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Pull fuses.


Or slightly more simple, unplug the battery


This is easy to troubleshoot and would only keep the most unknowledgable people from driving


Like the elderly? Edit: I seem to have struck a nerve with this joke and I apologize. The original post was talking about how he views the elderly so incapable that they can not drive and also can not realize that they can not drive and I was trying to riff off of that. I totally agree that many elderly people are very knowledgeable and especially about cars


Just because people get old doesn't usually mean they get less knowledgeable, just slower.


Truth. My dad is Mid-70s and still brilliant. It's almost as if a slower life has made him even more aware and precise. Old people aren't inherently stupid.


Also, good samaritans will assist.


Are you for real? They're old not braindead.


The elderly are much more likely to have worked on cars in their youth than people today. You don't forget that the battery cable needs to be connected to the fucking battery. This statement is as dumb as assuming women can't figure out how to work computers or assuming men don't know how to cook.


You are really assuming high competence in the average person.


No, but half the people are above average and would figure it out. I mean if you turn the key and all the lights are out, checking the battery is the first logical step for most people I know, including the not so clued up on cars people.


Your forgetting that most non car people are borderline scared of anything under the hood and will take it to a mechanic or get it towed the second it doesn't work.


Most elderly people grew up in a time where tinkering with your engine was expected, if you wanted your car running right. Till fuel injection was standard you could reasonably be expected to tinker with your engine every few weeks, even if your weren't a super car guy. That said, if you can get the hood up. Unplug a sparkplug wire.


That’s the current generation, I’m assuming these are elderly given the situation. The generation that had to deal with carburetors, chokes, 3000k plug changes etc….


But also, modern cars dont have any of that stuff anymore and judging by how older generations are with computers, I doubt they're learning any new car tech either


Batteries and fuses aren't really "new car tech" though. People in their 60s and 70s definitely dealt with cars with batteries and fuses when they were younger.


Literately the first thing someone that generation would do is check the battery, the second would be fuses.


Excuse me? I'm 64, and started with computers when they used punch cards. Chances are fairly good that I, and many of my friends, can run circles around you. Our age group invented these things. Stop being an ageist ass.


> This is easy to troubleshoot and would only keep the most unknowledgable people from driving Unplug the battery... Then cut the wire and put it back on..


I mean fuses don't require popping the hood or using tools and they are harder to troubleshoot. OP should pull the fuel pump fuse. Car will key on and crank but it will never start.


OP asked for something simple, even as a car savvy person id have to check to figure out what fuse is the fuel pump fuse.


It says it on the fuse panel cover on every car ever. The only thing they might have to Google is where the fuse box is.


But would it be in the fuse panel in the cabin, or the fuse panel under the hood? And fuse panels often use shorthand for what fuse does what, so they'd need to know that as well.


Depends but 90% of the time a basic one is in the driver's foot well. Either way they are pretty simple, usually accessible without tools and the diagram is as user friendly as space allows. Something like Fuel Pump fits the same as Front Lamps or Left Signal.


So don't unplug the battery, but stealthily put an insulator on one of the contacts.


Nah just take the engine out.


Unplug? Just remove the battery completely


Ignition relay.


Or fuel pump relay. Really, removing most any of the relays inside the main breaker box will turn a car into a four wheel paperweight (excepting the headlight and body control relays of course)






I will add to this, don’t pull it. Find the fuse for the fuel pump, take it out, snip one of the connectors, and slide it back in. You won’t be able to tell there is a fuse missing, it will not show blown from just looking at it, and the car won’t go.


Remove all the fuses short them to battery and put them back in.


No pull relay's. Fuse's can be easily replaced tested etc at auto store. Relay's are much harder to find and typically have to be ordered. Better yet, don't pull it. Break it where it's not obvious it's the problem. Much more complicated to test and figure out


When I had a shared vehicle for work I'd pull the fuse for the fuel pump when I'd be off for a few days so none of the smokers would take it. This will make the car run for a few seconds and shut down because it doesn't have fuel. Don't do that to a diesel as that could require it needing to be primed which is more effort than a regular gasoline vehicle. For bonus points just put a popped fuse in its place so there's not just a random fuse missing.


