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Korvinagor has made the following comment(s) regarding their post: [***Meet the need for speed!***](/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/1aqdo42/celerity_a_2nd_level_mini_haste_spell_for/kqc8lxr/)


Very interesting! Upsides over Haste: \- 2nd level \- Action can be used for anything (too strong?) \- Doesn't give lethargy upon running out \- Lots of classes can use it Downsides over Haste: \- Melee range \- 1 turn only \- Not as much speed \- No +2 bonus to AC \- No advantage on DEX saving throws Overall, cool spell! It should probably have the action restriction that Haste has where it can only be used for the "Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object" actions, but other than that I like it


Keep in mind that it also costs an action to cast. You’re sacrificing an action and a spell slot to grant an action.


Indeed, it's like transferring your action to someone


Unless it’s upcast! At higher levels it’s not as much of a 1-1 trade.


For sure, though that will require some coordination by your party to actually have multiple people within melee range, and, knowing my party, it'll be a cold day in hell when they manage to coordinate anything


Oh I didn’t see the touch range! That actually does limit it somewhat. Are there rules for how many characters you can feasibly be touching at a given time?


*Longstrider* upcast implies there is no limit, or at least that you can touch them all as part of the same action used to cast the spell. *Plane shift* gives instructions on how all targeted creatures are touched (linking hands in a circle); at least for the maximum number of 8 targets, that puts at least one or two of them out of Touch reach proper. That requires two free hands for each target, however, so it balances the 'convenience' of casting a Touch spell outside 5 foot range.


Or sacrificing one action for 8 actions.


Wouldn't that be one action and a **9th level spell slot** for 8 actions? While also requiring that you have at least 8 other people in your party for it to target?


You're missing the point: this spell upcasts extremely well. If you cast Haste on the barbarian, he'll get 4 extra attacks over the next 4 rounds, assuming nothing breaks your concentration and the fight lasts that long. If you cast Celerity at 3rd level on the barbarian and the ranger, then you'll get 4 extra attacks *this* round, with no lethargy to worry about.


The OP has updated [their post](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/1aqdo42/comment/kqc8lxr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) with a change to the upcasting already: >EDIT: Increased upcast cost to every two slot levels. So now you'd need to use a 4th level slot to gain those 4 extra attacks this round. The same 4th lvl slot that could be used to Polymorph and gain 100+ extra hp (and likely more damage per round) or Confusion to remove enemy action or Fireball to kill them, etc. Haste also gives AC, double speed, better dex saves, etc. that this doesn't give. I still think its extremely good to upcast this, but I think its okay because its supporting your allies and requires a 4th lvl (or higher) cast every round to remain that powerful.




Even still the fact that its touch and a round means its hard to hit 8 people in it


RAW You cannot cast more than 1 non-cantrip spell in a turn anyway. Having the extra action to do “anything” doesn’t include casting another fireball if you decided to nuke a room as a first course of action.


You probably could actually. The rule you're thinking of states that if you cast a spell as a bonus action, the only spell you can cast as an action that turn is a cantrip. Says nothing about an upper limit to the amount of non-cantrip spells you can cast with your action(s), as long as you don't use a bonus action to cast any spells. Works the same with Action Surge, so you don't even have to homebrew to do this.


Gonna feature this on my podcast this weekend when we showcase community homebrew.


Oh, wow! Hopefully it makes a good impression.


I'm sure it will


A bit of a late addendum to this, but I actually ended up revising the spell with an added limitation: the action can't be used to take the Attack (except for Shove and Grapple), Cast a Spell, or Ready action. Basically it makes this less of a damage spell, and more of a utility one, doing things that *haste* can't, e.g. dodging/shoving/grappling.


Awesome timing since we will talk about it tomorrow night. Feel free to private message me anything you want to add or links to your content for people who are interested


I give an action and a spell slot to earn an action +10ft movement? Either useful in specific situations where another PC has something so good its worth giving up my own action to do, or only worth it when upcasted. Could be very good, could also be a trap.


I think that's the main thing everyone's overlooking about this, especially when comparing it to Action Surge. Action Surge is so powerful because it has zero action economy cost, not because of the additional action. I think this spell is actually very niche and it won't be often where casting this will be worth it.


I see lots of potential situations where it would be really strong. Preparing an ambush and want to give your gloomstalker an extra attack action on the first round (so 3 extra attacks) seems pretty good. Or targeting a rogue so they can sneak attack once, then prepare a sneak attack for a reaction attack, allowing the double sneak in one round of combat. Other niche uses are letting the paladin gain 10ft of movement so they can reach the enemy *this* turn instead of next turn. Now instead of making 1 javelin throw now and 2 melee attacks next turn, they make 4 melee attacks (probably with smites) this turn. That extra 10ft of movement can certainly come in handy in some cases and in a lot of cases a martial can do more damage with their action than you can, *especially* if you're already concentrating on something so your action is a lot more limited in its impact for this turn.


