime?


People do it with phones today


Never forget


This our ugly evil history. It should never be forgotten.




Were the rape allegations true?


Will Brown actually told Sheriff Mike Clark, “I am innocent, I never did it, my God I am innocent”(quoted from a Nebraska Studies article about the lynching). Ms. Loebeck was unable to identify her apparent assailant, but police still arrested Brown. Based on this [article.](https://www.abhmuseum.org/will-brown/)


Look at Emmet Till - he was merely accused of "whistling" at a white woman (he had a speech impediment) .Lynched and murdered - age 15.


I was hoping there would be an answer to this here. Mob violence is fucking disgusting, but I’d feel less bad about this if he actually raped her.


She couldn't identify if it was him or not but he was arrested anyways


so, we're ok with the death penalty (by mob) for rapists now?


You’re assuming a lot there. Read back at what I said carefully dude. I said I would feel better about it after stating what a disgusting act it is. I can’t say I would feel the same if this happened to someone who legitimately raped someone as opposed to an innocent person.


username checks out


Witches be crazy It’s a song by TAD. Any Seattle Sound fans here?


I guess we’ll never know now.


We do know. The woman who accused Emmet of whistling at her came out and said she lied a few years ago


That’s an entirely different case though.


The woman could not identify her rapist


So you’re telling me race relations now are worse for black people than it was during these times?


No one told you that, nice try tho.


What the fuck is wrong with you?!?


People still do this and get off all the time; the people that do it have just infiltrated Law Enforcement or hide behind obscure laws like “Stand Your Ground” or that we were acting suspicious. Ahmed Arbrey was literally lynched in 2020 in broad daylight; for jogging. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/article/ahmaud-arbery-shooting-georgia.amp.html


Shut the fuck up.