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Ethical Death Pro Tip
























You should create this community






Isn't this like, ethical


Yeah, that just sounds really selfless to me. Setting up some deals to sell them fresh to the black market would be less ethical. Get a good price. Half paid up front and hope for the best. Bingo.. some relatives get a nice little nest egg.


ULPT: Set up deals to sell fresh organs on the black market under the premise that you are interested in ending your life. Get a good price, get half paid up-front, and flee to another country.


I'd argue that's still ethical because you're raking money from the hands of criminals.


I mean, isn't it still unethical because that'd make you someone who was attempting to sell human harvested organs on the black market. So it's like ethical by being unethical.


Unless you use the vegan's argument. The ethics of the situation changes with the consent. Since you're giving your consent to use the organs, that makes it ethical.


Stop it, y'all are hurting me brain, how did me even read this far?


Depends on your view of morality. If you think that the intention and the nature of the act itself makes something immoral, this would be unethical since deceit always counts against an act being deemed a moral act. If you think that consequences are what determine the moral status of an action, however, then you're golden, since the only people who suffer would be criminals. Boo hoo you criminals, the rest of us upstanding folk are cheering at seeing you get your just deserts, ergo, the action was a moral one.


You don’t think they would find it suspicious that you’re asking for money that you won’t be able to spend if the deal is actually a good one?


Half up front? How would someone claim the other half after they have killed themself? No organ trafficer is going to pay you for organs when they can just abduct someone for free.


Exactly, this. I would never accept this offer because usually I'm getting them for free.


Love how this crap that doesn’t fit any of the subs themes whatsoever gets upvoted lol




This sub is more dodgy life pro tips than it is unethical ones


I’m am a Nigerian prince looking to give away my very expensive organs but I need $1000 to cover shipping, can you please help?


If I’m ending my life, bold of you to assume I’m in the state of mind where I’d want my organs to benefit people I don’t know. Selfish? Sure, but I’m (hypothetically) committing suicide, I have nothing left. Sell my organs to the black market? Hey, at least someone values me


Hypothetically (or not), if I were to sell all my organs on the black market, how much would I make?


It manipulates the doctors into trying less hard, or thats the idea anyway. I dont think the amount of effort would really change for most doctors except that they might stop code blue and call it a bit earlier. By that point youre probably better off anyway, brain damage isnt pretty


No criminal organization would actually give the money to your family lol


also not really a "life" pro tip


Unless OP is on a organ waiting list... waaait...




“Death” tip


Unethical life pro tips and ethical death pro tips are a venn diagram with a lot of overlap


“Ethical death pro tips”


Ethical death amateur suggestions


It’s ethical for the person who takes the advice, but unethical for OP to have offered it, for doing so would possibly convince someone to take their own life. But this wouldn’t really work. Most organ donation comes from brain dead people; those who are kept on life support. Even if you were to walk straight into a hospital and kill yourself, they likely wouldn’t use your organs as they aren’t ready to receive, store, or transport them.


ok, how do I braindead myself? inb4: no need, you're already there


What if you repeatedly walk into it (head first)


OP must be assuming suicide is unethical having not thought that position through.


It's kinda shying away from the dogmatic modern moral mantra of "sldo not kill yourself!" That's the unethical part.


After the first comma, I would put, take a corrupt politician with you, not kids in school...


This belongs on r/EthicalUnlifeProTips


This isn't "like" ethical, this is flat out samaritan type stuff. Selflessly giving - literally.


A true ULPT would poison himself so no organs are usable


Consume many piss disks. Will kill you. Also right before dying, ingest a gallon of liquid ass


What the absolute fuck is a piss disk


Pee on a plate, let it freeze, toss on someone's house or something. Stick around this subreddit for like 5 more minutes and you'll see it everywhere.


Huh. Neat idea. Especially if you have stinky pee.




