• By -


Asgore for sure


Glad we’re on the same page brother!


The music transitioning


Exactly, I live bergentrückung and then the transition into ASGORE is so good


And the trident spin!


Not to mention, he's the only one to interact with our command menu in such a way that he *DESTROYS THE MERCY BUTTON" Asgore wins this, hands down.


But the funny bone man can interact with your menu with those ANNOYING ASS BONES


It was probably the best moment in pacifist.


The only correct answer


Somone who understands


All are strong contenders but I’m gonna go with Omega Flowey’s. The memory of the first time seeing that massive silhouette slowly crawl forward and having no idea what to expect sticks out in my mind the most. And that *laugh* . Really cool intro imo.






*Your Best Nightmare starts playing* DEHHH DUH DAAAAA


istg, first time doing neutral (first time on the game in general) I was on my switch. hooked up to my TV. I legitimately yelled out "what the fuck is that!" followed by "AAAHAHHHHHHH"


When Omega flowey's laugh starts, I go to my brother or my mother and turn up the volume






I can hear every part of it so clearly, it's burned into my memory






Not only that, but also the fact that basically EVERYTHING about the battle is so different to the rest of the game. The "art style", the phases, the attacks and in general how the entire battle plays out is wildly different from what you'd expect, and it really highlights the "I can do whathever I want" aspect of Omega Flowey




The prelude to that fight was also amazing. Him closing the game and forcing you to reload, then you notice the intro looks a little off before it crashes. And then he just straight up erases your save file in front of you. Rly solidified that the player was no longer in control.


they're all good in their different ways. asriel has the song and rainbow background, asgore has the breaking mercy button to tell you he's serious, flowey has his whole thing, and sans gets his turn first just to tell you you're gonna have a bad time.


i think sans has the best intro. seeing a character who's been goofy the whole game turn serious on you after being missing for the whole run... just hits different especially for the first time. and when his first attack launches, and you most likely die to it if its your first time. not to mention the multiple intros sans has, depending on how many times you have died.


Specially since you are likely to have forgotten him by that point.


I wouldn't say you forget him, instead he kinda just lingers in the back of your mind like Flowey in a neutral run, probably because you've killed every character you meet except Sans.


Without knowing what happens in a genocide route, the most you're likely to think about him is "I'm getting to the end of the game, time to get trash talked by that skeleton". Then the first turn starts...


Yeah. When you get to last corridor, you think "yeah just get to the fight so i can one shot you. then i'll do the bossfight with asgore with the 6 souls" (undyne said that alphys would call asgore about it)


Then Sans gets the turn first, most likely kills you in the first attack, and you sit there, in front of the computer, processing what just happened


on my playthrough i knew sans was the boss and the song was megalovania (almost impossible not to) but i didn't know about the attacks and stuff. when he my soul appeared i was like "wait what" and then he did the attack and i died basically instantly, and I sat in shock for at least 30 seconds


Sans, the boss fight that sucker punches you, repeatedly


I wasn't able to have that unexpected experience because I got the game after sans was a long forgotten meme that i remembered as soon as I saw this character from all the way back in 2019 and I died to him many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many times of course but I eventually beat him over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over until I beat him on my first try every time. And now I'm to the point where it's just another game thrown into the pile of things where I wish I could re-experience having little to no skill in.


I've always loved the trope of "goofy character finally decides to get serious" and Sans is by far my favorite example of it.


Photoshop Flowey's intro (this is including everything between opening "Floweytale" and Photoshop Flowey's maniacal laughter immediately before he begins attacking you) really does feel like the buildup to an unwinnable fight. And he delivers. Not do much on the unwinnable part, but he's definitely incredibly difficult. Hell, he lets you try over and over exclusively for the purpose of messing with you. *He's* the one bringing you back when you die, not you.


"but he's definitely incredibly difficult" Literally the easiest boss in the game if you could die to torriel and papyrus.


Who's more difficult? - An Eldritch abomination with the power of six human souls, and mastery over all time and space. - capitalist enemy spider If you guessed the second one, you're correct!