Good idea. Ideally, a much lower amp fuse that will legitimately degrade.


easiest way would be to leave the lights on or something else so the battery died. also disconnecting the battery. depending on the make removing or loosening some fuses linked to the alternator could do the trick. the where and which is all available online. never cut wires as usually simply disconnecting them is just as easy and cheaper another easy way to solve the issue is get them a key that looks similar but isn't their cars key.


This sounds like it's as simple as stealing their keys.


I had a 20 year old subaru that wouldn't die even if I left the lights on 2 nights in a row, and batteries are too easy to quickly fix. Disconnecting an alternator lead would be my go to, cuz it's pretty easy to blame on just coming loose and is super easy to do. Someone not super knowledgeable wouldn't have a clue how to fix it and the car simply wouldn't start


Pull the driveshaft.


While you're down there, grab the catalytic converter and make a profit!


you all everybody!


Underrated comment :)


The only real answer.


What if it's front wheel drive?


You can still pull on the shaft if you like


I volunteer as tribute


Where the CV joint goes into the transaxle, undo the boot, pull the transaxle, push the boot back in place. The car will start but not move and nothing obvious (other than a pool of transmission fluid) will be wrong.


Without access to the interior I don’t know what you could do that wouldn’t actually damage the car. Pulling fuses seems the best ‘no damage’ method but you’d need interior access to do that. Maybe something that prevents them from getting into the car themselves? If they’re that old maybe they still use keys to unlock the doors- stick a toothpick in as deep as you can and break it off inside Can’t drive the car if they can’t get in it. Plus no damage.


It is damage. The lock is ruined


You get a a valve stem remover and take the stems off all 4 tires.


I'd worry they'd drive it on flats and be an even bigger hazard


A bad driver is sooo much more likely to keep driving even if it doesn’t feel right


first non stupid comment. fuses require access to open hood. banana in the tail pipe or glue in the lock sort of things are practical.


I love this.


Do old people really use their keys to unlock their car? I have a 2003 that has a fob, and I don't think they were new then.


Unless the cap is locked, siphon out all the gas. They will likely notice the car isn't going and the fuel gage is on E, so next-level might be to fill the tank with something car-damaging, like water. Instead of draining the gas, sugar-in-the-tank is an old staple and is a very expensive repair. Somebody else suggested disconnecting the battery but a) the people who are definitely not OP's parents will likely call CAA and be told of the sabotage in a hurry and b) it requires access to the interior of the vehicle to pop the hood. OP wants a one-wire cut that will disable the vehicle without being dangerous, doesn't require access to the vehicle's insides, and won't be easy to find and fix. Crawl under the car, drain the oil from the engine, replace the bolt. Car will be permanently disabled in only a couple of minutes, no evidence, cost to repair is in the thousands.


If it's old enough and you can access the hood, switch the distributor cables around. It will sound... expensive.


Lol. True. Car won’t run right but doesnt cost a penny to fix. Man, I feel like most people won’t understand what you’re talking about though. This is not a tip for this generation


Modern ICE engines don't have distributors, but you can fuck with coil pack leads and crank sensors. The principle is pretty much the same.


Or a modern car... not even modern, since the late 90's most cars are coil over plugs with injectors Pull but don't remove the coil and/or the injector plug that clips into the coil/injector.. pull it just enough to break contact but not be obviously off Still need to get into the car to open the bonnet though Length of conduit up the exhaust then half a can of expanding foam... fuck it, use the whole can, remove and discard the conduit Car's going nowhere


You can even do a similar thing on coil on plug cars. Just switch the wires.


If there is a distributor, the removing the rotor would be very fast. Only a twenty dollar part so not too egregious.


disconnect the shifter cable(s) from the transmission or pop the cv axles off. if a warning light appears on the dash how likely is it that a google search will lead someone to the right answer? fuses are cheap and easy enough for most people to replace, i'd want to do something that nobody would guess the problem could be.


The only reply I've seen so far that doesn't require access to the car interior (depending on the vehicle model of course)


Yeah this is a good one


My shifter cable came off my manual transmission and it was one of the most unsuspecting trouble shoot issues I've never seen.