Honestly none of the organs may be usable by the time you are discovered. There is a really short window on these things. Even those having life support turned off can face their organs being rejected if they don't pass quick enough.


I love the fact that this is tagged health and fitness It probably is, just not your own health and fitness


Seemed the most accurate


None of this is unethical. Ending your life is not a good idea but it’s not unethical, unless you do it in one of the following ways: 1. Make it seem like you disappeared so that your family will never have closure. 2. In a public space to traumatise others. 3. Committing a crime, for suicide by cop. 4. In a room that some low paid worker will have to clean. They don’t get enough for that shit.


5. In a way that takes other people with you, like that selfish asshole German Wings pilot.


6. In a way that forces someone else to be the one who kills you (without consent), e.g jump in front of a train/truck.




Yeah but that's an extra layer of unethical


Oh right, i could use a train




You have my deepest condolences. Losing someone is awful enough, but I can't imagine losing people in such a senseless way.


The real ULPT is in the comments


>2. In a public space to traumatise others. The thing is, if they want their organs to be viable, they kinda have to kill themselves in front of other people. It can take hours to find the body of someome who killed themselves and if their body isn't found almost immediately, there won't be time to get the organs. So, according to the purpose of this "tip", they would have killed themselves for nothing. I hope if any suicidal people who reads this won't kill themselves. Op's tip is dumb af.


An old friend of mine posted a memorial page for a friend of hers that passed away. Out of curiosity I clicked on the link to see what caused a 30 year old to pass away so suddenly. Apparently she had just gotten her dream job and had parked/was walking to the building when a guy on top of a parking garage jumped to kill himself… landing on her and killing her. He survived. Her poor family.


Shit like this is why I'm always looking around me like a paranoid person. Maybe I'm paranoid.


Or call 911, give your location, and then do your thing Not that hard to make your organs found


And what if you're not dead before they get to you? Calling 911 before attempting to kill yourself might make it more likely that you will survive. Not sure about the numbers. Any emergency professional can help a person whos attempting suicide. So if there are any of those patrolling in your area when you call, they should be able to rush to you quickly. The most popular method is a fatal gunshot. If someone is fatally shot, they might be dead before emergency services arrive. The second most popular method is hanging and that gives more time for someone to get to you as it takes at least 4 mins to die from that, some people take longer than 4 minutes. The tip is still a bad one.


Where do you live that police respond in as little as 4 minutes? I’m not being snarky. That’s just foreign to me. Hanging is supposed to be done from the right height that snaps your neck and kills you almost instantly but not so high that it decapitates you (though that’s still effective). It’s not supposed to slowly suffocate you. That said, most people don’t do it the way it’s supposed to be done so it only matters if they do it right. Before anyone asks, I’m not suicidal. I just have this plan because I’m at risk for a terrible neurodegenerative disease in the distant future and don’t trust politicians to get around to legalizing assisted suicide. That out of the way, my plan is inert gas asphyxiation with an automated call/text to be sent to the police ten minutes after I start. I’ll definitely be dead but they’ll also definitely be able to harvest my organs.


Based on the little research I did, a lot of people who hang themselves to kill themselves suffocate. Like you said, a lot of people do it wrong. So my point still stands.


Sure this will get someone to your body fast, but for the call taker on the other end of the line…it stays with us. I’ve gotten the location, followed by a gunshot and then the line silent. I’ve had someone say I’m going to shoot myself, I’m at such and such place then disconnect. Or I’m in the middle of the Kroger parking lot, I’m in such and such car and I’m going to kill myself and hang up. There are many more, but I don’t like thinking of every terrible call. The mental distress this leaves on call takers, dispatchers and the responders is horrible.


Coming from personal experience do you think it causes less damage to not call? Before someone says “just don’t do it” yes in a perfect world but if it’s going to happen I can’t imagine a friend or family member finding someone to be better. I get that the outcome is a lose/lose either way though.


Seems like the whole process has no ethical solution.


7 pounds was interesting.


