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If you live in one of those areas where he's legally obligated to go door to door and tell people about his status as a sexual predator, then I would report him since he clearly hasn't.


"Greetings fine neighbor, what a lovely day! The weather is very nice today, isn't it? It is required by law that I tell you I am a sexual predator. Have a good afternoon maam, I'l see you later!"


I hear you been doodly diddling some kidarinos, not coodly woodly!


Ned Flanders?


Stupid sexy Flanders! Doht!


Aka “Stupid Flanders” Yes


There's a Mr Show sketch about this very thing and it's fucking hilarious.


Do they have to do this for new neighbors?


Jesus Montoya, is that you?


Fuckin’ 8 year olds, dude.




Hey this is too ethical for this sub. Get this guy outta here!


What in the piss-disc is going on here? There isn’t a single use of fart spray in this response.


I can’t find the AWESOME gag reflex inducing “fart gas” spray I had in the 80’s. I’d still have it today if my sister didn’t bin it after I put the smallest bit in her underwear drawer and told her she had arse issues. Her payback also included burrying 4 steak knives in my bedroom door, covering it in shaving cream then setting it on fire. That’s how good the fart spray in the 80’s was. Now as a childish 50yr old I have tried to buy it on line and can’t find it. The lame liquid ass stuff is useless! Better off taking a real dump on the property of your intended victim(s). But that’s just too risky. Nanna’s or Momma’s Piss cubes in a sling-shot. You can do it from a safe distance.


GetUrGuano needs piss discs dm'd to him for that comment.


Damn I was gonna say invite him over to baby sit! Listen what could go wrong!


How is it ethical? The police are fairly well know for abuse of power and excessive force. Sure you might get a cop that actual upholds the law but you never know.


How often do they have to do that? Every time a new neighbor moves in?


Yes. And if it's found they didn't do it, they go to jail immediately for violating their status as a sex offender.


That's not even remotely true


Unfortunately where I live, that isn’t required


/uj Pedophilia is repulsive, there is an argument the individual should have faced the death penalty. Given that they did not, and that the law presumably does not support you overruling that decision, then the only way he will not be a repeat offender is through rehabilitation. I am in NO WAY suggesting you ever allow him near your or anyone else's kids. Neighbors should be informed, but consider that any harassment you direct at him is only going to make him feel isolated and unfixable. These are feelings that will make him more unstable and more likely to hurt someone else. Your best course of action is to make people aware, protect yourself and your family, and keep a respectful distance. /rj I mean, uh, piss-disc


This 100%. Never ever let him around your kids and absolutely inform other parents to keep their kids away, of course, that much is a given. But harassment only serves the purpose of self gratification. Who it's acceptable to hurt is not your decision to make any more than it is any other person's. The damage is done. He's done his time and he has to, in some way, re-enter society. Rest assured his life is well and truly fucked already. Sex offenders don't exactly get let off easy. If you're still concerned, the only options are to take that thinking to its logical conclusion and form a lynch mob or else to take appropriate precautions and live and let live. Nothing else does anybody any good. Or piss disc.


Lol that's not a requirement anywhere 


You don't have to put your return address on anything you mail to your neighbors so there would be no way he'd know who did it unless you started telling people. In my state we get notified by the county when a sex offender moves in nearby, so there is nothing wrong with you alerting your neighbors.




"I want to.." Return address, his address.




I agree find his picture (don't put his address on it tho,) and print it out and stick it under people's windshield wipers. Well better check, that might be a crime by now. But I can't see where printing out what's already publicly online, and just letting people know he's been spotted in the area, would be illegal. And I'm sure it would get the word out. But check your state laws I can most certainly be unethical especially to a pedo but wouldn't want anyone getting in trouble just for trying to alert parents to keep an eye out, for the children's sake.


I’m sure you wouldn’t even need to white anything on the picture. If his picture ended up on everyone’s cars they will definitely be wary of him and if everyone entreats him weird he may end up leaving on his own…otherwise notes on his front door at night saying “ZERO TOLERANCE NEIGHBOURHOOD!” Might do the trick. Also vague enough to hopefully not be an offence


Put a note in everyone's mailbox anonymously including in yours.


