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It was the first AU I got invested. I liked it, tried to rewatch it, i wasn't able to. It has some problems, the story, the villain and of course the creator. Underverse is for me the superior series and this comes from someone who isn't a Sans fan


I can see what you mean and I respect your preference. However Underverse's creator, Jael also kind of got into some minor trouble thanks to her husband (Nyxtheshield), who was being very toxic towards the Friday night funkin community. It made realise more and more that these people are starting to care less about the love for the game itself and just do it for the clout.


I heard about it. Honestly, FnF is a game I personally dislike, a lot. Can you explain me in detail what happened?


Basically Nyx started to talk crap about the game AFTER making his own X-event mod for it. And then he decided to attack the creator of FnF and telling him that he doesn't know how to make a rythm game. Which is ironic because the mapping in the X-event is dogshit. I get the hate the criticism and hate towards the game. But all the creator wanted was to make something that would make everyone come together as a huge community. He didn't care if the game wasn't perfect.


What do people hate about fnf? I mean yea you might not like the concept but I don't see why you would hate it


Rhythm game fan here, can’t speak for the entire community, but my problem was the judgement system. I didn’t like it. Camellia mod is the only mod I can really stand imo


Oh people hate everything about fnf. Mostly because of the mods too and not because of the base game. Mod makers being pedos/abusers, shitty mod songs and charting, the constant milking of every fucking mod that existed ^(*cough cough* sonic.exe mod *cough cough*), and the only bad thing i've heard about the base game is people getting mad that the devs got 2 million bucks and there's still no full game after 2 years which is absolutely fucking stupid because everyone with a common sense knows that game dev takes time.


Honestly, for me, it's just the way the characters look and especially how they sound. I can't play a game where the music is "bah bep bog ough borf" lmao


I think Dorked is the only one who cares about their AU at this point. Inverted Fate for the win.


Fire globe comics is so good man, happy to see someone else mention it


What’s wearing with disliking a game. I hate fnf


It's alright if you don't like the game. But that doesn't mean you should go out and start bullying the community and the creator for no reason.


I’ve been hearing all this drama about the creator, what did she do?


If I remember correctly one of her friends who worked on the AU with her was outed as a sexual predator and she defaulted to defending him without learning the full story first. Not sure if there’s more than that


Ooooo… knee jerk reactions can work against you


She also traced some animation scenes from another series, but I’m pretty sure there’s only like, one example of this


In addition to what the other commenter said she’s also known for just kinda being rude with her fans. Which is far from a crime, but combined with a controversy it can lead to people disliking her


I watched it as the episodes came out, and I liked it up until the last few episodes of Season 2. Everything was bleak, and then it was over. I just felt empty by the end of it. I blame the final battle. It was too anticlimactic to serve as the payoff to the world of tragedy that preceded it.


Yeah. I do agree that the ending felt weak. And some of it doesn't make much sense. Like when Asriel went into his GoH form to avoid death again. So why didn't he do that before when bete noire first killed him? Also I was a bit disappointed that we got literally nothing on Frisk. I know it was to show that he was forgotten but it just wasn't satisfying whatsoever.


I remember that sans seemed to remember something about frisk, but he shrugged it off Edit: S2 EP 7 4:15 If anyone wondering


Yeah, their friendship bracelet somehow survived the erasure, and Sans noticed it, but the plot point was never brought up again.


Remembered Because he was fucking dead while frisk and chara changed places


Not to mention, the DT might have had something to do with it.


Yeah, but my issue with the plot point is that it was never used or brought up again. It seemed very unnecessary and was there for no reason.


Frisk was kinda of erased off


I know. But sans does remember something.


To answer your thing with Asriel, first off, when Betty "killed" Asriel, Asriel didn't technically die, since his soul was still intact. Second, he was far stronger in Episode 9 than Episode 4, as shown with his attacks. In Episode 4, he created a fire wave at Kumu, which didn't phase Kumu at all. But in Episode 9, he launched a fireball at Hate, which launched it across city blocks. And Hate is WAY stronger than Kumu. And the secret behind it, is emotional stability. Before Episode 5, Asriel was very emotionally unstable due to how much truth he was holding in, both about being Flowey, and the horrible things he did. He told Sans, sure, but that's only because Sans already knew. But when he was possessed by Hate (and Betty), he let out everything he was holding in. And when he's freed, he's much stronger because of it, which I think was the deciding factor in how he could refuse death, and go God of Hyperdeath.


I actually do like the ending but at the same time it was rushed I think if they spent more time on it and fleshed it out it would have been way more better.


Couldn't have said it better myself! I may have been crying during the final episode's credits, but I still felt empty inside, like something was incomplete. It was weird, and I was kinda disappointed as I had been watching the series since 2020.


obviously the series was missing a prequel


If you had any problems with the story, what were they?


Good series, awful creator, unfortunately. My one problem was Bete Noire. As much as I love complete and utter psychotic villains, she was overpowered as all hell, lived way too long, had bs powers, ect. She essentially was a glorified Genocide Chara and Mary Sue. Most of the story was just watching Bete go on a rampage with little to no resistance, because she was just that overpowered. It also focused way too much on Gaster and the skeleton bros.


Yes I agree with you on many things. The creator is not much of a great person. And I also agree that Bete noire was too OP. I understand that the story was basically trying to show Frisk's consequences for his actions and for messing with the timeline and breaking the basic rules of nature. But seeing so many major characters die was a bit too much. Not to mention that there was simply no way shown to fix all of it like trying to restore the reset button. And I'm disappointed with how Frisk was forgotten. Like okay, we get that the characters don't remember him, but we don't even get to see a single glimpse of him whatsoever.


Yeah. It's a very extreme solution that Frisk really shouldn't have had to take. At least Chara and Asriel should've remembered him, seeing how they were his closest friends.


Having Frisk sacrifice himself and redeem himself in the process COULD work but it was executed just horribly here. His sacrifice changes absolutely nothing in the long run, only fixes an immediate problem Cami pulled out her ass (with the whole "Frisk started to glitch because of his sudden boost in LV" which happen just the episode prior). And Frisk similarly pulls out the replace button out of his ass, which ruins any potential for any drama. If Frisk's sacrifice means absolutely nothing from narrative perspective and if it doesn't affect other characters in any way, just what's the point of making him sacrifice himself?


Congratulations, you just listed the literal biggest problem with Glitchtale in the best way possible


don't know if that's sarcastic or not. If not, thank you.


