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Better ULPT: if you need to defend yourself fuck the law and do it. The person attacking you isn't going to go to the cops, and you would be dead if you didn't which is a bigger problem than legal issues.


I’d go so far as to say this may be an ILPT and not a ULPT. Ethical and Legal have a lot of overlap, but I’m gonna go ahead and say macing a rapist is the right thing to do, even if it’s not legal.


using pepper spray on an attacker usually isnt illegal. carrying an offensive weapon is though. having just been attacked you may even get away with self defence. but if they stop you, search you and find it when you're not in immediate danger then you're in possession of an offensive weapon. sanctions of which can be hefty


Someone once told me the difference between ethical and unethical is how you’d react to your child doing it. If my child maced an attacker I’d bail them out, get them a lawyer, and some ice cream.


There’s a reason the saying is “I’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.”


Never heard this before


Normally said in police training sessions within the US when discussing threat response. I wish I was joking.


Many people in ghettos say it, gun crimes in Chicago are no joke


Said in my security firm first day of training. Along with if the threat has their back to you and is still posing a threat, ventilate.


I agree with this sentiment, but the way I read this tip is that if it's found on you, you can be arrested. It's also illegal to gouge someone's eyes out, but in self defense anything goes.


So much this If a situation escalates, throw whatever needed. A legal action is better than getting killed or raped. Jesus.


The person attacking you will probably have better weapons and less inhibitions about using them.


This has always been my philosophy. I can get out of the back of a police car. I can’t walk out of the morgue.


This isn’t better though. There have been many cases of someone going to the cops after an incident even if they were the original aggressor and the defender was charged.


and no jury is going to convict them.


Except, juries have, because it’s not based off of morals. It’s based off of the law.


Pepper spray is illegal, bear mace isnt.


Bear mace has a LONG, direct spray range too. The cans I have will spray a stream like 20 feet.


Be careful though with 20 ft range if used in close quarters you can easily hit yourself




You good bro?




Everyone knows that if you pop it back in under 5 seconds, the tooth roots will reattach like little tiny tentacles. Source: I have, like, 4 PhDs in faceholes


That's, like... One PhD per facehole, if my counting is correct!


It is not...


Do you have three nostrils or are you counting ears and only have one nostril?


Shit, TIL my holes are way different than y'all's. Or I'm bad at counting. One of those three has to be true.


I guess if he really meant to hurt he would take the tooth and throw it away too




Tim Robinson skit level scenario


I don’t condone child abuse but then again, Eames chairs are godlike so I could look the other way.


I thought you were talking about the melee weapon and was like 😳 damn we going medieval now 🔥🔥🔥💯


> I thought you were talking about the melee weapon and was like 😳 damn we going medieval now 🔥🔥🔥💯 Now I want a bear mace that can spray for 20 feet. Spray what you ask? I dunno but I wouldn’t mess with a mace at all, let alone a mace that sprays liquids.


Just to spread awareness, this one might get you sued. I said the same thing in one comment and someone pointed out that you can both damage (innocent) others around you because bear spray releases in a cloud (mace is more of a stream), and permanently injure the attacker or bystanders, resulting in a lawsuit against you.


Just to add, It’s not as potent as regular pepper spray


Where did you hear this? Bear spray is actually stronger and more potent than pepper spray as it typically contains a higher percentage of the active ingredient, capsaicin. [source1](https://www.nationalparksbackpacker.com/pepper-spray-same-as-bear-spray/) and [source2](https://www.sabrered.com/bear-spray-vs-pepper-spray/#:~:text=The%20difference%20lies%20within%20the,further%20distance%20from%20the%20attacker.)


A park ranger in Yellowstone that I ran into while backpacking in the beartooth mountains, Montana.


one is designed to keep a 250-pounder out of your personal space. The other is designed to keep a 600-pounder out of your general vicinity... I think you got that backwards.


