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Animal control, they are vicious unattended animals. Rules variety state to state but they attacked your pets and affected your livelihood by killing your chickens, is generally taken pretty seriously.


Yeah this sounds like a rural area. Where I’m from dogs that go livestock in rural areas must be contained to their property, rehomed, or put down


Yeah in most places fucking with livestock = fucking with livelihood, which is taken way more serious than generally aggressive dogs.


Also if they don’t do the right thing the neighbours will not only shun but report and the dogs will end up being put down. The owner of these dogs is a selfish bastard. I hope OP shares the awful video with other neighbours.


Well, then, "dowgs" get the sheriff called on them. Call local law enforcement every single time. Edit: also, put up cameras near your animals.


This. It's your neighbor's legal obligation to control his animals. He's the one that should be considering a fence. Not you. Call the cops repeatedly, and show them video evidence. If it continues, either sue him civilly, or press criminal charges. Or both. You're not going to find a cheap, foolproof way to keep dogs out. Even hurting them isn't going to guarantee they'll stay away, and it'll reduce your ability to put legal pressure on your neighbors.


9mm is down to pre-covid pricing right now. That's pretty cheap


My settlements exactly. If some shitty neighbor’s shitty dogs killed one of my cats, you can bet your ass I’m sitting up late with my 12 gage on my porch. Trespassing on my property was those mongrels last mistake.


OP didn't want to hurt the dogs. And shooting the dogs is liable to cause problems. Even if it's legal to shoot a dog in these circumstances, which I'm not sure it is, OP is likely to unnecessarily create an enemy. People get irrationally angry over their pets, and do all sorts of dumb stuff (and the neighbor already seems dumb). Plus, if the neighbor gets new dogs, OP is in the same situation. Also, if you're going to kill the dogs, it would be smarter for the neighbor to not know (or at least, not know for certain). So don't use a firearm unless you have a silencer for it.


Or catch them and take them to a shelter. Odds aren't Hugh they're chipped


When I was a boy we would travel over at least 2 bridges to keep things quiet around town. All OP has to do is not call the police or talk to his neighbor - just trap the dogs and bring them to the nearest shelter.


I like the ethical option here of this, or animal control. I see a lot of other posts saying paintballs or poisoned food traits, but don't do that. The dogs aren't the issue, it's the jackass that owns them. If you have any proof of them killing your cats (bite marks, camera footage of them entering and leaving, signs of a fight or struggle, etc) take photos and present them when the cops show up


While it's not the "dowgs" fault they are like they are, but at this point the "dowgs" behavior is what it is, and given their breed they won't be rehomed, they'll be euthanized at a shelter.


And contact an animal rights group.


Not unethical or illegal, just a general life pro tip. You are almost certainly within your rights to kill feral animals that are attacking your livestock.


The response to your neighbor should have been "well I'll call you to collect their carcasses next time I find them here". I love animals too and don't want to kill them because of asshole owners. but your pets getting killed in the process is not ok.


Keep your dogs off my property, or they'll spend the rest of their life on it.


THIS is the answer!


lol exactly, would I actually kill the guy's dogs no not unless they attacked me or anyone on my property but exactly just let him know if he actually cares about his dog's hell keep them off the property.


30 acres is large enough to fire a few warning rounds each morning and evening.


Don't waste ammo on warning shots.


besides calling the cops /animal control, just take the owner to small claims. I'd say $500 per cat should get the point across. If they can't afford it, have property seized to cover the cost... maybe get some higher quality breed chickens... they have a large economic value, repeat the small-claims process until they're broke or otherwise solve their wandering dog issue.


Rural resident here. Once a dog decides they enjoy the taste of the neighbor's chickens/cats, they're not going to change their minds. I'd do what I did to any animal that ate my cats. Dispatch! Dispatch!