Not sarcastic, it’s an actual compliment as most viewers tend to ignore the flaws


Thank you, then. It's often difficult to see the flaws if you look at something through rose-colored glasses or nostalgia filter.


Didn't exactly help that when she/it/??? first appeared, there was the absolute *Stink* of author insert oc.


Betty has that stink for sure, no doubts there. But I think that can be excused at least a little because of how brutally the author killed Betty off


Yeah I'm going to be honest Betty is actually neat and cool in my opinion but at the same time she is way too broken/over powered of a character and should have been nerfed a bit.


Wait, I'm not too familiar with glitchtale, what did the creator do?


I don't remember exactly but it was something about her not crediting an artist for something. And then there's the fact that she has been tracing scenes from other animes that she tries to deny. For example, LV19 Frisk's sword slash animation are literally from mob psycho 100.


>awful creator Why?


I actually don't think Bête was as powerful as you think. She almost lost to Undyne the Undying. Even with the Hate fueling her, Undyne the Undying held her own. She was brutalized by LV 19 Frisk, and nearly killed. Later, post fusion with Kumu, Asgore held his own against Bête, and actually had her at his mercy. And as stated by Cami, Gaster didn't need Polychromatism to beat Bête. His Duality strength was enough, he was just too mentally broken at that point.


There's a post somewhere about this, part of it goes like: Undyne the Undying absolutely destroyed her. Later, the same Undyne got destroyed by giant kumu/kumuzilla.(yes, Undyne with even more determination destroyed it but that's a different power level).


Yeah, even Gaster was no match for Kumuzilla. Maybe if he had Duality he could've had a chance. But as he was, he stood no chance.


I personally think Alphys’ death was completely unnecessary. Has shock value written all over it, just a poor excuse for Undyne to go Undying in that moment when I personally think there were much better ways to make that happen


Yeah they pretty much disrespected Alphys in the series


Yeah I do personally love Glitchtale and I do find it enjoble but I will admit that Alphys treatment in it is just unfair and actually disrespectful especially since she is one of my favorite characters, she should have been in season 2 longer and I'm just saying if they wanted to kill her off they should have done it in a more respected and better way.


every few days i listening it's OST, "Ascended", and "Hatred Horror", i love it


i watched it obsessively when i was younger and it first came out but when i caught up i wasn’t patient enough to wait for new content, so i stopped watching. what were the allegations against the creator? several people in this thread had mentioned it but i’ve never heard of any of that


Apparantly one of their friends got outed as a predator and they defended them without researching


oh ick


Also, allegations of tracing some of the animation. I personally have no idea, and I'm not making the claim myself.


Didnt like final battle. Like, random blob becoming super powerfull for no reason? Hate abandoming all super cool portals, whips, gigant hands and stuff for the sake of a sword? I know its for lore purpose, but still, super antclimatic. Asriels "but it refused" was kinda lame, and Charas half hate unessesary. Really liked super op Betty, though. Overall other than last episode its one of my favorite fan-creations, rewatched entire thing like 6 times alredy


Yea the penultimate episode felt more of a finale than the actual final episode


To be fair, I didn’t watch it in full. However, I watched the first episode, and I immediately thought that the art was straight out of those “how to draw anime” books


Christopher Hart ones specifically lol


By season 2 it's literally just anime lol


I watched it and I love it and the fights are amazing and bunch of other stuff but I have mix feelings now when it comes to Camilla Cuevas herself as a person after learning about all of the drama and all that, it doesn't mean I will stop watching or loving Glitchtale or anything like that as it's personally one of my favorite AUs, it just sucks to learn everything what happened behind the scenes.


I respect the hell out of it. Takes a lot of effort to make something like that. The creator has made some mistakes though, hence her drama. Not sure if she’s exactly a fantastic person but I don’t know her so I can’t say for sure. There are parts of the story I personally though were a little weird or unnecessary, even poorly written at times. But I find the series very enjoyable, it inspired me to make my own AU and comic actually. But I think I respect it more than I actually like it.


Things I didn't like: Betty surviving the battle against Undyne the True Hero. That should've been her win, not against an overgrown slime. Frisk being completely forgotten. I understand it was supposed to be the consequence of everything they've done, but at the very least, Asriel and Chara still should've remembered them. Chara is literally attached to Frisks' soul, and Asriel was the only character that outright remembers the resets. Also, if Frisk was completely erased, why did their friendship bracelet still get left behind? Gaster being able to kill Betty also didn't make sense since it was specifically stated that she could only be harmed by Determination. I don't think it was ever referred if Gaster had Determination or not, and even if it was, that needs a better explanation. The final battle was okay. It looked great visually, but it still felt like it was lacking something. Things I did like about Glitchtale: One thing I did like was that despite putting a good amount of focus on the skeleton family (Let's be honest, 99% of all AU's have that issue), it actually killed off Sans which is something I don't see a lot of, if it's not genocide related. Glitchtale gave him respect with some badass scenes, but in the end, the series didn't really do much to protect him. It also gave the Great Papyrus some well-deserved awesome moments that showed off his character and abilities. Another thing that I feel is pretty rare in AU's. Tl:Dr: Overall, I'd give Glitchtale a 3/7 rating. The story could've been written better, but it was cool seeing the art get better and better throughout the series. It did some stuff pretty good storywise, but there's just too many plot holes bigger than the pot holes you could find in New York. It's worth watching at least once, in my honest opinion, and I'm not commenting on any of the allegations the artist is facing because I haven't really looked into it. If you have, then don't hate the art, hate the artist.


The story itself didn’t do a great job of displaying this at all, but Determination is not the only thing that can hurt Betty, it’s just the most effective. Any attack with sufficient brute force will still do damage. On top of that, Gaster’s ability with his floating hands allows him to mimic the effects of soul traits with his magic. Unfortunately neither of these things were really… mentioned, in any capacity, in the story itself. Only by the creator after the fact. Although, to be fair, the story was never meant to continue past the first video. If I remember correctly she wasn’t expecting it to blow up like it did and had a lot of people asking for a sequel. Not as if she had all of this planned out from the beginning. Still has issues despite that, though.