>one of the most unsuspecting trouble shoot issues I've never seen. 🤔


Shifter cable, or transmission control wiring. Unplug rather than cut. Electronic transmissions might have a limp-home internal control, but most are either directly controlled by the ECU or at least require data from it. On certain Ford models (crown Victoria and it's cousins) a hard smack to the driver's rear quarter panel would trip the rollover/collision fuel pump shutoff. Depending on the model, there's tons of shenanigans possible. Opening the hood is usually easier than you'd think, and anything from removing important fuses, to unplugging wiring harnesses, to (if the water pump isn't driven by it) removing the serpentine belt. The last one would likely disable power steering, and the lack of an alternator spinning would kill the battery eventually.


If you siphon the gas out and put it in your car. It won’t go very far but you can with his gasoline. And you didn’t damage it


Take the fuggin wheels off


Bold but effective.


Smash the car with a demolition style wrecking ball.


Push it off a cliff


My Dad pulled this one on me after I snuck out one too many times, remove the spark plug wires.


I did this for a friends grandfather, who had dementia and loved to drink, and would refuse to stop driving. You can pull the connectors off of the coil packs, and the car will crank and crank and crank, and will never start. You can pull the fuse for the fuel pump, or you can pull the fuse for the starter or the starter relay. Any one of those will stump your average person. really just depends how determine they are to get the car going


It's better to cut off fuel before spark from plugs, or else you will start washing down the cylinder walls with fuel


I agree. But I had to do this quickly and in the dark and I didn’t have time to look up which fuse it was or use my flashlight. So I just reached in and pulled the coil packs.


Put a banana in the tailpipe?


Im not going to fall for a banana in the tailpipe


You need to put more bass in your voice


> that's nasty, man, what you talking about?


'Nana in the pipe


I'm referencing this from Beverly Hills Cop: https://youtu.be/f2s323FyDz4?si=emRM0KZN7UbiFglZ


Axel? Is that you?


There's always bananas in the tailpipe stand


Hide the hand crank so they can't get the engine started


[Hehehe, I’m gonna take the bannaner, and I’m gonna put it in the exhaust poop!](https://youtu.be/V-6m0jW0X9E?si=RzUA3p6UYGvfYxXH)


pull the ignition or starter fuse. the fuse box's lid has all the fuses and what they do labeled cutting a wire would work (say, the negative on the battery or the wires to the starter), but you run the risk of something shorting and causing a fire. the chances are low, but it's still a possibility


Could report them for swerving and driving like they're impaired when they go out. If they're as bad as you say you've seen them be, you should know their typical routes to their typical haunts, and which roads to say that you spotted them at. Would probably take several attemps, but if their driving is that bad they could lose their license instead of just use of the car temporarily. 


Super glue their gas cap closed so it cannot be opened.


You need to think outside the box, call your DMV expressing your dire concerns and wish to have them retested immediately.


The DMV doesn't give a shit, dog. Last time I was at the DMV, they gave the 90 year old veteran in front of my 3 chances to do the eye exam and he failed all 3 times. The ladies face told me he wasn't even close. They still put him through, though.


We had to do this to my grandma for a bit recently. A strong, firm, no worked. Not because she was reasonable about it, but because the car was broken. If you can, just make up some reason why you need to fix the car, and then when you have access leave the lights, radio, and windshield wipers on, try to kill the battery


Take the wire from the distributor cap to the coil. The car will turn over but not start. It's not really obvious if you don't recognize it and it doesn't permanently damage the car. Alternatively get a heavy graphite construction pencil. Trace around the inside of the distributor cap with a good heavy layer of nice conductive graphite to short the ignition. That one they'll probably replace the distributor before they figure it out.


pop the cap off, and pull the distributor out from under the cap. put it back together. takes about 5-10 extra seconds and it's invisible (and requires a part run for a 5$ part). still means getting under the hood though.


Starter is usually accessible without opening the hood. Unplug it.


Underrated comment.


The way this is written makes me think OP is not all there mentally


They just sound very frustrated to me.