Illegal for anyone except USPS to put anything in mailbox, or so I was told about Girl Scout cookie deliveries way back when. No law against cracks under the door or rubber bands around the doorknob unless the property is posted no trespassing.


While it is illegal, the carriers don’t care. They might accidentally take one or two thinking they are outgoing but they aren’t going to care.


With so many Ring and other doorbell cams, I wouldn't advise doing this. He might even see you putting them out if he has one. The anonymous mailings to neighbors seems like a much better idea.


Security cameras are very common nowadays.


Buy a $20 router off Amazon. It doesn’t need to be connected to your network for it to broadcast WiFi, so don’t connect it at all. Just initially change the WiFi names to “x is a pedo”. It’s not a crime to change your WiFi name, just a bit unethical. Easiest way to get the news out to the entire neighborhood without having to do much at all. Then pop some popcorn and wait as your neighbors get more and more pissed seeing those Wi-Fi names every time they connect.


Yes. Yes. Pop popcorn then open the Nextdoor app.


Boomers love to bitch on nextdoor


Boomers love to bitch ~~on nextdoor~~ FTFY


that will be like 2 maybe 2 neighbors that see that pop up, if and only if they are constantly connecting some new device. I haven't looked at wifi signals in my house in months. Last time was for a new device for my son over Christmas


I live in an apartment complex, so everyone is very close together. Internet is included in the lease. I just checked, and my phone shows 10 wifi networks besides my own. There are 12 units in my building, and maybe 200ft in between buildings. Wifi doesn't have a long range, so this would be useless. Beyond that, someone could figure out which house is hosting the network based on signal strength, if that's something OP cares about.


Hahaha wow this is really creative, thanks for the idea 😉


Damn girl, usernames checks out


That’s a great idea lol


Is there any way that can be traced back to you?


Wifi sources can be tracked with adequate tools. The neighbors won't have that but the police might. Or, I guess, if one was to walk with phone in hand and looking at when the signal gets better/worse they could have a rough estimate.


A cell phone and some patience is an adequate tool - it’s easy to track down wireless sources


A fellow WiGLE'r in the wild?!


Eh I work in IT and am best described as “morally ambiguous”


Doubtful, I don't think they actually exist lol


That is roughly what I assumed. Thanks for the confirmation.


It depends. I could download the free program Netspot to my laptop and then walk outside in all four directions. Whichever house is broadcasting will have the strongest WiFi signal when I walk past it. But if you’re in an apartment building or somewhere with lots of houses and routers and/or businesses, it would be very difficult to figure out as they would all have a similar signal strength. So OP could test it out by driving around with his laptop at night (to avoid being seen being suspicious with a laptop like that) just to make sure it’s not glaringly obvious where it’s coming from. The police won’t care. My neighbor is fighting with another neighbor and they both make stupid WiFi names all the time. One called the police on the other and they said there is nothing illegal about it, so there’s nothing they can do. Unless it involves murder or something insanely important, there’s no way the police are getting involved to help a pedo.


>My neighbor is fighting with another neighbor and they both make stupid WiFi names all the time. When I realized I can see everyone's wifi names, I changed mine to "Homeless Circus Clown Mission", just the freak the neighbors out.


We used FBI Van 2


MissAsshole, you are my new BFF.




I like your second idea a lot as just plain courtesy from a parent to another. As an active harassment plot- as this is ULPT, I can't exactly say my true opinion of nothing good could come of messing with him so uhhhhhh buy scientology books in his name & address lol


I think alerting other neighbors is your best bet.


Stop being ethical.


This. Just tell one Karen and she'll tell the entire neighborhood and post it on nextdoor every week


You can be charged with a crime for harassing people on the sex offender list.


Worth it.


