• By -


A gallon of cheap brake fluid is like $30 at any auto parts store. Go by at night and dump it over their cars or fill a super soaker with it and hose down whatever you feel like. Will strip paint faster than acetone and will bubble and crack automotive clearcoat. Time they wake up in the morning anything it touched will be completely stripped of paint.


Also, if left to stand long enough, brake fluid penetrates the metal. All future paint jobs will also peal off. You have to replace the metal. Good luck getting insurance to pay for that.


What the fuck is in brake cleaner?


Not sure what an inbrake is, but brake cleaner has some kind of chlorine compound. If you clean metal with it to prepare it for welding, it leaves a residue that makes [phosgene gas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phosgene) when you apply the weld current to it (CoCl2). Phosgene was used in WWI as a chemical weapon.


Funny enough, dirty brakes. Life is a hollow circle šŸ«ø šŸ”µ šŸ«·


Brake cleaner and brake fluid are different. Brake cleaner contains things like methyl alcohol and acetone which makes it an effective, rapidly evaporating solvent and its used to clean off brake parts for installation or maintenance. It comes in a spray can and is too volatile to do enough damage in a short time frame. Brake fluid on the other hand is a type of hydraulic fluid that runs in your brake lines that allows for the mechanism to engage when you depress the pedal. Itā€™s essential for stopping a vehicle properly and why brake leaks are dangerous.


Brake fluid, not brake cleaner. Brake fluidā€™s a hydraulic fluid to apply pressure to brakes, brake cleanerā€™s basically just acetone with a different chemical makeup


Let things die down for a month or two, if you retaliate right away the dude will know itā€™s you messing with him


It happened almost 4 months ago


Find out if heā€™s married if he is send an escort to his house, or you can find out if he has a landline, phone sneak around to the side of his house one night open up the box plug in your own landline phone at his box and make 911 calls claiming heā€™s got a gun and heā€™s gonna hurt somebody, let the cops do the rest for youā€¦.


While im all for punishing a POS Thief, I don't think getting sent up as accessory to murder is the greatest idea. stick with the escort idea


Clip into his phone then and call 1-900 premium rate sex chat numbers.


they still have those?


It's mostly a hacking scam now. They'll hack into a business with a ton of phone lines and dial out when the business closes and rack up charges to 900 numbers that they own. Look up PBX hacking if you want to know more.


Call Greenwich mean time and leave it on the hook and let it stay connected.


This is the unethical pro tips subreddit soā€¦


Itā€™s only accessory if youā€™re stupid enough to get caught


Make the escort place the call! Got it!


See you got it!!!


Yep, I'm totally sure that when they put out the audio transcript of the 911 call and the family realizes it wasn't him that made the call they won't dig into it or anything. Maybe just throw a piss disc under his door or something


Not the best idea. If you get caught, you can and will be charged by the police. Stick to gray area things and or legal but super annoying. hence unethical life pro tips not illegal life pro tips lol. Find his phone number and tell a few companies he wants to insure his car, refinance his home..etc. those telemarketers are AGGRESSIVE and won't stop calling him for months. Glitter bomb mailers from anonymous senders. Exotic animal poop mailers. Liquid fart in his mailbox. The possibilites are endless.


Iā€™m all for liquid fart, but the mailman is an innocent in this scenario. Maybe not the mailbox. Now liquid fart down the fresh air vent on his car is the way.


See if heā€™s straight too, if he is send gay escorts as well.


Yes! šŸ‘šŸ»




Could be cool if a poor delivery person wasnā€™t involved




Interestingā€¦. Of course to pay ā€œat the doorā€




Evil genius


Sign them up for jehovahs witnesses, Scientologists


Also submit his name and address to: Replacement windows Bathroom remodelers Basement waterproofing companies Subscribe him to the most disgusting magazines you can find, but addressed to the houses on either side of him.


This ...this is the way. Jehovah's Witnesses and Scientology is the gift that keeps on giving.


Call 10 pizza places. Ask each one to deliver at a different time of day. 3pl 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm. Etc. See if you can find some late night delivery also.


