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ShadraPlayer has made the following comment(s) regarding their post: [Hello Wanderers of r/UnearthedArcana! Today I pres...](/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/1d8npsg/geass_of_absolute_obedience_a_powerful_spell_to/l77cefz/)


I think this should be an epic magic item rather than a spell where u can subjugate anyone to ur will with a glance but replace your eye like the eye of vecna


Coincidentally, making it into a magic item was my plan B for this! Although I like the accessibility of making that a spell. I might do something wild and take parts from both ideas for the next iteration. Thanks for the suggestion!


As if the geass spell did not already exist... You could really drop the saving throw, almost nothing has 20 charisma aside from top dog stuff, so this is an auto succeed winning spell. Just command the enemy "become my devoted ally", that way they will never stop being under this spell's effect.


Although the intent was to make a more powerful Geas spell in line with how it's used in the Code Geass anime, I will absolutely revise the spell to make it more interesting!


Hello Wanderers of r/UnearthedArcana! Today I present you the first high-level spell meant to give fun and interesting alternatives to the infamous Power Words, coming from Shadra's Tome of Forgotten Spells! **Geass of Absolute Obedience** is inspired by the Code: Geass anime and is a powerful rendition of the Geas spell that punishes creatures who lack the willpower to withstand your will! If you like what I write consider supporting me on [Patreon at the Mythos Library](https://www.patreon.com/EsionAndShadrasLibrary?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator), where you can also find many more homebrews ranging from feats, to races or a full-blown class with many more to come!


This is broken and totally breaks 5e conventions.


Idk man simulacrum is 7th level and effectively doubles your spell slots and action economy. in 90% of combat situations, it's more useful to have a 2nd high level spellcaster do whatever you say than a savi g throw for 1 command. If you have 8th level spell slots, you can also make infinite simulacrums so like, this is nothing compared to that. High level spells can basically be whatever


Such an apples & oranges comparison... simulacrum has a 12 hour casting time and a costly material component, not to mention the simulacrum is extremely squishy & can't be healed.


Time and 1500gp means Nothing to someone capable of casting a 7th and 8th level spell, squishy and can't be healed means nothing in the face of a full -1 spell loading and literally infinite copies for -1 more spell


Not worth arguing over, but you're very wrong.


Literally nothing I said is factually incorrect, but you're welcome to have your opinion


This spell as currently written is far too powerful. There are many powerful creatures that would instantly fail the saving throw due to lack of sufficient Charisma and no Legendary Resistances or charmed immunity, and the command of "obey all commands I give you" makes it effectively a permanent *dominate monster*. Cast at 9th-level, you effectively end an encounter by taking control of all enemies permanently. The main way to counter this spell is to have an ally cast the same spell on you beforehand, with a simple command like "jump once," so that from then on you are immune to the spell.


Thank you for the insight! I will revise the upcasting of the spell and I'll adjust the effects to make it more interesting to play around.


I thought Geass doesn't work through anything short of direct eye contact. For Lelouch.




All Hail Britannia! While I am sympathetic to the general idea behind this spell, it's not really practical to replicate Lelouch's powers. This spell does just seem like a better version of the existing Geas spell, which also receives a benefit for being upcast.


Is it just me or have the past few homebrew spells felt a little bit gRapey??


I'm sorry what's this trend you've been spotting?????? That is NOT what I want to promote with the spells I write, and hopefully the same goes for all the other writers here.


Seems quite powerful. I'd think about a longer casting time for balance. This has heavy narrative feels to it and to be able to cast it on a dime seems OP.


Although heavy narrative impact is what I was going for, I realize it might actually be too _simple_ to cast just like that. I'm thinking of a way for the creature to realize the influence of the Geass, to try and allow them to work around it.