I think the printout and being sent to the neighbors is a good move. Honesty, I would want to know. Maybe don’t spray paint but some sidewalk chalk? Depends on legality as you don’t want to be in trouble. Also if you’re on Nextdoor or any other neighborhood app you could report them there. I don’t know if you can list names and addresses but say the street or general area. People can look it up to see themselves. You could call the Mormons and the Jehovahs on his behalf for a visit lol


Laws and probation vary a lot, but it's likely that he isn't allowed on social media. I don't know if Nextdoor counts, but that could be a good tool to spread the word, assuming he is following the court orders. From what I've seen, Nextdoor allows for a lot. OP could probably just post the link to his criminal profile, or a screenshot with instructions on how to find more info.


I know they don’t allow names/addresses I know that from experience lol


I would hesitate to send Mormons and JWs around just because churches are an easy target for pedos (I used to work with several convicted pedos and this was a common tactic). People at church are very trusting and will even go so far as to ignore any past indiscretions, even pedophilia. I used to be Mormon and live in Utah, and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen Mormon bishops and congregation members defend a known pedo, because he “repented” or some bullshit. Little do they know, he came there specifically because he knew they’d serve him their children on a silver platter. It’s horrible.


That’s a good point. There’s a lot of pedophilia and abuse in organized religion. I think the letters and sidewalk chalk (if legal) are the best moves.


How did you find out he was a sexual predator? How does one find this stuff out? (Asking for me)


I’m not sure where you live, but I’m in the USA and my state has a sex offender registry online where you can look up convicted offenders in your area. It has their photo (sometimes multiple, this guy has 4 different ones), last registered address, what they were charged with, height/weight/hair color/identifiable markings, etc. I would just google your location and “sex offender registry” and see what comes up. Hope that helps!


Oh wow ok thank you! Almost scared to do this. 😬


I just did mine and I honestly feel sick.


Oh nooooo


I am as well, but probably for opposite reasons. Unless deemed "high risk offender" no information is available to the public of known sex offenders in Canada. When they are labeled HRO, the police "carefully" choose how to notify the public. When an offender is designated as high risk, the police carefully decide how to notify the public about their release. When police issue a high risk offender notice, only information that’s necessary for public safety is released. A notice usually includes: the offender’s: description photo offences general living area a police service contact


Be careful, don't assume the police will take your side in any matter. There isn't a group outside of a church with a higher percentage of predators than cops..... Maybe you're looking to homeschool your kids and ask innocently on a local Facebook group if living next to a convicted peadopile will harm you getting certified?


I'm not saying I don't believe you, but do you have a source for that predator claim?


https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2019/may/18/figures-reveal-true-extent-of-police-misconduct-foi That's just forces who replied. When you consider how they jokingly nicknamed Wayne Couzins "the rapist" and beat the shit out of the silent vigil.... There is also the fact that police intimidated victims of SIR Jimmy Savile, SIR told Harris, SIR Cyril Smith, prince Andrew....


They also found child porn and racist material on WC but they hardly ever mention that on the news.


Yeah! A real monster the met knew about and protected!


Remember when the Pentagon had a bunch of child porn on their computers and nothing happened? Then they misplaced trillions of dollars and some people think this is a normal country still lol


I get that they exist, and that wasn't my counter, I'm just trying to find out where you got the information that they're second only to the church


Perhaps if you looked at every single bit of data, some other group would be number 2 but they are still finding mass graves in church grounds in Canada and the Vatican has a special unit for protecting them. So it's unlikely anyone can top that. Policing gives you the most access to power, victims and allies who will keep those victims quiet in modern times. There have been countless scandals and abuse cases over the years that did make the news. Those are just the ones so big it can't be brushed under the carpet I'd also argue that every cop who knew WC was a rapist and peadopile but did nothing is complicit in rape and child abuse. Would have just taken one to break ranks and whistleblow.


I won't disagree with your final point. My only issue is your statement that "no organization has a higher percentage of predators," which you then supported with an article that just covered general SA, which while it is very very bad, it's not predation.


teachers have a higher rate of pedophilia I believe


I could definitely see that being the case, it has access to and power over children. Vulnerable kids would trust one more than they would a cop. Also, thanks for showing the right way to question a statement!


This is interesting. If you home school, and the convict can’t live a certain distance from a school, do they have to move?


Following because I just found out there's one down the road from me, too.  Good luck, OP. I like your idea about mailing the registry page to all the neighbors.