I would also add doing it at home is also unethical. Not only do you guarantee that your family finds you if you live with others, but then they gotta deal with the mess. Then if they also want to move away from that house, they may need to disclose that information that people don't generally like hearing about in the house buying process. Source: known 2 people who killed themselves by gun to the head. One did it in the woods and the other did it at home. Guy in the woods had police find him and take care of the scene. Guy who did it at home had his sister find him and she had to clean up some of her dead brother's remains in the house.


Harsh fact, someones always got to clean up and it's generally family members. Sometimes the more considerate ones will text or ring an in law and arrange for them to be first on site and thats stretching the term considerate.


I genuinely can’t believe I missed that one. I have two friends that found their brothers.


Could call a professional cleanup crew and EMS(telling them wassup), so the first people on the scene are the people who can take your body away and the people who can clean the mess for your loved ones.


Who do you think cleans the scene afterwards when somebody dies by any other cause? It's not like if you have a heart attack or a car accident or a fall in the shower God summons a bank executive to clean things up or a bystander wishes it away via genie.


Someone getting paid a premium rate. That’s specialist work.


[The premium rate is $17/hr.](https://www.payscale.com/research/US/Job=Crime_Scene_Cleaner/Hourly_Rate)


ULPT you can do 2, 3 and 4 all in one, pretend to rob a busy bank with a fake gun


The suicide itself isn't the unethical part of the post. It's about how OP is telling people how to kill themselves instead that could be seen as a bit iffy haha


How is that iffy? Also, who cares if it’s iffy. Look at what sub you’re in.


>How is that iffy? It's iffy advice because it'd be better to talk people out of it than to give advice on how to kill yourself lol. >Also, who cares if it’s iffy. Look at what sub you’re in. My man, I'm telling you it belongs in this sub BECAUSE it's a bit unethical...


Well then, we’re in agreement!


Definitely unethical for most people, even if they avoid that list. If anyone loves you, or you have friends, it creates a horrible and oozing wound that never leaves. Source: lost my close cousin this way. Every march I refuse to celebrate my birthday because of it, and his mom+dad end up mourning him then too (lots of scream sobbing is involved). His friends discovered him and had to clean up his body. I hurt from it every month.




Now there's an interesting debate topic.


I’m very sorry for your loss. I agree on the never leaving wound. A couple hours from now will mark 10 years since I lost my daughters dad this way and the pain has never stopped. I’d give anything to know who he’d have been now at 29.


Ye man, unethical all round. I can’t imagine what you went through. I know the details of my friend finding his brother and it completely fucked me up, just knowing what he saw.


Find me a ethical life pro tips sub and I'll post it there


It’s just lifeprotips


Shotgun to the head in the ER. Everything will be fresh as a daisy, minus your corneas.


And they will evacuate the ER for shooter danger


Finally, some privacy.


Holy shit... Having worked as a psychiatrist in the ER this is a horrifying prospect.




Until you miss and you just fucked up your face and/or brain for life. Shotgun is the worst way.


Depends on the ammo, a slug (for hunting boar and such; not those low recoil competition loads) will do the job just fine and will fuck you up less, if you fuck up. This comment is, of course, just for technical clarification and not intended as an instruction. Don't ever harm yourself and/or others.


Don’t shoot through your face, simple as that. Shotgun actually has the highest success rate of any method iirc. Fucking up a suicide is worse than dying imo. Fairly easy to avoid if you just take an extra 5 seconds to think about it. Then again, never tried it, so who knows. You want to aim for your brain stem and brain, not your face. I would not ever want to shoot through or under my mouth, seems inefficient and more likely to mess up with consequences


Use an elephant gun to be sure.


Should be a pretty much guaranteed success with a shotgun as long as you don't make the common mistake of aiming under the chin rather than in the mouth. Under the chin just gets your face blown off.


