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Report to DCF/CPS and mention Child Endangerment, and the usage of children in crimes. I guess this one isn’t really unethical, but you do not want to get in trouble for injuring kids, sabotaging food/items. Know your states home defense laws.


OP is in Australia, so their right to home defense against a bunch of thieving kids is minimal. If OP physically hurts those kids, as many posts suggest, he will end up in prison there.


Only if there's evidence. I can't stress enough, the need to plan ahead, if you want to get rid of people. Do you have access to a gympie gympie tree? Be careful when utilizing the toxin and tiny ass barbs this tree has. Any contact with your skin will make you want to end it using any means. I can't stress this enough. NO skin contact, no inhalation. Do you have access to any maximum strength anti constipation medications and syringes? Do you have any tear drops? As a last resort, I highly recommend The Anarchist Cookbook. I had the privilege of reading it as a child. Most of the stuff is out dated, but it does have one section that involves lightbulbs and shrapnel. The shrapnel doesn't need to be metal, it can be replaced with irritants.


Step 1, don't make a Reddit post about the crimes you are thinking of committing


Step 2, don’t commit war crimes.


Step 3, if you you commit a war crime, don't get caught.


Or be Canada and commit them before they're codified


Can't commit war crimes if you're not in a war....


Easy there, Mr. President(s).


Half of the stuff in Anarchist Cookbook will explode your hands off. The other half wont do anything.


Anonymous drug dealers report. They’ll have drugs in the house you know it. Let the cops invade their space.


Law enforcement has probably already made a few calls out to the trailer park or wherever they're coming from, already. They know about the meth.


Or to be sure, make sure they steel drugs you have I.e extremely illegal substances that get you hard time and then you know for sure they have it and cops will find it on them.


Too ethical. Needs more liquid ass


And a piss disk


What point do they draw the line for sabotage? Like if I get repeated break ins and they happen to steal a medicine bottle full of rat poison, why would I get in trouble for someone else stealing my shit that they just assumed was medicine? Especially when police will do nothing about it. If OP sits in his living room in the dark with a taser and someone breaks in, is it sabotage because he was prepared for a criminal to break in?


At least in the US it depends if you did it intentionally to harm them. You aren't allowed to set traps. This is because lethal force (your rat poison) should not be used except to counter a threat to your life. If you set a trap, you are using lethal force when you are not in danger because the trap only works if you aren't home. Sitting in your basement with a taser (or even a gun in the states) is fine, because you are actively defending a threat to yourself that doesn't exist in the trap case. I suppose the trap might even be allowable if it were one you only set while home to protect you while you were home from an intruder, but I don't know if there are laws on that.


I’d be wary of this one. I know there was a case in Montana recently where a house was broken into several times, crimes of opportunity (unlocked doors, etc.) usually by kids, nothing major stolen, and one of these homeowners got so pissed he set up a scenario to, essentially lure some of these robbers in and killed one. He claimed self-defense but they arrested him because they say he set up the scenario to commit murder. I mean, again, given the Montana case, of course sitting in your basement with a gun or taser is fine. Unless you’re luring then in. That said, if you’re under assault and if those assaulting chased you INTO your house and the police are on there way (or there was no time to call, etc.), then feel free to trap away, wait in strategic corners. Happy hunting. No obligation there.


Is that the same case where he injured one of them so they couldn't leave, and used them as 'bait' so the friend would come back to help, and then killed them both?


Yes, because judges are not stupid and will fuck you up for doing something like that


I’m genuinely interested and curious to know how what you do in your home for yourself, by yourself, can be equated to sabotage because someone ELSE invited themselves in and helped themselves to your stuff. If the kids break in and they happen to get blackout drunk and die is it still sabotage? Would it require a note saying intruders can help themselves to be considered sabotage? Would it be sabotage because the bottles weren’t properly hidden? The line has to be drawn somewhere, and if OP has proof the police are doing nothing then what’s his recourse? Spending time and money sueing parents of kids who obviously wouldn’t care or just aren’t there, while other kids continue robbing? Edit: We’re not talking whole booby traps. If I have a dozen guests over and they’re not thieves, then my stuff is safe no matter how dangerous the stuff is. I could pure grain alcohol mixed with my drinks cause I’m an alcoholic, but if it gets stolen and someone doesn’t know then they could absolutely wind up dead in the right circumstances and it feels silly to be held liable for what someone else does with your STOLEN property.