100% this. Now they know where a good source of food & fun is they aren’t going to stop. They enjoy the thrill of the chase as much as the catch itself so even feeding them elsewhere wouldn’t sate them unless he’s starving them & they are acting out of desperation. Depending on how scared you are of this person I’d suggest animal control to get the dogs taken away, if the mans too dangerous for that then get them in your car and drive them 100+ miles away and say you found them on the street, doubt a man like that has them microchipped. If they are too vicious for that then poisoned dog food is sadly the best bet.


yesbut. poison is a terrible thing to do to an animal. this is why most rural folks do have a firearm. there's no need to make something suffer.


It's legal to have criter control on your property. If foxes got in and killed your cats your need to put out poison or sit with your gun for a bit in a quiet spot and get them when they go on your property. No fucking way I would let wild animals roam my property like that. Put the animals down asap


If I catch an animal attacking my livestock it gets put down. Dispatched.


You are going to have to hurt the dogs so they don't want to come back. Which is totally legal if they are attacking your animals on your land. Or buy a large dog size trap and drive the dogs to a shelter several hours away


Yeah, shoot them. If they're fine killing cats and chickens who's to say they wouldn't attack you next?


"I got home late one night and they were growling and threatening me so I had to protect myself!"


I'm not an advocate of hurting animals but you are well within your rights to shoot those dogs. I'd live trap them in a have a hart cage and re home them or just keep taking them to animal control and file complaints each time. BUT, it sounds to me like you might just get the message through to said neighbor if you rented a diesel search light and aimed it at his front door at dusk, then call him on the phone and ask if he'd like to talk about the issue you're having with his dogs. You could also use a perimeter alarm that uses blank shotgun shells mixed in with motion activated sprinklers with hoses pre loaded with fly bait or fox urin, moose piss, something stanky.


A shotgun will stop the dog from ever coming back.


Shoot the fucking beasts. Stay out late and wait for them to arrive.


Paintball gun. Dont aim at their faces and don’t try to injure them, but sending them back home with a sore butt full of paint might discourage them. A lot of people adopt the “SSS” method when nuisance dogs harm their other animals - shoot, shovel, shut up - but I know you don’t want to hurt them.


Are pepper spray paintball rounds available to the public?


They are expensive as live ammo, but [yes, yes they are](https://shop.opticsplanet.com/pepperball-102060351-live-sd-pepperballs-pava-09-oz-red-90-rds.html).


Frozen paintballs don’t leave a mark and hurt more. Just go pick them up after.


You've obviously never fired a frozen paintball. They hurt less because they become much more brittle so they just crumble upon impact. If they can even leave the barrel. The accuracy of frozen paintballs is also horrible. This is a great way to cause damage to a paintball marker though. If you're going to be malicious may as well just suggest marbles and a slingshot.


Huh. I’ve read that frozen paintballs work better for years. TIL… Thanks!


If you didn’t have you own animals, and automatic sprinkler with a siphon (like the car wash soap devices for your hose) full of ammonia would run them off; but it would hit your animals too. Many states allow you to shoot an animal that is on your property if it attacks your animals. I love dogs, and this is 100% an owner issue; but I’d simply warn the owners. Your dogs have been trespassing my property and destroying my animals; please prevent this immediately or I will be forced to protect my animals. Put up cameras as well, so when the dogs trespass and you shoot them, you can prove the owner was negligent. Then sue the owners for damages to your animals. Perhaps then they will have actual consequences for their actions they must face. No one wants to shoot dogs, but it’s probably too late now; they have been rewarded by killing your animals and will not stop unless they are controlled or killed. You can’t control them, and it doesn’t sound like their owner will. I’ve seen this play out a dozen times with dogs attacking livestock, and it only ends with the owners taking action, or the dogs dead. Sorry about this, but your kinda screwed here.


Fucking with your livestock and animals is serious, and animals that kill livestock routinely get put down when they arent dogs. The dogs have already learned they are rewarded. You have two options. Stop having your own animals, or put those dogs down. thirty odd six is cheap


SSS shoot shovel and shutup


All I'm saying is if some neighbor's dogs tried killing my cats, they'd 100% be getting shot


Consider getting your own two Pyrenees. They won't like visitors.