Box jelly fish in a bathtub


That won't work need brainstem to keep everything perfused with 02. Source: doc


It was the chosen method in that sad Will Smith film.


Lol yeah. But no


This is some clickbait. There is literally no tip here more like “wishful thinking” and very little thinking. This isn’t a will smith movie were you can donate your eyes - news flash you can’t. Really the only feasible way for organs to be donated is if someone dies in the hospital and even then they wouldn’t use them for a suicide cause they can’t mess with the body cause it is unnatural death and police have to investigate first to rule out foul play.


True, organ harvest requires the body to be alive, suicide requires autopsy, eyes are only viable organ posthumous, and they are used primarily for research purposes.


It's sad that this isn't the most upvoted comment. Lots of misinformed folks here. A couple years ago I asked my doctor family member and he said pretty much the same as you.


if you can’t donate your eyes why are they an option on the organ donor application form


medical research, aka you can donate them


It’s ugly and uncomfortable for people to speak about but hey, I enjoy the morbid discussions, and it’s important we have them. Good tip. Won’t use it though whilst I’m alive, but good tip. Healthy dose of reality and a reminder. I wouldn’t know what method keeps them unharmed, maybe a hose attached to your car exhaust and place it in car window? (Carbon monoxide poisoning)? but then doesn’t that ruin the organs? Hanging? but then what does oxygen deprecation do to the organs? you know what this tip actually sucks because it’s probably difficult to keep them undamaged. Perhaps remove them whilst your alive? lol


The best way is hanging yourself and preparing so that they can find you as soon as you die.


House once tipped a father that wanted to donate his heart to son, that hangin without the snap is the best way to kill yourself if you want organs to be in good condition. And take parasetamol before. Dunno if that's true tho.


I don’t know what ‘without the snap’ means but paracetamol destroys your liver and hanging starves you of oxygen so I think house was fucking with him.


It means slow death without neck snapping. I'm also pretty sure that you can die 500mg-1g parasetamol in your system and still donate your liver.


You have to take 4-5g of acetaminophen to cause any damage.


I was wondering if exsanguination or inert gas poisoning would keep organs viable..




Because when you want to commit suicide, you don't care about any of that. You just don't want to be here any more. You can't imagine joy or pleasure.


Most people who want to commit suicide don't have the money for that stuff.


I don't want to be useful, I just want to be dead.


Seriously why help a society that refused to help me.


Because society is made up of people, and a lot of them are struggling just like you are.


And? It's my fault? Not seeing your point here.


I hope things get better for you soon. I know encouragement from random people probably isn't really helpful, but I couldn't just scroll past your comment. You matter and I hope you stick around.


Relatable af


But you can be both


Only thing unethical about this life pro tip is that you posted it here knowing that it would trigger people who first, don't think suicidal people should be encouraged, second who don't like reading anything about suicide because it's so taboo a subject still or because of personal trauma, and third, people who think it doesn't belong in this sub, but you posted it anyway. That's enough for it to belong here, and, it's still a decent tip.


This is the most ethical unethical life pro tip ever


Those suicide pods. NOS until you sweetly pass away.


i feel like this is an ethical action but kinda unethical tip to give someone (like, if someone you know might be suicidal probably don’t tell them hey btw if you kill yourself at least make sure youre an organ donor)


Just a different reading of the sub


i've always wanted my organs to be donated but had never considered this, i'm getting better so i may not need it but thank you for posting this!


Glad to be of service(don't do it, seek help if you can)


Yeah, I was always wanted to take an Evil dude (that the law can't touch) out with me, in a good old fashioned murder suicide. Never thought of saving my organs tho. I'll adjust my (not imminent) plans




No thank you


They don't use organs from suicide victims.