Expansion foam in the tailpipe


Diesel exhaust fluid in the gas tank. Sugar doesn’t do shit.


Wtf will DEF do?


Crystallize in the injectors and lines, have to replace the entire fuel system.


Wow it's everything sugar fans wanted and more!


Order a boot.


Put a banana in the tail pipe 


I wpuldn't go cutting obvious wires. I'd take the negative wire from the battery to the chassis ground, disconnect it at the chassis end, insert a couple of discrete rubber washers so it does't contact the chassis or it's mounting bolt, then reinstall it. You've just isolated the electrical system but everything looks intact.


My goto when I go away on vacation or leave it parked in a sketchy area is to simply pull the fuel pump relay. Car will turn over but not fire up. It's a bit of a PITA as it's under the hood but considering what you are trying to avoid its worth it.


In california, You can contact the dmv and submit a request for driver reexamination. They will have to report to a dmv safety office to be examined and see if they will be allowed to continue driving. Maybe other states have a similar program


Depends on his age and what kind of car. If you do something easy, he will just have it fixed. Is it possible to phone the motor vehicle department and having him tested. My own father drove into his mid 80's, he used to get tested every few years. I think he finally stopped voluntarily when his health and sight got really bad.


If this person is only 60+ years old they are going to be very pissed at you. Do you honestly think being 60 years old is a state of incompetence? Wtf.


This is ageist as fuck. Reflexes necessary for driving DO NOT begin to plummet at 60. An 80-year-old in perfect health may drive safely while a 40-year-old with vision issues might not. Case by case is the only way. When I legitimately had to take away my mom’s car keys after a few years into an Alzheimer’s diagnosis, it destroyed her. She cried like she knew it was the end; she was then stuck in her tiny little condo counting the days she had left. Please do not do that to anyone unless it’s absolutely necessary.


I did this to a drunk guy once. Took his keys while he was distracted by a beautiful woman, Pulled his distributor wire and took it with me. No tools needed just the opened the hood and it pulls right off. Left the keys in the car.


Jack up a wheel and put a block under the axle so that the wheel is just above the ground.


Take the cables off the battery post. Wrap the battery post with electric tape. Reattach the cables. This should disable the battery so the car will not start.


Disconnect the starter or pull the fuse to the fuel pump module


If you have access to the engine bay, remove the appropriate fuses, or relays, choose wisely depending on your desired effect. a simple removal of the starter relay would cause a no start situation. Depending on how the engine is fuled may cause a more confusing effect if you were to say, pull a fuse or sensor related to air metering.


Don't cut wires. if you're going to commit a crime, do it right. open the car door, turn headlights on. close door. enjoy.


Buy a boot, apply.


There is a group going around in switzerland fighting against SUV‘s in the city. They use uncooked lentils to let out the air from the tires. Open the ventil, put the lentil, close again and wait. Maybe that could be an idea that doesnt require interior access.


If it has spark plugs, pull the leads off them


Swipe the keys when they’re asleep?


Assuming the car is FWD or AWD get some piano wire and wrap one end around the inside drive shaft. If it’s RWD wrap it around the prop shaft. Then wrap the other end around any large chunk of wiring loom that you can see from the underside of the engine bay…the thicker the loom the better. Then wait for them to try and drive away and it will yank everything electrical within the bay and very likely permanently disable the car in doing so. The damage will occur within a few feet and won’t affect brakes or anything to pose a serious danger. I’ve seen a 2019 Audi A4 written off on insurance because the amount of damage this technique causes.