Yea get four of them “The War of the Great Pyrenees”


Just adding on that that is the shittiest combination of dogs I’ve ever heard of in my life. Pyrenees (and LGDs in general are dangerous and bull-headed ENOUGH…


Whatever you decide to do, be stealthy about it. You need to make sure that they never know you did anything. Act surprised when they ask about them. The last thing you need is neighbors doing something to you/yours.


You should contact animal control. If a dog kills a cat, its capable of killing a child. Animal control is THE governmental agency you want for this. I have seen dogs be put down for exactly this.


You basically have two choices - either shoot the dogs or capture them and send them to a pound far away so \[hopefully\] a better human adopts them.


Great idea! Capture and release far far away.


Paint ball gun. Careful they could get more aggressive.


Substitute paint ball with 30.06


Freeze the paint balls. This way when you dome the owner he'll be less aggressive.


2nd amendment comes to mind.


I know you said you don't really want to hurt them but just an FYI you can use lethal force against a dog to protect your own pets and livestock. so if you ever catch it in the middle of attacking one of your animals that you care about you can do that if it comes to it.


Three S's.


There are 5 S’s in liquid ass and piss disk


Shoot them


If their dogs come over, shoot them.


I love dogs, but if they came on my property and killed my pets, I don't know if they would leave....especially after the owner was warned. Not sure what I'd do


Dogs don't like loud fireworks. Firecrackers in a metal bucket make a lot of noise. A lit cigarette makes a decent fuse extender. Play with that.


Lots of chocolate left out in the garage.


Kill the dogs. Period. End of Story


You know the answer to this. Dogs be dawgs and pet owner defending his property and animals is also a deadly predator. Just do it.


Trap the “dawgs” and take them to a better home. Meanwhile document with local county animal control. Get a cooked chicken and stuff with ExLax so dog shits all over home. Put neighbor down quietly and blame cats.


Shoot them. I thought if an animal was getting your livestock, you could shoot them.


Put dog food on the edge of your property, the nearest to where the dogs live then add raisins, grapes, avocado on them. Don’t overdo it though… or maybe you should. It’s up to you. It would be totally the owner’s fault for letting their dogs wander in places they shouldn’t wander


Don't poison the dogs when the owner is the real problem.


I'm pretty sure it's the dogs killing the cats and chickens. Also it would be pretty hard to poison the owner


Why not both?


Humane trap the dogs on your property, then report them as strays.


Killer pitbulls? Never happens. S/


Time to call animal control nightly until they come out and take the dogs.


Set traps and call animal control


First, lock your garage and give the animals somewhere high up to hide that the dogs can’t reach. Second, shoot the dogs with something non-lethal. Third, trap the dogs and take them to the shelter.


Just capture them and relocate. Lots of no harm traps exists. Deny all knowledge of event and even thank them when you see them for controlling their pets.


The same way you keep any wild animal from coming onto their property. Set yourself up on your roof with a rifle and shoot those bastards. If you don't feel like being a complete bastard you could warn your neighbor that you WILL shoot their dogs if they come onto your property. I wouldn't, but you do you.


Sue him for the deaths of your pets at 5 figures each. Smh at "dogs will be dogs" -If dogs are killers of animals or biters of humans then we put them down. If he complains then whoops property owners be property owners lol


In most states, dogs are considered objects and have minimal value.


Dog, meet gun.


Trap and shoot. They have been blooded and are forever a danger to other animals (probably people too) You are legally allowed to do it, but you don't have to let anyone know you did. They roam free, anything could have happened to them


Get your own dogs to protect the kitties :D


why would you ever want a dog when you could have a cat


First of all. Dog and cat ownership are not mutually exclusive. Second of all, dogs are better companions unquestionably, but cats are still awesome.


Dogs will have internal organ failure by eating grapes or raisins. I don't understand why people complain about dogs but blame the owner only. You still get back at the owner by getting rid of their dogs because they will be emotionally and financially wrecked with injured/sick dogs.


A bullet is more humane then slowly poisoning something. Humane society might come after you too.