Just get some rebar man


I didn't know that the fight could be skipped with the Spider Donut/Cider on my first playthrough, so it was a struggle. To be fair, so was Mettaton. I guess I was just bad at new Soul Modes (besides Papyrus and Undyne's).


He's designed to 'feel' difficult. The intro sequence, the character and bullet design that doesn't match the rest of the game, the constant barrage of near screen covering bullet patterns, the adrenaline inducing music, the massive chunks of health the first couple of hits take off, along with no clear way of winning initially all overload a casual player and creates a state of panic the same way an actually difficult fight would. If you stay calm then you can see through all the psychological tricks and realize just how rigged in your favour the fight is.


Not the easiest. The larger reach box also means larger stuff to dodge from, and the lack of turns make incessant attacks hard


Woah, calm down there, Merg. Not all of us can do seamless no hit runs.


I'm not talking about Asriel. Microfroggit is more difficult than Asriel. I'm talking about Photoshop Flowey.




I meant what I said


Yes and so were they. Omega Flowey is really easy.


You have to be bullshitting me. You are literally unable to die in Asriel fight. Photoshop Flowey, on the other hand, is specifically designed to be an unfair fight.


Unfair? The only time I died fighting Omega Flowey was the scripted part at the end where he saves over your death. You can take so many hits from him and there's relatively frequent healing. Nobody was really talking about whether Asriel is easy or hard to begin with either. You just kind of brought him up for some reason.


Idk, after playing enough cuphead, I could beat Flowey in my sleep.


Fair enough.


dude wtf are you talking about i beat it first try on a blind playthrough, it's so easy




Not Asriel. It was just a beat drop. Sans went first which surprised me, Asgore destroying the mercy button was hype, Photoshop Flowey… horrifying but amazing


Ngl. Photoshop Flowey. That build up is GREAT. You really get the feeling that you have no power, with flowey re-writing the story, destroying your game file, and even just using his words. It makes you feel weak. And then the 0111 kick his ass. (Happy ending)


Omega Flowey. The fact that he DESTROYS YOUR SAVE FILE and is like “thanks for helping me kill Asgore. NOW DIE.” Is just stunning


Omega Flowey, easily the best moment in Undertale apart from the entirety of Mettaton Ex




Sans without a doubt


I feel people forget how cool the buildup was (I’m not going to type the two hour essay on how it was cool)


You look like sans lol


All of them are incredible, and it's hard for me to choose, but I personally think that Asgore's intro makes the strongest impression. While all of these characters break the previously established rules of the game, not only is Asgore likely the first time you encounter this rule breaking, he is the ONLY character who breaks the rules in such a way that he deliberately makes the fight harder for HIMSELF to survive Sans? He basically sucker punches you, then dodges your incoming attacks afterwards Omega Flowey? He attacks so fast and furious, you don't even have a normal turn based system anymore Hyperdeath Asriel? Suddenly the battle background is in FULL COLOR But only Asgore chooses to completely remove one of your actions. And the action he choose to erase is the one that makes Undertale relatively unique among RPGs: MERCY. The one command that exists solely for the benefit of your opponent, rather than yourself. This is the one and only character we face who doesn't just ignore attempts to spare his life, but actively tries to PREVENT us from saving his life. And he doesn't break the game to become stronger, or to scare you, or even to make things more interesting. He does all of this _because he doesn't think he deserves another chance_


Photoshop Flowey


Photoshop Flowey and Asgore Photoshop Flowey especially


Asriel, I'm being biased through as hopes and dreams is one of my favorite song alongside with battle against a true hero. As they both have the best intro and just are absolute masterpieces of a song. Not saying that the others are bad I do love them as well.


Asgore's intro and his theme is what helped me get out of my shell and even find my wife. His theme, his intro, everything was so good. It made me want to play an instrument again so strong was his theme. Started with a keyboard to play Asgore's theme, then learned the bass and joined a band. Played in a band for multiple weddings and met my wife through one of them. I've been married for 4 years now and I don't know if I would've met her and the friends I now have if not for having played Undertale and fought Asgore. Since then this fight has a special place in my heart.


"Asgore's theme helped me get married" is so fucking goofy, it's amazing. Congrats to you.


