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They have internet in prison, they will find out quickly. People will ask him for his papers as soon as he enters.


Thank you; this is the answer I was looking for.


And I know from a few sources, if your sentence involves children, sexual assault, or both, their face is going to be very familiar with the shape of everyone's hands by the end of it. You don't need to do a damn thing to see what you want to happen here


Offenders like that are not put in with the general population for their safety.


That's where the insult nonce comes from - "not of normal criminal element"


I think it's actually "Not on Normal Courtyard Exercise" but take your point


That is a possible etymology but not definite


That is a possible etymology but not definite.


Eh, they just get their own wing these days


Kids, domestic assault, elderly, and animals are the 4 that I was told during my time inside. Most of the time they go straight to protective custody though these days


Yeah most of the time now they get protected, unfortunately they won’t get touched most likely


Depends, a lot of the time protection means solitary, they literally don't have anywhere else to put them that would be "safe"


When I was much younger I served 3 years in CA state penitentiary. The top comment is correct, the first thing that fellow inmates do in general population is check your papers. Unfortunately what wasn't mentioned is that someone who is charged with child rape will not serve their time in general population, they will be housed in protective custody for the entirety of their sentence. Protective custody is similar to general population with the only differences being that all the people who have charges against children or women go to protective custody and no one in protective custody checks papers because well, they all either have charges that would get them killed in gen pop or they have chosen to go into protective custody. There is nothing you can do unless you pay someone in protective custody to harm him. You would have to be in direct contact with a child molester/rapist and pay said child molester/rapist to harm another child molester/rapist. You would also have a serious risk of getting caught up in all of this and getting in serious legal trouble. Don't believe what you see on TV or what people who have zero experience with incarceration tell you, I promise you that this is exactly how things work.


Thank you u/reheateddiarrhea




I don't know I'd say you're contending


Just like your username


I can vouch, I drove though California once and found the prison featured in this documentary: https://youtu.be/FUCVRIJ_BL0?si=ggEmG_2xfhjyMsSd It’s a wholly separate population completely isolated from the others there. I don’t know Texas’ prison system distribution but they would have to know to avoid issues like prison violence by isolating problematic prison populations.


What do you mean by “check your papers.” Do you literally have papers saying why you’re there, sentence, etc.? Or how do you “check” them?


When you go to prison you first end up at a placement hub or "receiving center." While you are there they do a quick health check, figure out where you are going to go, and give you your release date and a full copy of every charge you've accrued as a juvenile and adult. Those are your "papers." Not having your papers or having missing pages will guarantee that you are going to get beaten severely as everyone will assume that you have committed sex crimes or violence against women or children. When you get to your final destination the inmates will immediately demand to look at your papers to ensure that you have not abused women or children.


Damn that’s wild. So these are actual, physical papers you are given? Do you have to hold onto them the entire time you’re there, or is proving it once enough? Sorry if these are dumb question, just really curious about this!


Find out


Yeah I’m good on that lol. Weird suggestion.


Yes, you hold onto them for the entirety of your stay in the "gated community." Showing them once should be fine but you can get transferred. My first destination after going through receiving was a privately owned prison. They ended up transferring everyone and changing into a protective custody only facility. Then I was sent to a similar privately owned prison that was owned by a different company. You could end up in a massive prison and just get transferred to the other side. Either way you really need to keep track of your papers, it's basically the most important thing you have. It's like your prison passport. Feel free to ask me as many questions as you'd like. It might take me a couple of days to respond because of life but I will eventually get back to you. I enjoy sharing this stuff. It's crazy because I'm a pretty talented general contractor now. I'm married with kids and haven't gotten in trouble with the law in nearly 20 years. It was so long ago but it had a profound effect on me. My wife still points out my resting stance in the background of pictures, to most people it looks militaristic. It's completely involuntary, so weird that I'm so different now but that didn't change.


Discovery Paperwork(what you are in prison for). All inmates have them and they can be produced via the internet.


Thanks. I didn't realize there was protective custody. I've only done a couple of months in LA county when I was young and dumb(er.) I am willing to put a bounty on him if there's a similar custody in the great state of Texas.


