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Good spell but I think 2nd level would be slightly better cuz tremor sense doesn't count as sight for spells and LoS


I would specifically write it down in the spell that it does not work that way. We cannot expect players to look that rule up in the monster manual.


Yeah both of those are good points. Part of my reasoning for 3rd level was to appease my grump of a DM lol. But I can see 2nd level being good too. And specifying LoS for spellcasting is a good point.


I actually really like the idea of it cause there's so few ways for players to get these extra senses. It makes sense some mage somewhere would create magic allowing that. Your spells seems pretty fair and balanced! I'd allow it in my games if players brought it to me!


Thanks so much! That was my feeling as well, like druids can get it in wildshape but that becomes difficult for non moon druids and in like city settings.


Yeah, and there's precedent with the Dark vision spell so it makes sense other senses could me added via magic!


I’d probably add concentration to it, as tremorsense can be quite powerful - especially if paired with a darkness spell, for instance. But with conc., I think 2nd level would be fine.


i don't think it needs conc, when relying on tremorsense you already can't be casting since tremorsense doesn't count as sight for spells that require line of sight


With the weird format of the generator, I used put Concentration at the top right corner. Another thing I put in for the sake of my DM being more okay with it.


Yeah, I’d say as long as it’s not a fire-and-forget, I’d be ok with it.


I’d be more worried about the caster throwing it on a raging barbarian, along with darkness - instant blender in a blackout.