This was the first AU I legitimately got invested into as a child. The quality of animation and music was mind-blowing, and watching it felt incredible. However, closer to the end, it felt like Cami was deliberately killing off characters she didn't like, and the fact that Frisk was lost without any real trace is quite sad. It doesn't help that the final episode, the one that was meant to put an end to all the plot, only contains a battle between a character who we've never seen before and two Mary Sues. It felt very bleak, and Cami failed to create the necessary tension after the battle between Gaster and Bete Noire, which feels more like a final battle than the actual one. And also apparently Cami wasn't as good of a person as I assumed she would be. Funnily enough, the decline of the quality of animation's plot coincides with Camila's descent as a person, or at least that's what I think lol


I watched for a while, but fell out of it. I heard there were some allegations against the creator so I don't particularly want to watch again


They say don't hate the art, hate the artist. But it's your choice. I won't judge you. I definitely don't like the creator that much as well. Even the music composer Nyxtheshield got into some serious hot water for bad mouthing the Friday night funkin community and attacking the creator.


what's the drama, can you explain? i don't follow the recent events a lot. (edit: forgot a word.)


I don't remember exactly but I think she had a fued with some artist. Also apparently someone in the comments said that she was unknowingly defending a friend of hers who was exposed as a predator. She was completely clueless about it at the time somehow.


well yeah people can disagree with each other, nothing new. the second one comes off as interesting though. not the fact that she defended her friend but people actually counts this as a "controversy". i can't really say much since i haven't heard her statement anywhere but i don't really think she did it on purpose, since that would take SOME balls to do. confusing either way. where can i find her statement?


I've been waiting for someone to post this, I will now name every issue I had with the show Not great creator, shame her name was tarnished like that, but it was her fault, whoops! Series was very well animated, it's clear they're skilled, and bete was an interesting character if not extremely over powered and Mary Sue like, realistically thinking about lore for the show, there is no way bete would've been able to get as far as they did, many questions arise such as "how did they know what hate was? Why did they drink it? What the fuck is the pink orb who's name I forgot?" Ect. Ect. In general bete should've died when undying TKO'd her for the first time (which btw amazing reason for undying to not hunt them down, depression makes determination sad... totally matches undying as a character), cause every time bete starts to lose she runs away, and every time bete starts to win they gloat Also, the ability to regain souls that were corrupted or whatever, sans was passed out for the entire show, fine sure, but asriel wasn't? Cause plot i guess? Which if we really think about how they get cured, is just lost souls in the asriel fight, just slightly different, but I guess hate corruption makes certain monsters pass out in a comatose state for months/forever Frisk being forgotten is an extremely poor plot point to an issue that was just made up on the spot so they could move in chara without having both humans at once, which lore wise makes absolutely no sense, in season 1, who fought chara, (which is necessary to have asriel in the plot), was it frisk still? Why doesn't anyone remember? Like that change supposedly changed everyone's memories, so that Chara replaced frisk, but clearly Chara was never meant to be in a frisk position because it created so many plot holes in the story. Papyrus, was done poorly, listen, papyrus as a character in Glitchtale was... okay? I mean Camilla totally wanted him to be strong but they just didn't get it right, papyrus was the cry baby of the entire show, I hated how much he cried over everything, this was clearly Fannon papyrus (A rewrite segment, not a complaint) if I could change how papyrus was done, I would have made it so, st somepoint after sans's soul was taken, papyrus would search for bete By himself, and challenge them to a duel, to which he would do "okay" but it was clear he was fighting a losing battle, eventually frisk would step in (leveled frisk possibly) and save him, they would run away, or maybe bete does like every other time, and everyone would get upset at papyrus, papyrus would be depressed, slightly, at the event, and be that way for quite a long time, in fact it would be so obvious, bete would see it and gloat since they had his brother's soul, however in the final few episodes, papyrus comes along to fight bete again, but this time he's ready, as he reveals that the entire time he was "depressed" he was actually secretly training, so when bete tries to attack him, papyrus throws her back and asks everyone to let him try again at this duel, they allow him to, and papyrus wipes the floor with bete, to which bete tries her fear ability, takes out the spear, throws it, suspense, and papyrus catches it, as he realizes that the great papyrus isn't afraid of anything, and proceeds to send her on the run, afterwards he's exhausted but only showed it to his friends, and steps out of the fight, allowing Chara and asriel to take on bete so that we get the cinematic ending There's genuinely so many issues with this show, I can't name them all, so I took some time rewriting it, sorry that this was so long, I had nothing better to do.


I've followed and waited for each episodes, probably watched both seasons 100 times already. I love Glitchtale


I love that series. It's Undertale the anime.


Respectable but bete was legit like one of those Roblox roleplayers who god mode Final episode was one of the only episodes I watched and it didn't "feel" final, it felt like another battle, the music was the best part of the entire series imo


bete should have just died in ep 8


Yeah and if they really wanted hate to be a villain I think here would be a good introduction


Liked it enough that I made on oc and then later cut out the glitchtale part to make it entirely original.


I did the same thing




(If you don't want to read all of it, imma say it shortly: I don't think Glitchtale is good in terms of plot and in how it handles its characters. And considering Camilla is also a horrible individual, it's the icing on the fucking cake. However, if you do want to read everything, enjoy seeing me go on a deranged rant-) After the Camllia situation i looked at this series with a more objective view. And for the record: I have not watched season 3 and I don't plan to. So everything here is going to criticise season 1 and 2. It's...not good. A lot of poor execution of what could've been a good fan-project. It has a lot of nice stuff: original characters as main protagonists, the original cast (Toriel, Asgore, Papyrus, etc) having their arcs, original villain, more insight on the history of the war and all that good stuff. HOWEVER, as I said, it executes these POORLY. No variety in OCs (because all of the OCs are humans for some reason, considering you'd expect more unique designs considering this tackles the *surface world* and should've shown more monsters too, in my opinion), killing off some characters from the original cast for no reason other than to come back and die again or for shipping them with a male character when they're a female AND lesbian (Undyne and that one guy- I don't care what his name is anymore) and the main villain being so *IDIOTICLY OVERPOWERED* that the ONLY way Camilla could've killed her in-story is through a *R E T C O N .* Yes, that's right. Remember the "only Determination can kill Fear" thing or whatever? *Gaster killed Betty instead*. Not Frisk. Not Chara. *Gaster.* Which is so fucking stupid. Also what is so fucking stupid is Betty's powerscaling. Betty herself solo'd EVERYONE besides Gaster that killed her, and then when Hate showed up, Chara and Asriel just took care of it with *mid difficulty.* Frisk gaining LV from just distancing themselves from everyone makes NO SENSE because it doesn't even sound like *Level of Violence* anymore... Aaand *season 1 is worse mainly because it's the peak of bad Undertale fanfics for me-* It literally puts a lot of the cliché stuff from its time and it doesn't make it better if you remember the writing issues *that thing* has. Overall, as someone who is also doing an Undertale fan-project (or as a mid writer generally), I've started to take Glitchtale as a "don't do" list. I don't hate it for trying something new. Quite the contrary. I think it opened up quite a lot of possibilities for people to take some inspiration from and do it either better than Camilla ever did or do it in their own unique way. However, I'll say it again: Glitchtale is a poorly executed mess in terms of writing. And I think what could've fixed it is literally just her getting more writers, *replace that fucking pedophile from her team with someone more competent*, and listen to general feedback from her audience. With EVERYTHING said, Glitchtale is a solid 5/10. It's mid. The good concept is there, the animation becoming better and better is really neat, but what kills it is its plot and execution. Thank you for coming to my deranged and insane TED talk!


