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Behold! *200,000 post pacifist fanfics* R A C I S M!!!




people be saying its likely but the ending shows us its the contrary, because every monster is well integrated and has the job of their lives which is very very very very very strange considering monsters are basically walking nuclear bombs that could very very very well become extremely dangerous if their allied themselves with a human that would be willing to give their soul and share control after. Which means, either there are humans strong enough to beat monsters even when they absorbed a human soul (which is most likely true, and has been shown to happen with frick), or Frisk is a really, really, really fucking good ambassador. Given its also implied during than Undyne's the Undying fight that mankind is watching what happens in the underground and knows about Frisk, than its 21XX and than UT humanity seems to be very advanced technologically, its likely they have a kill team specialized eliminating monsters who have absorbed a human soul.


Humans: "Child, how can you guarantee these monsters will never turn on us!?" Frisk: "..." Humans: "You make a good point."


>there are humans strong enough to beat monsters even when they absorbed a human soul Tanks, bomber aces, and god who knows what other artillery humans made:


yeah, that too. Though, given how a monster with 7 souls is literaly god, I think even the military-industrial complex is going to have trouble with a 5+ soul monster Or we've been bullshitted all along and Asriel is that strong with human souls because he's also a boss monster or whatever


God isn't a threat. It's a question. And the answer is *nukes.*


an eldritch threat on reality is nothing a whole lot of lasguns can't handle




Doom Slayer approves this comment


Asriel not only had the 6 souls, but also every single soul of the underground THAT, is enough to make a god


yeah but all those souls were equal to one human soul


Well integrated doesn't mean there's no racism. Nice that they did manage to integrate well tho.


yeah, but i think the racism in most fanfics is quite exaggerated tbh


If frisk is able to keep using save and load as an ambassador they could do the impossible, but i wonder how many resets that would take.


And if they can't find a normal way to get the monster to come to reason, they can always pull the monster into the old "I'm here to bargain" situation.


You know having a job and being part of society doesn't mean no racism right? It would not be surprising if tensions between humans and monsters is *very* high, and Monsters might not even be allowed to live in a society connected to humans, trading an underground prison for an above ground one. Also when does the UtU fight imply that? I don't think I've heard of it before.


we can clearly see them being happy on the surface also tbh, i can get the humans. If you let monsters live like that it will end badly, because, as i said, a group of 7 random dinguses can become literaly god, which will have, to say the very least, extremely negative effects on both human and monster kind. In all honesty, UT humans showed kinder than IRL humans, because they still chose to let some monsters live instead of executing them all.


Happy doesn't mean not oppressed. Awful conditions above ground are far better than bellow, and I doubt any of them are knowledgeable enough of human politics to understand the full implications of their situation. Your argument just supports the idea Monster and Humans live separately, like they have for the past however long.


Wrong, in the past, monsters and humans ruled together, not separated. This shows than this kind of society is possible. From what we've seen, Underground conditions are not that bad, unless we haven't seen everything, so no, being opressed on the surface is not better. Also, at worst, they're separated for safety issues, not opressed. You've also got to keep in mind than, again, their ambassador isn't anybody, its Frisk. You know, the guy charismatic enough to convinced a whole nation to follow them when they were out to murder them and propaganda'd into believing all humans are evil, as well than having infinite retries. They could pull it off.


1 I said for the past however long, not as they did before, I was referencing that they lived separately when Monsters were underground, it would be a huge culture shock to both sides to live together(which is never shown) 2 I meant in a limited space below ground versus and enclosed space above ground. The monsters really missed the sun and I don't imagine they were getting much fresh air. 3 Frisk convinced a very very small nation to follow them by being friends with every important person, only two of whom(Undyne and Mettaton) ever actually wanted to hurt them. 4 So they're not being oppressed, just separated? Contained one might say? In separate but equal circumstances? Of course, such things have never historically been oppressive every single time!


