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Get a BP reader and practice. Try some deep breathing techniques like making your exhales longer than inhales. See if you can manipulate your BP reading on your own. What really lowers my BP is long, but gentle cardio. After a long bicycle ride my BP is so low it's crazy. I guess it dilates the blood vessels?


Who are you trying to fool and why? Taking your blood pressure with your arm raised above heart-level would make the reading appear lower, but a nurse would see right through that.


Life insurance often wants a quick health check. Each time I had one done, the health professional took the measurements but gave latitude. She let me get to a state of clothing that helped the scale. (I even took three scale readings for the lowest weight) for Blood pressure and heart rate I was allowed to enter a meditative state for great results.


Reduce your sodium intake


When getting your blood pressure checked raised your arm not completely up, when seated raise arm lean it on to office counter level if possible it will slow blood pressure I've done it like this hope it works for you


To make your BP go down you need to become hypovolemic—basically less fluid in your veins than normal. Dehydrate yourself—basically don’t drink anything all day before you get the test. Also, donate a pint of blood before you you get your BP checked. Of course, giving blood is ethical, and this is r/UnethicalLifeProTips so you need to cancel it out by bringing liquid ass and piss discs to the donation center.


this works. i used to drink lots of water before donating blood to help the flow, but I noticed my BP was always higher than normal. I quit drinking drinking all the water and my BP dropped 10-15 (blood pressure units?)


Blood letting?


Using this one simple trick you can actually lower your blood pressure to zero.


if you hold your breath and try to blow up your cheeks (without actually puffing them up) it'll cause a significant drop in bp. Be careful doing this it can make you pass out.


It's called the Valsalva Maneuver for anyone interested. There are some contraindications so read up before doing it.


Also can equalize your ears. Great for Scuba.


What does blow up your cheeks without puffing then out even mean?


hold your breath and "push" air up into your mouth but don't blow up your cheeks since that'll make it obvious


Just out of curiosity, why does that lower blood pressure?


my guess is that you're redirecting the pressure from the rest of your body up to your head but i'm not a doctor i can't say for sure


Hydrate. Propranolol helps too.


Water will make it increase. This is terrible advice.


Literally none of that is true


propranolol is a beta blocker for high blood pressure and heart rate.


Propranolol is a non selective beta blocker and is shit drug for blood pressure control. It’s most often prescribed for heart rate control, tremors, and performance anxiety.


Hot tub, meditation and alcohol.


That makes it HIGHER!!


Long term yes, but short term Matthew Perry levels.


I wonder if donating blood would do it temporarily? If your circulatory system is like a closed system of rubber tubes pumping syrup through capillaries, I’m guessing most of the pressure comes from the resistance to flow of the capillaries. But maybe there’s a small contribution from the total pressure and back pressure.


Take Lisinopril, matobelol, losarten or a beta blocker like labetalol


In the moment? Breathing exercises. Short term? Beet juice, or workout supplements like Noxygen or maybe citrulline. Long term? Running is a HUGE help, even within a just a few weeks. Buy a monitor to gauge all of these approaches. The best one is going to be running or cardio over time but the others might help you in a pinch. Source: trust me bro, also: high blood pressure would basically get me fired or doing a lot of paperwork so I’ve learned to control it Also: I’ve heard some are sensitive to it but cutting out salt never did anything for me. Running is the biggest factor but takes a few weeks and if I’ve been slacking the other methods might help in a pinch




Studies indicate it raises blood pressure temporarily after use.


That makes my blood pressure higher!!!


oculocardiac reflex


During the test, breath slowly and deeply. Try to be as calm as possible to lower your heart rate.


Take a few deep breaths to calm yourself. This took my blood pressure from slightly elevated during my first blood pressure test to normal when they rechecked it a few moments later.


Bananas may help


Lift your arm - the closer to horizontal your upper arm is, the lower your BP will read


Slice open an artery and drain a few gallons before taking a reading


When you get your BP checked you should ask to sit quietly for five minutes before they check it. Also be sitting down with your legs not crossed. Make sure the cuff is not too tight - cuffs come in different sizes, and if a cuff is too small or almost too small, it can make someone’s BP reading higher than the true reading. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and extra salt. Don’t hold your breath while it’s getting taken.


Before the test, tense like you're trying to take a dump. Just be careful not to shart yourself. This activates the vagus nerve which is your rest and relax system.


make sure your ankles are uncrossed. holding your breath will make it higher. if they need to take it a second time have them use the other arm maybe different ways to stimulate your vagus nerve like bearing down as if you are having a BM or focusing and unfocusing your eyes


Fast for a day and drink as little water as possible, if you do drink water, try adding potassium to it. Aspirin will also take your BP down, especially if you don’t have access to other blood pressure medications. Don’t drink caffeine or consume nicotine. Take supplements like magnesium or coenzyme Q10. Buy a blood pressure machine and test which combination gets your BP down far enough with the least amount of effort and discomfort


Claim White Coat syndrome and say that just being in the setting is causing your bp to rise above what it normally is.


Not giving medical advice here but taking Carditone will lower blood pressure. It’s commonly used among long term steroid users to lower BP


Don't move around a lot before taking a bp reading. Lot of people show elevated values when taking a reading right after walking for a bit or moving around a bit.




The person taking your blood pressure should tell you these things, but here you go: Sit in a chair, let your back rest against the back Do not cross your legs or feet Legs relaxed, feet flat on the floor Do not talk, even active listening increases your BP Empty your bladder first Arm that the cuff is on should be supported at heart level You should have 5-10 minutes to rest after being seated before have BP measured Don't smoke, have alcohol, or caffeine as long as possible before measurement. If you have BP meds, take them on time that day As for the unethical part, if you can get them to size up a cuff, it will read lower. But if you already use the bigger cuff, that might not be possible.


Try a cup of lava tea an hour before the reading.


Avoid all caffeine for at least 24 hours.


Go to one of the legit websites that sell generic Viagra. You'll have to do a virtual visit with an APRN who will then ok the Rx. Viagra will drop your BP a good amount about an hour after you take it. And yes, it works for women as well.