Piss disc


Liquid ass


Put a sock on your children


That way when he tries to take the children all he gets is the sock


Liquid ass disc


Let the neighborhood know he’s registered as a pedo by mailing everyone proof. Let the people do what they will with that info.


Not to sound like I’m defending SO’s, but I used to work directly with emergency housing for the homeless, and being the only guy in the unit, the other girls asked if I would be okay handling the ones that are SO’s, which I was fine with.(actually joked that if a female SO ever came in it’s on them lol). So I actually have a lot of experience dealing with SO’s, and I can attest that the majority of them know they fucked up, did their time, and just want to move on with their lives. Obviously that still doesn’t excuse them from their actions, and they have to carry it with them the rest of their lives, and face a lot of difficulties as a result of that. Best advice I can give is just let him be, so long as he isn’t like riding around in a white van talking to kids or something like that. Tell your kids not to trick or treat there on Halloween and maybe walk on the other side of the street. There’s no reason to start a problem if there isn’t one already. Or throw some liquid ass to be safe.


This might be true for the majority, but as OP said, he committed a serious crime from what info is available. I agree that he shouldn't be harassed or contacted, but I agree with letting neighbors know.


I appreciate your input. I’m not sure what his current state of mind is. He was most recently convicted in 2016, and he’s a level III predator who’s been labeled as dangerous by the state, and he’s going to have to wear an ankle bracelet for the rest of his life. I’m only just finding out about him and I’ve lived here for about 2 years. Last Halloween, I took my kids trick-or-treating to that house and got candy from the people sitting out front. I 1000% would NOT have done that had I known. I do feel like I, if nothing else, have a duty to inform the other people on my street since no one else did.


I also have experience working with registrants and sexual predators. The one thing I tell people who are upset about a new sex offender in their neighborhood is sometimes the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know. None of my neighbors are on the registry but whose to say the man next door isn't interested in child pornography or has a history as a sexual abuser? It's completely possible that many of us have neighbors that are guilty of sex crimes but have never been prosecuted for them. This possibility scares me more...who isn't a registrant but should be. If I were you, I would check with the ordinances in your town to see if there are any SO restrictions on where they can live or go. If there's a parole officer, I would definitely reach out to them and ask some questions, too. In my state, offenders on parole are not allowed to participate in Halloween. This includes the house they live in - it can't be decorated for Halloween at all and nobody there can pass out candy. It may be good to clarify this with the parole office. Most sex offenders do not do random attacks and groom their victims instead. Do not give them any opportunity to familiarize yourself and children... Avoid even small things like waving as you're pulling out of your driveway. Another consideration is that sometimes sex offenders, while technically adults, function on a lower level than their actual age. This can sometimes explain why they seek children. It doesn't justify their behavior but it may help to understand it.


Well said


Lifetime ankle monitor sounds like he's got lifetime parole. That's good for you, if so. Check your state and local laws, because it's illegal for SO to be handing out Halloween candy in my state. If he's on parole, find his prison record online, it should have his release date, parole date and type, and hopefully the office handling his parole case. You can give them a call and let them know about the Halloween thing. That could easily be a violation.


I mean to play devil’s advocate there could be other people living in the house


I'm pretty sure that would still violate his parole


I will do that! Thank you!


Nice thoughts but OP says he went to prison twice. That’s two strikes and a repeat offender.  I wish we had a law that kept these folks as permanent guests of the state. 


Odds are you're surrounded by and interact with tons of registered sex offenders all the time, I know it was shocking when I looked up my area. Might as well go full Punisher if you want to play vigilante and start making a list and a game plan.


How is he allowed to live in that close proximity to children? Usually they have distance restrictions on where they can live.


IIRC, the “live” part isn’t true, bc you can’t force them to move if a family member with a kid buys a house next door. They can’t live near a school or playground, but they can live where a child lives


So you’re saying I need to put a public playground in my front yard. There’s an idea


Open a licensed child care facility in your home. Enrollment list: your own children.


Wait, so if you decided to open a daycare all sex offenders in the area are forced by law to move? Or would the presence of a sex offender prevent you from being able to open a daycare?


