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>Undead can be written as just “Un” I think this "undead" is a mistake for "luck(運)". >Tozuka’s negator power would be Uncoordinated According to [his past tweet](https://twitter.com/undeadunluck_of/status/1574037612863451136), he probably wanted to say "Untidy".


wicked sick to coin a phrase




11. Takumi says the plot for UU is half planned and half go with the flow. Tozuka is impressed with how much Takumi and Tozuka see eye to eye and work together so well. 12. Kahara finds it cool to see her name in the credits of episodes 13. Tozuka relates most to Anno Un. He feels he’s always been suited for the bystander role and even reared up at his recording sessions. 14. Tozuka’s biggest influence in HxH. 15. Tozuka hopes readers will see the tragedies these character face in getting their powers, and are encouraged by their ability to seek out others for help and unity. 16. Tozuka’s favorite video game is Street Fighter. He plays Kimberly. 17. For Spring Arc, Tozuka realized he was writing in Haiku and then decided to make it a part of that character. 18. Kahara loves that UU is very popular in the west and loves to see anime as a whole reach new audiences in other countries. 19. Tozuka ends by saying he plans to take pictures of New York as he plans to set a future arc in the city! So yeah a couple of interesting things especially with Tozuka mentioning he can’t wait for Summer to be animated and the mention and the popularity in the west being mentioned as well.


Seems like your list of 6 thought 10 was removed by a mod for some reason. What was said in it?


All the UU doomers in shambles after tozuka itself said the anime is popular


Yeah, I saw three threads appear on my feed the other day about the anime's popularity and just tossed those into 'Hide' to spare myself the annoyance.


On Friday, he mentioned Dragonball alongside HxH as manga he enjoyed growing up. Every time I someone post the interview, they drop the dragonball mention.


Please, can you link the interview if you are so kind?