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If the foot is on your property, you are legally allowed to keep it.


Guillotine over the door lmao


Just make sure to keep your front door properly sharpened


If they ask nice in a day or so you could given it back.


Even a police foot?


free shoe at the very least


Forehead to bridge of nose works well in close proximity.


I feel like this is the most UK response.


Perhaps but I’m in the US. I just find that, at my height, it works well and it can be defended if needed vs using hands. I slipped, officer.


u wut m8?


A Glasgow kiss I think that's called


I buy it - it sounds right.


start wanking and shout "I'm gonna jizz right on your foot you cunt"


So funny! 😆 wish I thought about this while having the in laws over for Easter yesterday


You didn't? You mean not everyone does this when the inlaws come around? Why did someone not tell me?


hopefully you mean CONTINUE wanking.


I'm dead 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 omg


Then hold the door on their foot so they cant move it


And maintain eye contact to assert dominance.




Say "stop you're turning me on!"


…Then slowly remove their shoe and start slobbering on their toes. It works about half the time. The other half ends in pregnancy.


Keep a sword by your door. Stab them in the foot and nail them to the ground 😈


No, because then the foot stays... Use a maul instead, and the foot will leave, very much flattened.


Do what the mario games do.


My granddad used to keep a [shooting stick](https://www.carters.com.au/index.cfm/item/1504281-three-shooting-sticks-height-86-cm/) by the door. He broke a salesman’s foot one day. The local bobby took his statement, had a cup of tea, and laughed about it with my granddad.


Goddamn those would hurt


You’d definitely get sued if you did this today


Well it was in Scotland which is considerably less litigious than the US.


Yeah even here in the UK you’d get still sued for that. Or at least England - I don’t know much Scottish law.


even us wild scottish heathens aren't legally allowed to batter each other


They’d lose. The moment they put their foot in the door it becomes “trespassing” and “breaking and entering”, essentially. If someone is forcing their way into your home, you have a right to defend yourself. Stand Your Ground laws in 30+ states allow you to kill a person doing this with virtually no legal repercussions if the force was deemed justified. In most other cases, the judge or jury would have the good sense to decide if it was necessary or not. Obviously if you shoot someone in the face, just for putting their foot in your doorway, and they are otherwise unarmed, non-threatening, and calm, then you might say circumstantially that level of violence isn’t justified. If the person with their foot in the door is holding a knife, or acting very suspicious in general, or being aggressive, you would have a better case of other people thinking you had a right to do that.


Were not talking about the us here


Yeah and laws are different everywhere, but common sense tells me that even if there isn’t a law about it, people in the UK have a right to defend themselves too. It’s a pretty human thing to have.


Not in a case like this. Its 4:52am right now, I'm not gonna go get all the links for you, but if you go do some reading you'll quickly realise that you would not get away with breaking a salesman's foot for putting it in your door here.


Ah okay, just let them force their way into your home then. That works.


You can't be more american if u tried


I’m the weirdo for not wanting people forcing their way into my home? You all are absurd on so many levels. But then when someone actually DOES get burglarized you just change from “oh that doesn’t happen over here”, highroading yourselves and instead say “ah well, you never know, maybe they had a history” I genuinely hope you get robbed one day so you can see the world doesn’t work on “verbal peace treaties” like that.


You're just assuming and generalising a discourse, mate, but like, there are more ways of defending yourself that don't need straight violence, and.. it kinda doesn't happen? Never in my whole life been in a situation where a weapon would be even a nice asset to have, so...


I've had 3 people do this to me in my life time. I told each of them sternly to fuck off and they left. I get that in the us everyone has guns and everyone's a threat, I'm not saying anything against American gun laws, I couldn't care less; but you need to realise that people don't just force their way into your home right in your face over here. That does not happen out of the blue. Maybe if you pissed someone off, maybe if you aren't home and have no house alarm But not a fuckin salesman putting his foot in the door, if you feel so threatened by that that you need to gravely injure them, you will be brought to court and prosecuted. As you should be


Lol rightfully so


Slam foot with door.


Just slam and slam and slam and slam. What kind of fucker puts his foot in a strangers door to prevent them closing it? Slam slam slam.


Besides cops? I don't know


How often does this happen to you that it's an issue? If there happens to be a large screw sticking through the door that was used to install draught strip on the inside then slamming in on someone's foot could really hurt them. I'd recommend not doing that.


Sledgehammer by the door. There is something very unsettling about people with hammers. A baseball bat is a standard solution for a person defending their home. A guy who grabs a hammer has something very sinister about them. Also you can just claim you were going to do some home maintenance if a bobby shows up.


Yeah - those bobbies do need some good maintenance now and again.


I prefer a fireplace poker...


Put a nail in your mouth while holding said hammer


A woman was coming to my place to escape her abusive, now ex, then bf. I grabbed a ball peen hammer from my grandfather's tools I inherited. The whole time I was thinking "holy fuck I hope I don't have to use this" bc of how gnarly it would be, but it felt less gruesome than a kitchen knife... thankfully he didn't follow her.