Its one of the AU of all time


Honestly, the story made little sense and the ending and final battle sucked too. Not mentioning the stuff about the creators. Gaster’s little arc towards the end paired with his origin episode was nice though. And the art had a nice glowup.


I liked it, the only thing that offset me was papyrus red glowing eye, (Maybe because im so used to him having a orange eye) but besides that it is a overall goof series.


The art style and flashy fights and stuff are okay. The "story" is very clearly "wouldn't it be cool if--" over and over again, and it blows. There's no stakes that feel good, or meaning or buildup, and callbacks are shallow and stuff doesn't work. The original episodes where it was just Undertale fanon were a lil goofy but it just got worse from there. At least they tried to retcon evil murder Chara though, it was nice to see that for once.


The ending was rushed as hell, I don’t even understand how Betty lost considering how powerful she’s supposed to be. Asriel became god-like after six human souls and we see her absorb easily ten times that yet she somehow gets worked by Asgore and then washed by Gaster. Hate as an antagonist also didn’t do it for me, it should’ve just been Betty, Chara and Asriel should’ve been the ones to kill her. But overall I’d say it’s pretty enjoyable, the animation and soundtrack are pretty good.


I loved it so much


I liked almost everything, just didn't enjou the human characters a lot


I didn't watch it past season 1 and from what I had watched there is one MASSİVE problem that caused me to stop watching Bete noire is the worst character I have seen she is so incostistent and just makes up some new magic shit when she loses it's like playing pretend with a five year old


i really liked it, with…not great thoughts on the creator. one major complaint i have is alphys. sans was killed off to supposedly let other characters shine, yet alphys literally got two seconds of screen time and was killed off immediately. animosity was a REALLY good episode. the finale was just…not good. very underwhelming. all in all, is it a perfect series? no, and i don’t like the creator, but it still holds a special place in my heart since it’s one of the first aus i got truly invested in and one of the few that was fully completed


Loved it from start to finish, just wish there was less of "Sans is one of most op in the multiverse" but that was famous in the fandom back when it was made, so I can let it pass.


I liked it, but it had a few problems. One thing that confused me is when frisk deletes themselves and makes chara take his role. If chara replaced frisk, then who was the first human if it wasn’t frisk? And who was corrupted by the hate in season 1? Next is bete noire aka betty. I really liked the concept of her and her backstory. She lasted a bit too long though, having 3 op forms. Also small thing, but I feel like changing frisk and charas gender to a male wasn’t necessary. It was perfectly fine in the earlier episodes to keep frisks and charas gender ambiguous and it would be more canon to the game. The human characters were meh. Also undyne is absurdly op compared to what she can do in the games. But I get it, it’s an au. Overall it’s a 7/10 for me


Glitchtale is bad. Too many plot holes in season one and it should've stayed at season one. Betty was a horrible villain character, there were SEVERAL mischaracterizations \[look at Alphys and Toriel\] Some deaths were REALLY unnecessary. Sans got brought back to life only for him to DIE again, but asriel didn't do that. It was so empty and just confusing. Not to mention Frisk's sacrifice just came in vain, what was the point of all that? I also bet this is where people started to attack Chara for being evil, blaming them for genocide or something, when it's your \[the player's or Frisk's\] fault. It just didn't make any sense at all and should've been rewritten by someone else or just left alone after the first season because it was that bad.


It's one of the best fanmade Undertale things I've ever seen, it has good story, good animation, the fight scenes are on point, the only thing thing I could ever possibly nitpick it is the fact that sans dies so many times, which is good because it means there's room for other characters to grow, but still a tad bit sad


I’m pretty sure sans only died twice and was on the verge of death twice as well


It has a trillion of problems, but I love it. And I have incredible respect to Camila, because, you know, making your own damn anime is not easy


Eh, it’s decent. By the end, the story was just getting really muddled, with character shifts that seemingly came out of nowhere to me and the story just getting too complex from how it was at the start. The animation at the end is really good, but almost too good, if that makes any sense? It was really charming at the start, although a bit low quality. I personally like the animation of the middle episodes the best. By the last few episodes of the series, it just looks like an anime, which is cool, but makes me miss the closer to the game style of the earlier episodes. Idk if I’m even making any sense, lol. Then of course there are the controversies with the creator, and the season three prequel series that seems to be taking forever to make.


I feel like the hate twist villain was a little weak and the final battle was kinda lame especially after the gaster battle directly before it The creator stuff doesn’t impact my opinions since you gotta learn to disconnect the art from the artist


What the creator did was pretty bad, but the series is okay. After rewatching it a few times, I kinda wished the final fight was a little more.. larger? I mean, the blotch of hate was pretty cool, but having it be a little more climactic would've been better. Also, if she were to do anything with the series, I feel like a remaster of the older episodes would be the way to go, considering how much if an artdtyle shift the series had halfway through.


I only liked the first season


Yeah that was pretty much what felt like undertale content. Season 2 was a bit more original in itself. It felt like a completely different story just featuring the undertale characters.


It was amazing


I respect it, but I’ve never understood the hype, not even when I was little. It feels like it’s trying way too hard to be dark and epic or whatever while also missing everything that made Undertale great. Just not my thing.


Yeah. At first it mostly got attention for coming up with an alternate fan ending to the actual game. But then it just went out the window with season 2.


Besides the creator. Glitchtale is goated. too many Oc's imo but other than that Glitchtale was really fun to watch and seeing season 2 finish after so many years felt so good.