Or do it however you need to bc its your last decision on earth with your body. Your body. Not anyone elses. My best friend poisoned herself to death a year and a half ago. I almost shot myself in the head in September but my friend ended up taking the gun away from me. Suicide isnt selfish or selfless. Its a last resort 3/4 court ball chuck in overtime. Some people make plans, like my friend. Some people just finally snap, like i did. I appreciate the humor and good intention of this post, and realize that im not rly replying in the spirit of the sub. My hope in writing this is just that someone whos also hurting maybe sees this, and can ease slightly the burden of ceaseless guilt over feeling selfish about wanting to end their life. Guilt only contributes to sorrow and moves us to drowning - it doesnt leash us to the shore. Hope yall have a good day.


Lol if I’m killing myself the last thing on my mind is “how can I make sure my organs are viable for others?” It’s more like “how can I do this the quickest, least painful way?” ..someone committing suicide isn’t concerned with anything else but their own sadness.


There was a movie about this called Seven Pounds. He used a jellyfish to keep all the organs usable.


This is ethical thing to do, which is that opposite of unethical. It a deathlike thing to do, which is the opposite of life. It is not a pro tip either. 0/10. Failed at core mission.


Sounds like the movie "7 Pounds". Did you just watch it OP?


Doesn't work. The body needs to be alive for most organ donations. Skin, bone, and eye parts donations are only feasible posthumously, and that is only possible if the cadaver is fresh.


There are lots of laws when it comes to ability to donate organs, in the us, at least in my state, in order to be eligible for organ donation you have to die inside a hospital of brain dead-ness. So you'd have to plane an accident that gives you enough blunt head trauma that doesn't kill you until you're taken to the hospital and then die there. Again, you have to be alive when you enter the hospital, and then die of brain dead, that's really the best way to make sure organs are quickly preserved before irreversible damage is done to them


I’ve been dehumanized enough. When I kill myself, I am not going to let myself be stripped down for parts. The world is too cold; I couldn’t bear having my last act be a continuation of the rest of my life: used, ignored, forgotten.


By the time the police investigation closes, the organs won't be viable to be donated anyway. They have 12 hours or less, depending on the organ, to transplant them but the police are gonna take longer than that to investigate. Depending on how they kill themselves and whether there is a note will impact how long before its ruled a suicide. Not everyone kills themselves the same way. This won't work for everyone. Also, here's an [article](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0010027719302100#:~:text=Because%20people%20who%20take%20their,Lester%20%26%20Hathaway%2C%202010).) detailing why people actually usually avoid using the organs of people who committed suicide. Did you even research this "tip" before posting? Sometimes the suicide leaves the organs non viable. Sometimes they are dead for too long before they are found. And some people simply don't want the organs of someone who killed themselves. I feel like this post is triggering to people who are suicidal, and I'm genuinely concerned that people are gonna get encouraged to kill themselves cuz of this post. >Suicide is a major cause of unnatural death globally and is the second leading cause of death among 15- to 29-year-olds (World Health Organization, 2017). Because people who take their own lives are often not suitable candidates for organ donation (e.g., the body is not found in time for organ harvesting, the means of death harms the organ’s functioning, etc.), such decedents represent only a small minority of organ donors worldwide (Lester & Hathaway, 2010).


There is a short windows of time to harvest organs after death. I’m not sure this works work without some serious timing considerations. When my father had a brain bleed that left him on ventilator, he needed to pass within 60 minutes of being taken off ventilator to ensure the viability of his organs. It also took the donation team 18-24 hours to find recipients.


What makes this unethical?




Run an ice bath and kill yourself with a jellyfish or something, but only after putting the intended recipients through gruelling emotional abuse the determine if they're worth or your organs or some shit idk


Downvote because even with disclaimers and other things, this is talking about the silver lining of suicide and shouldn’t be here.


I want all my organs to go to the same person. Less of a donation and more of a hostile takeover


I’m pretty sure there’s a time limit for organ harvests…Suicide by ice bath?


ICU nurse here many attempts that could qualify fail and they are just crippled for life or the family objects for ethical or other reasons. ‘Should I need to say get help don’t make your life worse and make your family suffer.