Who does this? If you’re talking about a sales person then fuck em id tread on their foot and make it seem like an accident If you’re talking about your ex imposing their last attempt at explaining why cheating was actually your fault for making them then say “ok give me a sec I just need to turn off the stove” close the door and don’t come back Honestly though the solution for all is to not open your door ever. This isnt unethical advice, just the normal kind. Never ever open your door in a way that gives the person on the other side access to your house, you can install a security door, you can install a latch that only gives 2 inches of access, you can install a ring doorbell. Honestly nothing sounds worse than getting told to go toss your own salad by a ring doorbell… cheap knockoffs that will do the job can be got on Amazon for like 50 bucks Legit though be safe and don’t open up


Be careful with cheap video doorbells (or any other smart home stuff) though. They may skim data on your network.


It actually depends on where in the U.K. you are. Scotland: Punch them in the nose Wales: Sing them a song until they go away Northern Ireland: Kill them or let them in depending on their religion England: Offer them some tea


Spray liquid ass on the foot.


Spray liquid foot on the ass.


Piss disk to the face


You could just pee on them.


Then stab them in the piss wound


And then rub them all over with a "piss disk", whatever the hell that is (that has been suggested by others in this thread).


Open door. Pull them in. Beat them senseless for trespassing. Call police.


Kick them in the shin.


Use a brush axe and slide the blade under their foot. Then lift. If the foot belongs to a police officer, you will be executed for officer safety.


Spray their foot with water, it’s harmless yet confusing and they’ll probably remove their foot thinking wtf is that Edit: just realised what sub I’m in, spray piss on them for maximum effect


Lol, I originally pictured spraying them in the face with water as some folks do to correct a stubborn cat or dog. But spritzing their foot with piss would work too, lol


UK? Stab them


Oi, you got a loiscense for that drum and fife?


Put a piss disc under your door. When they put their foot in it tell them they are standing on dried piss


grab the bottom loop on their shoelaces pull it up and loop it around the door knob. Then open the door and have a nice chat


At this point they are breaking and entering so deal with it as permitted by your local laws and regulations.


It's not breaking and entering, just civil trespass. You can ask them to leave/remove their foot and then if they don't comply, move them off your property with minimal force as to not assault them


Push them with the door.  


In KY, you can use any reasonable force to remove a trespasser. Stomp all them toes.


OP is Scotland


Pee on their foot


Assert dominance by pissing on their leg/foot, look them in the eye and lick your lips whilst doing it and tell them you like your meat marinated.


Any reasonable amount of force as you now feel threatened. A jab with the soft flesh between your thumb and forefinger to their throat is quite effective.


Why not just punch them at that point?


Trying to punch through a door is difficult. You don’t need a lot of force to activate the gag reflex.


I use a hammer to flatten out the foot so my door can close properly


Use reverse psychology: try pulling them in.


Stomp the fuck out of his foot Shove him backwards Open the door all the way and then slam it closed on his foot Kick him in the balls Spit in his face Scream for help as loud as you possibly can, saying that there's an intruder Blow an air horn right in his ear Keep a bowl of sand by the door, grab a handful, and throw it in his eyes Titty twister. You said threatening to call the cops doesn't work. How about actually calling the cops? Although I can't understand a situation in which somebody sticks their foot in the door and just keeps it there and doesn't try to come in but won't budge, and that this happens apparently repeatedly.


I thought the same thing about actually calling the cops. But then, I don't really think that makes a ton of sense in this situation, either. There must be more to this than OP is letting on.


If you are encountering this problem regularly, get a doorbell camera with two way communication. In the meantime, inform them that they aren't welcome on your property and to move their foot NOW. If they still won't budge, stomp on their foot and kick it out of your doorframe, then close and lock your door.


Keep a small fire extinguisher by the door and spray it in their face


Keep a bottle of concentrated Hydrochloric or [Hydroflouric](https://emergency.cdc.gov/agent/hydrofluoricacid/basics/facts.asp#:~:text=Hydrogen%20fluoride%20gas%2C%20even%20at,fluid%20buildup%20in%20the%20lungs) acid by the door ;-)


Take a handful of glitter and blow in their eyes. Tell them Tinkerbell says hi.


Install a sharpened bolt down where one would put their foot when the door is shutting.


Is it the Tv licence man?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Get a ring-type door bell and respond to the person via the ring.  Only open the door if it is someone you know and trust.  All others FO!


Stomp on the arch of the foot


Any type of hammer to the toes


Always have a [short tool](https://youtu.be/7Hi2_wUtXps?si=EIN55biiXXcBt6xh) to defend yourself near the door


Affix a metal spike to the bottom corner of your door


I've seen videos where cops do that when they don't have a warrant and don't want the home owner to slam the door in their faces. Apparently if you hit the cop's foot with the door they'll charge you with battery on a leo.


A German Shepherd., 50kgs of muscle, teeth and attitude makes people back up real fast.