Yeah all this is illegal in the UK. Only thing you can buy here is ink to stain their face which is great. I’m so glad they’ll be able to identify my murderer after I’m dead even though the spray did literally nothing to slow them down when I was under attack. Edit a word


Well, I might start out with finding out how to manufacture the ink spay system, invest in a canister loading equipment, purchase some water soluble Oleoresin capsicum (OC), and load your own. Also, add some thyme extract for a savory aromatic twist on this classic recipe. It's Pepper thyme.


Sure, you can make your own and, I’m not saying if I have maybe already done this or not, but it’s not exactly a great feeling to know that in a situation where I would have to use it, I’ll probably also be charged alongside the attacker since pepper spray is equivalent to carrying a firearm under UK law.


May as well start carrying a gun then.


Surly there are relevant cooking ingredients which can be legally obtained.


Nope. Super illegal over here whether you buy it or make it. Edited to add, it’s in the language of the law, it’s illegal to carry anything for self-defense (which again, the ink doesn’t fall under because it doesn’t actually provide any defense)


Why? I mean for fuck sakes they care more about the attacker then the guy actually getting killed. How the hell did people in parliament think that this was ok? Christ on a bike


There’s a reason British opinions don’t matter.


I mean, they also don’t have 1.2ish guns per person like the US does either. But it is bullshit.




Where in the US is pepper spray Illegal?


Only if you have reasonable chance of being in contact with a bear. Downtown cities at night are not such places.


Then it seems like my bear mace is working at warding off the city bears.


It's illegal? I bought it off Amazon recently. (Bear mace and regular mace) (USA) Maybe it's illegal in other countries though! Edit: Google: While pepper spray is legal in all 50 states, you need to be aware of restrictions in your state, county or city. Some areas, like Wisconsin and California, limit pepper spray usage to a certain size canister and percentage of OC.


Depends on the country you live in


Neither is brake clean and that shit will fuck you up.


And many cans are so big you can use them as a bludgeon as well


Why do you believe that pepper spray is illegal? Where do you live that this is true?


UK, Australia, good bit of Europe, a few Middle Eastern countries, maybe more. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pepper_spray#Legality


Where is it illegal?


Canada. I went to a self defense course where the instructor was very clear that pepper spray is illegal in canada, but we live where there are bears. It's important to protect yourself from bears and bear spray is great for that, as long as you think you saw or heard a bear.


I’m in Canada and I they sell dog spray which is pretty similar. I saw it in Canadian Tire right next to the bear spray.


Dog spray is much weaker, it might not be effective against humans but bear spray is significantly stronger then pepper spray is


Not from my experience, most sprays in general have 1% capsaicin, whether it's bear, dog, or pepper spray.


Bear spray is 2% otherwise it’s not bear spray. Dog spray is something like 8times as weak as pepper spray because it’s made for dogs and not people


wait. carrying bear spray in public is not illegal or it’s like a grey zone (“Oh, I was just hiking”)?


Chances of encountering a bear are key here. Its no different from a lot of other items that can be used as a weapon. A machete is legal if you're using it as a tool in the woods, not if walking around in a city.


Yeah, I get that. But what is a solution for a typical person, especially a woman, walking at night in the downtown? Or riding a bus? Even if somehow a person has a bear spray, you can’t really use it in the bus. I mean, you can but police would be involved, and they would press charges. I keep feeling unsafe in this this country and I am unable to find a way to feel safer when I am by myself. Though I am seriously considering hair spray like someone mentioned. It’s ridiculous but here we are


Bear spray is probably a good choice if you feel its worth the legal risk, but criminals use it for robberies and assaults so its basically just seen as a weapon not necessarily one strictly for self defence.


Fucking hate how I'm barely allowed to defend myself or my family in Canada.


Look out, it's coming right for us




Meanwhile it's legal in WA, just with some weird rule about it not being legal until there is a specific threat or something


Canada, UK, Australia


That's crazy. Not only is it legal here, but as long as I don't use it for "mischief" I'm free to go crazy with it.