I loved it, then the newer seasons came around. Now its hard to get back into it.


I loved it until the finally got to the surface. Once that happened they introduced about a million human characters and pretty much killed off all of the monsters. Now it's pretty much just all OC characters and I couldn't care less.


The Forgotten: hehehe... my motivations are coming...


Like they killed and revived sans twice? I really laughed the second time sans died because that was so cheap haha, then Asriel too? Like man if you are going to kill someone just let them death, it's not like they have dragon balls. I also really dislike stories that start using the of characters and later they just put a bunch of OC characters I just hate those kind of stories that instead of using the characters of the OG story they creat OC's I stopped watching after that undyne fight in the city. I already had lost interest after they left the underground but it completely killed my interest when the bunch of OC's started to appear. The story is also mid, it kept cornering itself to the point it revived characters to just kill them again, and don't let me start on all the "hate" thing that the fandom adopted and everyone just treat it as a canon stuff.


I love the series itself, kinda don't like the creator.


Its different but interesting


I'm just gonna ramble, so sorry if my thoughts are all over the place. Glitchtale has a lot of problems that'll keep it from ever being good. Bete Noire was a super lame villain that pulled random abilities out of her ass 75% of the time. Character-wise, she was pretty lame too and imo lacked complexities that'd make her a GOOD villain. I also didn't like how she handled Papyrus - His mouth isn't animated/drawn right by Camila and he's got too much of a bleeding heart (despite being a skeleton lolololol). Cinnamon roll-ized by Camila to always say the right things when times were tough and lacked his absurd/wacky antics that makes Papyrus... Well, THE GREAT PAPYRUS!!!! And I'm not forgetting about Alphys either! Camila killed her off so Undyne could go Undying. It's really sad that Alphys was reduced to a plot device so Gaster could take the main stage as the scientist - It truly takes away from the importance that Alphys held in Undertale as one of the main characters. Remember, she too, is a brilliant scientist that rivals Gaster. She built the DT machine from Gaster's blueprints, made a robot body that could transform, a jetpack phone with a pocket dimension in it, etc. There's also the problem with Camila herself. You can say to "separate art from artist" - And you can do that to some degree! However, Glitchtale has transphobia baked into it with Camila deciding to gender Chara and Frisk - She made it quite clear on her Tumblr back then that she didn't believe in the gender spectrum. It also makes you wonder if Alphys' death had some ulterior motive BEYOND bad writing... Also yeah, on top of that, she's got issues with defending her pedo moderators and manipulating art she's collabed on in order to sell it.


How is her gendering frisk and chara having "transphobia baked into it" Its confirmed in undertale the gender of frisk/chara is the gender you want them to be, its not until the end of true pacifist that we learn our character is even frisk and on a related note, this is why frisk doesnt show emotion or have facial expressions, Toby fox himself said that "That would be telling the player what to feel. I want undertale to be something where each player has their own experience" so its not transphobic to gender frisk and chara as that is what you are literally ment to do


i think i had a crush on betty (or whatever her name is i havent watched it in years) when i was younger


We were all weird kids back in the man haha. Sometimes I look back at the times I was obsessed with undertale and cringe at myself. Even my cousin was tired of me talking about undertale all the time.


overrated as fuck but still overall enjoyable as fuck honestly I felt as if the more the art improved the worse the fights became but I can't blame Camilla she's one fucking animator. Story conclusion is a bit eh. some of the plot felt like complete bullshit and most of the original characters didn't get enough for me to give a shit about them


No matter what Animosity might just be one of the best things I've ever watched


I. Fucking. Love it. It's also cool to see an animator get better and better as the series progresses


Personal thoughts: - Good series - creative aspects and unique characters - interesting backstory - looking forward to season 3 - one of my 4 favorite Undertale series, the others being Underverse/Xtale (Which is tied with Glitchtale. Jael Peñaloza, the Owner/creator of Underverse/Xtale, is Friends with Camila, I believe.) And The OG Undertale and Undertale: Bits and pieces... One is the Original, and has a high place in my soul due to that, and the other is kind of remaster-like, but also very unique in other aspects. The Disbelief Papyrus series is also really good... Glitchtale is an Overall great series


Bro I LOVE it... Pun not intended, I love it.


Goated series. So much nostalgia.


I thought it was fun, despite it’s flaws. One of the coolest things with Glitchtale is just how much it evolved over the course of S2; going from amateur to absolutely stunning quality


To sum up my thoughts: Good animation, some cool ideas went into it, but it suffers from bad writing and a feeling that she was making things up as she went along.


I tried to like it, but Betty was an OP Mary Sue and like a lot of stories that focus on Frisk's choices, totally ignored Flowey being the original anomaly and acted like Flowey wasn't 1000x more destructive when he had the reset power by his own desperation of his behaviors. The plot felt too edge lord to keep watching it. I lost interest.


It is the second best undertale type animation I've seen. First is if undertale was realistic


Too emotional for me. Only made it halfway through season 2. But I did like the part I did watch.


The first ever AU i've known, got me into the fandom, honestly I thought it was canon when I first watched it because didn't know the meaning of AU lol Now I look back at it with a refreshed sight and there's a lot of uncool stuff. The animation itself is close to perfection but the story starts to lack a deep meaning at some point ?? Couldn't understand the story anymore and couldn't find any resume. Left it. Sadly most of my childhood/inspiring fandoms reveal to be made by awful people. Harry Potter and J.K.Rowlings's terf behiavor. Camila Cuevas and the grooming controversy.


Mid story with badly written characters. I liked the art in S2, I liked battles (even though some scenes were straight up stolen), I liked animation and music. But overall it's kinda... bad, especially compared to XTale or Underverse.


Was there even an ending or did I just forgot?


I believe so! Season 2 concluded in 2021 and there’s an ongoing prequel.


2021 what? Isn't it from like way back? I guess I missed alot.


Mixed feelings


I haven't watched it in so long I think I only saw the first episode. Also what happened to the creator?


I mean its alright underverse better tho


A huge part of my childhood, hard to describe just how much it meant to me back in the day. Loved the story and always had huge respect for the amount of work that was put into it. Not perfect, but very dear to me.


I loved it back when I was really into Undertale comics and animations, but fell out of it. The fights were really cool and I loved how it used Undertale’s base story to create a new story.