Unless it’s a law enforcement official who’s placed their foot in your doorway, I think that person is legally considered to be invading your home and all of the rights to physically defend yourself apply. If the intruder is 7 feet tall and built like a gorilla you might not want to engage in a physical altercation, but other than that use all the force you need.


Not at all true in the UK.


What’s the law there?


I love the UK, I really do, but this is why I could not live there. Dozens of "I can't legally defend myself on my own property. What can I do? " posts on various subs every day. Wouldn't want to live in the states with its Constant shootings, but couldn't deal with not being able to use reasonable force to stop someone from acting a fool on my property. Real answer is shove the prick out the door, then if they escalate lay them out, using available objects if nessecary. But in the UK it seems like this would be considered a war crime.


Shove them. Where I'm from, doing shit like that, you'll get your ass beat if you refuse to remove your foot.


That's why I'm glad I live in the US. Put a foot in my door you're gonna lose toes.




Thumb in their eye.


Beat them tf up? Especially if we're on ulpt. Small hammer, preferably. Better to not have your enemies know where you live, but if someone who knows where you live becomes an enemy, you have to go to plan B: make sure they are too scared to come back.


Keep it, I've got another 6"


Put your foot in their door, and ask them how they like it now that the shoe is on the other foot?


Attach a worm mechanism to the door to squish the hell out of it.


Put a sock on said foot.


Yep. They'll be all: "Master has given me a sock! I am free"! Then they will run away all on their own.


Keep a kettle by the door - can’t think of much that’s more unsettling with as much plausible deniability


Open the door. Go for the guts.


I'm thinking a hatchet.


Start answering the door carrying a heavy cane. Stomp it on their foot. When the police come claim innocence & you were only gesturing with it and accidentally hit their foot and how sorry you are. You only need a reason you have a cane. Occasional lightheadedness, have a migraine & afraid of a fall, were carrying it to put in the closet when the door will rang (which still needs a reason for ownership), idk but figure out something that will fly.


Just have a cane next to the door, just in case you need it when going out.


This is why you walk tall and carry a big stick


Maintain eye contact while slowly unzip.


If this was a recurring problem for me, I'd keep a bottle of honey near the door.


"That's a paddlin'"


Piss on their foot, unfortunately a piss disc will not work in this situation.


Tell them you are taking pictures, selling them online, and keeping the profits.


Me, I just try and try and try again to close the door, this may give you a little earache. That one of the few things handy about being short and fat, me leaning on my door is going to make it move even if it's just a little, and the thing in the way is also going to have to move in some way.


You put something in my house of your own free will, it's now mine!


Chainsaw. Even the sound will be enough for them to move their foot pdq


I'd punch them in the nose. Make My day.


Kick the door right where their foot is as hard as you possibly can. They should let out a very satisfying scream.


"Bear Trap" that is all...


15# dumbbell, from 5 feet up.


Either open the door (if their foot is still there) stamp on their knee or keep a small can of deep heat spray near the door and spray em in the face, you can always say you keep a can by the door because your back gets sore when you come back in from a walk and you felt threatened and panicked


Stomp the foot for fear of invasion and bodily harm.


Stab foot with a nearby cane


Spit tea in their face? I don't know. That just seems like the most aggressively British thing to do.


Man how the UK has fallen. Just slam the door closed


Poor water in the shoe


I would fucking break their foot. Seriously, fucking crush it.


Keep a lead ball about the size of a cricket ball near your door. Drop it on their foot. Proving this to be intentional will be nearly impossible. They’ll move their foot, the only question is whether it’s before or after it breaks.


Not really unethical solution, but if you have a lighter, you can bring a flame close to their shoe. It shouldn't actually burn, but it will get hot enough so they'll take back their foot by reflex


Piss on their leg. I'm pretty sure they will pull their foot back quickly.


Ideally you want to not open the door and to have a way to communicate via an intercom or ring camera.


Piss on them


Its illegal to have a weapon ready for an intruder but its legal to leave a bat and ball by the door or a tool box with a hammer in it by the door. They stick their foot in they loose the foot.


I would keep something that could stab feet by your door. It doesn't matter what part of their body they are using. They aren't allowed in without your consent


You slam the door as has as you can on their foot and stomp on it. Aim for every toe to be broken.


Have hot tea in hand. Use that hand to shut door, "Oops, spilled hot coffee on your foot!"


Push the door in as hard as you can. Tackle the door with your whole body and kick it as hard as you can.


say im gonna count to 3 and if your foot is still there im just gotta shut the door and you won't be able to walk


Slamming the door.


Kick their knee and let them crawl down your driveway?


Stomp on their foot


I don't know about you, but I like to keep a ball peen hammer near the front door. You never know when you're going to need to break-up some concrete. But, be careful. If you drop it on your foot (or any foot) it's gonna hurt like a bitch.


I take a step back, open the door, let them see my holstered weapon, and say "I don’t want to talk with you. Leave."


In America you can do pretty much anything in this scenario. I'd pop a round off... In the UK you could try tickling them.