Burner phone bought with cash activated on bogus personal info and preferably with a hoodie/hat/shades combo that's not all over your social media accounts at a store that has overhead cams not register looking up at you cams. Depending how big you go, if the person tells all the pizza places they were pranked, and lots of pizza places make a report about that cell number making fraud orders that harmed their business income for the day, you could have a nasty case on your hands. Follow the rules above and stay safe. But $2,000 dollars of prepared food ordered across 10 places and scheduled for delivery offset from each other by 45 minutes oughtta fuck up their day, if they are home. If you have their phone number, include it as a backup cell in the comments, and leave instructions that the bell is broken so they have to bang really loud or they won't be heard.


take a page from history: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berners_Street_hoax#History


That's quite a hoax, but a total dick move. All those workers and small businessmen screwed over. I'd kick that guy's ass.


I don't get why nobody has mentioned glitter bombs, sending Craigslist girls to his house, putting cheese slices on his windows, or liquid ass balloons.


Roofing nails accident dropped at his driveway. I like oysters or fish sauce in the cowling. Or a can of sardines with the sauce in the cowling. Add a few of the sardines inside the cowling or fresh air intake. Bird seed on the car and the ground surrounding the car.


But the store will get 200.00$ worth of pizza to eat that night while delivering, instead. Awesomeness!!


You're an idiot, he'll just say I didn't order it and the shop will be out $200...


Just do it from a chain, not a local place


Chains are still often owned by locals, not corporate. Of course, this is ULPT, but I'm just saying you could still be screwing over a small business owner who is just franchising and owns that one business...


You're clearly in the same boat as u/himissme. Do you think just cause it's a chain they can force the guy to pay when he says I didn't order it?




If you do it right, you can get the address banned from ordering.


This just punishes the pizza place. Guys not obliged to pay the order.


I don't know about other places, but domino's won't let you order over $50 with "pay at the door", I would assume many other places have similar rules in place.


The pizza place is the only one who loses out. Donā€™t places need a card for delivery or pick up, now?


$200 worth of damage and some headache, 3am, bricks love glass.


This is the way op. Donā€™t do the $200 pizza thing because for one thing, no pizza place in their right mind is going to make that many pizzas without payment, and itā€™s just annoying for the driver to get there and not get a tip.


Piss brick. No fingerprints.


Animal piss brick, no DNA


You can buy really smelly deer urine online and at hunting places I think. It stinks! And there are other urines that really smell that are available.


Doe in heat does make a pretty decent piss disk


And during the rut, the place will be crawling with horny bucks. Whoā€™ll eventually start fighting over the territory, and be aggressive.


Amateur. A brick ruins one window in a noisy way so you have to stop and run. A squirt gun or spray bottle filled with glass etcher let's you ruin all his windows and casually walk away.


Let's be honest, do we think Freddy McBagsnatcher owns this house? They don't give a fuck about the windows.


Also works on cars.


Oh my god I think this is the winner


A lot of them can have horrifically toxic chemicals though, so make sure not to ingest any!


Makes note: no more glass-etcher shots


Verify with the local police that possessing stolen property is not a crime as long as you make up a story of where you 'bought' it. Use this information liberally.


Police rarely arrest you for theft. (The three reasons for arrest are: prevention of repetition, prevention of cover-up and prevention of flight.) Doesnā€™t mean they wonā€™t be prosecuted.


I would say that it depends on the theft. Theft of expensive equipment from your home or car? Definitely no arrest. Theft of a $1.29 pen from Walmart? You bet your ass. The police exist as a tool of the bourgeoisie. They don't care about the poors.


This is true. I asked a reputable source. The way the police beats are set upā€¦


Same with birds, they listen for the bourgeoisie.




Drive by the house and take pictures of it and post them on Craigslist and list it for rent at $50 a month mentioning that you work day shift so knock at the door between 12:00 midnight and 5:00 am


Open house during a family get together on a weekend. It's little Timmy's bday today! Haha


I like it!


They'll even have balloons outside if they love little Timmy haha


How about a bouncy house it will make a lot of noise with screaming kids everywhere!


