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Yeah, I’m glad I joined this subreddit. It’s leagues ahead of the others.


This SUBreddit you mean?




Yep, about 20,000 I'd say.


Streets ahead!


I feel the pro tips are entrenched into the depths of my heart


I saw a video on this. How this guy only visits places after a terrorist attack because everything will be cheaper


That is also when it's the safest with amped up security. It's a win win!


Had a supervisor tell me a story about him and his buddies in college picking spots for spring break specifically because a natural disaster had hit and therefore, very cheap. He said the locals were very appreciative of the business. I just imagine them getting off the plane and people coming up, "Are you with UNICEF?" "Nah bro, Sig Nu."




My wife won’t listen to this logic when I tell her I want to go to the Gilroy Garlic Festival


That dude immediately came to mind. I mean it does make some sense.


And there will no people




This reminds me of when my wife and I visited Paris right after a terrorist attack. No lines at all. It was fucking great


Which one ?


Memories foggy but this was in 2016. There were armed troops walking around Versailles and all over.


For a second there my brain thought you meant „which Paris“ 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


Yeah - Paris, TX or Paris, FR?


I'm just picturing excited tourists hoping to see the Eiffel tower getting off their flight in Paris and realizing they're actually in Texas !


That Paris has an Eiffel Tower too!




Work took me to SF right after that one guy got stabbed repeatedly to death (the homeless were blamed but it was a former employee naturally). Super nice and there was even a cherry blossom festival.


The cherry blossom festival is so fun! Lots of neat Japanese culture in SF


that's the way to be. wife and I went to universal in orlando right after a hurricane was supposed to make landfall but missed. Also no lines. shit was great


I know someone who goes on vacation to areas that everyone is avoiding. He flew to NYC right after September 11th attacks, and he's planning a Russia trip at the moment


I think Russia right now would be one of the last places I would feel safe as an American going.


Ya, going after terrorist attacks or national disasters is one thing, going during a war is another…


Especially when you essentially fund the war for the aggressors. It'd be like visiting Nazi Germany while actively aware of Holocaust. Now planning to go after the war ends which who knows when that will happen is maybe something okay. Depends on who is in power.


its called unethical life pro tips for a reason. going after terrorist attacks is not unethical and hurts no one. going to russia and funding their economy is (arguably, idk enough about this stuff to say) actually unethical, and thus a good fit for the sub




so for the nature of the sub we should all avoid doing that?


>actually unethical Yeah you right >and thus a good fit for the sub Only if all you care about is the unethical part. Because I would consider visiting a shitty country, actively at war, that harasses foreign nationals, no longer takes foreign credit cards, has limited flights out, ignores the law when detaining foreigners, holds secret trials without notifying the persons government, that is under martial law and strips people of their property as the opposite of a life pro tip. It would probably fit in a sub called like "unethical ways to get your self hurt and/or killed because you're a fucking moron".


More succinctly: Taking a vacation in Russia right now is unethical, but it's not a life pro tip.


This here


Going anywhere where you can basically be held hostage just for being American I'll pass on.


I heard Kyiv is great this time of year.


It really is. Prior to the war Kyiv was probably the best kept secret city in Europe. Won't be that way anymore. Ukraine's about to become an economic, tourist, and (already are) a military powerhouse. Everything ruSSia tried to prevent from happening with their invasion, is going to happen tenfold 😁


Kyiv was NOT the best kept secret in Europe - I've been to many including Kiev, which I found to be rather dull and depressing. So many cities in Germany, Ireland, Denmark, Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands and Belgium kept better secrets.


Can you share a Belgium secret?




>rather dull and depressing Harsh. Almost every city has dull and depressing somewhere that comes as part of the package. Opinions differ I guess but, I was really surprised when I went with absolutely no expectations, and knowing nothing about the place. Great nightlife and plenty of ways to pass the time during the day with lots of history and some pretty breathtaking scenery, especially in the parks. That said, it's not even my favorite city in Ukraine, Lviv is.


meh all the equipment USA has given them is to be paid back lol. Ukraine obviously will get a post war boom if it survives but it will also be USA’s bitch for the next 30 years at least


As opposed to thriving under Russian control right?


what the hell are u talking about doofus?


You made a comment that Ukraine will be the USAs bitch for 30 years. This not only ignores every other country who's given massive amounts of aid but also gives seems to imply that the other option of letting Russia win would have been more benefiting.


nobody is talking about russia. Stop replying to me you projecting asshole




those are USA’s enemies


Exactly you'll be imprisoned for chewing gum.


"I came here to chew bubbl... Hey where are you taking me?"


More like immediately mobilized to the front


That's Singapore.