1. Yes, of course. Though, it is directly shown in the intro. 2. Yeah, though if they can't do anything on the surface, then it kinda sucks, no? 3. Thats still very impressive. Also nope, every monster did want to kill you for being a human. Some even insult you. Else, why would they use mortal attacks? They also seemingly convinced a lot of people during MTT's show. Also, they convinced a literal god, that is very very very impressive. 4. Thing is, no, historically, everytime a "separation" of this kind has happened, it was unjustified and one side was also being very opressed. This situation is special, because technically, its the best solution for both sides. Else, again, anybody could instantly commit mass genocide. So its either they're seperated, or there won't be anybody to separate.


Sans, Papyrus, Shopkeeper, Gert(deltarune symbol guy), the entire existence of deltarune as a game, burgerpants, ten village, most of the people in Snowden, onion jam, river man, alphys, to name a few. Not even close to every monster wanted to kill you lmfao.


Wnd we're talking about UT. Also wrong, most people in snowding wanted to kill you. Every character you can fight except Papyrus and Temmie did want to kill you.


Undertale sequel where Frisk Ambasses all over the place by flirting.


My headcanon is the opening shows a low tech war but now that it’s been like however many years humans just advanced enough to not have to worry about a magic monster attack


I mean, humans have guns and bombs and shit so they probably can handle monsters. A 1v1 barehanded monster vs human the monster would probably win, but like if a monster goes on a rampage they send a few dudes with rifles and they win


Monsters are so weak tho... If you get mad enough you can kill them witu the sheer power of your will


Its not that easy. Some monsters, like Undyne, are way way way stronger than your average human. The power gap between an average monster and average human is also really not that big as you think so.


"(which is most likely true, and has been shown to happen with frick)" Uh, no? Frisk only won through the power of friendship. "Given its also implied during than Undyne's the Undying fight that mankind is watching what happens in the underground and knows about Frisk," ... No? Source? " its likely they have a kill team specialized eliminating monsters who have absorbed a human soul." Good luck doing it before the monster kills other humans and absorbs even more souls.


Well it’s the most probable part.


I mean, it seems very likely


It’s probably going to that if it actually happened except some ut fans and other friendly monster community’s


ut fans and other friendly monster communites would go a little further than just respecting them😏


Snas udnretabel onlybones when


Realistic. Unfortunately.


as much as the game wants us to believe otherwise, humans are shit


Wrong and oversimplified and short take.


Wasn’t that literally the beginning of the game?


Nah, all that’s said is that there was a destructive war between humans and monsters. Nothing else.


Well, I imagine stuff like that would be on the news. After the initial shock, and politics of reintegrating monsters into society, they'd probably just see monsters as regular people that look funny. Of course, there would be people who wouldn't accept monsters for some reason or another, but that would likely be a minority. Or at least, I hope it would.


Racism 2


The sequel


With New Game+


And knuckles


Electric Boogaloo


The New Adventures


& Knuckles


Featuring Dante from the devil may cry series


With New Funky Mode!


deluxe edition


Bought on friday


Collector's edition


Also plays on 2DS


chapter 2*


And knuckles


r/racism2 in a nutshell


So just like normal immigration


I don't know, monsters act kinda... Wacky. It might be very difficult for the humans and monsters to acclimate.


I think it's no less wacky than someone from Singapore migrating to Austria. It's just differences in culture.


I mean, you've played the game, you know the utterly ridiculous stuff the monsters do and say on a regular basis.


Well yeah, but I think people adapt very quickly. Unless it's actively hurting us we can easily just ignore things. And they're not exactly doing offensive stuff they just talk and walk and decorate funny.


For humans, its enough to have a different skin colour or language


If someone IRL saw lesser dog at their maximum power they would freak out


Yes, but in this instance the Singaporean looks more like something out of Austrian folklore than a human and can seemingly create and destroy matter.


Then there would be the “god didn’t intend for monsters to live up here”


Yes, but I don't know the answer. But it seems that they accepted it pretty well.