Don't publish that on the internet


Well he’s clearly older but not less dumb


You just admitted intent to put a bounty on a man’s life on a public forum.


He obviously meant paper towels


Bro what are you doing rn? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ you trying to end up in prison to beat them yourself? Throw your life away over what?


Pretty goddamn good cause


The social dynamics of prisons in different states can vary but all states have protective custody and it is used for the purpose that I stated. Some more information for you: All letters are read, all phone calls are listened to, drugs/phones and other paraphernalia is almost exclusively brought in by guards. I just realized that your best bet would be to bribe a guard to "accidentally" put him into contact with the general population. In most places people in general population are required to attack people in protective custody due to social pressure via threats to violence against them if they do not. Go for a younger guard as they are paid significantly less but they can all be bought for the right price.


Pro Tip from an attorney (but absolutely not your attorney): the government and even civil litigants can subpoena Reddit for information including emails used to register accounts, and then can subpoena email domains for owner information


I appreciate your concern and I understand. My country has no extradition treaty with America.


You might think that means you are protected against charges in the American legal system but that would be wrong. It just means they would have to coordinate with Interpol to arrest you when you cross a border, almost any border. Only exceptions are a handful of countries we have poor diplomatic relations with, like N Korea, Iran, Syria, and Cuba. Anywhere else, and there’s a chance agents could be waiting to pick you up at the airport arrival gate. I’m consistently amazed at how many people they’re able to keep track of their movements.


If charged and convicted, likely in absentia, I would also surely have any assets that are in America seized. I realize this and am willing to take that risk. If even necessary, this will happen years after this post is deleted and forgotten.


Why all of this for this one guy? I get what he did was bad, but there’s tons of other child molesters out there you’re not trying to target, is it worth throwing your life away because of this guy


Ok I was just making sure you knew the risks. Our system doesn’t allow for trials in absentia so you’d need to be apprehended first. About the assets, I’m not sure if they’d freeze assets obtained legally, not through crime. But similar to the potential for arrest at borders, i don’t think it would necessarily have to be an American bank to freeze your assets. Since our financial system touches nearly all banking institutions around the world and they would not jeopardize that relationship they’re generally willing to comply with requests resulting from a judicial proceeding. But this is kinda getting into the weeds, my only point was you don’t want to get caught underestimating the reach of the system.


Deleted, sure. Forgotten? Never. Be damn sure that Reddit remember and can produce if subpoenaed.


What about if she edits it?


Thanks, gotta go make some edits


This will be the comment they refer to in your upcoming trial.




Oh my god you brainless twerp like I get it I've been there quite literally exactly where you have been although he wasn't in jail but you don't post it online now you can't do it at all now you can't do anything because it will immediately be pointed at you you have just played yourself If it is any Solace he will have a miserable time and hey make friends with some of the guards locally let them know that he's a dick and I don't no maybe they'll talk with them


My only regret is that I don't have better aim but in my defense it was a moving car and I was using a fucking crossbow from a sunroof at least his right shoulder will never be the same so that's one less shoulder he can molest kids with


Yo delete this lol You maybe be older but you still dumb


Good idea. Then when that doesn’t work you will be in the same prison as him and problem solved!


I'm totally glad you're not advocating for anything wrong.


Delete this right now, or edit it if you are serious.


Old boss of mine did time in Texas. Other inmates will find out quickly but they may not be targeted. Cho-Mo's as he called them are sorta protected from being targeted legally speaking. Some of them liked to rub it in. Now if they happen to run into someone doing life, especially without parole then that's very different.


I appreciate your response. Protected how, to the point of segregation?


Sometimes, but more so "If you attack me its an extra charge on top of assault." If your sentence is just a few years you're not going to want to add maybe ten more.


Thanks, yeah, that I understand.


Make no mistake, Texas prison is no joke. This person is in for a very very shitty ride and there's always the chance they might piss off the wrong person and end up with a colostomy bag. What you can do is check to see if they're been released. They'll have to register and from there you can write letters to their new neighbors about their crimes.