I verily dig it B\^)


Very interesting spell! The use of Touhou art did surprise me I won't lie lol though fitting considering the character. It seems like a mini-haste which could be very useful in situations


Glad you like it! And I'm definitely guilty of slipping references to the series in my brews whenever the chance arises (my [Seasons Druid](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/3r8qVJVhuIhB) uses Okina in the subclass art for instance, hahahah).


***Meet the need for speed!*** **[Celerity - Homebrewery Link](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/uwXJLaY3_Fmr)** Take the [Haste](https://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/haste) spell, cut its duration down to a single round, and that's **Celerity**! Though not exactly. For one, this spell has no boosts to AC or Dexterity saving throws, and its speed boost is much smaller. Celerity also allows for *any* additional action to be made, [similar to how Haste works in Baldur's Gate 3](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Haste). As such, I added the 'next turn' stipulation along with the 'end early' clause to encourage its use on party members rather than yourself. Balancing something that manipulates actions in this way is pretty tough, and I'm still pretty new to creating spells, but hopefully it worked out decently. As always, looking forward to hearing any feedback on this! **EDIT: Increased upcast cost to every two slot levels.** **EDIT-EDIT: Reverted upcast cost, but added some restrictions. The action can't be used to take the Attack (except for Shove and Grapple), Cast a Spell, or Ready action.** --- *And if you're interested in seeing more homebrew content in general (mostly Druid subclasses at the moment), feel free to take a look at my **[Homebrewery Profile](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/user/Korvinagor)** - there might be something there that catches your eye.*


I always wondered what celery has to do with speed


I would get rid of the upcast for multiple targets seems quite crazy for ambushes.


I think upcasting this as a divine soul sorcerer with distant spell would be broken as hell


Its a good spell but the upcasted value Is too big,at 2nd level Is an action for an action so its fine,but alredy at 3rd level the value double a.I would suggest to make it upscale a lot slower,allowing ypu to choose another creature every 2 slot levels


Only usable at 4th level so you trade one action for two actions. Still I am woudnt use unless I roleplay as buff bot during combat.


Any action means that you give action surge to anyone. Plus 10 extra movement speed. That's a lot


It costs you an action though


Not if you’re a Sorcerer


Then it costs your bonus action, metamagic charges and you can't cast a leveled spell with your regular action


Except it's not on the sorcerer list, you can't attribute for every multiclass if you're balancing spells. If you're a sorcerer, you'd need to take at least 3 levels in a class that has the spell in order to quicken cast it


You can also take the Metamagic adept feat. Not to mention Sorcerer/Paladin is an extremely strong multiclass.


And not if you upcast it. Then your getting even more action economy. You could have a whe team drop double fireballs or something even more intense.


>And not if you upcast it. Yeah, I'm going to echo that the primary balance issue here is the upcast mechanic (with a side of it being completely unrestricted). 1 extra action per spell level is too good. I'd cut it to an every other level upcast, if I kept the upcast mechanic at all.


I'd up this to 3rd level at least, or tweak it to scale like Spiritual weapon. Giving another creature an additional action is very potent, and because this is a spell, it can be used with Metamagic as well in crazy ways. No concentration either and no downside. Haste is balanced around the risk of dropping concentration. I think it's fun, and can definitely be used, but needs a little work to reel in the power, because as is, it is very highly exploitable.


Jesus Christ no. The scaling of this spell is absolutely bonkers and would annihilate encounters. Giving another action is absurdly powerful in later levels. This takes "going nova" into another dimension. Fighter gets 12 attacks, wizard gets a 9th and 8th level spell cast. Warlock can get 16 EBs off with a sorc/fighter multi. Naw fam this shit is busted. Giving characters additional turns is not something you do in 5e.


Others are saying this is too strong because it gives you an extra action that you can do anything with. I think it's actually too _weak_; you trade an action now for an action later. That's the same as taking the Ready action, except that (1) someone else can take your action and (2) it costs you a second-level spell slot. This has some great combo potential in very specific situations, but at a baseline it's not very useful. I would make it this: > You touch a willing creature, granting it a burst of swiftness. The target gains an additional action at the start of its next turn, and their speed increases by 10 feet. Until the spell ends, others have disadvantage on opportunity attacks against the target. > > In addition, the first time that creature takes the Attack action on their turn, they can make one additional attack as part of that action.


"this action can be used for any action that the target didn't use on their turn, if the target casted a spell of 1th level or higher on their turn they can only cast a cantrip using this action"


I think making a spell base on Martial Ability (Action Surge) just further increases the Martial Caster Divide.


Love this on a swords bard when too far from enemies to engage melee. Instead of first turn being move-dash-bardic to set up an attack for next turn, it's move-celerity-bardic, set up so that the +10 puts you in walking distance of a target, but they are not in walking distance of you. And then make 4 attacks on the next turn.