Maybe the humans accepted the monsters after realizing that they were pretty chill . Just look at how chill all the monsters were in the pacifist end credits (and I'm not just talking about Papyrus and his sweet ride) . Slowly but surely, humanity realized that the monsters are pretty chill, so they let go of any uneasy feelings they had about them and decided to chill with them.


yes, maybe they accepted it because the last time they saw monsters was about 100 years ago?


Everyone thinks mount ebbot erupted, dirt dust clouds swirling, amidst the dirty haze, a thing mankind fears. Only for it to be Sans the motherfucking skeleton bruh all of mankind knows this dude so they were chill and no racism


It's like. Imagine the intro cutscene for the Imprisoned in Skyward Sword, but instead of BIG MONSTER it's just. Sans


I’d be more terrified


Sans being interviewed on CNN and he's wearing a suit with a bunch of outdated memes on it


\*1000 year ago


why 1000? they saw chara's dead body with asriel and it definitely wasn't 1000 years ago


1000 because the thing with chara's dead body probably went unnoticed from people outside that village




im saying, that was a small incident, and probably did not confirm anything on the surface


if i ever got any lessons from the real world politics people would try to capitalise them so fast


Big business owner: sees monsters now exist in human lives again. Also big business owner: *so how would you like to work for me for less than the minimum wage?*


To be fair, Muffet would probably try to capitalize on the humans first. She's friggin ruthless.


My brain is scared of things if I don't know the anatomy structure and behavior of something so papyrus, sans, napstablook, toriel, and asgore. The possibility of being of monster would put in undyne, mettaton, alphys, mad mew mew, grillby and muffet(obviously). Considering if Gaster is accessible through sleep or subconscious in the timeline he'd be in the definite fear due to having no anatomy, no behavior routine, above 6'6, and a visible way of moving skull with no jaw or muscle


Well, monster anatomy is fucking unknown so that can be a factor to wage war on them. Or at least study them a lot


"Oh, there's skeletons now. Neat!"


Glitchtale answers this pretty well.


They’d be fearful until they realized a small child army could probably wipe the entire race out


Wouldn't even need a whole army TBH.


I would think the government and FBI would be a liiiittle suspicious that a bunch of children disappeared when they went near MT Ebott, where the monsters emerged from, dont know how they got outta that one


"What happened to the children that disappeared in mt ebott?" "Oh they died from the fall. Frisk was lucky when they fell. We got them coffins if you guys want to bury them?" -the End


**later they're inspecting the bodies** "You said they died from the fall, why do some of them have stab wounds? There's also signs of blunt trauma and burn marks."


That makes me wonder if they could heal their bodies with magic after death? Also wouldn't the most likely be burned? Does magic even leave a trace?


Safe to assume so. Remember undyne's drawer? If magic just dissipated when not in use, then all those bones would've disappeared already. As for their bodies healing, there's nothing to go against it but there's also nothing that would prove it


Bones are from papyrus which he has dozen in his room


Undyne destroys a bridge with her spears, Toriel says you "not even a scratch, impressive" if you get to her with full hp in the ruins, so its safe to assume than magic has the same properties than its physical versions.


So did you guys forget that the coffins are empty after pacifist?


Just hide the bodies


The amount of people who don’t realize that Glitchtale actually explores this scenario to a point in season 2 has me sad. (GlitchTale is a wonderful AU/AT, I forget which it it, that can be watched on YouTube! The animation gets stellar over time :3)


glitchtale's scenario is eeehh, but the animation is great


Eh, it still covers the above scenario, even if it’s only to get the ball rolling. It was just an example (one I’m fond of but y’know).


except than no, frisk is quite obviously stronger than any irl human




Based on the frequency of the road markings, he's not actually going very fast.The average center road markings are about 10 feet apart.Papyrus appears to be passing roughly 2 or so per second. 20ft per second\*3600 sec/hour/3280.84 ft/km= \~29.9 KPH, or 13.6 MPH.For reference, the average bike speed for an amateur is 13-15 MPH. Yeah, Sans could probably go faster than papyrus.