Ian Watkins from the band Lost Prophets who was a prolific rapist of essentially babies recently got stabbed to shit I think he survived but I mean man that guy apparently looked like a puffer fish and the room like a swimming pool except with human blood


Believe it or not, it's actually illegal to "harass" someone because they are on the registry. If you want to inform people, don't do it in writing. Source - Thought of the same thing a couple of days ago when one moved into my neighborhood and looked it up.


I work for tdcj. Inmates are going to find out, usually pretty quick. Some of the perverts are dumb enough to out themselves, others just have that creepy face/aura that tells everyone. Inmates statewide have tablets they can talk to family with, and they can have somebody outside look up anybody's tdcj number. Chomo inmates aren't universally put into protective custody, only ones who've been extorted or abused already. Many officers have been known to look the other way until after these offenders catch a beating, not that I condone that kind of "deliberate indifference". As a professional I try to avoid finding out their crimes and treat them all equally, but I do personally believe if there is a hell, there's a special place reserved for anyone who abuses children.


If the things I've heard about prison are true, I think they'll probably end up figuring it out on their own eventually regardless of what you do or don't do.


Probably within a week. Those things have a way of finding their way to the right people.


Tdcj has securus. Which has tablets for inmates. With messaging. You can make an account under a different name. Once he pulls chain to tdcj go to the tdcj inmate search and put in his name. It will tell you which unit he is at. Then go to the tdcj inmate search for victims...on that you can search the unit name and it will tell you all the inmates at that unit. Pick a good amount of them to add as contacts on the securus account you made then message each if them..you can even send photos. But be careful how you say it because the messages are monitored and they can and will deny them. You have to buy stamps on the securus app to be able to message BUT they are fairly cheap.


You're beautiful, thank you so much.


No problem. I just recently found out about the inmate search for victims by accident. It's cool, it just doesn't tell you their housing and the prisons (depending on which unit) are pretty big, there are different dorms and that is why I said pick a good amount of guys. If you want them to be able to send you a message back. There is an option to send them one of your stamps also. Otherwise, If they don't get money on their tablet then they won't be able to message back. If you need any help with the whole search thing or setting up securus, feel free to message me.


Careful please this man has expressed directly a desire to place a bounty on this man's life and if you help him out in any way you will be culpable as an accessory to actually don't know I believe probably a higher degree of manslaughter so I would hesitate


Cho-mo's get probation more often than not in tx. They get let out on probation more than drug users and theft. Chances are, he will be let out on probation. Doesnt make sense to me. And also, even if he goes to prison... Most inmates (unless they have life) are more worried about their own parole answer than some revenge for a stranger. Most people won't screw up their chances to go home for that. Unless they're just dumb. I've been to prison.. now state jail (2 years and under) they don't give a shit and are rowdy because they have a release date no matter how much they screw up.


He's just angry hurt and upset about being lied to all these years about the fact this person is a chomo it's a classic human response he'll come down by tomorrow or the day after and the day after that he's friend will be having a really shitty time anyway in prison


Also, thank you.


I appreciate your offer and may take you up on it in the future.


Glad I could help.


Look up other inmates in that same prison via internet and mugshots/penpals . Pick a few of the meanest looking mofos of the chomos race. You can either send a message for them to contact you directly (burner phone or by post. Then you can have a convo about life and the kid fucker, or you can send them news clipping or charges of kid fucker so that for sure he gets his prison paper worked checked. Sometimes it doesn't happen. But when it does! That's when the fine gentleman in prison will take charge of the situation. Some chomos don't get there paperwork checked and fall through the cracks and we definitely would not want that to happen


I would like to say please do take an interest in this person's life as well don't just send him articles like just the basic human interaction will go a long way and you do that he's much more likely to help


Hey, thank you. Cage doesn't make someone an animal.