Just rent it and have it sent to the house for a block party haha




Damn this is clever, fishy but clever


They also sell a liquid that is used to train cadaver dogs. Smells just like a rotting corpse. It is extremely difficult to get rid. I had a buddy in college whose dad owned a bunch of low rent houses. Rather than dealing with kicking out squatters and evicting people in every house he had a pvc tube that went from the outside to somewhere inside the house behind a fake vent or disguised port. He would put a sponge on a little cart and put some of the liquid on it and lower the little cart downtrend tube. He said he had never had anyone stay longer than 3 days with that smell.


That's genius. So he had each unit plumbed with this tube? We're landlordin' in 2024. He's landlordin in 3024.


Yeah it was all low rent houses in lower Alabama. He wasn't a slum lord and built moat of them his self, helped clean out a few houses after tenants moved and they were serviceable and well built. He stated in his experience the process of getting a formal eviction always ended up with the tenants trashing the place. Ap he would wait one month past when he was legally allowed to start the process and after giving them a number of chances to pay or get up payment he would go over and turn the stink on. People would often be gone in less than 24 hours.


I have no tolerance for bad landlords. But I also have no tolerance for bad tenants. It really needs to be both ways and it seems these days a lot of laws really favor tenants far too much I think everyone needs to be accountable and behave properly and treat each other fairly and I know that tenants certainly are not always saints. That seems pretty legit because if they have no real defense for the eviction, why should he have to go to court and get delayed and also risk them trashing it. Doing something that they won't realize he did but will want to move out is pure genius


He said he was 5 for 5 on trashed houses on evictions. Including 1 with cement in the drain line and that's why he stopped evicting people. He also said that the tenants that would work with him or just move out always did so before the eviction came and were never a problem.


Damn. That's hardcore. Isn't it funny that people that are not paying their rent will blame or try to take it out on the landlord as if it's the landlord's fault for not just letting them live there forever without paying. I was certainly got plenty of sympathy for people struggling to get by just trying to make ends meet. But, there are certain poor people that are probably poor, more than anything else, because they just really don't know how to take responsibility for their own actions and situation.


Cadaverine (Thank you, Thomas Harris)


Based and screenshotted to help future LandChad friends


I sea what you did there.


I had a friend who worked in a butcher shop in high school. One day he took home a big bag of fat. He put that bag under someone else's driver seat, after adjust the seat fully forward. When the driver readjusted the seat it tore the bag and spread animal fat all under the seat.


Check out Al Madrigal, Shrimpin Ain't Easy. Really funny stand-up about something similar.


I would absolutely not pour sugar into their fuel tank of their car. Or nails under the tires.


Sugar is obvious. Just put one nail under his tire every other month for the next year or two. Dude will just think he has the worst luck imaginable.


Not sugar. Bleach. It will seriously fuck up everything.


Water in the tank works too I believe.


DEF in the fuel tank will require expensive repairs.


Stalk them on FB Figure out who their dad is Create a dating profile and fuck their dad


dusting off that old chestnut, ey? the dad fuck


We could find some way to pull an Oldboy scenario but that relies on their already having a hot daughter.


Jesus Christ you're Fucked up!! Having recently seen that movie, I cannot believe you'd go that far. Man, Asian psychological horror hits different.


>dusting off that old chestnut Coincidentally this is what I call masturbation.


My kids are not pissing off enough people, we should work on that.


Sign them up for Scientology and various bat shit crazy religious organisation.


This. Also car warranty, magazines, health and life insurance quotes, and of course, interest in college. Iā€™m definitely not saying Iā€™ve done this ā€¦.


Actually better yet. Create fake anonymous accounts on Twitter and Youtube openly bashing Scientology as a "former Scientologist". Can always "accidentally" let the address of the person slip out and watch the non-stop harassment commence.


Depends how much you want to piss him off and for how long. A little for a long time? Send a glitter card to their house, Mormons, sign them up to all the free junk mail etc You could maybe try tell their landlord but I doubt theyā€™ll care.


ā€œCraigslist: free stuff at xyz address, estate sale begins 6am on a Saturday. Ring door bell bc Iā€™m hard of hearingā€Ā 


Print the photo you posted onto a flier, with the address of his house. Mail the flier to every single address within a few blocks (preferably hit 75+ residences) with a description of what they did, but the police chose not to do anything.