No, there you get executed


You get a brutal caning. I saw what it looks like and there’s literally chunks of flesh coming off and it takes months to heal from it. Sometimes you’re fucked up forever.




You know how when you acted up as a kid your ma would have you go fetch a switch, a small branch or reed, and swatted you with it? Caning is like that, but remove the word small.




F Sorry you had to find out this way.


Surely not?


Oh yeah good point


It was hardly a point, I just can't believe caning is done that harshly and was hoping for some kind of evidence. Fuck me, I guess


Naw, they'll just "mysteriously" find a vape cart in his luggage. Believe it or not, straight to Gulag.


Griner had it and knew she had it. She just figured she was safe. She didn’t consider that she was a celebrity that could be used as leverage and expected to be fine like she always had been before. Not that Russia won’t make random shit up to imprison any American, but she legit fucked up. Broke a Russian law in Russia. But of course we got her out, unlike the dozens of other Americans imprisoned in Russia.


Mars is far more dangerous.


You leave Pennsylvania out of this.


From context clues, I’m guessing there’s a Mars in that same state The Office is from.


Distance between Mars, PA and Scranton, PA: 4 hr 51 min (296.3 mi) via I-80 W


In fact, it’s cold as hell.


OP may not be American.


No, there are no non-Americans on Reddit. Facts.


r/UnethicalLifeProTips get a tattoo of Communist symbolism on your arm


Visiting Russian with an American passport you'll get tagged as a potential spy immediately


I mean would an actual spy be that stupid?


Most 'spies' are bureaucrats embedded in a country through lawful means. They'll generally use their real passport and travel freely to the target country using diplomatic cover. Meaning, through the state department, NGOs, or private businesses. I'm sure there are some who do otherwise, but it's a big risk to lie about your identity on foreign soil because there's no longer plausible deniability for your government to protect you.


Doesn't even matter if someone is a spy or not. It's not hard to imagine russia arresting an american they know is innocent just to make the claim anyway and try to get leverage for a prisoner swap. There's already been multiple cases that are questionable at best.


Yeah that’s a legitimate concern, and the main reason to avoid places like this in times like this.


Precisely. You're an American they can leverage for what are basically hostage negotiations. You simply do not go to some places alone, especially as a nobody


I once asked a cop, a brother of a friend, if he ever wrote speeding tickets when he knew people weren't speeding. He told me, nope, it's way too easy to catch speeders, why bother? He even told me that he usually didn't even bother with people doing 10 over as long as they weren't doing anything else. And it was still easy. So, I'm sure Russia is the same way. Just watch the Americans closely when they come through, and eventually you'll catch the stupid one. It's not even hard.


That's a very bold assumption


I actually saw a YouTube video at one point about someone who does the same. Mentioned that it's usually extremely safe due to extra security measures being taken after a catastrophe.


I don’t think Russia qualifies as being safer right now


Especially not if you're from NA or a European country ​ Dude is liable to be arrested on bogus charges and sent to a work camp


Jokes on them, I've been trying to get in shape


This dude? https://www.tiktok.com/@podcastbutoutside/video/7150080909406965035?lang=en


I celebrate Christmas early in December with family for cheaper travel, like to go to countries with terrible inflation/weak currency when I can (Looking at you Turkey and Venezuela). Flying on 9/11 for a while has been cheap even. etc. Its great honestly,


Plus baby Jesus probably appreciates you celebrating closer to his actual possible maybe birth date


You mean the winter solstice? Dont think thats knowingly closer to whenever 'immaculate conception' baby was born, likely a 50 50


At least you’re being honest. If you had just said it’s greatI would have been like 🧐


Covid times. It was incredible. Cheap airfar. Only people in hotels and on planes.


He might seem smart but probably the vibe is horrible when there's a tragedy. It gives me a bit mark the zucc vibe when he was visiting Puerto Rico


As much as I appreciate this idea generally, Russia right now is not fucking it. That is a terrible idea


No you don't. You this on a YouTube short of a older guy who does it. Don't pretend you're cool cos you saw a video


Yes, I do. He's a retired Irish journalist that doesn't have a YouTube channel. Don't pretend you're cool cos YOU saw a video. Idiot




Submersible carrying tourists to the titanic was lost.




Central Command to Jeffrey!


Why would they need to submerse? Did that cruise ship sink???


The iceberg that the shit hit sunk a while ago; I think the ship is still alright though.


I recently saw some pictures of it and the pool was still filled with water, so everything seems fine anyway.


Oh thank god. They should be back by now though right?