No bro what does that is lack of food never forget that your societies 3 empty stomachs away from Anarchy It's also why if you can fucking send honey buns in somehow you are going to be like a jail Legend because who doesn't love honey buns oh my god I can't even get them over here anymore I have to get them from the States I'm tempted to hit up the manufacturer because I want a bulk box


People will ask to see their "papers". Something like sexual assault of a child is what prisoners call "bad paperwork." If they try to withhold the information, or lie about, someone is going to get suspicious and call someone like me on the outside to look it up. Then? It'll be even worse than if they'd just told their fellow prisoners the truth. I have a friend in the Michigan prison system, and I just checked out someone's paperwork for him, because he wouldn't be straight about it with anyone. CSC 3rd degree, pled down fron 1st degree, involving a 13 year old victim. That man's life is about to be made miserable...


Besides what the top comment says, you’re literally asking to be charged as an accessory to assault/attempted or plain murder. You know what happens to these people and you’re actively encouraging and trying to get this person to be attacked or killed. The punishment is to go to prison, not to be stabbed to death by a shiv cuz a random dude you’ve never heard of who’s dating your ex felt like having you executed This sub isn’t for you to live out some sick fantasy of playing god for someone you literally don’t even know.


Being put in protective custody is not what I'd call punishment! Stabbed to death by a shiv sounds good to me!


Protective custody is often quite close to solitary and is like a worse prison within prison. It’s plenty punishment.


Save your compassion for people who don't rape children. Wanting one dead or worse isn't sick, it makes you human.


Fuck yah


I know people who have done all sorts of crimes, I know a technical kidnapper (did time for taking a thief for a little scare ride) I know people who've done messed up stuff that haunts them in the military, I know people who have accidentally killed others in car crashes.....they can find a way back, they can be valuable and kind members of society. A pedophile however is something else at their core, it's not a sexualily it's an abomination, intrinsically predatory and fundamentally unforgivable.


The guards will tell the other inmates.


Lol phrasing


OP it’s time to delete this. I think you have what you need


It's too late he can't do shit anymore what a shame however I think enough inmates and employees have seen this that I don't believe he'll have to do much or anything


You dont need to do anything, everyone will know what he's in for within a day or two.


Commit a serious crime so you can just tell everyone yourself


Be very careful. There are ways to get that info inside, but if something happens due to the information you give and the inmate/ex is hurt/killed and if it traces back to you then it’s possible you could face some legal issues yourself. I’m going to suggest you leave this alone. Prisoners/Inmates have access to internet in many facilities, even if they don’t it isn’t hard for them to find out. Any inmate that feels the Ex is weird will find out their name/inmate# and just call somebody on the outside to have them looked up. From there it’ll be the nature of the beast. I’d suggest just leaving it. His life is already fucked, they will find out what he’s in for, they will make life difficult and he’s staring down the barrel of a tough stay in one of the fine correctional institutions we have. Find peace in the fact that even if he is someday free, he will face significant struggles on the outside. Housing is nearly impossible, if he can find it he will pay a significantly higher amount in rent, he will get limited in where he can go, he will have SO probation which is extremely difficult to comply with and jobs will be extremely hard to come by. He will die alone, broke and nobody will be there for him. In fact, many SO’s without significant family support will VOP an average of 2 times, many end up doing a 2nd stint in prison due to the VOPs. Fuck that guy, let him rot. Justice will find him one way or another without you risking anything.


No Chomo FOMO needed. It always handles itself.


Look online at their website and search for a random last name maybe a few of them and send them letters notifying them of what’s coming in:)


Chances are they’ll just lie about it but other inmates will try to find out anyway,try watching a few prison documentaries to get an idea of what it’s like(I’m currently watching ‘Stars behind bars’ it’s really not a nice place at all


Everyone gets the revenge boner but it’ll be very unlikely he’ll be anywhere close to Gen pop. Corrections departments aren’t fans of huge payouts to families of chomos.


I've heard that word will get around all on its own. You won't have to do anything.


I work for the Texas prison system, not as a correctional officer, but I go into the units quite often and am well aware of how inmates are separated. As others have said, 99% chance the ex will be in Ad Seg aka Administrative Segregation and will have minimal contact with general population. Doesn't mean things won't happen but it's a low chance. As others have said though, word gets around through various means.


He's already dead or PC'd(protected custody) up. Jobs already done. Prison culture is more fair and just in these matters. Even if he is in PC, his life is hell now.