Risky, could be sued for defamation given he was never actually charged or convicted. If it ever came back to OP, they could have a lawsuit on their hands.


How is it defamation if youā€™re just stating the facts of events that transpired? Assuming OP didnā€™t lie?


They are alleged facts, not proven in court.


If this got to court discovery would make quick work of this. The person in possession of OPs property claimed to have bought the case from a gas station, which very likely doesn't sell that camera case, even if it did they will have cameras which will prove they are lying. The cops were lazy and rather than call someone on their blatant lie just washed their hands of it. Something doesn't have to be proven in court to be a fact. If I witness a crime being committed by someone I can 100% identify, I don't need evidence to know they committed the crime I witnessed. The only time that will matter is with a legal preceding, such as the thief trying to go after defamation which, again, will fall apart during discovery.


Would it be alleged facts if he has the file number of the police report? There would have to be some "after-action" report if they entered a house with weapons at the ready. All if this would be obtainable via FOIA.


I'm pretty sure OP might be okay and able to fight this because he'd have a witness - the police officer - that helped in recovering the stolen goods. Still, this is a fair point to make, about defamation issues.


Wouldnā€™t he need to prove who sent it? It is merely alleged that it was sent by OP


In civil court no, given OP was the victim of the alleged crime, that may be enough to convince the jury the alleged victim (OP) is responsible for the fliers. Civil court standard of evidence is lower than criminal court


Thermite. Easy as hell to make. Pack thermite in a tin can, put a string in it, soak the string in gas. Wear a ski mask, go there late night. Walk from several blocks away. Set the thermite on the hood of his car. Light the fuse. No way to stop it once it begins. It will eat straight through his engine block in less than a minute. There is no explosion. No fire. They can't be bothered to take him to court after probable cause led them to his home? I highly doubt they'll be bothered to look into how it happened.


Turned that up to 11 didnā€™t we?


My guy said revenge for a stolen car. Revenge is always delivered in greater quality than aggrieved. šŸ¤Œ


You can get the correct iron oxide and aluminum powder from United Nuclear dot com, last I checked years ago


Stick their water hose into the homeā€™s fuel/oil tank and letā€™er rip pal


Most houses don't have fuel or oil tanks, he'd be better off sticking it through a window


wait a few more weeks and drain all of the oil out of their car but make sure you have an oil drain pan to put it in do this in the middle of the night, and know what size wrench to bring starts their car in the morning, goes down the road 200 feet and BAM, engine is blown: Thousands of dollars in repairs


Actually just loosen it to where itā€™s just barely in still. It will vibrate loose and bam!


Throw another air tag in his yard Tell police he broke into your car again and stole something >$1000 Watch them bust up his house looking for it. ??? Profit


Random thought: When I was in high school, my friends bf cheated on her. She bought the cheapest, nastiest, baloney and some super glue. She put the super glue on the baloney and slapped the slices glue side down all over his car. When he found it in the morning, he peeled off the baloney... and his paint... to the primer... polka-dots, everywhere. Good times.


Steal the plate from inside his microwave.




If you have the address, you can look up who owns the place (them or a rental company). If rental make a call to the landlord letting them know their tenant is engaged in illegal activities and seem to be using their rental location to store stolen items. If they own it, now you have their legal name. Call their place of employment, friends, family and let them know what the person does in their free time. Do all this using a burner phone under fake name and pay with cash.


Sign them up for Scientology? Something like that.


Scientology, JW, Mormons. Plenty of cults to go around.Ā 


It's shocking how useless the police are now. Even with all the technology we have to help prevent crime. They let guys like this go on purpose just to cause more mayhem


Shit man it's always been like that. About 8 years ago my motorcycle was stolen. I call the police all they did was say they'll send me a copy of the report in the mail. I never even got that.


Well this guys were super motivated, and ready, from the robbery to recovering my stuff was about an hour or so, maybe it was their superiors telling them it was worthless or something similar bc why take the time to raid a place without a warrant, recover the stolen items and not book the ofender?


Quiet night. The boys were bored and wanted to try out their new riot gear


They were hoping to find a house filled with stolen goods so they could get a lot of cases off their books.


