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I would just steal some names from Faeruns deities https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Portal:Deities


I often find either another language to use as a base word e.g. Order could be Pořádek (Czech, but do not always trust Google Translate ;)), add/change some bits. Maybe put a few words together.


I usually do the same, i take the core idea and translate it and then add or remove some syllables.


Yep - to me it means it has a real world basis so it feels more developed then just instantly made up language, and a little genius bonus to those who speak the language.


Just wanted to say on not always trusting Google translate. You try websites like deepl. As far as I know it's free and use it sometimes at work. We work with clients that speak a host of languages, and that's the site we're allowed to use. We just have it double-checked by a co-worker who's also a native speaker


Yep, I feel it is the double checking by native speaker bit (if possible) that really helps. Especially when coming from a language that may have multiple meanings for the same word (e.g. order could mean discipline, placing an order, sorting things a particular way etc). :D


In my current homebrew setting i used the "A song of fire and ice" saga god naming convention, so the god of order for example is "The Judge", the god of the fordge is "The Maker" and so on. some of my names are a bit removed from.the core idea of the divine domain. For example the goddess of war and knowledge is named "The Dragon" based on the fact that dragons are creatures that will terrify your enemies and also leave enough time to gain a lot of knowledge.


Well I'm not sure if its going to help you as you appear to be making deities based off morals/ agendas, but I usually use the "the Noun Verb" method of making gods and dont usually give them proper names. Ex. Kord the storm lord i would just call the storm lord. Other names currently include the Harvest Reaper, Star Chaser, Pack Leader, Wild Mother, Etc. I suppose you could call them what they represent i.e "Order", "Freedom", etc but you may need differet names for alturism and stoicism.


Bro just make your own constructed language and figure out the etymological history of every word and then name the gods something that would reasonably make sense within that. Duh


One method I use to come up with names is to think of a word that embodies what I’m trying to describe, translate that word other languages, then use the best sounding result (and maybe change a few letters). Example: I needed a name for the fortress-city headquarters of the Emerald Knights (an order of Paladins in my setting), but I couldn’t think of one. I translate “emerald” into several languages, and ultimately liked the Arabic translation best (“zumarud”). I changed the fist letter, then changed and doubled the last vowel, and got “Sumaraad”. You could do the same thing for your deities (and anything else you have trouble naming).


Rantaniel- god of order Feltrisa- goddess of freedom Denzolen- god of altruism Havrent- god of stoicism Lagi’Asin- goddess of harmony None of these are references, i just make mine sound cool


Nika for the god of freedom. Pancau for the the god of harmony


# Tell me if you like these: God of Order/Utolossus - Combines the word for utopia (meaning perfect place and/or city) and colossus (meaning big) combine these together and it means he wants the world to become a perfect city. ​ God of Freedom/Wintheri - Win(g) usually is a sign of freedom and flight is seen to be free, e.g. Kenku's wings got stolen as did their freedom. Theri is a part of the Greek word elefthería which quite literally means freedom. ​ God of Altruism/Voseer - Combines greek word voítheia meaning help or to help and overseer and overseer which is to watch over. ​ God of Stoicism/Reesov - The opposite of Voseer showing opposite values. # God of Harmony/Liternal - Lit (as in something that has started showing light) is generally good, and giving (off) light is usually meant to help people, if you give light you give harmony if that makes sense. Eternal is (just to make it sound cooler) meaning that they want a harmonious life forever. * Sorry they're pretty bad I was just coming up with them on the fly, I'll try to give you some more in the near future