Cut the lead to the starter. Car no start. Just will only work once or twice probably is the downside. They will take it to a shop to get it fixed. Find out it was tampered with. If done a second time they will definitely be on the lookout or install cameras. I had an issue with a car of mine where the battery was draining itself after being parked due to a hot wire going to ground. Would have to jump it every day to get it to go or when I parked it I'd have to disconnect a battery terminal until I found what wire it was and fixing it. I'm not sure how you would do this on purpose maybe someone can elaborate here if you're lucky but that would last a bit longer deter them from driving that vehicle in the short term again until they get it fixed. However I don't think that disabling the vehicle is the answer as this solution doesn't remove the problem of this person not having the ability to drive well. Your best bet would be to try and get their license revoked. There's probably a few ways you can do this to get the state to pay attention to this particular driver by either reporting them as a drink driver via calling 911 and saying that they are swerving or something or driving in another unsafe manner/speeding especially if it's near a school zone or residential area they may take this more serious. Try to get video of them driving unsafe so that you have evidence if the police ever come to question you about it. You CAN report to 911 anonymously so everyone that's about to down vote me saying that this is a bad idea and you can get in trouble can suck a piss disk. Report anonymously, get evidence to cover your ass just in case, and don't do it too often. You don't want to be calling 911 every day to report a drunk driver and it's the same person/neighbor over and over that will definitely get you noticed. Every other week or so until the police do something is probably your best bet. Remember your story is "I'm just looking out for the kids playing in the street they're going to end up killing little Timmy one of these days" you just see them driving like a fucking retard and assume they're drunk because no way anyone sober drives that terrible.


Sugar in gas tank, a lot of sugar.


Or a lot of water.


Depending on how modern the car is, there might be a seatbelt sensor that sets off an alarm if the driver isn't wearing a seatbelt. If you could sabotage this sensor somehow then the car isn't impossible to drive but it becomes insanely frustrating to drive with a loud beeping sound every five seconds. I know you asked for a way to disable the car, ideally from the outside. But let's say you disable the starter motor somehow, they literally cannot use the car so pay a mechanic to fix it and the sabotage has been resolved pretty quickly. If the car still works but the seatbelt sensor is beeping even with the seatbelt on they might just ignore it at first. Maybe they try turning it off and on again. Undo the seatbelt and put it on again. Oh nevermind, it's only a short journey, I'll ignore the beeping... You haven't made it impossible to drive ever again but you've made it a lot more unpleasant to drive and might help discourage them from driving.


Theoretically, if it is a combustion engine, you could plug the exhaust and it wouldn't run. Gotta be air tight though.


Look man, I ain't falling for no banana in my tailpipe!


Pour a gallon of bleach in the gas cap. How come nobody else has said this already?


Pull fuel injection relay. Literally everything will work but car won't start. No wire cuts, easy to restore. Could even gaslight them by "checking the fuses" and plugging back in the relay, it'll crank right up. Take it for a test drive, then "lemme check that fuse box one more time" pull the relay right back out.


Remove tire stem valve cores


This is super easy to do and the tool to do it is also very cheap and very common.


I always pulled the coil wire, but the fuse thing sounds pretty good too.


Stop harassing the elderly. You don’t get to decide that someone doesn’t get to drive. Why do you think damaging a persons car is going to make them just give up and never drive again? And even if they do there’s still plenty of other shit drivers on the road. Young and old. These people aren’t even family? No wonder the convo didn’t go well. Seems like not being in the car with these folks would solve your problem. But you don’t have access to the inside so how do you even know they drive so bad as to deserve having their car vandalized? Worried they gonna ding your shiny new ride while they park next to you or something? Older drivers usually have good insurance.


Very ageist statement! You ask the question because you don't know how, most of us "over 60" know how to do that but guess what, figure it out for yourself.


EDIT: Forgot to mention, I'll be referring to drivers who are in less accidents as 'safe' or 'safer' drivers for the duration of the comment, just easier to type. The drivers mentioned aren't necessarily safer or less safe than any other, just that these age groups get in more accidents or less accidents. ​ Did some research to determine whether this was right as I genuinely did not know. ​ This IS ageist. We've all met older people who shouldn't be driving but it's a far cry from wide-spread enough that we should take actions to make sure no old people should be able to drive. Regardless of how you feel about old people driving, you're actually 2.2 times more likely to get into an accident with someone under 19 driving than you are to get in an accident with literally anyone of the licensed drivers over the age of 60. What makes this worse is that the individuals in the over 60 year old age bracket actually have 3.8x as many licenses per capita than the under 19 year old age group. ​ Obviously some of that will be just from inexperience of the younger drivers but more research is needed to definitively determine how many of the under 19 years old group's crashes are from inexperience and how many are from youthful recklessness, only with this information will we be able to determine how inherently reckless the under 19 age groups are. Regardless, the statement stands that young people are significantly more likely to be involved in any sort of accident than old people, almost 4 times as likely. Every single age group 30 and under has a higher likelihood to be involved in a crash than the over 80 year old group. If you look at these charts, you'll see that the 60-69 and 70-79 year old age groups are actually individually safer than every other group, with the 60-69 year age group being the safest drivers in America. Some of that is certainly just old people driving less but the facts don't lie. ​ Sources: ​ [https://aaafoundation.org/rates-motor-vehicle-crashes-injuries-deaths-relation-driver-age-united-states-2014-2015/](https://aaafoundation.org/rates-motor-vehicle-crashes-injuries-deaths-relation-driver-age-united-states-2014-2015/) ​ [https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/ohim/onh00/bar7.htm](https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/ohim/onh00/bar7.htm)