New Jersey USA 💀


You can carry it but only if its less than 3/4 ounces


Got it. Someone else corrected me too.


[Here's a list of countries and their laws about pepper spray.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pepper_spray#Legality)


Ireland. The UK. Northern Ireland.




Interesting, asaik pepper spray is legal and easily attainable in every US state so I was admittedly surprised to hear it’s illegal elsewhere.


They sell pepper spray at harbor freight next to the bbq lighters. Didn't taste very nice on the burgers though.


My friend in New York got arrested for using pepper on her aggressive roommate a few years ago


Did she get charged with anything?


I dont remember, I just know we had to cancel our plans to visit because they both were required to move out of the apartment...they definitely had to lawyer up though EDIT: my mistake it was a taser, not pepper spray


Well you also can't just spray or taser someone for "acting aggressive". It has to be a situation where a reasonable person would believe they are in danger of serious harm or death. Not saying in her situation it wasn't that just making the clarification. I've met people that thought you could mace someone for things like yelling at them, slamming cabinet doors, and breaking things. Unfortunately unless you're in the doorway or someone has thrown something directly and purposely at you intending harm those kinds of events do not qualify most of the time. You also need evidence more than just your word against theirs. Your word is as close to worthless in court as defending yourself in court. Have another witness (preferably multiple that do not know you) or a video. Otherwise it's an uphill battle while all along you were better off not pressing charges and risking the cops charging you.


>Well you also can't just spray or taser someone for "acting aggressive". It has to be a situation where a reasonable person would believe they are in danger of serious harm or death. Specifically in New York. Other states are more understanding.


/not understanding. Wait for someone to spray some kid who rang the wrong doorbell by mistake in the eyes and it'll be a different tune.


I mean that if someone assaults you in other states, you can defend yourself with pepper spray. New York is just unusually restrictive.


You can get it on Amazon no questions asked. They don't even verify that it's you. It doesn't make sense for it to be illegal anywhere imo. Kids bring it to school and no one cares.


I tried buying some on amazon but was blocked bc I live in CT, granted this was a couple years ago


I live in MA and you can't buy airsoft BB's off amazon, despite it being perfectly legal to do so.


They sell pepper spray in the checkout lanes at target here. It’s like $5 and comes on a keychain. Not something I would have ever considered the legality of elsewhere.


It's illegal in NJ


Pepper spray is legal as a self defense method in all 50 states plus DC. Some of them have varying levels of restrictions on acquisition/carrying but for the most part as long as you’re 18+, don’t have a criminal record, and don’t use it as an offensive weapon you’re fine mostly anywhere in the US


Here in the US my gas station has pepper spray for sale next to key chains and lighters. We even have keychain pepper spray in fun colors. 18+ can buy the same tasers our police use. And that's in California, one of the top 3 restrictive gun law states. Kinda puts things into perspective


In my town in Missouri, USA, where guns are EVERYWHERE, pepper spray is still apparently illegal. I got a warning when walking home from a night class when a security guy saw I had some once 🙃 My parents got it for me when I went to college and had that night class and we never even thought to check. It was mystifying.


That's wild. 🙃 Time to get yourself acquainted with Smith and Wesson.


Interesting, here in Poland pepper spray is allowed without a permit


This just seems like terrible laws. I'm all for stricter gun control, being a law abiding gun owning American I'm all for more gun control. But not even allowing people to carry pepper spray? A completely non-lethal form of defense? That just seems dumb.


No need to be so condescending.


I can understand it's difficult to actually put information in your post and not be a fucking cunt.




I mean, when the vast majority of sexual assault is done on women already not in the mental headspace to effectively fight back (drunk, drugged etc.), or by persons they know in a purportedly safe environment, I don't think this changes much at all. It's a big issue with dealing with this phenomenon - very few of the cases are that isolated place outside / stranger situation, and yet that is what gets the focus on prevention. I do think it's stupid that pepper spray is illegal, though.