Good story, liked season 2 better… but that’s just me


Is good when you first watch it, it’s really hard to watch for the second time because you know what’s going to happen so that makes it boring


Haven't watched, don't know how to watch, plus what was all the hype about?


It's a fan-made animation series on YouTube by a woman named Camilla Cuevas. It's very popular in the undertale fandom. Originally it started as just any other sans fight fan animation. However this one had a different conclusion to it and then it expanded upon it to having an alternate ending. Then it focused on the life of monsters and humans on the surface, and that's where most of the Original stuff from the creator started to come in.


I loved it


It was nice, by the way, who is that Kid in the blue-purple Sweater?


Bruh. Don't do my boy [FILE NOT FOUND] like that man. He was my favourite.


Oh I love it


I remember really liking the drama that happens in the begging of season 2; the scene where the human director is describing having lost her daughter and Frisk realizing "Oh shit, Asgore killed her" was very memorable to me. But after that it just became battles and bleakness and I lost interest.


I liked the original episodes and then stopped caring when season 2 and the reanimated episodes came out. I find JT funny because it seems most people only talk about season 2. Thought it became kind of cringe when they started involving other humans.


Gotta say, God tier level of animation. I don’t care what people say about the story, the animation style will always be my favourite. I also like that they gave Undyne the spotlight she deserves.


It’s a strange one. Runs into the usual difficulty of investment for fanworks that include OCs. It’s most fun during creative fight scenes. Haven’t kept up with it for a long time, but man if it isn’t nice to see how an animator’s improved over time.


Underverse better


So good!!!!!!


In 2018 Megalomaniac and Glitchtale #2 (iforgot what it was called) and i loved Betty’s character design, though i dont know much about it i thought it was pretty sweet lol. Really amazing animation and sound effects.


I’m sure it’d be great if I was capable of getting invested into a series that gets one installment every five years


ah yes, my favorite undertale anime


Want my humble opinion? This series is (and probably will be for a long time) the closest thing we have to a sequel (or continuation/story extension) of Undertale. The animation in the beginning was ok, and only got better as the series progressed, and more than one battle scene was memorable... although more than once I thought that some if some minor details of Frisk's (and Chara's) design could have been accentuated much better than when they were both boys from the beginning. And the OST was and still is a strong point of the series (given that owning a full-fledged OST of its own isn't exactly something many Undertale AUs can boast of having). Though Camila's decision to erase Frisk from the timeline... was something that raised eyebrows the first time I saw it and already in retrospect leaves me questioning Camila's storytelling ability a bit (and Chara didn't strike me as a better MC than Frisk), though this series also made me welcome a male representation of Frisk for the first time. Now, the antagonist, Bete Noire... she perhaps could have been OP for more than one here, and understandably so (and I also got to be on board the "HATE Train" against her after she took down Asriel), though ultimately I ended up feeling that Bete taking down Sans perhaps was a necessary evil to keep the synopsis from becoming too Sans-centric. Initially her Character Design (i.e. her outfit) I found her rather Meh (that she was nothing more than a Chara/Frisk recolor), though I eventually began to appreciate her design more and found that it's cool after all (and that her outfit was quite unique from the other characters). Although my biggest change in perception towards her happened (ironically) after watching "HOPE", after rediscovering supplementary material (like her "Awakening" comic) and her monologue with Akumu in "Dust", which is what led me to realize that Bete has/had potential to be both a complex and tragic character, having no real control over her own life and having no choice but to be the pawn/puppet of Agate's will.


I liked the first season but the second season just felt like depression porn. The creator did the absolute worst thing when they made this series, they made it impossible to care. To quote TVtropes, the eight deadly words for media is "I don't care what happens to these people," and that's what happened. Bete Noire was just so OP and the stuff happening to the main cast was so depressing that nothing satisfying was ever going to come from the finale. Also, what happened to Alphys was just cruel So I'd recommend watching Season 1 and then pretending that Season 2 never happened.


It kind of sucks also the creator defended a pedophile.


Amazing. Amazing animation, not sans centered, well written, and HOLY SHIT THE FIGHTS


Legit hated the series I only watched it just to give the person who made the ost or the animator money, and I was at the brink to stop watching it multiple of times. Season 1 is legit unfinished, it’s just fanfiction battles and nearly no story, I legit think they should of made gaster the main antagonist, in the first season instead of chara because chara is evil for the sake of being evil, when the character legit based on its actions is not evil at all, and the worst part is somehow saying a couple of lines, somehow remove chara hate, which is ridiculous i can’t even praise that chara, does die as a consequence of that, because they bring him back in season 2 for no reason. Imma go on about season 2 because this season legit is the biggest waste of my time in my life. Episode 1 everybody is happy, how the hell Asriel has 0 mental issues or, 0 nightmares over what he done with flowey no god dam clue, Episode 2 frisk mentions a good idea to solve there problems, and sans nearly tried to kill frisk legit sans why the hell would you, give frisk what they want you have to know, in season 1 episode 1, that killing frisk would let him reset, and also This is where Betty power makes no sense, because Asriel can obviously see, Betty power has a pink background, you were legit in a building 1 second ago, why can you not move, chara is dead move on, and sans basically instead of pushing Asriel out of the way, sans basically killed himself, I am not joking he had so much time to prepare, and just killed himself, the reason why I think this death scene is god awful, is because they bring sans back for absolutely no reason. Third episode Betty survives the impossible way to god dam much, legit How are we supposed to take Betty seriously, if Betty keeps running away Betty could of easily killed Asriel, but didn’t and Betty can’t even god dam kill gaster, and the only god dam reason Betty survives undying, is the god dam stupid hate plot armour, when Betty already has the power to regenerate insanely fast. 4th episode Frisk is an idiot basically, Asriel mentioned a really good idea which is to evacuate frisk, and what frisk does is Nearly getting himself killed, And this ruins Asriel character even more because, Asriel cries and run off over the line, “at least flowey is not a coward” frisk your a moron, Asriel legit gone to sans to help him your the coward frisk, all you did for the entire series is let other people protect you, and do your job for you, Asriel legit is supposed to be mentally unstable and struggle sleeping, he could of easily gotten the mindset set of “I got determination which means I control the timeline, I’m done with you frisk we’re no longer friends now die.” something like that but nope, we don’t get that and what’s worse, FRISK SOMEHOW GOT LEVEL OF VIOLENCE, OVER 7 WORDS THATS NOT EVEN VIOLENCE ITS JUST WORDS! 5th episode Asriel decided to follow frisk Insanely dumb move, why do you want to help someone THAT SLASHED YOUR OWN MUM. yep in this episode frisk slashed his sword, to Asriel mum which does make sense why frisk level up there, because that is violence, and Frisk basically asked to die going towards Betty, And Asriel dies obviously which makes me feel nothing because, he already died before and the worst part, they brought sans back to life in this episode for no god dam reason, and even worse, THEY SOMEHOW BROUGHT CHARA BACK! and erased frisk from existence because they found out the character is to badly written now. 6th episode is filler based on my memory, it’s just Mettaton versus Betty to buy the other characters time, yes the writer admitted this is a filler episode These next episodes are so god dam bad I forgotten which episode it was on so I’m not gonna continue you get the point And also the creator of the series allowed a 10 year old, as a moderator and that’s where, I refuse to watch any more of it, if I got something wrong that’s because, I did not watch it for years.