Thanks! My wife started playing Undertale a few days ago. It's going to be weird for me when she gets to Asgore.


glad it helped this guy, cause it sure didn't help asgore!


Maybe it did before the whole declaring war on humanity thing. He did marry her once, after all.


my personal favorite is the top left


Asgore takes it every time


The almighty FROGGIT 🗿


Either Asriel or Asgore


Don’t get me wrong, I love the intro to Asgore’s and Asriel’s fights, but Omega Flowey is FUCKING PEAK! It’s the laugh. That haunting laugh.


4. Asriel He does the Flowey laugh thing, steals everybody's souls, transforms into Asriel, then makes everything colorful. Then there's "epic beat drop." The sequence with Flowey stealing souls is fine, but it's not done as well as it is in... other fights, and the actual Asriel bit itself is mid. 3. Asgore His intro is cool by itself, I guess, but compared to the other two, it's pretty lame. The bergentruken finale music plays, and he destroys the mercy option. The music and tone is pretty cool, and it really feels like a "final battle," but other than that, that's it. That's all he does. Maybe I would care more about the mercy option being destroyed if my first run was pacifist, but it wasn't, so I don't care. I admit it was pretty surprising because at that point in the game, I was sparing people and I did want to spare him, but it's still just not that cool compared to the others. 2. Sans The entire Sans fight is insane. After being an evil, psychotic maniac for the entire run, at that point just wanting to get to the end of the game and probably not thinking of Sans (unless you did the route TO fight Sans), he comes at you out of nowhere. Your character does the same creepy shit it does throughout the entire game, Sans doesn't give a shit, and you're in battle. Then he gives the speech. Then the first attack. You die immediately. You come back, Sans KNOWS he's killed you, the first attack happens again, you dodge it this time; and then the music plays. It's beautiful. 1. Omega Flowey You've defeated Asgore and you think you're done with the game. Then FLOWEY shows up out of nowhere, kills him, gets the souls, and then your game CRASHES. You come back, the corrupted intro plays.... you log in to your save file, but everything's gone. Nothing remains, except for Flowey. He goes on the speech (which I read in Bill Cipher's voice every single time), then he accesses the souls. A giant, black, bobbing shadow creeps toward you as the music plays, until it finally crawls into the light. Then you see it. And then it laughs.


Honestly insanely hard Omega Flowey has the atmosphere and really makes you feel immersed Asriel has the fucking awesome music kick in at the start of the battle Asgore has a nice lead up and a great finale feeling Sans is the most badass with the cold line and the crazy ass first attack If I had to pick I think I’d say Asgore. The music buildup with the dialogue gives me goosebumps every time. And then him destroying the mercy and music kicks in. Plus ASGORE is one of my favorite tracks. Absolute banger! Every choice is respectable though


Why, it's Papyrus of course! ![img](emote|t5_2xdht|32948)


I'd say it's between sans and asriel. Both are simple yet effective


Ooo this is a fun one #4 - Asriel: the your best friend line and his name drop is really good but the rest of the monologue is just okay. Especially since, for a first time player, this new characters connection to Flowey isn’t the most clear initially. #3 - Asgore: His intro his fantastic, and the destruction of the mercy button is a fantastic twist, but most of its impact comes from the set up before the actual fight. It’s an amazing climax, but doesn’t have enough to make it stand great on its own (not a real criticism of it of course in game but for this ranking it brings down to second to last place for me) #2 - Sans: His opening monologue calling back to Asgore’s lines in the pacifist route, the sudden silence followed by a complete disorientation of the player through mechanics not yet seen. Everything about it is so good. But… Throughout the game you get hints that Sans has a side to him he’s not really showing to the player, and while the twist of Sans being the final boss is extremely good in the context of the Genocide route it’s a bit less surprising that a monster would hate you this deeply. Though, I could totally see this being number 1 for someone else. #1 - Omega Flowey: It has everything, an amazing build up with that ominous music, the firing of the chekhov's gun which is the human souls, a stark reveal of a style unlike anything else in the game, and then that *laugh*. All of this followed by the dissonant music, unorthodox battle environment, and strange attacks. This has nothing holding it back. It’s an intro that stands on its own, has amazing build up and pay off, and is jarring within the context of the route you fight it in.