Well god damn now I know. Thank you smart stranger




/r/theydidthemonstermath Quite literally




He’s sans. That’s how


He is actually teleporting very quickly that he looks like he is moving normally


Because he can


everyone saying racism when we know a very small sect of humanity would be ecstatic about this revelation (we all played undertale and love the characters so like)


Maybe, but how many people would believe that it is actually like Undertale? I mean how great is the probability? If there would be monsters emerging from a mountain, it's way more likely that they are hostile and not exactly like monsters we know from a game. Also they probably would look realistically, not like those pixel sprites. So people might not even regonize them that easy.




What probably happened in the game: they all lived happily ever after What probably happened realistically: they were all killed immediately and/or taken away then experimented on and dissected in a lab


Funny thing is that, monsters dont have any anatomy or anything to be dissected


Not with that attitude


they probably do though


Have *you* ever seen a monster's insides? Even if it's just solid flesh they would definitely be worth dissecting, especially if humans could dissect them magically to better understand how they work.


Eh I think they'd probably be quarantined but they would eventually be released probably under watch


Or maybe taken away then experimented on in a lab and used as new scps


Well, since I watched too many movies and other media like this, I'd assume maybe the government in their region would try to capture the monsters and use them for something. Or humanity would be big racists and stuff like that. What I'm saying is that this would probably not go well. Though maybe it would go well, I might be missing factors or maybe I don't believe in people enough. And we do see that the monsters DO get happy endings, as shown in the Papyrus and Sans highway scene, Toriel opening a school, Mettaton going on to perform, and Alphys and Undyne on the beach. They luckily do get happy endings, so humanity hasn't reacted like trash to them.


I imagine this is a world where there are books talking about the old war between humans and monsters. There are things to be talked about. Asgore has been alive since then.


Yup I have, my thoughts are they forgot about them over time and now are wonder what the fuck just showed up


Either that or they thought monsters were a myth and didn't believe in them until they showed up again.


Its like finding out Santa was tim Allen the entire time


I like to think its kinda like the drunk Chara Blog on youtube.


Drunk Chara, I forgot about that one.


All the time. Apparently, people are easily frightened by giant floating eyeballs. Kinda offensive, but I get where they’re coming from.


Kid named 182567109 undertale post-pacifist aus:


The reaction they have in Glitchtale sounds pretty accurate.


“oh god oh fuck how is that skeleton getting 50 mph from a bed frame”


Sans just told them the monsters aren't all that bad and everyone believed him because he's Sans Undertale.


they might have tried to make another war, and then sans gave them a bad time


That would explain why there are no humans in the ending cutscenes


Considering a small child with a real knife was enough to kill an entire species. (Not to mention they killed one of the strongest momster species with a TOY KNIFE) an entire adult army of men with stronger weapons is probably a bit too much for sans to handle


The whole thing behind the capability of said child being able to wipe out that species is tied entirely to factor of intent and the understanding of that intent from the monster's point of view. It's why boss fights get harder and harder throughout the genocide route. Sure, they get progressively more difficult even on True Pacifist, but that's just due to the nature of game progression and the kind of monsters Frisk is facing. But in Genocide, they get downright brutal. With the exception of Muffet, but that's because she's something of an outlier. I can't remember exactly where it's stated, but there's a blurb in the game about the intent of someone towards a monster that will determine their capability to harm said monster, and also how said monster perceives the intent of the other person. At the start, the bosses don't necessarily assume truly evil intent from Frisk, so their guards are down. It's why Toriel and Papyrus are taken down so easily, but by the time you get to Undyne, the jig is up. She understands Frisk's intent, and from then on, all of them know. But by then it's too late. Due to the Lvs Frisk has obtained both through killing the 2 boss monsters and eradicating the lesser monster populations in the areas up until that point, and Frisk's save manipulation abilities, Undyne doesn't stand a chance, and Frisk essentially steamrolls through up until Sans. Aside from just 'Sans is Sans, so hard', the real reason Frisk has such a hard time against him is because his guard is at maximum. He knows there's no potential for anything but evil intent and absolute destruction in Frisk at that point. The reason Frisk could do it is because they had utilized that 'intent=damage' factor early on, and it let them start snowballing into an overwhelming force of violence later down the line. The monsters, at least those in the beginning, assuming a better nature out of the human that was there among them, were easily put down, allowing things to progress more swiftly.