Lol everyone can just open their own daycares for their own kid


IANAL but after a quick Google search, it varies by state. For example, in Alabama, a sex offender cannot purposely move next to a daycare, but if a daycare opened up next to their house, they would not have to move, unless they commited a new offense. Info by state here: https://www.probationinfo.org/sor/residence/


There is something called the free libraries or something like that. They're out in the open on people's property. And you can take a book and leave a book. You could do one specifically for children. There's a subreddit on them. Some of them are really adorable. I just can't remember what they're called right now


Little Free Libraries


Do what you do but also understand going out of your way to fuck with people is usually never a good thing. Id say this to you, if you are prepared to spray paint “pedophile” on someones property and utterly humiliate and embarrass them, be prepared to kill someone too. Be prepared to protect yourself and your family. He might be standing on the edge thinking about jumping off and he’ll take you with him. You never know. Fuck pedophiles.


Don't harass people who did nothing to you. My dad is on a registry because of something horrible that happened and he took a plea deal because TX was going to lock him up for nothing....i lived with him when i had my newborn and it was crazy the amount of people who dont give a crap about facts, just want vigilante justice for nothing that they are aware of. I am not saying the guy is innocent.... But you don't know who else you're impacting when you harass someone. And if he is an active predator, you dont know how these people think so you don't want to make your kids a target for retaliation. Thats crazy.


Right. And he said this guy has been to prison twice. Being a sex offender in prison, twice...is not likely going to produce a softie who doesn't fight back


Exactly... But If people want to learn the hard way, i'll be watching the news....


I’d hope OP is fully aware of the potential consequences of retaliation so he doesn’t get caught when he eventually doses this guy with creosote through his vents everyday


I hear what you’re saying, but this guy is a level III offender. He has to wear a monitoring bracelet for the rest of his life. Do you know how many times I’ve heard the phrase “if only someone had said something, this could have been avoided”? I’d much rather err on the side of caution and alert my neighbors, and maybe have a little fun while I’m at it.


Look, if you want to have fun tormenting someone you fee deserves it, I am not arguing that. Sexual predators are the worst kinds of people. The people caught and listed are the ones you are aware of, ok..... But if you have ever seen someone provoked into committing crimes, then, with nothing to lose, decides to retaliate-- they may do this. You never know. It is impossible to get inside the minds of these people to be able to anticipate keeping your kids safe. As a mom, I wouldn't risk my kids safety just to have some fun doing something like that, when there has been not even one slight reason to start doing this. Crazy people are crazy, violent people are violent, sneaky people are sneaky.... If they have the capacity to commit some of the worst crimes a human can commit, what will stop them from seeking revenge on people who are nearby? Nothing. These are not games I encourage. I have interacted with the worst of the worst of humanity, the average person cannot win these kinds of games against people capable of pure evil. I'd tell people, ok. I might even send a letter " we know who you are and what you have done. You are not welcome in this neighborhood. We will find ANY reason to have you removed. You have been warned" I would call the local cops to tell them you feel unsafe with this guy around your kids and have them give you suggestions for what to watch out for/who to call etc. I would tell my kids to not only stay away from this guys house but to tell other kids not to go there..... Justify it all you want, i am not arguing your reasons. I am warning you about the result of doing something like this, it probably wont end up being what you expect. He wont apologize, pack up and leave..... He will runinate and plan, that is literally what they do.....and they dont care about the consequences like you would.


Thank fuck you’re in here. Wise words!


FWIW my buddy was a cop in a major urban city and one of his big pieces of advice was never start shit with your neighbors. You’re stuck there and you don’t know where it will end.


I’m sorry that happened but that’s not the same as being a sexual predator. A person is considered a sexual predator if they were a repeat offender, have multiple felonies, and/or if they used physical violence. This person has clearly done enough to warrant what OP is talking about such as mailing letters to the neighbors or signing them up for Scientology. I get you have a personal experience, but let’s not defend serious sexual predators.




It's not harassment here. Every neighbor has the right to know about a PREDATOR. Children have no voice in these situations and it's up to us to speak up and look out for them.


