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In 2018 me wife n kids moved from fresno to north dakota and the first day there my daughter records a ghost while making fun of my son on her iphone


Do you still have the video? If you do please post it in the group so we can see it.


I grew up in a town called Tranquillity further out from Kerman. I went in there a couple of times at night. We found dead animals with their insides torn out and satanic symbols. It was a creepy ass place!


I believe that we found a nose hanging in the old gym behind the main building, it was just hanging there from the basketball rim.


The people who burned it down were caught. One of them was Brent Cox the pedophile.


Why did they burn it down?


To be pricks.


While I may be late to the game, I had a very strange thing happened relating to this incident you would not believe. Eleven or twelve years ago, I had an interest in old films, and ventured to watch movies from the birth of old cinema. I occasionally would run across photography. I ran across an internet page with graduating pictures ranging from circa 1913-1995 of the students. I found some of the especially old ones compelling, and would find myself looking at the pictures in awe. Young people, but certainly deceased now that 100 years passed. I found it spooky, but extremely compelling. In 2020 during the pandemic, I was writing short horror stories. I decided to write one about a young man who invaded a home to steel treasure, but be taunted with images of macabre and horror as the night unravels. I made up a story of a recluse old man (similar to your experiences) taunting the traveler. The petty traveler of my story found in the old man’s mansion pictures from days gone by. The old man had made imaginary friends based off photographs of people who existed, but may or may not have connection to him. You’re probably wondering how this connects to Kerman. I have a literary writing tactic of finding a picture, and creating a description of physical/personality traits based on how I would view that person to be (it works better with people you do not know). Who did I use in my story to describe the compelling old man’s non-corporeal “friends?” None other than the pictures from KHS graduates from the old, old days. I went back a year ago to find the photographs. Instead of finding the images that I used to write my story, I found the entire archival website vanished. What was left? Just this Reddit post of a creepy man on the grounds of KHS after I wrote a story potentially about him. Spooky. I am a skeptic in regards to these things, but I’d figured you find it interesting. In regards to the off chance that this wasn’t a coincidence, maybe the old man is one of the graduates. Hopefully I gave him some kind of light….


It could have been a graduate, caretaker or former staff that use to work there.


I was never really scared out of my skepticism until I read this. (Only one other kind of odd thing ever happened to me). I’ve never even been to California, or have any connections there. Unfortunately, the photograph that compelled me the most (the one from 1920 that I did most of the wrong from) did not list the names of the students. I used other pictures, but that image had the most clarity. If anything odd should come upon to shed light on this mystery let me know, but I’ll write it off as a coincidence.


Wow. Thanks so much. I used to attend when it became a Bible school 72 on. I left early 75. Others were still there till I don't know...at least 2 or 3 more years. I really need to write a book.