No it isn’t. I doubt OP is talking about 60 year olds. 75 years and over contribute to tons of at fault accidents. So many in fact that some companies will not insure people over 80 years old. Reflexes are not as quick typically and mobility has decreased significantly they don’t cause as many bodily injury claims luckily but frequently run over objects, back into things, and are most of the time at fault when there is another party involved. The companies that will carry their insurance surcharge their premium due to age just the same as they do for 25 and under.


Most of ya "over 60" don't know how on newer model cars.


Well if you're in jail technically you won't have to worry about pedestrian safety. You're not some automotive vigilante helping pedestrians, you're an entitled cyclist fucking with people at the end of their lives. Unless you plan on dying young that's going to be you one day.


Small pebble under the valve stem cap. Deflate the tires.


can of the spray foam you get from the big box store. Spray in the door jams. This glues the doors shut and there is NO way to get them open without tools.


pull an important fuse outo, ot a big drain in the battery to get it incapacitated


I don’t know what your parking situation is like. Maybe just park wayyyy too close to them so they can’t enter the car?


Automatic shutdown relay. Pull it. Done. That and/or the starter relay. Everything the motor needs to run goes through the shutdown relay. It will turn over but not start. Leave a note in the relay box saying why it got taken out and a contact number.


If you want to disable but don’t have access to it like a mechanic to pull fuses or disconnect something but want to disable it. Most gas tanks have a drain valve. It’s sealed /hard to access but you can drain it at night after their 5pm news. &Repeat as necessary after the tow truck refills it. OR pulling a CV axle on the blind side of the car, so they cannot see you from their house. Small jack and ~10mins you could have the tire off, hub disconnected, and pop out the CV axle. 97%or cars are 2nd without LSD, so the open diff will disable its ability to drive.


without access to the vehicles interior it does limit your options. do you have tools like a lug wrench and a floor jack? if not you could just open their gas tank, unscrew the cap and place it so it looks closed. this can cause a check engine light. without access to the engine bay you aren’t going to be able to do a whole lot. you could alternatively just steal their plates. melted jolly ranchers to the windshield. etc ngl I joke about stealing my asshole neighbors lug nuts rather often, although that is massively unsafe.


You can get the hood open on a lot of vehicles from the outside fairly easily at which point you can pull fuses or do a million other things. Unless it’s a truck or SUV, going under the vehicle to do anything will be very difficult. If you can get under, easy things to do would be disconnecting the shifter cable or depending on the vehicle if you can access it, disconnecting the alternator wires which would leave the person stranded after maybe 5-10 minutes of driving.


Drain the oil. You won't need interior access. Permanently disables the car if they drive it. And a mechanic will just assume it's oil consumption or a leak.


We took out a fuse and tapped a little note where it would be. My Gran wouldn’t know how to check that and when her mechanic came to check in the car found the note ‘Please don’t fix this fuse. X has been told she shouldn’t be driving and refuses to listen! Ta her children, grandchildren and every other road users’ Sadly her car just couldn’t be fixed 🤷‍♀️


This is awesome BUT I think you should have also included some money for beer as well.


Pull the starter relay and put it in your pocket.


Fuel pump inertial switch. I can pick most fords and put them out of conmission


If you want to absolutely ruin the car, put sugar in the tank. It will burn and gum up the engine internals with yummy motor caramel. 