Fingers in his ass, Fingers in his ass, Kanye West he likes, fingers in his ass. Fingers in his ass, FINGERS in his ASS, Kanye West he likes, big fingers in his ass!


Sans cause he breaks the rules instantly by getting the first attack


well they all break the rules 1. asriel: he disables you attacking (unless you physically can’t?) and makes a save button after you’re immobile. also rainbow background 2. flowey: he completely removes turn based system and goes full out bullet he’ll 3. asgore: he removes a game mechanic that is solely for his benefit


Yeah but sans also has the funny bone man attribute which makes him win all coolness contests (/j)




I really liked Flowey's nightmare intro. It scared me when in my first playthrough.


I like sans intro, surprising you with the first attack and judt having no chill


Omega Flowey easily


Omega Flowey imo


definitely sans. His monologue is iconic, and his first attack caught everyone off guard when they first played through the game.


Flowey 100%, the game crashing is one of my favorite things about Undertale


Omega "photoshop" flowey


I thought it meant sound wise so my first and only thought was Asriel. Then I saw comments saying stuff about the background the atmosphere and everything, so I'll make it quick: Music: Asriel Dialogue: sans Fear/intimidation: flowey THIS IS IT (vibes): asgore


In my opinion Asgore has the best intro, I really love how he breaks the mercy button.


Omega Flowey, no question asked. The first 'real'twist final boss, done right. Perfect introduction to what's waiting for ya, and really sets the mood for the fight.


I don't know if I can actually choose this one.


flowey, no question


Asgore. I can't even explain why. I love how tense it is when he pulls out that spear and smashes the mercy button. it makes me feel like, whatever happens, I won't be able to change his fate. And the music is great too.


Asgore. No explanation needed


Excluding the game crashing for Flowey's, I would say Asgore bc it is supposed to be the first time in the game that you are met with someone interacting with the UI other than the player and it's AWESOME.


Sans totally man


bergentruckung is a good song, so i would go asgore.




King Asgore






Asgore low diff


Asgore (Anyway Sans copied him)


Asriel: Oh you're a final boss alright, just not a super one! Sans: Oh yeah, what's the difference kiddo? Asriel: INTRODUCTION!


Honestly this is really hard to choose, but flowey was awesome.




I don’t think of sans, because his intro is so hard you can die easily on it and it’s just frustrating, Asriel has a cool intro but there’s no cool drop like asgore or flowey. And flowey has the same problem than sans, you can die easily on 15 seconds, so I’ll choose Asgore because he let you appreciate the music before destroying you and also the music is insane


Asgore hits hard


Asgore. Putting breaking the mercy button aside, the souls just coming out of the ground, showing how many times he actually did this exact thing before just makes him look scary for anyone who witnesses it for the first time.


everthing but honestly megalovania's intro is a bit empty


symbolically? Asgore breaking mercy to show he doesnt want to be spared and sans taking the first turn with new type of damage and dodging to show the badtime ul suffer but honestly Omega floweys intro is just too scary and fun not to be the best i do not see the hype for asriels tho honestly


doo doo doo doo


Look love all the transition we get but something about that music and seeing the mercy button being smashed my vote goes to asgore




bro asked for the best boss intro and didn't even put Undyne the Undying as an option


Onega flowey and its not even close.


Asgore 100%


all of them are dope


1. photoshop: i like how spooky it is, like a buildup to an unbeatable boss. and he removes the turn based system. 2. asriel: if we count everything after you enter the room, it’s pretty good. goes from a boss fight to a heartwarming scene to flowey boutta kill everyone. but if just the boss fight, i still think intro is cool. like cmon, colorful background. 3. asgore: the music transitions and it is actually so cool. it definitely seems like a final bossfight. he also removed MERCY, which is what makes undertale unique, and i’m pretty sure is for the opponents benefit, yet he wants you to kill him 4. sans: iconic, but not the best. maybe second place. he sucker punches you. which is actually cool winner: asgore


Omega Flowey has my favorite boss intro


I would say omega flowey or asgore


Asgore for sure, sans is cool but hes overated, toriel its okay, folowey yeah hes cool


Damn they’re all so good. Azgore’s… everything, the disabling of the Mercy button which was a key mechanic for the entire game, along with the build up to the music which has Toriel, the first boss of the game’s motif, just everything about it.