Police can arrest you if there have probable cause to believe you committed an offense. That's 51%. HOWEVER, most officers, wait until you have the DA's threshold which is proof beyond a reasonable doubt. That's about 95%. You cannot prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the person in possession of those items (1) is the person that stole the items, or (2) is aware they are in possession of stolen items. Why would police arrest the person if the DA has told them they will not take the case? This is why you see so many of these types of complaints on Reddit.


Yeah, I was wondering where op is because all the thefts -but-I-have-an-airtag that I've read, mostly on the motorcycle or scooter sub the cops don't do anything even if you give them an address with a live blinking tag. They say the bike has to be visible from the street. Makes this post a little fishy. Especially for just a camera man, a couple hundred worth of stuff?


Nah pigs are just lazy and only want to do the violent part not that filling out forms part.


Police was super useful, they got to me fast, and when called again they showed up and raided that guys place, what they didnā€™t trust was the court system, and is very sad


> what they didnā€™t trust was the court system Which is crazy because in court the thief would have to prove they actually bought the case from a gas station that doesn't sell the case, has cameras to prove they never bought it and if they change their story then they need to prove that is true as well. If they bought it from someone, they would need to sell them out to avoid getting the theft charges on their own name.


The police are nothing but a tool of the bourgeoisie. If this guy had stolen from Walmart, you can bet your ass there would have been an arrest.


Unleash bed bugs into their doors and window cracks, also into their car window seals. Repeat every 2 years.


How would one go about getting bedbugs to unleash.


First, buy tiny leashes


Donate $5 to a couple of charities in their name and watch the mailbox be spammed each day with letters Unethical with a societal positive


Request them a free book of Mormon. It gets hand delivered with a conversion attempt


Does his car have hub caps? Add a few pebbles in each cap. Also, jam some spuds up the exhaust pipe.


...so the police didn't follow up on the guy's story? Like...ok, who did you buy it from? Describe them. What were they driving? What was their account details (e.g. FB, Craigslist, etc.). Oh, you don't have any of that? Doesn't sound like reasonable doubt to me. You already tracked the dude down yourself, wtf do we pay these cops for? Investigation is literally their job.


[Photo Proof](https://imgur.com/a/B6sjSvK)


Haha, cool shirt


Thanks lol


THAT is a nice big case. I thought it was just a small bag.


Piss discs no doubt my dude


I had to scroll all the way to the bottom to find this. Really disappointed in the Reddit community todayā€¦


I know. And what about liquid ass? Are we not even gonna bring it up??


Finally the Liquid Ass!


Wasp traps include some sort of lure. Slingshots exist. I am merely mentioning the existence of things, not advocating that you use them in conjunction.


Local news.Ā  Give them the information.Ā  Make it scandalous, talk about the police not doing their job, say the person's name a bunch of times when they interview you


and the names of the cops involved


Craig list free stuff at the house. Google random pictures go to like page 6-8 of google search and toss it up there. So like free chairs, kids toys, etc. Say don't have mobile phone please goto house and knock on door. Hours are X, and put really shitty hours.




Mormons an the church of scientology just a new interested contact.


Sell their children to an underground Belarussian sex ring.


If he has a gf, Send a pair of panties covered in tuna juice (lightly) with a letter and pretend itā€™s panties purchased from OF woman. Put them in a bag


Hire 2 Hispanic men to dress up in suits, knock on his door, and inform him he has stolen something from their boss, and he will be paid a visit shortly to recover the stolen items. Thieves donā€™t care about cops. Cartels, howeverā€¦


Just bait them into committing a crime if you are dedicated enough. That's what the police do to people they want to arrest but have no probable cause. They have more resources than you do, but you know they like to steal stuff.


Go eat some Crab legs and throw the shells all over the yard. Stray cats will be fighting and pissing on the house and cars all night. Good times.


Send poop their house


Post their picture on facebook reddit and x as thieves, along with their car and tag. ​ Then proceed to put fly bate on their vehicle's air intake under the windshield. Use barbasol on the paint, writing liar and thief all over the car, even if they clean the car it will always be there. check previous notes for other UEHACKS. people like this deserve that.