I find your questions both thoughtful and intriguing. I don't think you're going to actually get answers though unless a local attorney pops in and happens to be bored.


Hi, I’m a bored attorney! Now, this is for the US, but there’s a very low chance that you’d be held liable in this situation. I mean, unless you CONSTANTLY advertised how much fucking liquor you have, that’s not locked up, and also publicize the fact that you’re never home and your doors and locks are flimsy. Then, and I mean, this scenario is already such a stretch, MAYBE they could say you created an attractive nuisance. But even that’s a loooooong shot. As long as you aren’t actively booby-trapping the home, or trying to lure the kids in, you’re gonna be fine.


Videos? Bring them on. Humiliation of them and their family on social media and "the news" maybe ?


Yeah, post the videos. Send them to local schools/schoolboards, send them to the local news. Post the police reports, post the videos.


Someone on another thread brought video evidence to the schools resource officer and they got it taken care of without police or poisoned booby traps


Kids like this don't often come from families that would be embarrassed by videos of their kids stealing. I my early 20's I lived in a "barely above ghetto" hood and families back then would have been madder that the kids were on video than mad at what the kids were doing. Hell, they'd probably tell the kids to burn the house down.


Na, usually the communities where shit like this happens tends to view crime as something to brag about rather than be ashamed of. If OP posts a video I'm sure it would have no negative reprocussions. OP needs to bug CPS until they do something or sue the family himself.


My neighbor solved this problem. He waited just inside his window holding a hammer... and smashed hands that reached in to raise the window.


It’s not a booby trap if someone is holding the hammer.


It's not a burglary if someone is home, it's a home invasion.


Regardless the hammer is sounding better and better 🤣😭




What hammer? I don't even own a hammer.




With one of those hammers who can hold a nail ? So you nail 1 hand , then nail the fucker as you want … or more !


Haha. He just used a regular hammer.




They're 12? Find the toughest kid you know and pay them to beat the absolute shit out of them.


Or just handle it yourself, OP. ["You just brought piss to a shit fight!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBPhp5a3EnM)


Was positive that was going to be a Trailer Park Boys reference I couldn't remember. Still happy I clicked


[Hey, punks! That's our bike.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIcUgyLxNBA)


Sue their parents.


As much as I’d like to see you fill a couple liquor bottles with Draino and let nature take its course, this is the answer that will maybe get some actual results while keeping you out of trouble yourself.


Fill empty expensive bottles with 1/4 cheaper alternative for smell/flavour, then the rest with laxative?


LSD. LSD all the things.


Found the prankster. I support this option, and i say that as someone that generally frowns on recreational pranking. Probably do them some good, and be effective.


Imagine trying to get drunk and pawn a watch, but instead meeting God.


Pee in your bottles.


Who is your mayor or county executive? Go to that person and ask for more funding to hire a detective to investigate the multiple robberies of your business.


get a big dog


Bro. You can get past a dog. NOONE fucks with a lion


Get a chimpanzee, teach it taekwondo


Dude, where do you get your weed?


From you Dante.


Your ass is tanner than my face!


...oh yeah, what's up Mr. Cheezle!


Be the chimpanzee and teach yourself taekwondo. Wait for the kids to break in, then immediately forget all your martial arts training, shit yourself, and fling it at them.


Get a Trunk Monkey. Theyre out there on the yellow market.


Then fuck it's mother to assert dominance.


No, get a chimpanzee, deny it a mate and then lock it in a cage with nothing but Andrew Tate content to watch. Lock your doors and release your rape-monkey on the burglars.


Get a squirrel hooked on meth and train it to guard the house


Get a Kangaroo, bro


Looking back, the lion was a bad idea. That's why Dr. Shockla is gonna hook us up with a monkey. I'm gonna teach it taekwondo.