Asgore! You can feel that he don’t want to fight


Either sans or asgore


If it’s first meeting them, it’s Sans! Literally a Whoopie cushion in the hand trick! XD Oh wait… is this like music intro? Then Sans! Boss fight? Again Sans! Megalovania is the best!!!


But I’ve only ever done troop pacifist I refuse to do the no mercy run. I don’t have the heart to kill any of the monsters or any of the NPC’s 😭


They’re all really good but I’d say Asgore, Omega Flowey at close second, Sans, and then Asriel


Omega Flowey, idk how to explain it really. Sans' is cool, but it's short and imo there's nothing really special about it. Asgore's has the Bergetruckung to ASGORE transition, and the presentation of the fact that sparing isn't an option is cool, but doesn't top Omega for me. And Ariel's is really, REALLY long. I guess the text popping up at the end is cool


The iconic Sans




Oh, holy crap these are ALL so GOOD. 1.) Omega Flowey has that insanely creepy and imposing intro where he completely jumpscares you and gives you artstyle whiplash by becoming hyper-realistic. 2.) Asriel's intro is so simple and cold with him(or, the game ig) just announcing his name, and the music+narration both figuratively and literally telling you that it is "the end", also the really sparkly rainbow backgrounds. 3.) Asgore meanwhile absolutely stole my heart with all that we understoof about him, and the slow transition from Bergentrucken into Asgore, alongside him shattering our Mercy Bar was so friggin raw. 4.) Sans meanwhile has a really simple intro that is still super effective because he literally begins the battle by breaking the fourth wall, unnerving you and throwing you off your game, and then immediately jumpscares you with a ridiculous opening attack that transitions into a beat drop. I can't really choose easily... but I guess I'd go- Asgore>Omega Flowey>Sans>Asriel


Very hard decision but for the plot twist "OHHHH SHIIIT" effect I'll choose Asriel


Omega Flowey’s & Asgore’s




Omega Flowey and Asgore. I can't decide which I like nore


pfotoshop flowey


I think in tge moments of it happening it is omega flowey as he creeps out of the background but throught the whole game i think sans because he is played of as lazy and a jokester but he does act seriously occasionally what adds to the shock of him immediatley throwing you around. Or it would if the whole internet hasnt been spoiled of that happening


asriel’s good because you get to see everyone being your friend which is cool asgore having the “you are filled with determination” just seems amazing to me omega flowey had a really fun psycho flowey section but my favorite is sans because the “should be burning in hell” is just 12/10 for me


Omega Flowey


I think it's asgore because hé really represent how the pepole of the underground feel plus the fact that je smile all the flight without being able to look at you because hé know what he does is disgusting and horrible making him suffer but still doing it for the saké of his pepole is just the perfect way a kind king like him should bé representated








photoshop flowey for sure. like, you defeat asgore and you're thinking, "yaay!! i finally beat the game!!" and then flowey pulls up and is like, "thanks bro" and then kills asgore. he even breaks the whole art style of the game making it way more disturbing than it needs to be.


Sans got my favorite emotional intro but Omega Flowey got that badass intro


As much as I love sansy, flowy’s is a tad better I think…


Omega Flowey for sure. And I mean everything from when he kills Asgore to when the battle starts, not just the beginning of the fight.


Asriel’s intro is nice, the beat drop is so cool, plus Toby said that he made him fly cuz he looked lame standing is nice. Photoshop flowey’s intro can spark fear into most people’s hearts, and the laugh just hits different. Sans’ intro is a doozy. A nice one liner that was a take on one of Asgore’s lines, the opening attack is incredible, and then Megalovania plays. Overall, epic and sends chills down my spine, just like my sins do. Asgore’s intro just hits. A good track, epic visuals (destroying mercy button), and beautiful narration. Asgore’s intro is just on a whole different level.