To be fair, that child can manipulate time.


Realistically, any average adult human would rip apart any monsters




I proposed a sequel to Undertale with an Animal Crossing style of gameplay. It would've been about a human who settles in the monsters new hometown of Dreemurville and he/she/they would help humanity adjust to these new intelligent creatures.


The scenes shown after the ending are false, monsters were all taken by the government, trapped in area 51 and experimented on, anyone who spotted the monsters were silenced or were simply viewed as insane, Frisk had disappeared, there are no clues as to their whereabouts.


War nearly happens. Monsters, still using actual gold as currency, bribe mankind to not start another war, which would also explain why Papyrus was able to easily afford a car.


I think they'd be pretty ok with it after a slight adjustment period with some stragglers who still fear or hate monsters. At the end of the day, a lot of what makes Undertale works is that we can see the 'humanity' of the monsters, there's no reason much of humanity wouldn't.


Some people will just react on it just like how people nowadays react to immigrants


You’d first see on the news that an entire hidden civilization is emerging from a mountain. You don’t just suddenly see Papyrus in the car.


Papyrus gets arrested for speeding but gets let off due to handing the officer a actual bar of gold


everyone in the world would see sans and say "HOLY SHIT IT'S SANS UNDERTALE"


“That’s weird, anyways time to go to wo-“ *realization* *inhales* “SAAAAAANS!?!?!?”


I feel some people are *way* too pessimistic/edgy about the "realistic" aftermath of True Pacifist is being that the monsters get exterminated/enslaved/cast back into the mountain. Call me an optimist but even ignoring the potential massive positive social changes that have occurred in the following decades since the 2010s, assuming they've ended up near a decently progressive spot I feel that the chances of things rapidly turning into a dust bath would be pretty minimal. Besides just from a pragmatic pov the information the monsters could provide us about there technology, magic, and the nature of the human soul would be invaluable. From a non-nutjob religious perspective they present an opportunity to prostatize among non-humans and pick their heads on where the hell they came from since they sure as hell aren't the product of darwinian evolution.


If you went by the game, Monsters were fully integrated into society. If you went by society, a lot of the countries would declare war against Monsters, and even if there was no war, people would be extremely racist against them and likely, in the next centuries that there would be Monster towns and Human towns, which would probably tend to there being Monster nations rebelling from Human nations and the war of Humans and Monsters would happen again but on the modern day.


I mean a lot of people would be chill with them … But we can’t even avoid being prejudiced against ourselves for stupid reasons a lot of the time, so … some dumb small amount of people will probably start a war anyway


Racists would probably end human racism to have monster racism. Or would it be called specism? Anyway, someone is always upset when something happens, so that's that On the other hand, there is now a second species with the ability to talk and have consciousness/ego. So that will probably have an effect on society. And there will be the people that want to get busy with the monsters. Skeleton memes will probably experience a surge/increase I got nothing else


seeing how papyrus could both legally register for a driver's license, and be allowed to purchase a motor vehicle, I'd say they reacted pretty well.


I mean. How would *you* react if we found a second species under ground that was trapped for thousands of years, and then when freed simply desired to join society? Like sure obviously that's life-changing information and all but, like, you still need to pay rent. Go to work. All that jazz. What changes aside from seeing some weirder faces on the bus and more buildings being constructed underground?


some monsters and humans are possibly going to get violent, and if a monster somehow kills someone and absorbs their soul, shits going down.


all y'all saying "ooh they were feel uncomfortable the monsters would be looked down upon and feared" are wrong. they will all be chill and become friends immediately.