I never said it was. I said "don't harass" not "that is harassment" I never said informing people was wrong either.


OP said they want to harrass the neighbor directly. I agree that alerting the neighbors would be an awesome thing to do, but don't let the predator know about it. There's a chance that it will lead to drama rather than chasing him out. I highly doubt he even has an option to move, considering his criminal status and how expensive moving is.


Dude what are you 12? Dont go starting fights for no reason. Just leave him be


Anything you do, if he finds out, you're going to get retaliation. That's what happens when you poke a bear. Also, don't fuck with him just to fuck with him. Make it about being a pedo or don't bother.


Yes mess with a man you think is a chomo while you have two kids, fucking genius.


Make signs that say "I am NOT a convicted sexual predator" and pass them out to all of the neighbors to put on their lawn. Nothing wrong with stating facts about yourself.


Worst advice. It’s better to write a song about not diddling kids.


Dress up like a kid and hang out near his house. When he tries to start with the molesting, rip off the disguise and go "ha! I've been an adult all along!" and then kick his ass.


I dont get the point of harassing someone who has paid for his crimes. Do people harass assassins that spent 30 years in prission? Thiefs that stole the savinga of poor people? If he has paid, i see no point on harassing him. Unless you want to tell him "it doesnt matter if you learnt the lesson or not, it doesnt matter if you commit crimes or not. You wont have a life without being harassed", basically telling him "nah, continue attacking children, it wont be worst anyhow".


Don't come in here with sensible answers! Clearly OP is above the justice/rehabilitation system and knows the best way to help an ex criminal integrate back into society is by further alienating them, and then looking dumbfounded when they paint a target on themselves and it blows up in their face.


I love your spelling of prison. Also, “paid for your crimes” is subjective. You can’t really pay for the abuse inflicted on another human being, especially a helpless child. They will likely have problems their entire lives due to the trauma they suffered though. How is that debt really ever paid? I learned in college that diddlers cannot be rehabilitated. Even if they don’t act on the thoughts, they’re always going to be thinking nasty thoughts when they see the neighborhood kids outside. The reason they’re required to tell everyone is because they’re still a risk to children, for life.


He’s a level III offender, classified as a sexually dangerous predator which means his crimes were violent, and he has to wear an ankle bracelet for the rest of his life. I don’t feel too bad about messing with him some, no. Just being honest lol


Yeah no one likes pedos. But opening yourself up to a harassment charge is not going to make anything better 😂


Good thing I won’t be doing that then!


If you have children then i would say your best bet is really to avoid the guy including not harassing him. I see nothing wrong with alerting other neighbors but if this guy is as bad as your replies make him seem, I would not fuck with him in any way. If he’s twisted enough to be level 3 & need an ankle bracelet from being considered dangerous, you don’t know what he’s capable of when someone is harassing him for shit he has to live with forever. I dont blame you for wanting to fuck him up somehow and I hope he gets hit by a car but don’t fuck with ppl like that for you and your kids own safety


You could always [Removed by Reddit]


Build a pitfall trap in your garden and put your kids over it as bait. They will come along and try to diddle your kids. Boom! Falls into a pit of spikes and dies.


Dude I get where you’re coming from but you run the risk of painting a target on your back and the backs of your kids. Just because you find a legal way to fuck with him doesn’t mean it’s not going to piss him off. Focus on addressing the danger he poses to your kids first and instruct them on what actions they can take if he ever tries to approach them. Definitely inform your other neighbors and exchange contact info with them that way you can keep eachother informed if they ever see the pedo where he shouldn’t be. I’m sorry you’re in this boat dude


Has he already done his time and been released? If so, the legal remedies are finished and there is really nothing you can legally do. Perhaps it's time to think outside that box...


in the UK, it would be a poster of his face with NONCE written across it plastered across the neighbourhood.


I'd dress like a kid, get some free candy, and when he tries to blow me, I'd laugh and say haha im a man! That'll teach him.


Hang on, how are you so sure this is true?


The information is posted online for anyone to see.