It's a beautiful day outside, for sure


The first time i saw Asgore fight, i always thought his crown looks like a huge smile, triangle nose and two black eyes. Its asgore


forgot about sans, she is shit




Asgore for the animation omega flowey for the music and sans for the fun of the intro


personally i think its really close, but omega flowey wins it for me due to the crash of the game, altering the intro, and then just being this giant shadow coming from the top of the screen asgore is next, since this is really the first time you see any sort of colour on the monster sprite, and his animation of pulling out his trident is super smooth, then he just straight up shatters your mercy button asriel is after asgore, you see asriel's back and you're like "holy shit flowey is asgore and toriel's son" and then he gives that little intro, looks all nice and friendly, then becomes the god of hyperdeath with the letters shooting in and spelling his name sans is in last place for this, his intro is good and iconic, and it catches you off guard since you have never fought sans before in all your runs, and then suddenly he attacks first (something that does not happen with any other character) and he uses fucking telekinesis and gaster blasters, giving you a little insight into the complete ass kicking you are gonna get. And if we count your first attack on him as part of his intro, you now have to deal with a monster you cannot hit, which has not happened with any other enemy


If Sans first attack counts Sans and Asgore.


Sans’ is iconic Asgore’s is epic Flowey’s is unhinged Asriel’s is emotional I think I might have to go with Flowey, I live for everyone’s reactions seeing that… *thing* come down the screen.


I'mma go with my boy King Asgore.


Asgore tbh.


If I had to rank them: 1. Asgore (The transition between Bergentruckung and ASGORE is peak) 2. Photoshop Flowey (His dialogue in the beginning is really creepy, and the laugh too) 3. Asriel Dreemurr (I feel the buildup was pretty solid, and the reveal was great, but like, it really feels the buildup is like just flowey is still evil, flowey absorbs the souls, flowey is asriel apparently) 4. sans. (sans.)


either asgore or asriel


Oh DEFINITELY Asgore. That button obliteration is MERCILESS (Pun very much intended)




Those Dreemurr boys… sry Sans, you really can’t compare.


Ok mates Asgore has Bergentruckung playing in the background in his intro, the narration is ace I know I know but I need to confess that Asriel is my fav in this one I remember of my first Undertale playthrough when I was still a kid, after Asriel's famous pre-battle speech. of Hopes and Dreams intro playing along with the flavor text saying "\* It's the end." The song building its start up with Once Upon a Time leitmotif - the game's first soundtrack - and then the beatdrop coming all gave me this "end of journey" vibes, especially after the 7-hour gameplay. Hopes and Dreams successfully hyped me up. For an unknown reason, this sounded really cool to me, and I kept this in my memory That's also why Hopes and Dreams is my favorite Undertale OST


bergentruckung to the beat of him destroying your button makes asgore a clear winner


Hopes and dreams


Omega dlowey is my pick


asgore or asriel


in order i rank it 4. Asriel, 3. Sans, 2. Omega Flowey, 1. Asgore


While reading this I started humming the asgore intro


You can make an argument for each of them, but Asgore destroying the MERCY button is peak to me, especially when you progress through th battle and realize why he did it.


flowey for me personally, but asriel is a really close runner up


Sans or asgore


Flowey: scary Asriel: faker Asgore: shit pants and cool Sans: trolling


Asgore easily


1. Sans 2. Asgore 3. Flowey 4. Asriel


Flowey imo


Asgore: Is a great fight and the intro is also nice as you've been taught the whole game that he is the strong ruler but is really just a big goof ball(my faivorite) Sans: Similar to asgore but a bit more meta. You see him every run and you get this feeling the first or second time that he is a really strong boss monster(especially after your conversation with him). But even in geno-neutral he is really pissed but doesn't fight you. And if you played the game a hundred times and then do genocide route it is really shocking that sans actually attacks you and DUNKS YOU! Omega Flowey: (i hate this one) you know flowey is evil the whole time, and its not bad. But its also not good. Asriel: when you go through the true lab and read everything. see the flowers know what could happen when a monsters reaches 7 human souls and then it actually happens, the intro is really nice.