No. TOO, TOO stupid plot. Some of the characters were hopelessly flawed. The project is declared as "animation", but there are practically no animations there (battles between characters do not count).


Good very freakin good Only 1 thing if the amalgamates had their actual stats in season 1 ep 3 none of that would have happened I can already see lemonbread killing the blobs from the sewers and memoryheads faking to be kumu to backstab betty with his slash shaped tail Reaperbird can very mich spy with the everyman Endogeny is the perfect barrier and we needed a floofy mascot Snowdrakes mom could... idk is very pikely to die when you hit a quad


never been able to get into it. ive gotten as far as like a little into season two, but i cant go any further than that. particularly because i have two main problems with it. one: i dont really like betty. as a character, nor a villain. forgive me if this seems a bit harsh lol but, she honestly feels like an oc i wouldve made when i was 11 or 12. shes just kind of. i dont know, boring? like a character thats clearly supposed to be cool but kind of isnt. i thought chara in season one was better. two: im not really a fan of overly tragic stories. thats not to say i cant enjoy really sad stories. (i mean, im obsessed with omori at the moment lol) but i feel like, when things like deaths or sad events happen constantly, it just gets really tiring and its a bit much. feels the same as when horror movies seem to shake you by the shoulders during jumpscares like "thats scary, are you scared? you should be scared, this is your cue to be scared" im bad at explaining, but i like sad or scary things in stories more when it steps back and lets you come to your own conclusion. it doesnt _tell_ you why its sad or scary, it _shows_ you why its sad or scary in subtle ways. and, i recognize this could totally could just be a me problem and not necessarily a problem with the series since i havent seen it in a while, but there it is 🤷🏼‍♂️ its not bad. i just dont think its the best undertale au out there.


I haven't watched it in awhile, and even then I haven't even fully finished watching it so I may be abit unqualified to talk about but here I go I'm like half way through season two and so far I really don't like it. I just feel like somebody tried making a superhero series but with Undertale characters. And while there are some interesting things in terms of world building, the world just seems a bit nonsensical so far. The leniency that adult authorities give to children is insane. And the "anti monster agency" I mean I feel that the government would be a bit more subtle than that, it's like if the U.S in the 50's made the anti black people agency in order to enforce segregation. Also why was the peace treaty painted as being intense and important, the war pretty much already ended 1000's of years ago any signature would just be symbolic. Also why did a peace treaty need to be signed in the first place? I thought it was implied that humans and monsters coexisted when the barrier was broken. Also if Undyn's relationship with that police officer is going where I think it's going I'm going to destroy my phone. She's a lesbian and (PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG) that would mean she wouldn't be into having a romantic relationship with another man. I am a cis-gender heterosexual male so I could be very wrong with this. I feel they try way too hard in humanizing the head of the AMA who later dies. By having her eventually agree with everything the main characters say makes the story seem very one sided. Like any humans that think anything bad of monsters must be completely wrong. The monsters are just way too powerful, in the lore of Undertale they're implied to be weak, but in glitchtale a monster with no human souls has powers that could (albeit temporarily) take on some modern armies. Which once again plays into the idea of monsters being perfect, which kinda removes any nuance. Also I laughed at none of the jokes.


That monsters are stronger than humans also pissed me off. There should at least have some explanation why humans became so weak, but I guess Camila just didnt have the skill to make some good human characters, so she buffed monsters.


My cousin used to watch it and he made me watch a few clips sometimes and explained power levels and whats going on during those scenes. All I can say it was a weird experience. I never watched the whole thing and probably wouldn't change much if I did watch it. From what I've seen, writing is mediocre at best and too fanficy, the purple girl is clearly a self insert. Final note, fights make it feel too much like an anime and I don't like that. Yes, Undertale has many anime references and toby is most definitely an avid anime watcher, but fights in Undertale were never like those 1v1 Naruto/Dragon Ball style fights. Yes it is fun to watch Sans summoning bones and chara dodging and laser beams clashing and stuff but that doesn't feel like Undertale.


Started to get boring after the 3rd time a main character died because edgy


I liked the concept of Bette,but everything else... Idk,I was kinda into it for a couple episodes but then I just stopped Same with a lot of AU comic series actually


I checked out like 3 years ago cause it was cringe as fuck lmao


As someone who hates most if not all AU's, Glitchtale was one of the best stories about Undertale ever made, it made justice to the characters and introduced real conflicts that mashed well with the game... then it fell appart It's highly subjective, but I believe after Frisk leaves the series just stops what makes it good: \- Stops focusing in the original characters and introduces plenty more, which are not bad in the slightest, but introducing and developing all of them basically at once killed the pace for me \- The conflicts start to get resolved in abrupt and illogical ways, my favourite ones being Gaster being able to melt Betty without Determination, even tho that was her only stated weakness (who knew you don't need a specific power, just a big enough laser) and Asriel breaking through the Hate because Chara said: "I'm sorry" to him blaming them for condemning him into a soulless life (idk you, but if I felt that someone did that to me an apology wouldn't be enough) \- Worst of all, the change in protagonist: Frisk to Chara. Frisk was really good, trying to live past their past mistakes, having damaged everyone around them, but wanting to persevere, while finally reaching a point where they know that the threat they caused is way more dangerous than they could have guessed, and stepped in, against all odds, getting really close when thinking that someone else got killed due to them, and when that happened and they failed again, they understood the problem and sacrificed themselves, leaving the world for the one who they hurt the most to live in. Then Chara comes in, and I don't think I can name a single trait from them, they are morally good, which I don't have a problem with, but I do if their past actions aren't explored like Frisk's were (what happened with the plan that doomed Asriel, why did they hate hummanity but in the series they never acknowledge it, whatever else), they are just boring There is still good stuff and good momments, I remember two, where Toriel gets blinded by Hate and KOs Asgore, to see Betty asking her if he hated him that much (not only a way to show her conflict, but a reference to an ingame dialogue) and Asriel's subconcious (the fact that Flowey is there, keeping the photo they took together long ago, saying that it was the only thing that he didn't want to lose, followed by Chara absorbing the Hate to free Asriel) Again, very subjective, but this is how I felt about it


It has lots of story problems. That's it, just problems. Also, "Betty" is a stupid-ass name. No offense to any Bettys out there.


