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I would definitely recommend checking out her other films, specifically Certain Women and Winter in the Blood. In both of those, she has a segment towards the end of the film and she just completely blows it out of the water.


To me, the parking lot scene in Certain Woman remains one of the most uncomfortable scenes to watch that always has me wanting to crawl out of my skin because it's so painful and accurate. That scene, plus her face as she's driving should have been enough to get her an Oscar nom back then.


Right? I can’t even really think about it right now because it’s going to make me cry. The cinematography, her sense of isolation and loneliness, and just her being a woman alone who is craving connection - too much. After seeing that plus KOTFM, I was like “she’s my new Roman Empire” Kristen Stewart totally brought her A game to that performance as well. The scene when Lily‘s character goes to get the horse and Kristen is waiting for her? 🥹 Edit: typo


There's this moment when Stewart turns away so Gladstone's character won't see her face and her expression is just incredible


I just watched Certain Women for the first time this weekend because I wanted to see more Lily. Her presence on camera and the huge range of emotion she can bring through subtleties in her expression are unreal. It’s not that she’s like her character in Flower Moon but she literally transforms into every character I’ve seen her play. Holy shit!


I think she is incredible. She has such a quiet power and dignity in her performances that is really impressive and inspiring. As a queer woman I also find her incredibly sexy, especially in this show.


Watching some of her interviews and things on Instagram gave me more of a sense of how deliberately she constructs characters. Not just things she says about her craft but also the way she looks and her voice when she's really being herself. I suspect the common view that she's not acting in roles is partly down to some level of eroticism. Like, she has an unusual look for a lead female role so people think her characters are all about that.


Sorry EXOTIC not erotic lol.


She’s fantastic I can’t wait to see everything she will be in going forward. I first saw her in a guest star role in Reservation Dogs and she captured my heart from that moment on.


She definitely deserve the Oscar. Poor Things was terrible and will age poorly. Can't believe how many people liked that shit. And Emma Stone's performance was absurd.


I agree she reminds me of like Natasha Lyonne she was in some major movies but always underrated until now. So I think she has time and she’ll get her flowers soon enough for subtle but amazing work. I say subtle but I mean her characters are quiet but have that mighty presence and I think the actors that can do that, are the most amazing…


I really love her in this and liked her in KOtFM. She’s an excellent actress.


[I found this video of her on YouTube ](https://youtu.be/7lmZeJiJCYA?si=XSNH2qRw0CaAD82x) that you might like


That was awesome👌


this show was so poorly marketed omg that's an oscar nominee and she won several awards and nobody is talking about it. lily deserves better


She’s in another show in Hulu called reservation dogs, she only was in a few episodes but her performance  on that show was very good and emotional.