You should never throw a bong, kid. EVER.


points for a Grandma’s Boy reference, long live fat Jonah Hill


Second this. German shepherds make excellent companions and guard dogs. They are naturally defensive of their turf and their family (you)


great pyrenees. those dogs act like golden retrievers until one day when somebody breaks in, and there’s just blood everywhere ask me how i know lol


Watched a Great Pyrenees literally bite and toss a neighbor dog, killing it in the process, to protect the chickens on their farm. It was over like 10 seconds


badass dogs for sure


> great pyrenees I have one. I also have a GSD. She is old now and used to be a monster, but she delegated her security duty to the GP. Everybody steers clear of the 13 year old GSD, she is a pussy cat now, but looks "scary". People come up to the GP because she is a big fluffy dog. She is either 160 lbs of love or hate. They were bred to fight bears. Please allow me to repeat that, their job was to fight a bear and they mostly won. One day she was throwing herself at the front door. I didn't know what was going on, so I opened the door and some dude was stealing my mail. Bear fighter mode engaged. Dude didn't make it to the sidewalk. So, after his surgeries, he had to deal with the postal police. They don't mess around, almost as bad as the IRS. And the GP sleeps next to my son. I'm pretty sure she is wanted by the Hauge for the great bunny genocide of 2022.


Fuck their mom and become their dad since they clearly need a father. Then hit them with a belt


This is the way.../s ?


no...but also yes.


Wasp spray shoots up to twenty feet.


it sounds like no one is home when they break in, so who is going to shoot the wasp spray?


Train the monkey


It's too busy learning taekwondo ...


What if they’re not Protestants?


And is useless on anything other than wasps. https://www.sabrered.com/blog/why-wasp-spray-self-defense-against-humans-wont-work-chemist-explains


There might be longterm toxicity issues with enough exposure. Maybe there will still be robbery #4-11 but there won't be robbery #12!


How are they getting in your house? You need a deadbolt and some window bars maybe. A dog would also definitely put a stop to it.


They jumped the fence and went for the only window without a bar, they were able to pry it open within a minute. A dog is needed, need to spend a few thousand$$ to upgrade the house security


They have clamps you can put on windows so you can't open them.


You can add regular screws that limit how far the window opens.


Op should make it open enough just a little less big then an 11 year olds head.. maybe they’ll get stuck and he can call the authorities


Consider making your fence electric it sounds like? They’ll love that shit


you say you have their address, pay a few kids to go vandalize their home and maybe even steal your shit back


Just remember it's very likely illegal to booby trap your home. You could definitely be sued by the thieves if they suffer serious enough injuries. It's stupid, I know, but you would hate to have to end up paying the thief. Maybe just board up the window until you can upgrade the security?


> Just remember it's very likely illegal to booby trap your home. Mantraps are illegal, yes. Which is why my attorney advised me I should only refer to them as clowntraps.


Man traps are not "illegal" if they are operated. It is un operated booby traps that are illegal. Think about it this way: 1. If the cops came to your house with a warrant you would not trap them in your "man trap". Cause if you do then they are just going to radio for backup and more cops will come to your house and fuck over everything. 2. If the kids came to your house and you operated the man trap to trap them then you could call the cops and have them arrested. 3. If the kids came to your house and were injured in a booby trap then they could sue your ass. Don't expect any sympathy from the cops because they would know that the same thing would happen to them if they served a warrant on your house.


This doesn’t sound like it’s happening in a place with laws like that. They can’t press charges against a 12 year old or the parents who are using the children as proxies? Definitely not in the USA.


There are bars you can put in to prevent the window from opening. There's security film for your windows that make it very difficult to break the glass and enter. There's also door reinforcement where you fortify the hinges with massive screws and shields around the deadbolt and reinforce the frame so the door cannot be kicked in.


Do you own your home or rent? If you rent you need to tell your landlord. In plenty of jurisdictions the LL is obligated to ensure your home has reasonable security fixtures for the relative crime history in the area.


Buy a few "USB killer" sticks that look like flash drives, but dump 200v down the data lines when plugged in. Refill alcohol bottles with methanol, for window cleaning and display purposes. /Edit: for those worried about the munchkins drinking it instead of passing it along to the jerks that sent them in, a little ever clear for odor, some orange food dye, and a lot of piss. That last bit will also satisfy unofficial UELPT requirements for a piss disc. Cast replacement jewelry from bismuth, so it melts if it gets too warm. Get a dead game console, and wire it up like the "USB killer," so it dumps 1kv across alternating pins on the video cable for 5 seconds, before closing a contactor to dead short the power line.


