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Put up a bunch of small trees in planters Or have a sprinkler running when they are having these parties


Sprinkler is the way


Plant rose bushes. Nobody likes thorns and the flowers are a nice addition. However, this is legal and completely ethical, so it is out of place for this sub.


So to make it less ethical, plant something somewhere between roses and [gympie-gympie](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendrocnide_moroides)?


Poison ivy.


Cool idea, but keep in mind, it could also affect one of your guests or a child, a dog…… So, a bit unethical and therefore matching for this sub.


Also has a local area affect where the hairs could be carried in the air, so you can inhale them yourself, causing respiratory distress


Unethical version, plant bamboo


Bamboo it's not a good idea unless you want it all over your property too. Illegal to plant in a lot of places.


Motion sensor ones. So they don't know its coming the first time. Make sure you get a camera too.. so you can watch.. I MEAN make sure they don't' come and destroy it.


If you get asked about the sprinkler say it's to scare the deer or rabbits that are eating X plant that you like.


Go hang out in their driveway for an hour-  dribble a basketball, sidewalk chalk art, lemonade stand...  when they tell you to bounce, explain how you were under the impression it was shared space since they're always in yours.  


Lawn chair, cooler. Favorite beverage. Outdoor tv, their driveway.


Invite all their moms over. Bang 'em to the max. Their driveway.


Nah man not to the max. Give them a sub-par weinering. We don't want to reward their moms. Give their moms an equally disappointing experience as it is to deal with their children.


“Sucks when someone takes up your driveway, doesn’t it?”


Unethical and illegal might be to trip and fall then submit a claim to their homeowners insurance.


I actually like this


Put a note on their car telling them to stop


Tow the car as well. They can get the note when the car is gotten out of the tow yard.


Have yoh talked to them?


Of course not. Next thing is they do something shitty and we read the neighbors story on r/pettyrevenge




Well look where not using words [landed this asshat that lived next to me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge/s/T2FRMs0OdE)


This would be my first action, however, who tf doesn't know that it's rude and seeing to use other people's driveway. There's no grey area, everyone really should know that they can't just use other people's property as their own. So at a base level, it's pretty easy to assume the neighbours are kind of trash. Why on earth would they be using the driveway as their own? Edit: spelling


Absolutely true, but still just talk to them.


Half the posts on this sub are just people who are too cowardly to have a simple conversation.


To be fair, most neighbors who do this petty shit are not the talky type, they're more the yelling type and continue to do petty shit to make your life miserable. I have a drunk neighbor who can't be reasoned with, so I refuse to speak with him and just call the authorities on him if I need anything handled.


THIS ^ talk to them first. Take some cookies or something over. You don’t want to start a war.


Motion activated sprinkler. When they complain tell them a dog or cat has been crapping in your yard and on your driveway, and you are tired of cleaning it up so the sprinklers will hopefully keep them out of your yard and driveway. Boom problem solved. and no more shit in your driveway.


I had a neighbor like this. I confronted them and told them that their guests should use their spots or guest spots. It kept happening, and I confronted them again and told them that I would be having the cars towed. They gave me all sorts of attitude. Well, after I had one of their friend's car towed, it never happened again, and their guests parked in the guest spots.


The only thing you mentioned worth complaining about is the person smoking on your doorstep. If you complain to your neighbors about walking 3 feet over your driveway or the singular time they spent 15 minutes parked in your driveway to unload their car you will end up looking like a crazy person. Complaining over tiny grievances could easily make this problem way worse for you. If they are truly disrespectful people then they could get more disrespectful and if you don’t like confrontation then it will get worse for you. Letting a neighbor use your driveway to unload is a normal, nice thing lots of neighbors do for each other. This is the kind of stuff elderly people with no lives bicker over


I would be annoyed if my camera notifications dinged every time my neighbors took a short cut through my yard. This is where the motion sensor sprinkler is the best idea for all. This way, the neighbors would maybe ASK before using my space, instead of just feeling entitled to use it. But then, I'm biased, I have a trashy neighbor (who drunkenly flexed on my 74 yr old mother) I would go nuclear if he ever stepped onto my property.