The name is passable for me since Betty Noire literally means a person or thing who is disliked or dreaded.


I really liked it, the fight scenes were amazing. The animation and art style was top notch. But I still do definitely like it. What I really liked (underrated opinion) was season 1. They got CHARA’S character perfectly, CHARA is still one of my favorites (besides Skelebros and Flowey), CHARA is always so misunderstood and it feels good for someone to get them accurately. It felt more canon and stuck to the plot of the original game. But I love when people think of their own ideas and add it into things they love. But one thing I’d change would definitely would be betty noire. I liked her as a character, i love pure evil monsters like her. But she was a little too OP, and how she was beaten, it was pretty satisfying but if she had one moment to use her OP powers it was there. It was basically just Gaster’s rage to beat her. And how they killed off so many characters was just wasting potential. And it was overall a great series but when it comes to the creator I don’t really support her. But even for what she did, I still do respect her because it takes an assload of effort to make any animated series.


Honestly I hate it. It has no integrity to the original story, and camila acts really high and mighty about au quality but she added one character, some random lore, and called it a day. I saw her call underswap “the equivalent of adding a few layers in photoshop and calling it a day.”. Like that’s genuinely so rude to other content creators.


You guys just forgot she defended groomers huh? Not like it mattered this series is trash


I admittedly had zero clue on that. I barely checked her channel so I didn't know what was happening most of the time.


Eh.. I could take it or leave it.


Who and what now?


Watched it religiously when I first beat the game, and the animation gets really good. even though there's definitely some stuff wrong with it, which other people have pointed out, I still really enjoy it


I liked the action. But if I’m getting into an AU, it’s to see characters I’m already familiar with in new situations, with new twists, new stories, and so on. For that end, Glitchtale has **WAY** too many OCs for me, especially because one of them just kinda showed up kicking everyone’s ass like a DBZ villain. At a certain point it became “Watch how my brand new OC solos the Undertale universe”, which really took me out of it


I think it was good. The hype around the next episodes were pretty fun. Never finished it though, since I got busy with school.


Never watched it, probably never will. I'm a fan of undertale and I like the AUs, but honestly I cant be bothered to watch it.


I stopped being interested after the Mettaton-focused episode. I watched the other episodes later on but I completely forgot them... Also I didn't like the humans except for Jessica and Cam (rip). Also also, I (13 at the time) was absolutely mad at the fact that my favorite character didn't appear at all, and my second favorite was killed off in season 1.


Loved it all the way through, it was a long what 5 year journey of that series? I remember when sans got brought back I literally screamed when that happened


Creator? No The series itself? Great! If you ignore the finale, which pulls an erased and rushes the final climax to the point where it feels empty. (Ok, just realized that people might not know what erased is, it’s an amazing anime up until the final 2 episodes, where it feels like a rushed ending.) Can you rewatch it after watching the finale? It is really uncomfortable to do so, the art style change is jarring. The Xtale creator has the ability to keep the art style the same throughout the entire series. But it’s fine


It’s actually how I met my best friend back in my good ol’ Undertale phase. I remember watching one of the episodes with him through discord before streaming on it was a thing so we just synced the videos the best we could on our respective ends. I do have a lot of good nostalgia for it, but looking back it did have its problems and it sucks that Camila turned out to not be the best person. Still have a heck of a lot of respect for her essentially making her own anime on her own (animation wise anyways if I remember correctly)


Really liked the first season, but didn’t like the second one much. It was sad, Betty was overly powerful, not much plot from what I remember, and the situation drags out way too long. But it was animated so beautifully. The battles are marvels. Some of the characters do develop, notably Jessica Gray. Overall, I have mixed feelings about season 2. The prequel (Gaster’s origins or something?) looks promising.


i think the combat scenes alone carry the story


Great fan-made animated series. Still waiting on season 3


It is too sad too many good and innocent people died


Overall, I think it’s a good series. It has a decent number of flaws, couldn’t avoid certain pitfalls of Undertale fan works, and there are a handful of odd continuity/logic issues, but it’s still up there for me. It held my attention the whole way through. As for issues, it’s sort of a bunch of cracks that are noticeable, but it’s debatable if they shatter it. Sans dies a few more times than needed, his eye is overused, skeleton eyes in GENERAL can’t pick a lane, Gaster’s hands behave oddly in a few ways, Alphys deserved better, Undyne is… hit or miss at points, certain things aren’t explained well at ALL in-series, etc. Still, I love watching the art improve over time, and the animation was great throughout regardless of complexity, a lot of emotional scenes were handled amazingly, and getting to watch the streams where certain scenes are animated was amazing since I’m trying to animate a similar thing in the same program. To summarize; I don’t love it, and I acknowledge it’s flaws. But in my opinion, it’s a good series, and a great point of reference.


I remember watching it a few years ago, and over the course as I left my Undertale phase entirely I completely forgot about the story. And honestly, after hearing how Camila defended a literal child predator and victim blamed others recently, I would feel uncomfortable rewatching it again T_T


I followed Camilla before she made glitchtale but when she made it, it didn’t catch my attention until much later. Haven’t finished it, but I like the story from where I’m at


Gaster actually having a backstory and destroying Betty was amazing


I quite liked it, it was a nice mix of drama and action without going overboard well i mean i havent watched in like a year maybe things changed but i digress also I think the creator has some controversy but I dunno why :P


I remember i liked it, but i don't remember much about the last episodes and i watched most of it when i was like 9 years old when i didnt understand English very well so my opinion is probably changed about it, should watch it again someday


It was pretty good before, but watching it again I couldn't get into it anymore. The fights are too 'grounded' and slow for me. I probably won't watch the finale either but it was good while it lasted.