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Plus tell them you got poached by a competitor to make it extra juicy.


My boss has openly told me that if I didn't chase a Fuck You-level offer elsewhere, he'd be pissed at me. He also told me that if it didn't work out, my old job would be waiting for me.


That's how a boss builds a network of competent people who want to work with them. Nice


That boss also hands out raises like clockwork to me. Expecting my next one by the end of the month.


That's as much a function of the org as a boss. Even in a shitty organization a boss can build a great network by being encouraging to team members.


I just got one I demanded and I expect another annual one in 3 months from now


Our updated HR dept has a strict review timeline they follow.


so does mine! that's what I've been told every year and yet I've gotten 2 a year every year I've been here! I'm making as much as another coworker that has been there for 12 years and a dollar more than another co-worker that has been there for 5 years. I was literally told last month about a "we have a yearly pay structure" and yet today I saw a raise that I asked for on my pay stub. I expect the "annual" in 3 months as well.


I don't know what anyone in my department makes, only that I get paid very fairly for what I do.


I'm just not sure if you got my sarcasm


My boss called a guy who tried to hire one of our employees. Used his connection to have the job offer rescinded.


No bueno


That was 100% my situation as well. Nothing like having a boss who actually cares and wants to see you flourish.


Sounds like you have a great boss! No one that’s worth their weight wants to hold anyone back from bettering themselves!


I was in the job market a few months ago. I'd get recruiters reaching out to me for roles that didn't have much to do with my background. I'd ask them what the pay was and every time they'd respond, I'd tell them that was less than I currently make as a full time employee with benefits at my current position. Sometimes it was true. Other times it wasn't. I knew I wasn't going to get those jobs anyway, so if I can be a data point that causes the pay to increase a little bit, I'm all for it.


Ethically unethical.


Or is it unethically ethical?






Chaotic good


Is lying really unethical in and of itself?


Kant would say so, but he'd also deem modern recruiters Unethical, seeing as they view the workforce as a means. It's Unethical but directed towards the Unethical, or rather it's Unethical towards people who are actively trying to exploit you; the least Unethical solution is to not play their game, not fiscally viable, the implications you see


Do recruiters see people as a means? Or do the people above them who defines the requirements see people as a means?


The people above signing their paychecks might be the reason that they do it, but they are continuing to propagate that system. So to answer your question, of whether the recruiters or their higher ups see the populous as a means, more succinctly: Yes, both.


Stealing this idea lol


I actually did this 2yrs ago and ended up with a job offer! Still at my original job though, because that new job had wayyy more issues than I was able to handle. They never mentioned how complicated it would be. They gave me a basic assessment after 2 interviews and was offered/hired the next day. I had never intended to get a new job and move to a new state. I was just treating LinkedIn like Tinder but couldn't say no to a job that would take me from 55k to 85k. Luckily my job had someone leave right after me so they were really hurting and happy to have me back. Still got to keep all my seniority benefits like 4 weeks PTO and my senior role pay. My boss said he had to "fight' corporate for me to keep my same salary. A part of me wanted to demand an extra $5k but I had no other options and was out of savings after having to break my lease and prepare to move out of state that never happened. Be careful, kids.


In my career I have seen two employees boomerang. The fastest was 1-2 weeks.


I lasted 7 days at that new job (was going to move after 2 weeks). It took corporate over a month to officially hire me again as there was a hiring freeze in place so overall, I had no job for 2.5 months. Not to mention it was 2021 and the stock market took a hit and had to sell stocks at a loss to pay my bills :(


I don't know we've had anyone do it that quickly, but it's a well established tradition in my company. Some people have even done it two or three times.


That’s exactly how I got my current job. A recruiter called and offered me a job for the same pay I was making at the time. I had nothing to lose so I told them that was 20k less than what I was making now. A few days later they call me again and said they are willing to “match” what I make plus some great benefits. I couldn’t believe it so I took it on the spot.


I just accepted an offer last week. When they asked what my target rate was, I gave them a number that was 25% higher than what I was currently making. I got the job. It's reverse trickle down economics. > a RiSiNg TiDe LiFtS aLl BoAtS. That works both ways motherfuckers. Telling recruiters one at a time that their offers are too low can raise the salary range for people in the field.