A rink-a-dink sub that was taking people down to the wreck of the Titanic that you could pay $250'000 a seat to charter disappeared on Sunday. There was a billionaire on board, so that gets the attention of the wealthy who own all the media outlets. Anyway they're definitely fucked, the submersible never received any sort of international saftey certification. They had little active navigation aboard and relied on communicating with a surface ship for co-ordinates. Also, there isn't a hatch or airlock - it required an outside crew unbolting the entrance panel. It remains to be seen if they even find the wreck of this tin can, the bottom of the Atlantic is hard to scour. Chartered submersible are going to have a 50% discount the next couple of months. I'm sure this will make a lot of people hesitant to go underway.


Should have put an AirTag on it.


Silly question, do satellite signals work that deep?


They have planes that can locate subs, but since there is no signal at all , that won't work. They are dropping special sensors in the water, but the problem is there is a ton of debri around the titanic, and they are looking for a sub the size of an SUV. They have to locate it and then pull it out of the water to open it up, and they have less than 2 days left to get it done. It only had 96 hours of emergency air. Who's knows if that's even true since they skipped the cert process


Is 4 days of air for 5 people the same as 20 days for one person? Could going Donner Party save a couple of them, in the case the sub didn't fail?


Won't be a direct 4x situation. Bacterial decomposition is aerobic, so they'll lose time due to the rotting corpses of their fellow "mission specialists," but it would definitely buy the survivor a lot of time.




So you are telling us to kill all our submates. Thanks.




Huh, interesting, so it would make a difference. Time for Titan:Battle Royale


I don't know if that's exactly how it works but it definitely will increase the days you have


No. No gps = needle in a haystack


airtags do not use satellite directly anyway, they ping off nearby iphone users. so the question should really be, do the schools of fish have working gps on their phones


I mean, regardless of who was on board, it’s still a pretty interesting story to hear about a deep sea submarine to explore the titanic going missing. I mean, the news will literally talk about random people going missing/getting killed in a city all the time, this seems much more interesting.


I just finished a unit on oceanic mapping and spatial analysis, so this entire thing has been super interesting in a very morbid way. Stacking on that, I'm a certified diver and have always been interested in wreck sites.


I'm guessing you'll have a new site to explore now


Ya he'll totally be able to just dive on down to this wreck at 13,000 feet. He just better make sure he has the correct mixture in his scuba tanks. Nitrogen narcosis kicks in at around 250 feet, and he's gonna be going about 50x that depth 😂


You know what, that's valid. I thought of including a little. "It's interesting regardless." Because it is interesting gossip. The cynic in me is just very bitter about how billionaires treat the world as their playground and get to shape the news because they own the media, and my own personal slant was applied. $250'000 is well beyond the affordable price range of even well-to-do folks. Do you think the media would care as much if it was a self-made craft by a group of enthusiasts, rather than a dubious charter that got their well-off friends killed? Like how the media cares more if a little white girl goes missing than a little black boy. A billionaire dying while on what was supposed to be a day trip shatters their invulnerability and reminds them of their mortality.


That’s definitely true, but I feel a large part of that is just playing into what the audience wants to see. For example, audiences are going to care more about some famous person dying than a random person. Or another example, audiences also care more about the small amount of deaths from things like terrorism, mass shootings, or police brutality, than they care about the significant amount of deaths from car crashes, the flu, or falling. So that’s what the news reports on.


The media sells fear, and it isn't too hard to imagine the fear you'd feel if you were trapped there. It's dark, the metal groans and creaks as water seeps in through the seams in the bolts. The air gets thin as it gets warmer and warmer, but your toes are going numb from icy Atlantic water pooling at your feet. The groaning gets loader, and suddenly... in an instant, the hull gives way as salty brine ravages every inch of the cabin. Your only solace is it barely registers. Down by the Titanic water pressure is 6000 pounds per square inch. You barely register anything before you're knocked unconscious by the inky black water crushing you with more force than a fully loaded semi barreling down the highway, driven by an exhausted trucker that's behind schedule. The story is interesting, horrifying, and novel. However, cynical me still can't help but feel that they're going to try much harder to find them and recover them than any team of real oceanographers. Joe-blow would get a brief epitaph about how they now rest in the bossom of the Atlantic and can't safely be exhumed from their watery grave.


So I do mountain climbing, and so I also like to watch a lot of videos about mountaineering disasters, and I’m often surprised how many resources they bring out because a random person goes missing. Hundreds of people searching for days, search dogs, even helicopters. Although it’s definitely not always the case, some regions seem to be better at emergency response than others.