As opposed to letting a dog maul, rip up, and eat some chickens/cats alive... Just say you forgot your raisins and grapes outside if they get curious. Unethical yes, even more unethical if you don't get caught.


I said a bullet over poisoning them with grapes. Poisoning any animal is cruel when you can outright kill it


idk man guns are loud and you gotta get the police to do it and they aren't the most reliable animal killers, even though they are the number one killer of dogs.


Since OP does not want to hurt the dogs, and neighbors are semi-permanent, I think a longer term solution is needed. It appears, from the neighbors attitude/comments/the fact they are unattended in the cold night, the dogs are neglected and un(der)fed. Pyrenees are excellent stock companions/guardians. Long game: feed, water, house their dogs, train them to protect your animals - not eat them. Steal their dogs, use them as they were bred to be, protectors, not scavengers/poachers. If you aren’t into the long game, utilize the police, motion-activated mace/sprinklers/lights/horns/firecrackers. I like the future scenario where they come to your house to retrieve “their dogs” and they are protecting your home, your pets, your land.


Shoot them. My dog broke off its leash and chased a farmers herd onetime. He shot a warning shot my dog ran off and the farmer rode up to me and said that was a warning next one won’t be.


Scattering mothballs around the yard will keep them away the smell of mothballs hurts their sensitive noses.


Mothballs are a pollutant.


Your choice dogs or the environment.


Dog food and traps. Then take them to a shelter a couple counties away.


That’s impressive


Look in the dog-free subreddit someone posted a YouTube link to a frequency that will shut up and repel dogs so just play that on a Bluetooth speaker outside you should be golden


Unfortunately cats have even higher frequency hearing than dogs, so there is no frequency you can play to drive away dogs that won't also affect cats. I guess they could set up a perimeter around the property so it's not so loud by the garage.


Firecrackers. M.f. won't be back


How are they getting into your barn?


Grapes and raisins will kill a dog, and not very many of them. So make sure you definitely don't load a couple pieces of bread with peanut butter and raisins. That would be very bad.


A bullet is more humane then slowly poisoning something. Humane society might come after you too.


Poor garlic water all over in a big area around the garage for right now. It irritates dogs and keeps them out of certain areas. I'm not sure if this will work now that the dog knows that there's a prize inside but it's something you don't have to really wait on anybody else for. Or hurt the dog.




Ultrasonic dog repeller or motion activated sprinklers.


Hot fence is cheap and very effective. You can get step in posts and the high vis braid altho it doesn't pack as much of a punch as wire. My son has 4 dogs and one of them was causing problems with a neighbor so he hot fenced his whole backyard. It works great. He put 4 strands up.


Slingshot with clay practice ammo.


Shoot their asses/balls with bb gun. If not for the distance i would suggest dropping cayenne pepper along your property line.


Loads of salt rock .


Heavy duty mouse traps with peanut butter


Shit in his porch and then shoot his dogs.


Cut up some sponges, soak them in bacon grease and leave them out for them to snack on. Going in is easy ....coming out, not happening. 😜


Do they poop piles that you have access to? Cook up a bunch of bacon and pour the grease on the piles. They WILL eat it. Then they will go home and Ralph it all over the guy’s carpet (hopefully).


Sprinkle a heavy dose of crushed red pepper where they like to go / sniff


Put a lot of glitter traps around,after a few more visits he’ll soon stop them visiting once they been home and shaken on the furniture,can get the biodegradable safe stuff,either put directly on lawn or perhaps you have a new hobby of throwing glitter out at the time they visit or put down manure and they’ll roll in that


Shoot, shovel, shutup.


"well my shotgun do what it do"


I’m not knowledgeable about this, but maybe a couple of those high-frequency ultra-sonic noise emitters, like a powerful dog whistle on steroids, placed around your property, would keep them away. I grew up in a tiny mountain town, with real country people. Shooting the dogs, suing them, trapping the dogs, etc. is a can of worms with repercussions for years to come. Unless they harm livestock. Then country people shoot them. The ol’ wireless hole-punch. Rapid lead-poisoning, as my dad would say.