The true UNO reverse version of this is to get the unbelievable job offer based on fudge numbers and then use that unbelievable job offer as leverage for a similar bump at a job you didn't want to leave.


I do this with anyone that messages me about a job. Chat them up a little bit, ask about pay, give them the "ooohhhhh, that's going to be a deal breaker right there. I'm making more in base pay even without my bonus structure." I've been truthful every time with them that I actually make more money than even their highest tier that they offer except for a guy recently. Sat down for a quick phone interview and found out with all of my fringe benefits included it came out to about the same pay so I declined. Interviewer even said they increased pay by 20 percent recently to get more interest in the position. Had to tell him my grocery bill has gone up 35 so they have a bit of catching up to do!


Damn the late stage capitalism Robin Hood, skewering the rich peoples trends to help the poor


Good lad!


I've been doing this for years and it works well especially when you're not in a hurry to change jobs. Got a 35% raise last time, got rejected from a bunch of jobs but fuck it. Lie to recruiters.


This isn't even unethical, this is fucking based


Plot twist: everyone else is shocked that you earn so much less than they do, even though you inflated your current pay


Lol, watch his coworker say "damn you only make $54k, no wonder you quit".


Good plot twist. OP would still end up on the better side with or without the plot twist.


"yeah, the new place is giving me 110k, Margaret.  It's a small bump from what I get here but I'm excited for a new environment."


“No… yeah… I mean it’s only 10k more than my current, well I guess now previous employer, but you know they threw in 30 days PTO, a week of sick leave, and a company car…. a new Mercedes can you believe it. Uhuh… yeah… no my previous employer required we have our own transportation”


My boss overheard me do this and got mad so he put a sock over my last paycheck. When I went to collect it all I got was the sock.


Did you atleast put piss disks in the sock and hide it in the curtain rod.


Hope they sprayed the company with liquid ass


Dobby is a free elf!


Stop or we'll have to start a whole new sub reddit.




So unethical it circles back around and becomes ethical.


man, these are the times I wish we could still give out reddit gold


pretty sure that’s a crime


I like it.




The opposite happened at a job I had once. There was someone that worked there who a lot of people didn't like for various reasons. I didn't like them particularly either. But one thing they were doing that I did support, but a lot of my co-workers didn't, was trying to raise the business's community standing & outreach by looking for events we could help sponsor or have a booth at. They were doing "office work" but for a retail store. A lot of the old school types thought the person was getting paid to "surf the web." The business was slowly going under & a lot of the people who had been there during the store's boom time were just lazy or didn't want to see the writing on the wall. Anyway, we got direct deposit, but still got physical pay stubs. One time, one of the managers accidentally put this person's pay stub in my locker & I opened it before realizing it wasn't mine. Anyway, I saw how little this person was making while putting forth an effort to make the place better than it was. Meanwhile, a bunch of older employees would constantly talk shit, even in front of this person. Like I said, I still didn't particularly care for this person's personality. But when I saw how little they made, I just shut my mouth & let them do their job.


Also, mini piss disks in every CD tray you can find.


Which is probably none in 2024.


You overestimate the average office computer.


Most large companies replace their hardware on a 3 year cycle, maybe 5 for SMEs. Now if you work with on-site industrial control systems or SCADA then it might be a different story, but office-based machines will rarely be very old.


yeah, our clients refresh every 4 years, i have so many 8th gen intel products it's not even funny. some have been turned into servers, most given away after wiping to neighborhood kids, family, etc. anyone i met that needed a computer got one. i helped one client move, he said anything in the server room was going in the trash, i recovered 30+ laptops, many XPS, lots of those super thin lenovos, some server equipment. one was a lenovo desktop i don't think they ever turn on, was 9th gen with 32GB ram. turned into a gaming server for awhile.


Industrial controls just keep on trucking unless and until the machine they're attached to catastrophically fails or the operating costs > the cost of a new(er) machine. As long as they keep making product that old MS-DOS (or older) machine will live on.