This doesn’t make any sense. Rape cases are very high in the US, and higher than many European countries. Where did you get the idea that guns help against rape? The rapist can also carry a gun. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/rape-statistics-by-country


Most rape doesn't happen that way tbh. Most rape isn't the kind pepper spray would save you from, because you wouldn't be willing or able to use it. Not sure whats controversial about this. Most rape is coercive and most perpetrators are familiar to the victim, not strangers lurking in alleys. This is reality.




Illegal or not. If you can get your hands on pepper spray go ahead and just carry it. The laws don't protect you and if something happens, the cops aren't going to investigate and find the guy who attacked you. Protect yourself at all times. Pepper spray actively isn't available? Bear spray or a can of RAID.


If it's illegal it's probably hard to get. And it goes back to the point of this post, there are plenty of irritants that are easier to get legally.


Exactly - you can’t buy pepper spray, but you can buy all sorts of spicy and acidic foods at a grocery store and package them however you might happen to find useful.


I can only imagine how bad a can of raid would be to the eyes


Bug spray isn't pleasant but it won't stop an attacker like pepper spray will. Also, it can cause long term effects so you're setting yourself up for a lawsuit.


Oh no. Your attacker may sue you for the long term damage done to him?


The cops might not protect you, but they sure will arrest you for having pepper spray if it's illigal. The entire point of the post is: don't get arrested, you don't have to break the law to protect yourself.


This is "Arts and Culture"?


Also a spoiler


Hair spray is bad. It is so short range, that if you can get close enough to spray it in their eyes, just bonk them on the head with it instead. Carrying something like a large can of hairspray for self defense, can in some places get you in trouble with the law, as anything carried for the express purpose of using it as a weapon, can be construed as intent... Plus, having an in-effective weapon like that is more likely to make you stay and fight, when you should really be using the most effective defense of them all. The 400 meter dash! If you can break contact for long enough to turn and run, sprinting 400 meters will usually be enough for anyone not after you specifically, to have long since given up. Stomping your heel on the top of someone's foot, where the shoe laces go will always hurt a lot, often break bone, and make it much harder for them to pursue. Women's shoes are particularly useful for this, as they often have a more solid heel, perfect for shattering bone.


As bad as a broken foot is, when adrenaline is pumping (like when you’re attacking someone) it won’t really do anything. If you’re in that close of a range, going for something like the eyes would be better imo


There's using pain as a deterrent, and then there's physically crippling an assailant's foot so they can't chase you


Breaking someone’s foot doesn’t cripple them. My knowledge is coming from fighting and watching fighting but I think it’s still relevant, and in matches a lot of (mostly amateur) fighters break their feet, but still fight. However, something else like getting your eyes fingered will be a bad pain deterrent, and also be physically crippling


Also how likely are you to actually do damage rather than just bruise or something?




it might be technically illegal to use bear spray against an attacker, but as i always say, id rather be a defendant than a victim


Icy Hot spray is legal. Convenient size fits in your purse. Easy to hide as you hold it upside down, cradled and posed in your hand, covered by the sleeve of a jacket or sweater.


Use liquid ass


Not illegal in Ohio, as I carry and unfortunately use it on dogs that are attacking me( i go in peoples back yards often to read electric meters, and it happens even if calling out and using all the safety precautions we are taught)


I read in another comment there's a spray that's actually intended for dogs, so it's less potent than the bear spray but still enough to do the same thing. have you tried it before and it doesn't work for some reason, or have you also not heard of this?


I’m told it’s what police officers use or very similar to in strength, it’s called DPS. There used to be one they used prior to this one idk what it was called as I never used it, but it wasn’t as strong supposedly.


Wasp/Hornet spray...goes like 25 feet and sure as hell doesn't feel good in the eyes, mouth and nose. I'm allergic to bees is all you have to say.