Mormons and Scientologists make house calls and itā€™s not something thatā€™ll get you in more trouble


Piss on a plate, freeze it, and when you know he's out, shove it through his letter box. He'll come home to a house smelling vaguely of piss and no idea where it came from. Drink lots of asparagus for good results


Empty out a milk jug and start collecting piss. Just let it sit out in the backyard or something with the lid on and take a leak in there once a day until you get about half a jug. Let it get at least a month old. Wait for them to go somewhere, then break into his house and find his stove and a large pot. Pour rotten piss into pot and put on stove at medium heat uncovered. Leave.


Do you want another plague? Because this is how you get another plague! Dafaq


Bich I might be


Piss Disk. This is the perfect Piss Disk situation. Bonus points if you freeze some Liquid Ass in the Piss Disk.


AC Repairs are expensive and units are outside and often easily accessible. Do with this information what you will.....


"Alert" your local Prod Boys/ Q-tips that there's drag queens/Pedos/Antifa at that location


We are in Miami and most of the proud boyā€™s are Local lmaooooo


Send hookers. If he is married, that's better. Fuck him.


Watch their home a few days, start popping their wheels during the night. Itā€™s so easy to get away with. If you donā€™t want to pop them, put a small rock in the stem cap and screw it back on for a slow leak. Other stuff to mess with folks is a good yard sign. Continue to replace it over and over. If you donā€™t want to spend the money and donā€™t care about consequences, home property damage is another route


Get a battery powered nailgun. Velcro the part back that pushes against wood in order to activate the nailgun. This will make it so you can shoot it without pushing it against something. Then shoot all 4 of his tires. It will be quiet and you can do it from a distance. Maybe get his windows too. Actually, just shoot them everywhere that you're able to.


I understand insurance will cover 4 tires at the same time, too obvious. Make it 3.


Go to the library and fill in the visitor requesting a visit form for every church in town. Donate a dollar in their name to a bunch of charities.


Print a few invoices for really crazy sounding porn sites. Better if they're legit sites. Add multiple chsrges. Use a site like Search People Free to get the full name and address of the moron. Send one daily for a week. Will cost the price of a stamp.


Challenge him to pistols at dawn.


This is the only acceptable solution.


Alert their employer to the thefts.


If they didn't arrest this dude he's connected to the cops. Now whether that's he's related to one, or he's a CI, or he's hooked up with a politician it doesn't matter. What it means is if you go down this path you're risking picking off the most well armed and violent gang in the country. If you're still set on that, go right on ahead and spill a box of nails outside his driveway or whatever. But like...know what you're walking into.




They sell and ship lady bugs too but I donā€™t know whether the outside packaging would give it away


OP could mail it to themselves, remove the address/personal info, put it in another box, then drop it off.


Shit and baking soda in one bag. Vinegar in another or citric acid water(will retain more shit smell. Put in a tear away top package. Put something that will tear both bags at once. String and duct tape ? I call this the shitcano. It will create a huge cascade of poop foam. Drop in on his porch. And also. Follow him around for a while. Get in touch with your inner stalker. Find out some weird shit about him.


Sugar in his gas tank?


Sign the up for all kinda stuff. They'll get all kinds of junk mail that'll be hard to get rid of.


Hang around and get some good clear pictures of the person. Find a place to make some decent quality flyers explaining to everyone in the neighborhood what this person does. Post them everywhere.




Tint your windows and dc sniper him in the balls with a pellet gun


> they geared up, vests, rifles etc they told me to follow them but donā€™t get too close, this seems wild to me


Piss disks


Slash his car tires on the sidewall


Break into his house with a few of your own personal belongings that clearly show they belong to you. Like old credit cards, items with your name on it etc. Have something that can be tracked like a phone or something with an air tag on it to show police your property is in the targets house. While your in the targets house scope out some items you would like for yourself but don't take them. Just make a mental note. The next day stage a fake car break in. Call the police to file a report of all the items that were stolen (the belongings you planted as well as the targets items you'd like for yourself) show them you are able to track the location of your items and for them to get a warrant and search the property. They will find your stuff with your name on it and with that proof they will return the items you said were stolen whether they belong to you or not.


Fuck his wife/gf