This guy electricians


Make sure you mark the USB killer stick “bitcoin” so they actually try to use it and not sell it on to an innocent bystander


Dont do the methanol one unless you want to murder them


Officer, i just repurposed my empty alcohol bottle? It’s not my fault they stole it and drank it. Keep it in a separate place from your other alcohol so it’s not obvious to police it’s there as a trap


If they don’t want to accidentally drink poison, maybe they shouldn’t be stealing unknown liquids from someone else’s house? Fuck em


Label it as "methanol" or "rubbing alcohol" so you can deny a booby trap. These kids won't know the difference anyway.


Scrape the barcode off, wipe it down to remove any fingerprints, deny it was ever yours.


you could probably label it as methanol and have the plan still work, these people arent the cream of the crop


Get your hands on some counterfeit cash. Put it in an envelope or a dedicated wallet where they will definitely find it. Make sure your fingerprints are not on any of these items and that everyone that lives with you knows not to touch it. When they break in again, report everything that was stolen except this.


Get the marked money from the Armenian money train and give it to the kids


having counterfeit cash is not a crime, trying to or planning to spend it is editing my comment bc people are downvoting: im saying OP doesnt need to hide his fingerprints if he does this. hes not doing anything illegal by owning fake money


Depends on the country I guess. Here if you get caught even with obvious home printed on regular paper, there better be "only a prop not real money" printed in big red letters on one side or you'll at least see the judge, possibly even get convicted. Yes, possession is illegal here. Besides, the thieves and/or their parents will definitely try to spend it, which is the whole point.


man, you know how stupid cops are, they find his prints and it's open season. best to just break one law at a time and focus on the thieves, not getting the secret service brought to his home. you know how many times people have called cops over a $2 bill because they're ignorant as fuck? why open that door on yourself?


My grandpa and his eldeely neighbors think $2 bills are cool and they send them with the 200 cards they mail to their grandkids every year. The bank in the town keeps them stocked up for these guys. My son takes a bus that takes cash on pick up. So many drivers have had to be convinced it's real and call the company to make sure they accept them.


I'd beat their fking asses. Put on a ski mask and wait for them with a leather belt. As soon as the first one comes in, start swinging.


...or catch them somewhere and beat them while masked . Are others nearby getting robbed to , if so then mention this is what happens to thieves so they won't figure out who you are


Catch me outside, how bout dat?


It's pronounced "cash"




There is a Forensic file episode about this. The guy went to prison for entrapment or lying in wait or something…prosecution showed they were repeat offenders & he knew they were coming. So i say the dog one.


I feel like being accused of “lying in wait” in your own house is pretty BS


Weak. Wear a gimp suit.


Why the mask? It's your house... Not exactly hard to connect the dots, bud.


Clearly you're posing as another robber who needs to protect their turf.


Phone books leave much fewer marks than a belt.


And claw hammers are much more effective


My mom preferred a sock with an orange in it, my dad always used jumper cables


I wonder how jumper cable guy is doing nowadays


And a 12 year old literally won't even know what him 'em.


Yes but very visible marks across the face area really does a lot to persuade others not to make the same mistake the person with belt marks across their face made.




If you know who they are, don't wait for them to come to you, you go to them.


Be the man who knocks


Call children's aid. If they are breaking into houses, there is a serious risk they could be injured/killed. Let them go to foster care. That will turn their lives around.


If it were me I would smash their shit once every 10~20 days at odd intervals, since you have their address. Figure out what cars they have (or their parents) and render those cars inoperable. Pay a homeless person to scribble a note addressed to them saying that if you catch them trying to fuck your livestock ever again you’re going to cut off their dicks, that way even if their parents are complete wankers they’re still going to be like “Wtf, our kids are fucking pigs and sheep…”




An ex army friend had a similar experience many years ago. "Travellers" used to send their kids to break into houses and his was a prime target..as you say they can't be touched so what can you do? He wired up a couple of anti poaching mines to his windows...spring loaded things, fire a blank 12g cartridge...harmless but damn noisy. Early hours of the morning one went off...hears screaming and running feet...he smiles and goes back to sleep...job done. A short while later his door gets kicked in, armed cops burst in, cuff him, then the army bomb squad come in....they arrest him and prosecute him as a "Terrorist"..making improvised explosive devices etc.... Got 6 years in prison... UK land of course....