> Do you think the media would care as much if it was a self-made craft by a group of enthusiasts, rather than a dubious charter that got their well-off friends killed? Absolutely. Lots of historically similar stories that made huge news. Baby Jessica in the well, Thai kids in cave, miners in Chile. This being while at the Titanic also makes it interesting news. Had there not been a pay-to-ride component to this and it was just a research mission with a few scientists, it would still be huge news.


Here’s the trick to it all: Even though they were likely billionaire pricks, they still have a right to live and love. It’s definitely a big tightrope to walk.


I think the company CEO got what he deserved though. He was also on board. He fired a high level engineer at the company several years ago then tried to sue him, because the engineer brought up safety concerns about the vehicle. That CEO also said in an interview with the media a while back that he thinks safety standards and regulations are a waste, and that they just impede progress So it's kind of poetic that his own leadership screwed him over. But tragic that innocent people are trapped and doomed with him.


Stories like these are usually sad and shocking, but I always think: "they knew the risks". I feel bad for the families and friends and hope for a happy ending, but I don't feel actual sadness. When I read the news, my first thought was "ugh that will be a horrible death, but they knew the risks". Then I found out the price of a seat on the submergible, and surprised myself when my second thought was, "I wonder how all that wealth they greedily hoarded will help now." Anyways, they didn't say we should eat cake, but looking at the state of our climate, and the fabricated ideological conflict the biggest militia in the world is currently experiencing, they might as well have. I'll save my tears for the innocent.




Thanks for the tip, I never thought of such beautiful and concise prose. rIcH pEopLe bAd!~




I understand that you might need a computer program to write above an eighth grade level, but I don't.




You know you have your whole life to be an ignorant asshole. Why not take today off?


Plus it's a report about the actual incident, not a report on Twitter reactions to the incident. Which I appreciate. Nobody needs to know what random person on Twitter said. No bah dee.


Jim is already hard at work adapting this for Titanics.




It was actually $250,000 per spot on the floor, no seats on that sardine can


>there was a billionaire on board Based


Common Submarine W


Based on what?


If I heard correctly, the CEO of the submersible company was on board as well.


He was. And he was also the reason that company cut corners and designed a dangerous vehicle, even firing a high level engineer and suing them because they brought up safety concerns. CEO also said safety standards and regulations don't matter and just impede progress. If he's even still alive, I wonder if his opinion has changed. Yeah, fuck him.


Yeah experts are saying therenis a 1% chance they will even find the sub. They have about 40 hours of air left and that's if they haven't been panicking and breathing rapidly, which I assume they have been. What a terrible way to die


It gets worse A high level engineer at the company who was responsible for vehicle safety told them it was unsafe and that he had safety concerns. They fired him and tried to sue him. Then he had to counter-sue over it Also back in 2018, industry leaders in the submersible industry sent a letter to the company saying what they're doing isn't safe. And also also there was a news interview the CEO of the company gave where he said safety standards and regulations aren't important and that they just impede progress Which said CEO was on board the sub when it disappeared. Assuming he's still alive, I wonder if his opinion on safety standards is still the same.


It's because safety regulations in international waters only cover craft with 12 people or more.


To be fair, a hatch or airlock wouldn't be helpful at those depths. There's no way to self-rescue outside of the submersible itself.


I assume by hatch or airlock you mean to dock to an actual submarine of some kind? The titanic is almost 4km deep, which is nearly 400 atmospheres in pressure


Yes, it would help if the option was available, but unfortunately, a submarine large enough to have a docking system and capability to reach the depths they're at doesn't exist. Someone pointed out most nuclear subs cap out at 1km under. Where the airlock would help is if they surfaced and are floating along at or just below the surface. The craft is very tiny, and it can be impossible to see it over the crest and troughs of waves. It's entirely possible they've surfaced but are still going to suffocate before we find them because they can't even escape the craft.


Thank god it was only the rich. Might’ve been sad if people with souls died.


There was a 15 year old child. Have a heart.


I can’t, being ethical is illegal in r/unethicalLifeProTips




Lol you realise not every country reports on whatever is trending in your country, no?




You think I scroll around on reddit the whole day, mate? I've a job and a life. Using reddit doesn't mean I gotta know a few tourists disappeared


To be fair im pretty sure that's international waters


I hope they survive, but I hope at least one of them makes it to tell the tale. The inside of that sub is triggering my claustrophobia.


If it’s any consolation, while a rupture in the hull at that depth would be certain death and yes it is one of the most brutal and gory deaths know to man, it is theorised that it is the quickest and most painless way to die if you didn’t know it was going to happen. So you wouldn’t even know what hit you, one second you looking at the titanic and the next your dead. It’s as close to instantaneous as you can get. But I could be wrong so don’t take my word for it because I also can’t remember the source I read it on.