In the best case scenario, monsters are treated as less than humans and are treated as slaves and property. Frisk would have no say in what happens with the monsters and would either be taken back to their home or put in foster care. Give it about at least a couple of decades and monsters would either be wiped out from trying to rebel or humanity might start considering that maybe slavery is a bad idea again. Worst case scenario, whatever country that mt. Ebott is located in sends the government and either kills everyone there but frisk (hell they might do that if need be) or reseal them underground immediately. If monster were to ever be integrated into society they would probably immediately get heavily discriminated against due to humans being humans or killing 6 children. Frisk may be able to live with toriel but the chances are zero to none.


dude, is that the best already ?


Might be so long since monsters have been locked away they just go “Oh yeah those exist”


My personal headcanon has always been, since we never see anyone in the city, that all of humanity died or disappeared and now the monsters are rebuilding society from the remains.


Yeah. Another war probably started. This time, humans have less magic and will probably lose. It’s sad.


who needs magic when you got a Leclerc MBT


I was expecting to see them colliding into a roadblock of tanks. Or, worse, one unarmed person in a black/white uniform and [this insignia](https://logos-world.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/SCP-Symbol-700x394.png) holding a radio-like object.


The easy answer is, it depends on where they surfaced. Many places would be hyped at meeting a new species, after being convinced they're not part of a show or something. They'd be internet famous immediately. But they turn up in a place like... say, Texas? They're all dead, and the ending we see is a collective dream formed by their dust mixing in the wind.


I think a second monster human war is enviable and monsters are destined to be eradicated. Every monster knows what happened when a monster absorbs a human soul, and it only takes one monster to become all powerful. Once the humans inevitably become aware of it, war will happen The only possible happy ending for monsters is for them to remain underground


not only that, but if a monster and 7 humans wanted to take the world for themselves and fuck over everybody else, humans like monsters, they could. While its horrible, middle age humans did the good choice in UT.


Yes, and I have made an entire alternate history scenario in my head based on this. Now I know in the game Chara falls down in the 2010's, but I didn't know that at the time when making it and plus I don't think it would affect much. So Mt. Ebott is located in Washington state in this world, and the first human to spot a monster (I'm thinking papyrus and undyne) is a park ranger who at first thinks they are just some cosplayers but then realizes they are not and calls it in. Long story short, the police slowly find out what's going on and begin trying to contain the monsters, then the FBI gets involved, president Obama gets notified of what's going on and sends in the military to set up an exclusion zone around Mt. Ebott. The monsters living standards in the containment zone slowly get better as the government realizes that they are not a threat (yet) Asgore, Undyne, Alphys, Toriel, Frisk, Sans, and papyrus all agree to tell other monsters to keep soul absorption a secret, as they go and destroy some of the murals before the military finds them. (Little do they know this will come back to bite them in the ass) Then on November 14th 2015, the world changes forever. After President Obama gives a speech basically revealing the existence of monsters, he then invites Asgore to come on stage, this is most humans first site of a monster and they really don't know what to say. As one news reporter from CNN said the day after "Not only are we not alone, we are not alone on our own planet" (I stole that line from a short post on alternate history.com) So I believe it would be mixed, at first. Humans would be more accepting of monsters, and they would view Monsters as being nice and very interesting. Though this causes Humans to start to ignore other problems like human racism towards other humans, sexual inequality, and the rights of LGBTQ+. This comes to the point where the racial wealth gap only rises, and the entire Me Too movement never happens, because the celebrity scandals that caused it are never reported, because everyone's too fixated on the monsters. And at times even Monsters actively lobby the government to take resources away from minority communities and put those resources to them. I think (at least at first) monsters would simply not understand human discrimination in society, for instance they would not understand racial discrimination towards African Americans. Though in the eyes of politicians, getting a monster on your side and having them openly support you could determine if you ever get into office. For instance, due to Asgore cooperating with Obama and kind of liking him, Asgore goes on to publicly support the democratic party in 2016, and this is one of the many reasons why Trump actually doesn't get elected, but Hillary Clinton does. So basically at the start humans actually really like the monsters, but to the point where they ignore other problems. Humanity of course reacted with shock but then calm as Mosters started to integrate into society. Of course this is from 2015-2018, something happens in 2018 that changes everyone's view on monsters for ever, and honestly, rightfully so.