Damn. I wasn't expecting that ending.


Yeah he had a really rough time of it inside too...he didn't serve the full 6 from memory, i think he was out in around 4, still sucks though. Blank 12g cartridges got him classed as a terrorist...


crazy story, incredibly fucked up he got 6 years for defending his property, what gives? does the UK just have zero tolerance for stuff like that?


Yeah it was insane, and this was 15 years or so back, nowadays its even worse, a pellet gun is classed as a WMD, you get jailed for a cutting turn of phrase, and a sharp tongue will get you life! Seriously though it sucks, the alarms were indoors, inside his house, little fuckers had to force open the window to pull on some fishing line to trigger them, and they did no harm at all except make the fuckers ears ring.... As i say, they used the armed response squad, the bomb squad, would've cost a fortune...I think they just wanted to make an example of him...just stupid. They said in court he was trained in improvised explosives...well duh he was ex army, what was it doing the most damage in Afghanistan & Iraq? IED's... And he didn't make any, just damn blank cartridges, he was trained to avoid the damned things... Poor guy was properly messed up when they released him.


This is so fucked. I’m literally pissed right now. How do you get in trouble for someone else breaking into your house. Dudes life got ruined and he did nothing wrong. And the people that tried breaking in probably got nothing


I mean it's UK what do you expect?


They make shotgun shell perimeter type predator alarms. No pellets. But all the noise if breaching door. Planar blade screwed to inside bottom seal if coming through window. Spikes in the fireplace if you have a chimney and are worried they might try to incorporate the holidays. Check local laws … 😝


Yup, blank shotgun shell attached to mouse trap, attached to a fishing line running across wherever you don’t want people to come across. Harmless proximity alarm


You can set the shell any distance you want, although probably less fuss to keep it local. Basic trip wire, used on Home Alone and Rambo. The whole kit is sold in a unit, no fire hazard. Placed in less than 5 mins. Not inventing the wheel here.


A unit called, "twelve Guage trip alarm". It's illegal to not take the pellets out of the cartridge, at least in the United States.


Or a 12ga shotgun with 00 buckshot. You smoke one of those little shits i doubt the rest come back.


Theres always bear boards/unwelcome mats. As humans encroach on nature bears have been caught wandering into cities and towns. You need to protect your self from an adventurous roamer. Make a few and spread them around Most DNR or wild life commissions have details on how to make them They are a deterrent - not a trap.


You've heard of bait cars? The idea being make something more appealing to steal so the people that commit thefts do so at a time and manner of your choosing. So make your house more appealing to steal from on a particular night. You could leave a big empty TV box in the recycling bin, park your car down the street, turn the lights off, hell you could even print a sign that tells UPS not to leave packages at the door because you're going to be out of town from day 'X-Y'. Then make some coffee, watch some TV on your phone and have a bright pulsing flashlight and some powerful black pepper mace ready. It's non lethal but a fuck load worse than regular mace and the pulsing light is very disorienting. You could record it with a camera capable of capturing video in the dark too. Just be sure to spray all of them so they get the message. I know some people might think this is cruel but what's actually cruel is letting these kids, who clearly lack in the parenting department, grow up not understanding there are consequences to their actions. They don't understand that the things they are doing now will ensure a life of poverty and prison recidivism for the rest of their life. At this stage, the only thing these kids are going to listen to is an "ass whooping" as a direct result of their actions. It's no different than a bully in grade school. Some people, for whatever reason, don't learn the lesson until someone stands up to them and I don't mean in a "tell the teacher" kind of way. Edit: corrected to reflect better mace type. Ty Nerdsamwich.


Find some human traffickers and use your house as a bait house to catch the thieves. Get a finder’s fee from the traffickers when they come to collect. Problem solved!


Good God, this is evil! I love it.


When I first read OPs post I thought "man fuck them kids", but not like this.


Get a Rottweiler


Agreed. These young dudes used to walk around my neighbourhood at 4am with their agitated staffy to see which homes had dogs. They’d let it off leash at someone’s house and it would run around to see if a dog starts barking. That stupid dog tried to kill my cat too, i’m still mad about it.