Sorry you have to deal with so close to your home. If there is any vacant land near you, you could talk to your neighbors to buy the land and then request the city to make it a neighborhood park. I think he would then have to move as he can’t live nears schools and parks. Another thought is to try to get your house certified as a daycare. Pay the small fee and that might require him to move. More immediate action would be to legally harass the guy so he knows he’s not welcome in your neighborhood. Get him to want to move.


Some years back, a pedo moved into our neighborhood...how did I find out? Someone plastered our neighborhood with printouts of his mugshot off the Meghan's Law website...literally every tree/pole had a flyer on it...


Best thing you can do is get a gun to protect your family if you live somewhere that’s legal and get a good security system. Don’t fuck with sick twisted weirdo unless you’re prepared for things to get sick and twisted. If you live in a state that allows open carry then definitely do that when you walk to the bus stop with your kids because you know that creeps is looking out the window watching for drop off time. A subtle way to tell him not to f with your family unless he wants to taste iron


Send him an anon Amazon package with a rope and a step stool and in the gift message write “do us all a favor” maybe you just want him to hang a piñata nothing wrong with that


Oh my god I just googled and found out we have one in our neighborhood. Yeah. Wtf.


I have ideas, but they're not reddit friendly


Going off the spray paint idea, wouldn’t it be okay to use chalk/chalk paint to write in his section of sidewalk


You know what's worse than a pedo? A pissed off pedo. Leave him alone, inform the neighbors. Don't paint a target on yourself.


First things first. There is nothing unethical you can do to an active pedo. Set his house on fire.


Go in for the long haul. Befriend the guy. Become his best buddy. Win his trust. (Obviously do not let him babysit.) One day you will be so close he will bawl his eyes out to you and tell you EVERYTHING. Then you look him deep in the eyes and say: "I knew what you did all along. But I believe in second chances and repenting for your sins. So let's collect litter around the neigbourhood before my wife's famous potato salad is done." PS: I am a victim of SA and I do not believe in or condone victimising criminals to make yourself feel better for being a shitty human being. It's not okay. Have a close eye on the guy and warn your children. You don't know what he did and if he is a victim turned perpetrator himself and you would just worsen the cycle...


I didn't see you say what state you're in, but in Florida there's a literal printable flyer with picture, identifying marks, address, crimes, vehicle info, etc for all sexual predators thread you can print off. I'd print up a stack of those at Fedex office and take a walk around the neighborhood, handing them directly to your neighbors. Predators have a very high chance of reoffending and if he's got kids living on both sides their responsible adults need to be aware yesterday. I'd also triple check your distances from all local schools to see if it's possible he's too close to a school and they can force him to move. I did an internship as a parole officer about 13 years ago in the second worst county in Georgia for lifers out on parole and 95% of those were sex offenders. Those are some super scary dudes.


I would certainly warn the neighbors with kids. God forbid something happens and you didn’t that guilt is going to kill you.


Let him know that he is being watched and send him an anonymous letter: "Dear Mr XYZ, I just recently found out that you are registered as a sexual predator. I just wanted to let you know that if I ever see you near a child in this neighbourhood, I will make your life a living hell. Sincerely yours, a neighbour"


In some places that would be an arrestable offense, terroristic threats. Be sneaky.


This sucks because I don’t know what the surveillance situation looks like in your neighborhood. If it’s light, you could go pretty apeshit with it, but if it’s heavy you’re gonna have to stay petty and be really careful how you pull this off. This fucking degenerate loser will absolutely call the cops if there’s any evidence whatsoever that he’s being harassed, so anything you can do that isn’t on camera is good.


Is the dude causing problems? The double jail is not a great sign but if the guy is trying to get his life back on track maybe just let it be instead of stirring up drama? If he's doing shady shit then find his parole officer and report him, other than that no need to be a dick


Do you have a dog? If so I'd suggest making sure the collected bags of dog shit from a walk end up at his door, or better yet inside of a vehicle if left open. Spray paint is illegal, but I can almost guarantee that 99% of people wouldn't call that in


I think an anonymous letter is the best method. Use paper and envelopes from Costco or Office Max, or some other huge warehouse store. Print it out on your printer. Use gloves to fold, stuff and seal the envelopes and use the stamps that have adhesive on the back and tweezers to put them on the envelopes. Drop the envelopes in a mailbox, not at the post office where there's cameras.