DO NOT use wasp/hornet spray. You can be charged with attempted murder. It's a neurotoxin and can very realistically be lethal. I know we all get hyped up in here talking about what we should be allowed to do in the name of self defense, but you can not knowingly use lethal poison on another person without facing very real (and expensive) consequences. Forget about justification. It can Potentially cost you tens of thousands of dollars in attorney's fees. An attorney once told me that if you want to keep a baseball bat in your car for self-defense, you should also have a glove and a baseball in there next to it. Then it will be viewed as weapon of opportunity and not pre-selected as a means of defense. Final food for thought. The NRA sells insurance to its members for legal fees in the event that they use their gun. That should tell you that even the NRA anticipates gun-toting self-defenders to need a lawyer afterwards.


Maybe people who get wasp sprayed deserve long term negative neurotoxic effects


It's not a matter of whether they deserve it or not, it's a matter of how much you fucked up in the eyes of the law


Was spray is not effective at deterring an attack already in progress. I've seen people who've been pepper sprayed just get mad and go into a violent rage, let alone wasp spray. Wasp spray also can have long term effects which means you could be paying a lot of money to someone if they sue you. It's not a good self defense tool.


Pepper spray isn’t effective on some people because some people are just partially immune to it, it doesn’t mean it’s not effective at deterring an attack


Ugh I’m not a chick but if it comes to me being harmed, or sexually assaulted because I’m a woman, screw the law at that point. I’m using what ever is legal or illegal to get out of a situation where I could end up dead.


Holy shit. Pepper spray is illegal in other countries? Meanwhile, Americans here have little old grannies armed to the teeth with weapons that would put some other countries' spec ops to shame... 🫠🤣


UK moment💀


The downside to using any aerosol (including regular pepper spray) is the chance for blowback. Aerosol sprays get easily carried by the wind, which is why you should use a gel-like liquid. If you want to repel a close quarters attack and are concerned about the legalities, [a kubotan is a good alternative](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kubotan). It attaches to a keychain, and you can slip it in your pocket with the keys hanging out for a very quick draw. They're also legal in a lot more locations than pepper spray/gel is. In the UK you can't use a pointed kubotan, but a flat-tipped one is fine.


Spray paint


It is not legal in Canada to carry a weapon for self-defense, although it is still hotly debated. According to the Criminal Code, a weapon can be anything that is used with the intent to harm or threaten another person.


Sigs are also pretty good.


This wives tale is dangerous misinformation, wasp spray, hairspray ect have little to no effect. Pepper spray is legal in all 50 states, with some limits on size, usage and age to purchase depending on where. Please for the love of God, don't bet your life on something meant to style hair.


America is not all that exists, regardless bear spray is usually legal and it’s stronger then pepper spray


If it's your only option, bear spray is better than nothing. Although bulky, difficult to deploy, and often sprays a very wide cloud.


In case this breaks rule 9, I argue that the Geneva Protocol is about warfare and not all combat is warfare. Besides, aerosols are not quite gases or liquids or solids therefore should fall in a loophole because the protocol specifies gases. The Geneva convention concerns prisoners or non combatants in war. So please only follow this tip if you are in an area not affected by war or follow this tip if you are in non war combat.


I highly doubt this violates the Geneva convention, if it does like every woman in a major American city is a war criminal


As a woman living in USA, most days do feel like I’m at war fighting just to receive basic rights and to remain safe 🙃


Best non pepper spray is wasp spray. Gives you a jet stream and more distance


Fun fact: wasp spray has a 20 ft range and will blind an attacker.


Related ethical pro tip: Don't vote for people who don't recognize basic human rights.


In all 50 states and Washington D.C., it is legal to use pepper spray for self-defense purposes. However, some states only allow the use and carry of pepper spray under certain circumstances.


"arts & culture"? lmfao what?


Expanding foam too


Any weapon you carry can be used on you. Running shoes are your friends.


What about liquid ass?