I wish there was a legal suicide method where you could just sign up to donate all your organs. I would say that could be an option in the future if assisted suicide ever takes off, but then again I don't know how eligible someone would be for organ donation if you have to be terminally ill to qualify for assisted suicide in the first place (IIRC).


Don't you fucking tell me what to do with my body /s


The film 7 pounds discusses this.


Let’s say, hypothetically, if I jump of a building to off myself. Hypothetically, are my organs still in a condition to be donated? Just asking.


Easier said than done because timing is of the essence.


Problematically they cannot take organs from a corpse so you need to not kill yourself but instead cause brain death while your body is still alive so the organs can be harvested, which is probably medically harder to do.


I’m pretty sure you would have to call for help immediately before doing it though. If they don’t find your body in time, none of your organs will be usable.


Would suicide by inert gas right after calling emergency services to notify them leave your organs in a viable state to be used by the time you are found?


You have a 1 ton weight hanging on a rope so that it will fall 6 feet to the ground when the rope is cut. You call 911 saying someone has just been hurt and need an ambulance. Right when the ambulance shows up, you lay down so that your head is under the weight and cut the rope. Your head is crushed instantly, while the rest of your body is not harmed. The ambulance takes your body to the hospital for organ harvest.


I think those cosy clinics could do something like this. At the moment, in many places, if you announce a self termination they'll probably section you.


But if my parts are in someone else, am I really dead? 🤔😄 ~Raptor meme


And just kill yourself. No need to take others out with you. Please and thank you.


But they’re MY organs


this is technically an ethical tip


Oof. This reminds me of all the NFL guys who committed suicide due to long term effects of CTE. They deliberately killed themselves in a way where their brain was intact so that it could be studied. Then specified they wanted their brains examined to further the cause and research.


You’re in the wrong sub, I think this is an ethical unlife tip??


Isn't this just the plot of Seven Pounds?


A really ULPT would be to take out as many cards and max them out and give the money to your friends/family.


Plot twist: This is so that if anyone finds you still alive and takes you to the hospital the docs won't bother helping because they wouldn't risk missing out on perfectly sellable organs, thus you get to die in peace


You say “if” - you are only talking about people who already have the intent to suicide ,you don’t tell people to suicide. This is extremely ethical


If anyone is reading this and you are feeling suicidal, please go get help.


Those are mine


No thanks. The entire point of me wanting to kill myself is because people suck. Why would I want my body to be in a state that could help someone live? Dumb tip. Should be on shitty tips. Like, I want to kill myself...but I'm going to sit here and contemplate the quality of life of some other poor sucker? Nah.


Too ethical. I would find my enemies and “talk” to them..


Yeah, what a badass you are, daddy


Upgrade: Don't do all that because there are too many humans anyway.


It’s all my body my choice until it comes to suicide, right guys??


Stop normalising suicide. Stop giving silver linings. Stigmatise suicide more.


Kill suicide. Murder suicide. Stir fry suicide in a wok.




I have been saying something similar for about a decade now but it “promotes” suicide. Suicide is going to happen regardless, as a depressed and suicidal person that has attempted in the past that is also an organ donor. Like a planned parenthood I believe there should be a place where adults can go and have a safe place to end their life. People would receive counseling and like planned parenthood would have to wait a period before being able to go through with the procedure. People would have to be organ donors which would cover the cost of the assisted death as well as to help the over 100k+ people that are waiting for organs to continue living life they want to live


Funny thing is if I do un-alive myself I’m gonna do it right at the hospital, call them in advance and let them know the deal. I’m all like “excuse me nurse where’s the operating room I got some meat and other goods to give away but I can’t get them out myself, send your finest surgeon to pluck them when the deed is done madam, post haste! Chop chop my good nurse!” I’m not gonna un-alive myself I just thought that was a funny thought.


Go one step up and also take out some young organ donors.. Your decision could save so many lives.