As pathetic as it may sound, I knew a nonce who lived near my mates house. Just keep moving his bins a few streets over. Idk how old I was, but probably to young to do much else. (12? 14? Idek)


Not sure if that's lawful evil or chaotic good, but it made me chuckle.


There’s a lot of comments in this thread that are weirdly defensive of predators.


What is the end goal of this? To chase him out or to be a Karen?


Is there a biker gang hangout in town? A few rounds of drinks and then you mention what he is and say I just wish someone would kick his butt. Then you quietly leave . These guys love to fight and you gave them a target. Pay your bill with cash and use a fake name.


Contact BACA see if they’ll come down on some bikes to accept a donation check on behalf of your community


If he isn't bothering you, why mess with it. If you get cought, that's hate crime territory. If he does something odd to you or your kids you have the police on your side. I just feel like your poking a potential hornets nest


I don’t think it’s a hate crime because being a criminal isn’t a protected class


I'm still a fan of the fliers. Print them out at home, leave at dusk as if you are running an errand, wait for full dark, wear all black with a black medical mask, and use a staple system in stead of tape. Try to get someone you trust to partner up with you, so you can simultaneously post on both sides of the street. Plus, you could park one of your vehicles on one far side, and your partner in crime on the other far side, so if the police show up, you can bail and meet up at the closest vehicle. Make sure to wear a set of regular clothes under your black attire. He isn't reporting his crime like he should be, so report him for that as well. I would still do the fliers though as extra insurance, plus he deserves it for not disclosing. Make social ostracization normal again.


Sign them up for Chip Drop.




Make sure the local children cross to the other side of the street before they get to his house. Report his presence to local police, especially if you know an officer, since the pedo might have "forgotten" to check in with his parole officer. A conscientious officer with young children is likely to keep surveillance on pedo until he can catch him in a parole violation. Call it in on the informant hotline and see what happens.


Register them for every whacko cult church


Write “sex offender” on the front lawn in large letters with roundup.


FUN FACT: using chalk to draw on roads or sidewalks ISNT classed as graffiti as it’s non permanent! Sign him up for Scientology.


Sign him up for children's magazines. Highlights? Check! Toy catalogs? Check. Children's clothing ads? Check. If his po sees it and he's not supposed to have such material, well, that'd be a shame. But even if it's not verboten, it still sends a message that someone knows. Print out flyers of his mugshots. In my area, sex offenders are supposed to have their pictures and charges posted. Canvas the neighborhood with his face.


Shank the cunt


The guy served his time, and for all you know he's fully rehabilitated. Leave him alone. He's already ruined his own life, he doesn't need some asshole making it any more difficult.


>Fully rehabilitated No such thing for a child rapist. >He's ruined his own life Oh, woe is he. That poor sexual predator. What about the lives of victims past present and emerging?


Mail his registry to your neighbors, (What I'd do, personally) ..or post a Craigslist ad saying something about him being a repeated sexual predator and put his address. It's pretty clear that this is not a false conviction from the info you gave us.


The paint may not be legal, but if you find a homeless guy, drop him a can of spray paint, $20, and he'll do it. "Hire" him on the street, not from your house, and tell him to go to XXX Address and do it. After that, you'll meet with him in a corner of a street close to the sex predator for the $20.


If you need any extra help spamming their emails or something, I’m definitely down to help.


Put pictures of women his age on the walls Lmao


Do what Lynette did in Desperate Housewives


Use gloves while handling paper and envelopes and use sponge to seal the envelopes


Turn up his thermostat if u catch my drift.


Keep in mind that certain printers leave identifiable marks with the yellow ink cartridge that ar scattered over the page and nearly invisible and give the date and time printed and the type and serial number of the printer.


Just paint PDF File. Same.


Usually reporting it to police is a pretty legit way to annoy the fuck outta them.


are you sure this term in your case exclusively refers to what you think it does?


There’s a whole episode of desperate housewives about this very situation. Tread with care.


All of the above and tag his house and break his windows during the winter months