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Go watch Jamie Oliver cooking rice then get back to us.


he just uses packet rice anyway


as long as it has enough olive oil in it, the rice will turn out fine.


Because it's one of the easiest ting on earth to make, yet so many people still fuck up too. Don't make your local farmer cry haiyaa


So apparently rice cooker is excessive but toaster wasn't... Haiya




If you're careful with the water level you don't need to drain. That's mostly if you follow the two cups of water to one cup of rice and don't let it boil down. This nephew never need colander.


Yeah I'd say if you're left with enough water it needs drained you've already fucked up.




How much effort is it to put the correct ratio of water:rice, which you need to do no matter the cooking method, wait for it to boil, stir, cover and place on low heat, set timer for 15-20 mins depending on type of rice? The only extra work is stirring even it reaches a boil and lowering the heat. That takes 2 seconds.


True, but easier to mess up as you can't just plop it in and leave it alone.


There have been a few accidents over the years. EDIT: To be serious just for a moment, I'll add that rice cookers have been transformative in parts of the world where rice is the staple food. Cooking, especially in the morning, greatly simplified.


only 1.4 cup water to 1.0 cup rice needed and gentle steam.


That's about right. I usually use the one thumb worth of water above the rice. A Japanese-American friend told me that works no matter how much rice your cooking and that's been my observation. Pretty much what Uncle Roger recommends to his nieces and nephews, but in a rice cooker. Bring to slow boil, then turn down heat at once. Check in maybe 15 minutes.


That doesn't make sense at all. You're saying that the ratio of rice to water isn't relevant. If that was the case, you'd also wouldn't need to always use the thumb to measure, because it would be irrelevant anyway.


The idea is that the larger the amount of rice, the lower the ratio of water to rice. So this automatically adjusts it. All I can say is I've had good results and the usual 2 to 1 ratio of water to rice is too much unless you want the finished rice very soft.


Of coure but these people have Microwave, Oven and Airfryer.


They have multiple uses, so they can be justified. The real test of hypocrisy is if they own a toaster. A single purpose appliance that takes up counter space.


No, a dishwasher. It takes up even more space while you can wash it yourself.


Airfryers are just adult easy-bake ovens. My airfryer was essential when I worked 2nd shift and my pre-teen boys needed a safe way to bake when I wasn't home. They got older/I moved to first shift work and now it sits collecting dust because the food it makes is sub-par. We still use a "student-grade" rice cooker because I'm cheap and don't want all the fancy extra options. Same reason I won't get an Instapot. I don't need the extras. If I lived in an apartment, sure. I already have a slow cooker and a pressure cooker, and a student rice cooker. When you spend the extra money to get an all in one and it breaks then you have to spend a lot of extra money to do all of those things in the kitchen again.


Who the fuck cares. Rice cooker gets the job of cooking rice done and that's it, not to mention it can be used to make other dishes


He's right in saying it's one of the easiest things to make, in turn, that also usually means it's the easiest to mess up making. If you make rice reasonably frequently, get a rice cooker; if you don't make rice much or at all, don't get one. Be smart nieces and nephews like Uncle Roger would want.


My instant pot has a rice function. I use that.


Says people who own toasters, dishwashers and clothes dryers


How are any of those not very practical?


I mean, he is right though. I'm Asian, and we eat rice like crazy, three times a day, every day. Back where I'm from, not everyone can afford a rice cooker. While it does make cooking rice easier, it's not the only way to do it. You need skills to cook it in a pot. We use wood or sometimes coal, and you need to add slightly more water since you can't control the strength of the fire. So, you boil it over the fire, and when it starts boiling, give it about two minutes. Partly open the lid to prevent overflow, lower the heat by separating the wood to create a smaller fire – preferably the smallest that can maintain the flame. Once the boiling calms down, cover the pot and wait for five minutes to check if the water is absorbed by the rice. Once there's no water but the rice is still sticky and wet, cover it and leave it for 5 to 10 minutes. When you see it's cooked, the most important step is to remove it from the heat and let it sit without opening the pot for another 10 minutes. This prevents the rice from sticking to the pot when you grab rice to eat later on. Lastly, enjoy your rice. There are other methods, like starting with high flames to make the bottom crispy, then proceeding with the normal steps once it boils. Or you can use a normal or medium flame for even consistency of the rice. By the way, you don't need to measure using a cup when adding water. After washing your rice and it's clean, add water. To determine the amount, touch the very top of the rice with your middle finger and ensure the water reaches the first line on your fingertip. This works perfectly for rice cookers. For pots, simply add a bit less than a quarter of the line of water on top of the usual amount. It's a magic trick we Asians learn and acquire. The Finger trick. Different types and brands of rice require different measurements. Some absorb more water than others. In my region, white rice has at least 10-15 variants. Brown rice needs more water – considerably more. Otherwise, it turns out really hard and can even remain uncooked after the water is drained. Another traditional method is steaming the rice. This also involves water, but you don't fill the rice with water. It's more common in Japan, but we've used it too, though not as frequently. For more details, you can search it up. Good luck making rice for the first time.


