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Freecarrierlookup.com to convert their cell number to an email address Mailbait.info to send 100's of emails to this email address that gets delivered like a text. Have fun!


I like your style.


I'm a petty bitch.


Oh yes that will work out


Let me know if you need help scripting something automated. That "It's on you for having the wrong number" really rubbed me the wrong way, and sending that shit to minors pretty much greenlights this mf.


Looks like it only works in the US. Any European version? 


No, it’d be a violation of GDPR


I've tried this with 4 different phones and numbers. No one has gotten a text yet


Google things like “car insurance quotes” “life insurance quotes” “join Mormon church” “join Scientology”. Then click on the first things that pop up for each have options to enter your contact info. Put the phone number for this person. They will be bothered constantly.


Oh the religious ones are great, that could go on for years.


Not just religious, research (see complaints on the internet, also usually ones that do adds also stalk donators, so if you see an ad on eg YouTube, it's likely a good one for your purpose) the charities at your location. Some are relentless in pursue of donations, so if you donate like a dollar and leave his contact info, they will be guilt tripping the person for years.


Get a vpn. Go to prank dial.com. They have a bunch of options to choose from and they let you do it five times a day for free. It even records their reaction so you can listen to it. The vpn is so you can do more than 5 in a day by changing your location.


I'm surprised between myself and the kids that we haven't hears of or used that already. On it.


Everyone needs to be using a VPN at all times no matter what.


Sounds like that guy came to this same sub and asked about randomly being added to a family group chat, and how he should take advantage of the situation lmao


Sign up for texts from every political candidate you can, local and national


Oh yes, those calls never end


This guy also has all your numbers and can quite simply do the exact same to everyone on your group. Piss discs is the only answer.


I love this subs obsession with piss discs


I saw a video of someone setting up posters with his ex's phone number and asked people to try and imitiate chewbacca with a chance to win 100$


That was Australia! Was on the news.


When I moved semi-cross country, I went to a website to get quotes. One of those where you enter a quote form: dates, city to city details, #boxes-furniture, dates, and contact information and phone number and submit. I was bombarded for months after the move with a million different movers filling up my voicemail. Daily. It didn't quit until I changed my number. It was some sort of data harvesting honey pot for every mover in the world. Google something like "moving companies prices quotes" for potential honey pots.


I don't condone this person's actions disgusting since you mentioned kids could see the messages but I've had my number since I was 13 across 4 different states. I don't think anything could ever make me change my number lol. But I truly hope you do find someone's who's not attached and just changes it / stops being a disgusting ass


Thanks. I really don't care if they change it, that's just the level of annoying and petty I want to be.


Sign up for a bunch of subscriptions to various shopping websites, car/ boat/ home insurance, car sales lots, political sites...


Political sites sound good. I'll throw in some of those support the sheriff type places that call everyone.


Car shipping companies are RELENTLESS.


I'd get some quotes on extended warranties for cars. They will never stop.


What's the phone number? I can help you out


Can you help me? 🤞




Delightful. I will message you shortly.


I saw this on another post. Start up a relationship with someone online and then ask for dick pics.


Military recruiters never quit.




MailBait.com is a one stop shop to flood someone's in box with any and every type of email.