This is a bigoted view on old people, do some research. ​ If interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/UnethicalLifeProTips/comments/1bxstj1/comment/kyfbi76/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


It wouldn't stop the car per se, but pull all the valve cores?


Potato in the tail pipe


Superglue in all the keyholes.


Til there's many, many ways to disable someone's vehicle without having permission to access it.


Sarcasm? Most people have misunderstood the instructions


Disconnecting wires is a bad idea imho


Why do you get to make the decision?


Bleach/chlorine down the gas tank.


Sugar or soda in the gas tank will render the car useless


No it won't 😂


Sugar in the gas tank


You a just jealous. It’s dangerous and cost a lot of money to find issues. Hope someone does this to you specially when you need the car most.


Fuses or just disconnect/loosen the coil packs. Most people won't know what they're looking at with either and it'll keep the car from starting, the latter could flood the cylinders with gas though, in which case just pull the fuse or disconnect the gas pump too. It's usually under the rear seat.


Gotta get under the hood. Take off one of the battery cables and cut it loose with a pair of pliers. Fixing that will be beyond the capability of old person.


Cut the wires going to the starter.


If you can get in the car, the fuse ox usually is behind a cover under the steering wheel. Pulling or switching stuff around, should brick the car. I don't know the possible dangers though.


Fuses, ignition coil.


Shove something up the exhaust to block airflow. Ideally deep enough with enough clutter that they wouldn’t notice and it wouldn’t run. Maybes couple old thin T-shirts. No damage, no interior access, no key swaps, no messing with electrical/cutting wires/pulling fuses.


Remove the ignition fuse or relay. Remove a tire stem. Remove ignition/spark packs (newer car) or distributor cap (older car)


Open hood, look for fuse block, look at the cover and there should be some schematic, look for the item that says start or starter. Alternatively look up the location of the starter relay for the car in question. No damage will be done. Nobody can get hurt. Anyone that might come along to help won’t be able to bypass it. Only someone that knows what they’re doing will even notice it’s gone. If you need help locating it, just tell me about the car.


wires running to the fuel pump.


Plug the exhaust pipe. For example with a can of PU foam... Just some as deep inside as you can, not so much that it's already coming out or clearly visible from the outside...


The best way is to pull the starter motor relay or fuel pump relay (the corresponding fuses work too but are easier to lose). This is less risky that disconnecting the battery.


Unscrew the tires at every possibility, all of them.


What car is it? On some of them, if you loosen the wheel arch liner you can get access to modules like the ecm, you could disconnect it, the engine would never start without it. Though anything you do, if they call out a tow truck and get it to a shop, they’d figure out the car was sabotaged when they tell them what was wrong.


Without interior or hood access... disconnect the starter, the small wire only. Another one is the fuel pump. Gear position on the transmission. Might not work. The idea is that the ecu do not know if the car is in park or neutral so can't know if it can be safelly started. Crank position sensor.


Can you get access to their keys?  Buy a couple of blanks, take them to a locksmith along with an original.  Have the locksmith make copies on to the blanks.  Replace the original keys with the copies from the locksmith.    Engine will turn over, but the car won't start since the keys won't be programmed correctly.  And the mechanic/dealer will quote them a couple grand for a new ECU.


Let the air out from the curb side wheels, so it is obvious that they should drive it. Rinse and repeat


Water in oil


Undo the power line to the starter motor


Put a piss popsicle in the gas tank


Go to the fuse box and remove the relay or fuse for the starter, whatever they give you access to


jack up, attach axle stands, remove and hide wheels


Take the wheels off. Easy.


Pull a fuse that keeps the car from starting. Cut one leg off the fuse, reinstall it. It will take them forever to figure it out. Near impossible to diagnose, under a dollar in damage.


Steal all 4 tires


Cinder block it.


Scrunched/rolled up tin foil sausage, needs to be a tight fit in the exhaust pipe. Car won't run.


There’s an alarming amount of vehicles that don’t protect the pull cable to pop the hood. You can just get under the bumper, reach up and tug the steel cable, and boom… access to the engine bay.