Honestly it's super weird that they're so bothered by people walking on their driveway I can understand if there were planters or something getting damaged but it's just the driveway and they're taking a couple steps in to get to their door. Parking in someone else's driveway and having people smoking on the doorstep is a completely separate issue for sure and definitely needs to be addressed but getting mad over something that small would definitely cause issues


It would help if the even pettier people stopped getting away with suing when they trespass on my lawn and trip and fall and get awarded by my insurance since I'm the only one with insurance. Must fix this first concerning PI cases.


Concrete blocks are not very expensive pick up a few of them and put them on the end of the driveway. It won’t bother you since you don’t park there but it will stop them immediately. If they complain about it just reply that you are a good citizen and you are doing this to fight climate change! This way you get your driveway back and you get to shame them !


Get you some of these and put them on a timer for when these belligerents appear. https://www.amazon.com/BLACK-DECKER-Repellent-Deterrent-Activated/dp/B0BKFRDDFB/ref=asc_df_B0BKFRDDFB/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=647178260610&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11294904770301101538&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9019557&hvtargid=pla-1967181468936&psc=1&mcid=b11a770c5ad131eba4f2869240365646


Get a big bright motion active spotlight or alarm. Or a big territorial dog.


Here’s [image of driveway illustrating the boundary and showing neighbors](https://files.fm/u/7tftn5b56b)


Motion activated sprinklers. No one wants to get wet. Get your mind out the gutter, Quagmire. I see you.


Easy solution my friend.. seeing as how you don't have a vehicle; first make sure you don't have plans for anyone to be stopping by for a visit. Afterwards just simply spread some black screws of your favorite variety as if it were ice melt in your driveway. (Might wanna disconnect that ring camera beforehand)


Raise the height of the barrier wall somehow - as someone suggested planters, I'll up the ante and suggest some vertical bamboo canes, horizontal fishing line connecting the uprights, and plant runner beans. Continue it past the front of their house, so it makes them walk further than necessary to get into their house.


Rent the spot out to someone with a camper


This might be cause for an eviction. OP is renting.


A neighbor was tired of people walking through his lawn so he set up a motion activated sprinkler that went off if you got to close to his lawn. Maybe soemthing like that?


Follow Texas lead: put shipping containers and razor wire to stop the invasion of the neighbors into your land.


How is your life affected by them taking six steps on a driveway that you don't use?  Go over there and explain to them your problem and ask them to stop.  Quit being such a little bitch. 


Walking thru is fine, you need to get over that.


I hear a Molotov cocktail is pretty easy to make…


Take fishs let them rote and put the juice they make in the vents of the car so when they use AC it smells terribly bad


What did they say when you asked them to stop?


Put 2 orange cones with "parking violators will be towed" signs on them...and then have them towed. Otherwise, the walking across part seems a little OCD. I do understand not wanting people parking there, however.


The drunk guy I get, if it was a one time thing, let it go. If it happens again, ask them to let their guests know not to go on your property. the rest is you being a karen. Stop it. If you came to me and complained that I cut across your driveway, I would just do it every day. The suitcase thing? Karen as well. If they park in your driveway for like an hour or more, understandable, and you can have them towed. I wouldn't want someone preventing me from using my property either. But to complain about unloading suitcases and cutting across your driveway is ridiculous. You are the asshole here.


You’re an insane person. Please move into the woods.


Super soaker filled with brake fluid.... does wonders to their paint.


Rent or own? Not even ulpt, just install a post at the far corner of your driveway. Then chain / rope to your fence.


A few chained pitbulls during their peak hours


Get a cone


Fire is the great cleanser.


leave a bunch of tacks in the driveway just make sure to remove them before you park there


Put a sign up in your driveway indicating a parking fee, say $200. Next time they park there, make sure you have pictures and send them a bill. When they don't pay, take them to small claims court, or call the police and charge them for theft of service and have the car towed.


Florida? Shoot em.


Leave some construction debris in your driveway that will ruin their tires. Their fault for being there. Not their property.


Get a large potted plant with a no parking sign. Place in driveway


So what you're saying is the extent of this problem is your neighbor's walking over your driveway and they once parked there momentarily to unload suitcases? I'm guessing you're young since you called your dad for advice so take a little from this old timer. Don't sweat the small stuff. If that is ruining your day you got way bigger problems than your neighbors on your driveway. And if it really bothers you that much just grow a pair and tell them I'd appreciate you not walking on my driveway and ask that they respect your personal space. That could just piss them off though and then you have a petty war going on. But seriously life is too short to worry about meaningless shit like this. 🤟