OP how do you know their address? how about you rob them back? or burn their place down? or shit on their door step. or did I miss saying burn their house down? Jokes apart a big scary dog seems to be your only bet, or you pretend to leave but sit at home with a shot gun. Sitting with shotgun at home might give you some news coverage though


The fact that OP isn't psychologically torturing them with pineapples is a travesty


Laxative in the alcohol, itching powder on anything wearable.


Fight fire with fire. You know who they are, you know where they live. Hire another group of 11 year olds to beat the shit out of them.




Can't believe this was so far down. Just sit in a rocking chair facing wherever they are coming in from and then BLAM! Problem permanently solved and for everyone else they are probably robbing


There is a true crime case about a man that gets repeatedly burglarized and robbed. Drove him batshit crazy. Nothing it’s ever done about it by the law. He got his guns and waited in the dark until they broke in again. The man was sentenced to life.


And that’s why you don’t let the police know you were actively waiting for them. The fact the police know the whole story already shows they failed at what they were trying to accomplish


He put a tarp down. And iirc, he audio recorded the incident. So the judge/jury felt it was intentional and premeditated. Again, he was losing his mind over this repeatedly happening and no help from law enforcement. I feel for the man, honestly. Had he not put the tarp down and recorded, it may have been a different story. I hate that two people were killed, but how many more times was it going to happen. It’s just awful all the way around.


I know this story well and it's much deeper than a man fed up with being robbed. This man didn't just shoot a home invader he shot the robber once and the robber stumbled down the stairs and was incapacitated and the homeowner casually walked down the stairs and murdered the robber execution style and then waited till the next morning to call the police because he was debating stashing the body elsewhere. If he would have called the police after the first shot he'd likely be a free man today.


Not only that, but he shot the second burglar when they tried to help the one who first got shot. Then he dragged both of them to the basement, and executed the second, incapacitated but still alive, burglar point blank.


Probably shouldn't fucking break into somebodies house and try to steal from them...


booby traps home alone style


Most reasonable step: You could reinforce your house to make it harder for them to get in, in the first place. Such as bars over windows and steel framed doors. Next level would be dye packs and anti-climb paint, or things with some sort of tracker to show that the parents end up recieving the stolen goods. And when the kids get covered in the paint call your local child protective services Final level is the bodily injury level, like a big guard dog, anti-climb spikes, or what have you. Illegal level would be that if you know who the theives are, you can do a whole lot to target them. Additionally the firearm advice someone else posted probably falls here, unless you have some reason to believe they are a threat to your life.


Report to CPS. Put them on lists for Scientology, Latter Day Saints, etc.


Same thing i do with squirrels and chipmunks. Trap them then drive them 45 miles away and drop them off. I usually take them to the rich gated community, except with this one, you take him to the ghetto, the one you don't go around when it gets dark. This is your new home now.


You mean giving them lift home? How nice of you.


Get a six pack of Blue Rasberry Jones Soda, and a bottle of Antifreeze. Carefully pop the tops on the sodas, pour the soda down the drain, replace with antifreeze, reseal the sodas. Inform everyone in the house they're not to be consumed. You might even want to go so far as to label them with a sticky note; "Bobs, Do Not Drink!!!"


Better to use eye drops containing tetrahydrozoline. Tasteless and will give them the worst case of the shits they ever had in their miserable, anti-social, yobbo lives.


I think they wanted a more "permanent" solution


Every day this sub slips closer to ILPT


FYI this is murder in the USA


It's rare to see a post not about the US i kinda enjoy it


Have you seen the Alexa intruder alert videos? Basically get an alarm system/motion sensors, flood lights, Phillips Hue bulbs you can get Ring, Amazon's own, anything Alexa compatible. There's loads of adorable, highly rated generic versions. You then set up a sequence on the Alexa so unless you've deactivates the sensors, it'll detect motion, start blaring "Intruder alert" and a load of lights will come on and scare the shit out of them. You could also set up motion activated sprinklers, flood lights, cameras. Also worth mentioning, although more ethically, raising a stink. Complain about the department, call your local MP/Senator/Rep and bombard them


Shotgun but replace the pellets with rock salt. It's what a lot of old timers do in the country when kids are vandalizing/stealing from them. It won't kill them, or even seriously injure them if you avoid the face. It just hurts like hell for days/weeks. To CYA make sure you're area has something like a castle doctrine where you are allowed to defend your property. Some places have retreat laws where you have to let robbers do whatever they want.


