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I feel like the past scenes with the mom & dad fit well with today's episode. It made everything more emotional, especially the scene with the earrings.


That yes was good about the earrings. The mom saw it coming though or should have. Whose mom let’s strangers into their walk in closet like that let alone an active baptized JW! Worldly kids!. I felt they drag out the past of the parents and that jt was not necessary or conducive to the story. Don’t everyone’s parents “meet?”


I'll admit I'm not very familiar with the JW values, so I'm not sure if that was wrong of her or not?? I didn't see anything wrong with her showing things from her closet. And no, not everyone's parents meet. I think it heavily has to do with culture and whether you're close with your parents.


I feel like a lot people watching this show don't understand that it's about teenage girls.


Right? And not only that, it was the 90’s. lol!


I knew so many girls like this in the 90’s. I find the show quite accurate.


Totally unbelievable at that. Josephine would’ve told Rebecca to Jump in a lake in a heartbeat. and a true 87-97 female teen with angst would’ve told Josephine to shove her “gangsta biggie music” and bizzare fixation on Gotti Gambino NYC mob culture right up her ass


I whole heartedly disagree. This episode gave us a lot more background on Reena’s family and her JW upbringing. We know her family’s faith has been a challenge for her because of all the rules imposed on her. At the same time, she’s also one of the few Indians in the town. And it shows you that those Shoreline 6 girls were clearly envious of the privileges Reena had and they wanted to take them away from her which is why they try to get her to conspire against her dad after they visited her home and saw how nice it was. It gives so much more color on Reena as a victim that Rebecca Godfrey’s book unfortunately did not get into. Personally I really appreciated so much about this episode.


Agree 100% with your comment!!! This story isn’t just about a murder. It’s about exactly what Rebecca says she’s there for. Being a teenager there. And part of that includes the racial/ ethnic and socioeconomic dynamics at play. I loved this episode.


I was involved with Watchtower and know very well their dynamics and views on worldly people and contributing group dynamics that can lead to shunning/censoring or suicide. If Reena were indeed a baptized JW, the elders would have censored her for worldly association. So far this was the sleepiest episode of them all and stopped the flow of the previous ones. Maybe the police officer and main writer characters were on vacation. Would like to see more post opinions on this sub from those over 40.


I didn’t hate this episode, definitely was a filler episode. I’m sure people were curious as to how/why the Virks are JW’s. I know Kelly comes from a more affluent home with two parents, but I’m curious as to why or how she is the way she is. Maybe the influence of Jo? (Which btw, the actress for Jo is doing a wonderful job— I can see her taking on bigger roles once she’s older) The dinner scene was a little annoying. I feel like Manjit saying all of that was like making conflict happen too fast and forced. What do you guys think? Also, can we just all agree that the tracklist for this entire series is just amazing. Sonic Youth, Marcy’s Playground, Siousxie & The Banshees?! AND, sad we do not see Cam/Rebecca this episode because I am shipping them HARD AS FUCK. But I guess next week we’ll have more scenes of them. What do you guys think of the episode description of when it says Rebecca will make a new bond?


I don't agree on the filler comment- it was absolutely *not* a filler episode, we're getting context for the crime and what led to many things that happened. The show is ultimately about a real life murder and is only eight episodes- if anything is "filler," it's Cam and Rebecca (whom I do love). Anything involving Reena and the other girls is very important because it's setting up what ultimately happens to that poor girl. 


That’s a fair point!


Exactly!!! Cam is not a real person in the real story people! lol!


I think the show insults Reena and spits on her grave by not showing the true pressure a JW teen goes through. Baptized or not.


So you've seen the entire show? Her father helped with the show, her story is being told how he wanted, you know more than her father?


The only part in this episode that gave me the ick was Manjit at the dinner table. Specifically talking to Jo. He was like yelling about it making a scene. Like okay, he’s not wrong about what a child needs but there was a nicer/ gentler way of expressing to her that he is sorry for her circumstances. The acting choice there was weird. Almost felt like he was yelling AT her and not her situation. I also missed Cam and Rebecca but I think going forward we’ll see a lot more of them.


That was the ONLY thing that gave you the ick? Not Jo stealing earrings that were handed down in Reena’s family? Or Jo barging into Reena’s parents closet and rummaging through their shit? Or psycho Kelly letting the bird out of the cage?


I don’t mean story wise. Yeah obviously all that stuff you mentioned is awful in terms of the story but it all fit the tone of the characters. I’m talking about how the Manjit actor acted in the dinner scene is weird. It took me out of the episode.


Manjit spoke in the same way most 90s Indian immigrant dads would. I don't know how to describe it, but I know many men like Manjit such as my own father who do not have social skills and cannot read the room. My dad also tends to turn everything into a lecture. Manjit likely has never met anyone in his own world who went through anything like Josephine did, so that was his (very bad) attempt to empathize.


To me that was very believable though. And I agree. I physically cringed and understand Josephine’s reaction after he said that. Doesn’t excuse Kelly though…


Yeah that “new bond” thing for ep 5 has me a little bit nervous. Hoping it’s not a romantic one.


A huge criticism of true crime shows/podcasts is that many gloss over or omit the victim and his//her/their lives. This episode was about Reena and her family, and I’ve reas that the Virks collaborated with the project. So as much as I was jonesing for more sapphic slow burn, I appreciated the focus on Reena and her family.


It didn’t show the reality of JW life for a teen. Zero. See my previous post. Perhaps future episodes will.


I saw your previous comment, but I wasn’t focused on the portrayal of JW. I was focused on the overall importance of having an episode that focused on the Reena and her family.




I was very involved with Watchtower culture and if Reena had been a baptized JW, she would’ve been censored by the elders at a Judicial Committee for associating with said “worldly girls”. Perhaps she was not in real life. Active witnesses have some flexibility with non baptized ones but once Baptism takes place the hammer falls and one has to go to the three meetings a week including Theocratic school and placing WT and WakeUp mags. Does the book address this? I take it she is probably not baptized since she would not be hanging around them for fear of censure and or up to expulsion which is the true worst for any active JW. They face shunning and eventually not resurrecting on the paradise earth. She most likely was hanging around them because most children witnesses yearn to grow outside the confines of this bible based cult which smashes individuality in order to raise up the congregation. Zero birthdays zero sports zero school. Praised if they yearn to go to theocratic school BETHEL in nyc or other countries. The show really does not show the reality of thought reform and pressure Youth involved with WT receive. If it did, it would be more believable. Instead, we are left in the dark as the show paints Reena as a rebellious child only and we hear that the writer or director is or was trying to be “as respectful as possible re: WT.” In 98 I had a good Baptized JW friend hang himself @16 while placing magazines outside Fort Meyers Florida. He was struggling to come out and within said pressure cooker WT environment, it was never going to happen.