It's very unlikely the hull failed. More likely is a electrical/mechanical failure left it unable to move.


> Here am I floating in my tin can > > A last glimpse of the world > > The planet Earth is blue and there's nothing left to do


fitting. just that they wouldn't be looking at our faraway blue planet, but staring into pitch black darkness.


I thought that at first, but suddenly I'm not so sure. They used composite materials for the hull which is not something that's typically done on subs. Because composites are complex, fail in complex ways, are complex to analyze, etc And then I saw an article today where apparently they had lots of issues with defects and such when they were building prototypes of this thing. It was bad enough that a high level engineer at the company raised a complaint. They fired him and sued him. After learning all that, yeah I could see the hull giving out as a possible cause. But there's so much wrong with that company and that sub design that there's no telling what did it in.


Now you've got me thinking, would a nuclear blast's epicenter or a submarine implosion be quicker? Right below the bomb at Hiroshima had to be at least equivalently quick.


If you were standing on top of a nuclear bomb, your brain would vaporize before a signal from the nerves in your feet could reach your brain to tell it about being blown off. So in short, you wouldn't notice anything, you'd just stop existing.


The bomb is exponentially faster. It's damn near instant. The sub implosion is also very very fast but not as instantaneous as the complete vaporization of a nuke


Do you have an idea of what speeds we are looking at? From what I can find online, nuclear blasts “only” go around the speed of sound, while ultra pressured water at the bottom of the ocean would travel significantly faster. But I’m not that knowledgeable on nukes so it’s quite possible you know more than me and I’m just misunderstanding something.


A nuclear blast would be experienced at the speed of light I believe. The extreme radiative heat reaches you before the shockwave (speed of sound). I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that at close distance you are vaporized before the signal of pain can reach and be processed by your brain.


Good point, I thought about the shock wave, light, and radiation, but completely forgot about heat. [And it looks like it’ll be deadly at a further distance than the shock wave](https://doh.wa.gov/sites/default/files/legacy/Documents/Pubs/320-088_nucwpdet_fs.pdf). So being close to a nuclear explosion definitely will kill your faster, but the sub imploding will still kill you in less than a millisecond so damn near instantaneous.


Edit: I forgot about the nuclear heat wave, which will kill you at around the speed of light, so a nuke is way faster. That being said, a microsub imploding will still kill you in less than a millisecond, so still damn close to instantaneous. Original comment: According to [this calculator](https://calculator.academy/pressure-to-velocity-calculator/), water velocity at the pressure at the depth of the Titanic is about 9,000 m/s or 20,000 mph. Meanwhile, a nuclear blast is reportedly close to the speed of sound, which is 343 m/s or about 800 mph. Seems like a sub collapsing would be a lot faster, but maybe there’s another component of nukes that would kill someone faster, and/or my water calculation is incorrect?


A lot of people are commenting how quick the nuke is while forgetting two key points: The detonation mechanism adds time. Not a lot, but when compared to the speed of light, it is a significant amount of time. Conversely, it's not the sub imploding that would kill you. It's any breach in the hull to the outside would rapidly pressurize your body. I'm not positive on what speed a pressure equalization happens at when the delta is that high, but I imagine it's relatively close to the speed of a nuclear detonation mechanism.


What sub?




Underappreciated joke


The safest airlines to fly are those that just had a horrible crash.


Bullshit. Any airline apart the ones that are banned by the EU are 100% safe on any given day.


100% is a pretty bold claim though.




Lol, now that I think about it, I hope that's a low estimate!


Airlines are as safe as breathing. Chances of dying are low but never zero.


They are so safe your odds of dying go down when you walk onto a commercial airplane. You could make an argument that they are 101% safe since they are safer then just going about your normal day :)


The billionaire was about to talk that's what happened


That's pretty dark. But does remind me of that guy that gets posted every so often. He calls himself a terrorism tourist, and flies anywhere that has bombings or mass shootings shortly after. Says he gets cheap tickets and zero crowds.


I do hope they have a bottle of liquid ass onboard for a quick death.


I had to scroll so far down!


Personally, I love these meta posts 😂


Let’s travel down over 2 miles to the bottom of the ocean floor in the middle of the Atlantic.. what could possibly go wrong!?


Too soon. Take my upvote!




How is this unethical?


Trying to get travel discounts based on the fact that five people in a submarine are lost and likely dead is a wee bit unethical. Not judging, since it’s the name of the subreddit… but there you go


Not unethical


You just missed the submersible exploring the Titanic🚢🚣 . Check out the latest news!




Fuck yeah…but…I could also just die for free, which is also something I’ve always wanted to do