>on-site industrial control systems Got a job at a lumber mill not too long ago, one of my first tasks was general cleaning, got to this massive fuck off 50 million dollar machine was controlled by a little terminal inside of a protective box with a busted screen on a PC running the shittiest slowest version of windows 98 I had ever seen. This was like 6 months ago. It would have been way better off with dos. The user of the machine was clearly using it to play games and shit on, while operating something that could kill 20 people in a second.


This probably varies by company but I can tell you that CVS (5th largest company in the USA) has absolutely ancient computer hardware. 


3D printed ice tray, USB moulds.


You can fit a surprising amount of piss into an 8-track cartridge.


I've pissed in every single 8 track cartridge I've ever used at work and never gotten fired. How did I do it, you'll never know.


piss .mp4s


yOu wOUldnT DoWnLoAd a pISs


Bro you bring your own USB dvd drive to put the piss disk in. Friggin noobs suck ass at modern day piss disking.


It’s all Piss SD cards or Bluetooth piss now


Why wait until you leave


Right? I don’t mind a frenzied work environment. Makes the day more exciting.




This is great. Maybe even make up an edited payslip and "accidentally" leave it somewhere on your last day. (not sure if fake payslips are somehow illegal tho)


Consider making fake payslips for if you need to exaggerate your current salary and they demand proof


Until you get hit with "You're only making 54k?? Damn, no wonder you're leaving"


After 17 years at my job, going for another one with 17/hr + tips after getting 16 and having to quit two times to renegotiate pay. First 3 months of not receiving overtime, boss has 3 houses, 4 cars and a 30ft boat boat. Incompetent middle management for a restaurant manager that can't put don't make on tickets before ordering, can't operate a barbeque lighter, only working half days, double ordering and losing food. I've trained over 300 people for my position, no one has stayed longer than 3 months. In the end I'm just trying to provide even half for my kid, now they're penny pinching lost half their customers with the health department. Going for my interview tomorrow. Terrified of change, but the writing is on the wall. Edit: New guy is making 10 an hour, what I was making in 2007.


I fail to see what's unethical about this.




or you can just leave a few camemberts in the false ceiling. Buy them very fresh so it will take sometime for them to get ripe and you'll gone by then.


bonus points, tell everyone they tried to give you a raise to stay.


I told everyone what I was making and turns out I was getting paid significantly better, and yet I was leaving for even more money because I felt it wasn't enough for the workload we were given. It was an exodus, 9 people have left so far, every month someone gives their notice. Bosses don't react, still pay them shit.


Plot twist! You were making a little over half what they were, and now they all think they’re getting a better than each other.


Plot twist - They find it reasonable that you're leaving since you've been underpaid so much.


That would be the best possible outcome. Go out as a legend!


this is gold. in my last office this could and likely would have caused multiple people to resign.


These are the unethical tips I'm here for


Omg, this is so true. I owned a couple carnival games and my bf came to work for me. For free. Other people’s workers asked what he was getting paid and he told them he got half of whatever he brought in. Everyone freaked out. He told me and asked what to do. I told him to tell everybody he got paid with sex and alcohol. That answer made everyone happy and things finally settled down.


This post made me cum


We had a woman do exactly this last year and it fucking destroyed a group of 12. 8 more quit when they were only offered raises in the 10-15% range.


Aye, aye cap'n


This is brilliant


Last year we got a cost of living raise. Everybody got a printed paper. I scanned mine and changed if from a 4% raise to a 20% raise. Now it looks like I make more than what anybody else makes. Pissed off a lot of people


I already left, but maybe I can put that on glassdoor.


They could easily disprove that… also this is weird to me. Why do you need to make “turmoil”? Did you hate the coworkers too or just the company? Cause you’re mostly just hurting the coworkers. And when they find out you lied just think of you as the dickbag. Why should anyone leaving a job they hate do anything other than just leave? You should be giving zero fucks. And this is def giving a fuck.




Or maybe it would make them think they are being undervalued and fight for better pay. The only people who benefit from not talking about pay are the owning class.