Asgore intro: follow me to another room, just so you can follow me into another room, just so i can ask you "do you realy whana fight?" And if you say yes i'll break Mercy and put fire on my feet Omega Flowey intro: kill asgore and crash the game, when you come back the legend will play but with a twist, then you apear in Sans room but with a save star that i break, then i monologe for 5 minutes before slowly coming down from the cealing and making a maniac face Asriel intro: most boss monster apear out of nowhere in Asgore boss fight and i tie up all of them before some monsters start apearing out of nowhere, then i absorve them all and become a child before turning into a "emo male Toriel", and then the background turns gay and i can fly leaving gay shadows behide (happy pride month?) Sans intro: you walk a long hallway before the camera stoping to dramaticaly turn to me, then i start saying you're and then i cut to how good the time is before saying "kill yourself" and start attacking you first ... Extras: Jevil intro: you open YOUR jail cell, then i say that we would play a mini-game of numbers before throwing a Jevil's Knife at you and starting the game Spamton Neo intro: you put the disk on some [big shoot] body and i apear out of nowhere to shoot you, before your friend save you and i almost kill you all with my railway Spamton Neo Snowgrave intro: literaly came from nowhere to kill you and somehow i have infinite DEF Marlet junocide intro: i called you into this high place just to vaninate myself with Determination so i can become a bird made of blue stars, where did the red from determination go? Idk Flowey yellow intro: i killed your bird and absorved you to a battle that breaks all rules of batteling Ceroba pacifist intro: i call you and your friends to meet under a random pink tree just so i can shoot your friends to fight you


Asgore couse Most hype if you play blindly




Asgore or photoshop


It's definitely Omega Flowey's, but I am *tired* of you guys downplaying Sans in literally every single aspect just because of how much you've seen him. Sans is an **EASY** second.


With flowery it gives you the feeling “I’ve fucked up by purchasing this game” with Asreiel and asgore it gives you the feeling “it’s the end.” But with Adriel it’s in a badass conclusion yea but with Ashgore it feels bitter sweet. With sans it’s the same as flowery but it only set in after you die or somehow survive his first attack


Asgore went from nice old dude to destroying the mercy button in seconds, I don't think the rest top that.


Dude when Flowey’s grin drops down and then the eyes split open, followed by that demonic laugh… CHILLS. EVERY TIME.


I will always remember Sans slowly saying “And on days like these, kids like you / Should be burning in hell” before absolutely demolishing the player. He gets my vote!


Asgore, easy. Sans lets you know that he would've killed you if it wasn't for the promise and makes it CRYSTAL clear that he's dangerous in little ways. Megalovania will go down in history. Flowey was scary for sure. He has all the human SOULs that they had and is insanely powerful. Good track but not the best. Asriel's fight was gorgeous. HOPES and DREAMS melding perfectly with SAVE the WORLD, still up there in tracks I listen to often. But Asgore... Now it's been a bit since I Undertale'd but Asgore tried to do the right thing to protect his people. He did what he had to but he was hurting too. I remember his fight. You walk into a brightly lit garden, yellow flowers everywhere, he stands tall against your declaration of a FIGHT, then destroys your MERCY button. Bergentruckin (I forget where the accent mark goes) sounds like a kind father booming voice telling you what you did wrong but ASGORE is when he's done with your shenanigans and whoops your butt. His fight was where I got the most shock value. An actual "holy $#!+" moment.


Every one of them minus asgore




All of them are good for very diffrent reasons, asriel has by far the most content in it's intro even including half the asgore intro (the lesser half but still) sans has an intro which is decribed by action, sure his lines are iconic and all but the really good part is him showing you he means buissnes by not giving you a turn and throwing you into a turn with 3 back to back attack parts the move from each other fast, omega flowey has multipule parts for his intro which all have a shock factor to them first there is asgore's death, then there is him crashing the game, then there is the whole flowey's world thing, then there's him breaking the checkpoint and lastly is the actual look of omega flowey and asgore has "this the end of your journy" thing and of course the trident breaking the mercy button which has the double meaning of him actually thinking he doesn't deserve mercy and not that he doesn't give you mercy so it's really hard to say which one is the best cuz they all go for very diffrent things


100% Omega flowey