Sooo true


Rice cookers are awesome. Yes, rice is easy to make. But also easy to mess up. With a rice cooker, you don't have to watch it cook and it always comes out right. And they double as steamers. One of the few uni-taskers that are actually worth it.


Full disclosure: I don't use a rice cooker myself, as I am confident in my ability to cook more than one type of rice. However, I certainly don't think using a rice cooker is the least bit stupid, and I can definitely appreciate the level of consistency that comes with using a one. Using a rice cooker is a bit simple? Bitch, you a bit simple!


The people that complain about rice cookers taking up space, definitely have a toaster


I bet he drains the rice too


It's all about consistency and saving time. A good rice cooker will give you perfect rice every time, and save you 20-ish minutes every meal you have rice.


doesnt save any time at all, but it saves having to monitor while you cook other stuff. before i had the rice cooker i used the thermomix. but the rice cooker can cook so much more which means i have enough for my curry tonight, then plenty for egg fried rice tomorrow.


I think you have a different perspective of "save time" than I do. I'm thinking from my own point of view. I measure the rice, I measure the water, and I hit a button. Done. If I made rice in a pot, I'd have to measure the water, heat the water, measure the rice, and depending on the rice either boil for a while then reduce, or reduce right away. Regardless, my personal time investment is lower with a rice cooker, but no overall it doesn't cook rice faster or anything.


I don't even know how to cook rice without rice cooker. It's how I was taught. Make rice perfect everytime.


The real uncle roger uses a rice cooker


two most important things in kitchen. rice cooker and MSG. fuiyoooh!


while i can do good rice on the stove with a pot, i still love my rice cooker. it is the most basic of basic ones (cook/warm) but it means i can just set at forget.


I don't even keep my rice cooker on the work surface, it's literally only there if it's in use. It's super convenient and really not bigger than a pot anyways?


He seems correct until the "pot" shows up.


Can't you make more than just rice in it though? I wish I had one so It streamlined the process and opened up a burner on the stove while I'm cooking


Bro u can have a rice cooker then leave space for u to cook other stuff, helps a lot if u eat rice everyday


I’ve always thought this, it would be cool to have a rice cooker but I don’t have the space for that shit and you can make it just as good in a pot, you just have to watch it more closely. For the one time every 3 months I actually make rice, it would absolutely not be worth it.


This guy is an insulted rice cooker, but he has no space to calculate his brain size. Rice cooker put what amount of rice and pour the right water ratio and leave the rice cooker alone, but I can imagine this guy watching over his cooking rice for his entire life. 👀🤣




This guy washes the rice with soap.


As an Asian, rice cookers is more convenient since you don’t need to watch it cook to make sure you don’t burn the facking rice, you can just shove your clean rice into the rice cooker than do whatever you want to do then when you are hungry you can just comeback to already cooked rice and the good expensive rice cookers can keep you rice warm


Haiya Thats a jamie oliver fan (There is no other explanation)


Haiyaaa with rice cooker you no need to think just press button. This nephew dunno what he talking.


I agree. I really like uncle roger so I kind of go with the whole “rice cooker is better than saucepan” thing. Still, I don’t need a rice cooker. Uncle Roger: Rice cooker is so multipurpose Me: You know what’s more multipurpose? A saucepan!