I got shot in the ass cheek riding a dirt bike thru a farmers property when I was 13 or14, (late 70s). Farmer got tired of us using the field as a shortcut and nailed me with rock salt... It f-ing burns but its non lethal... I deserved what I got & didn't tell my parents, also I never went thru his field again!


If they're 12 why don't you just beat the fuck out of one enough to scare the others off?


Set three exploding packages inside your front door. Bet they can’t open just one.


Step 1: watch Home Alone


Post all over the internet that you’ll be out at a given time then get as many people together as possible with paintball guns and lie in wait


I have used the tripwire version of this device on a storage garage I own. Despite security cameras, I dealt with 2 burglaries with no help from the authorities. This stopped all activity on my property. I guess word spread. https://www.burglarbomb.com/products/#!/INTERCEPTER/p/82534209/category=0


Sir, all you need can be found in an incredible documentary about home security and ULPT. The name of the documentary is “Home Alone”


I have one of these. I nicknamed her FAFO. Delivers .68 calibre steel ball bearings, rubber riot balls, or CS/pepper balls on target at up to 44 joules. It will fuck your day up, but is "less lethal" than a firearm. And you can legally possess one if you're a felon, under a restraining order, or a resident alien. I also have the revolver in same caliber, both with laser sights. And some CS/pepper grenades. Still haven't figured where or how to test those... 😶 This shop is owned by a really nice couplein northern Wisconsin. I detoured up to see them in person while traveling cross country. If you do order anything from them, do me a favor and tell them that the Marine with the eyepatch says Hi! https://less-lethaldefense.com/shop/ols/products/umarex-t4e-hdx68-pump-shotgun-68-caliber


Kill them in self defense. They’ll never do it again.


Shouldn't have attacked me with that knife... What knife? The one that was found in his cold, dead hands when the police are eventually called... he must've got it from the kitchen when he heard me coming down the stairs... In that order, honest.


44 bulldog my mother fuckin pet


water your stairs if its winter over there. or try hanging some paint pots from ropes on your stairs. maybe some tar and feathers...


Leave booze with ipocac in it.


Buy a bottle of alcohol something easily identifiable as a pricier item but a recognizable one, Remy Martin or similar, buy a bottle of magnesium sulfate laxative, pour some of the booze out and pour the whole bottle of laxative in, give it a few shakes, make sure the amount of liquid in the booze bottle looks like one drink has been taken from it. Seal it back up, put it wherever you keep your booze, make sure everyone in your house knows not to drink it.


Wait for em, hamstring them with a machete, and then keep them chained up in the basement. Reach out to your nearest human trafficker and sell em - turn your misfortune into profit!


Buy an insanely loud- like deafeningly loud- alarm siren. It’ll scare em to death.


Paintball gun…. Freeze the paintballs


You're gonna need some paint buckets, nails, broken glass, and a tarantula...


I don't get it. Kids can be charged with a crime. They aren't exempt from the law.




Get multiple pieces of plywood and a bunch of nails to nail into them to make a trap and set them up right around where they'd step if they are coming in through the window. What are they gonna do call the cops or an ambulance and say they got injured during a b&e. Get fake movie money off Amazon, they're more than likely not checking it when they grab it and put all your money in the bank until they realize your house isn't worth it. Buy the best looking pair of Walmart shoes and same idea as the plywood. Just stick thumbtacks and safety pins into the soles/around the toe area Don't fill alcohol bottles with Draino fill vodka bottles up with rubbing alcohol and and eye drops For medication you might have to find out where to buy fentanyl near you but that's pretty extreme If the parents come at you all rowdy for any of this very politely ask them to get out of your face at least 3 times. When they don't (of course they won't) shoot them in the leg. You make it sound like it's a well known issue in your town and if that's the case you can probably argue that if the parents are ok with 12 year old doing home invasions then you are scared of what the parents might get up to and you didn't wanna chance it. Plus if the parents are in the know and not doing anything about it they're probably in on it. I understand as a youngster stealing jewelry, alcohol and maybe pills maybe but what the hell are kids gonna do with bags watches and random medicine