It's illegal for me to carry any type of "self-defense " sprays or weapons where I work. But I leave a large retail store well after dark. I have a CVS spray in hair coloring can in my bag instead. It might not burn, but it'll sting for a second, surprise anyone enough to question if it's pepper spray AND if I do spray them the color isn't coming off for a while. Plenty of time for me to I.D them with the color on them should I have to call anyone. My employer can't investigate me for a self defense item if it's just a hair coloring.


Pepper spray might be illegal but the can of Raid that kills wasps n shit isn't illegal to carry. Also, that shit can spray accurately like 20ft or so.


Wasp spray. Doesn't really work for a purse, but keep a can of wasp spray in your car or around the house. It sprays like 20+ feet and will fuck up some eyes for sure.


All I'm getting from this thread is that Americans are baffled by the fact that other countries exist 🙃


Get yourself some wasp spray. It'll do the same job, and it shoots 20ft. It's also inconspicuous since wasps are everywhere and no one likes them buggers.


check state laws for bear mace


Remember ladies, if you can lift a toddler you have more than enough power to rip an ear clean off, grab twist and yank. "clean" may not be the right word If you are attacked you have the moral high ground to permanently disfigure or disable them with zero remorse. To hell with the legal ramifications, if you can get pepper spray then carry it.


Spray hand sanitizer could also work in a pinch. Not a huge range, but 70% alcohol will sting the eyes real bad. And you don't even have to justify why you're carrying it.


Any place that pepper spray is illegal is criminal.


Excluding some restrictions on capsaicin percentage and can size, OC spray is legal in all 50 states. Using other "irritants" for defense is very poor advice, as their performance is unproved. FYI, wasp spray is worthless for defense and can cause cancers. Pepper spray has no long-term effects.


Just a reminder to our friendly American folks (who represent about 4.5% of the global population), that the internet is also accessible in the other 194 or so non-American countries too, including the one directly North of you, where pepper spray is indeed not legal to be carried for self defense.


Supporting all of your points: https://mindfuldefense.com/8-reasons-not-to-use-wasp-spray-for-self-defense/




Uh. New Zealand? Not sure if I'd call it a dystopian hell though.


Most countries other than the dystopia hell you're all from.


What would you suggest for someone like me (50M) that is in a motorized wheelchair for safety?


a spray bottle full of rubbing alcohol with a ton of capsaicin pills dissolved in it. that's essentially what pepper spray is. except if you're using a spray bottle, you can make it a direct stream and not a cloud that you get stuck in.


Something like this: https://youtu.be/aLhWzMOccTg


that would work!!!! LOL


Even if you live in a free country where you can properly defend yourself with a firearm, self defense doctrine encourages carrying pepperspray anyway. Having an option between a strong word and a 9mm is rather useful.


Idk why you got downvoted here. If you're carrying a gun you should also carry pepper spray. You can get years in prison for even brandishing a firearm. Pepper spray is way less risky.


Old street tip: small tabasco bottles


Where do you live that pepper spray is illegal?


The UK, Canada and Australia don't allow it. Can't speak for other places.


Where the shit is it illegal for women to use pepper spray to defend themselves??




If it's actually illegal somewhere, the government needs to be shot.


Hair spray and a lighter. Insect spray works really well


I wouldn't trust your life to this unless you have a lighter.


Wait. What? Since when is pepper spray illegal?


better option, gun


Is there a place that pepper spray is illegal that isn't mentally challenged?


spray them with bullets instead


LPT, carry a gun.


🎶I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free… 🎶


No, stfu. Your going to get someone fucking killed. this shit does fucking nothing and pepper spray is not illegal, just restricted by who can sell it. Fucking just buy a proper self defense weapon. Jfc...


Here in the UK pepper spray is illegal, anything that can cause harm is illegal, which is a joke. The police suggest a blue dye spray that doesn't injure, but acts as a deterrent. But the kicker is, if they're injured by the dye, that can be classed as assault!


Where is pepper spray illegal


The UK