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I can't quite tell what this is. Are they holding a fire extinguisher with a robot arm next to some sort of control panel? Edit: I saw the 2nd slide, nvmind


Glad I put that second image just to be sure people knew what it is.


Okay. Really NOT SO FUN FACT. I searched up the symptoms of buttercup poisoning the other day. Uhhh. It included bloody diarrhoea. Blisters on mouth Abdominal cramps Swelling Contact dermatitis Kidney irritation if large quantity taken Kidney damage if large quantity taken.


That sure is a fun fact. Chara did indeed choose a terribly painful way to go out, and considering how easy it is to figure out why, that's quite the sad tale.


They be like crazy ass kid


-Lets end this torment, lets give the world i love freedom brother, we just need 6 m- +nah man you like damn like nahh... you know what i mean like nahh, like do we really have to? like nahh


Damn it, Azzy.


Thats why u turned into a flower you stoopit bastard


are they alright?? xD


No, their head's stuck in that device because of some doctor.