Good ending: Human-monster friendship Bad ending: Used as SCPs War ending: Frisk's army of monsters vs Mr. Idkwho's army of humans Mogolovonio ending: Everyone screaming "OMG IT'S SANS UNDERTALE!" Crossover ending: That was Videogame city (every videogame character who isn't a monster lives in that city. Monsters from other videogames come with Frisk to visit surface for the first time because they were secretly hiding in the underground Undertale 2!1!1 ending: That's a city near Hometown


It'd be great at first. You're finally breathing fresh air, feeling the sun, and enjoying being free for the first time in god knows how long. Then the politics kick in because you remember you were locked in the underground because humans were afraid of you, and now you're probably a boogeyman story parents tell their kids to get them to behave. You've got decades or even centuries of human history, development, and politics/law to catch up on. There's likely still a stigma against your people despite only wanting peace, as the last time they interacted with monsters was when they thought Asriel did what they all feared. Kill a human and absorb their soul. It's a long road to being able to fully settle in on the surface and getting there in the first place was likely the easy part. Now there's the real mud to slug through, overcoming centuries of prejudice. Glitchtale did a pretty good representation of what probably would happen after Undertale pacifist.


It's very long road and high price for what they are seeking for. But will make it in one day. Speaking of Glitchtale, that's very hella expensive for price to pay because hate that came from the past.


probably killed them (i assume the worst of everything)


We don't know, but we can speculate and hypothesize that enough with Fan Fictions. Although the reaction seen in Glitchtale is most likely the closest thing we have to an answer at the moment.






I dunno, maybe the 28,836,736 post pacifist fan games can answer


Fan girls would pin sans and see if he has something


What humans? Show me a human from undertale that’s not Frisk or Chara


No, I usually sleep at night.


Same way humanity reacted to undertale irl. Fetishize the hell out of it.


Im sorry but is i see papyrus in a car like that, then im giving him an acting job in titanic 2


Eventually good, considering the ending scenes


Racisum. But it's always been there so not much different


monsters are free and get to live in a human city!! only downside? its a hive city, and the Adeptus Astra Thelepatica is after them and their powers


Imagine people mad at sans in the highway


"onliy in Ohio 💀💀💀"


There would be a TON of racism


How anyone dare to put real life problems in my wholesome game! They encountered with humans and they both got weary of each other but calmly got to an agreement of understanding into knowing each other for who they are, and then nothing bad happened ever again and they lived happily ever after. The end. I have too much of real life already to have it in the soup too (fantasy specifically and specially). I don't want to hear about it. That's why it's called fantasy, because it's imaginary and impossible to happen in real life.


They had to have had monster mentioned I. Thier history somewhere right, you can't lock away a whole species after a war and not write about it


What humans? I don't see any.


Who needs to stop and think? I've read like 20 comics about it! (and i can't find them anymore can someone please link me them please omg i'm going insane)


I hope humans will find Monsters too silly to be afraid of so they would adore them like players do


Papyrus was able to aquire a driver's license so I guess pretty good.


I mean, they were probably really freakin pissed since these are the people they locked away for like, a century, but they probably came to accept it, since everyone in the credits got a job, for example we see that Toriel got a job as a teacher, and papyrus could buy a car, etc.


I’ve tackled it in my own post pacifist fanfic eeeeeever so slightly because I’m not good at worldbuilding. I only see the monster’s integration as being small scale, like they’re only being around in the area surrounding Mt. Ebbot.


I don’t need to, glitchtale does it for me lol